i am opening a file by window.open by clicking on a button.
how i can validate that button is clicked or not.
means file is opened or not through javascript.
all time button.clicked returns false although file is already opened the code is:
{ alert("Enter The Bank Details") document.frmBuyers.bankbtn.focus();
return false;}
1. I have a form, with a textbox and a button. I have to enter a value in the text box and then i have to click the button, which opens a popup window. Here i want to pass the value of the text box which is entered in the parent window to popup window.
I have to use that value in the popup window's form_load event in the Code behind, and i have to take the values from the database using the value which i have entered in the parent window. Code:
I want to provide a lookup facility for users to select a code from a list. I want this to be done in a small popup window, which, when a code is selected, will close down and return the selected value to the main form. Can this be done ??
I'am not familiar wit ASP but I have to maintain an application. In a window there are some text selection fields and a search button. If you press on the search button record list is build according to what is filled in the selection fields. You can select a record and then a detailed window is shown or in another occasion a popup window is shown.
The request is now if the opened window or popup window is closed, then the opener window has to be opened with the same content (content selection fields + record list) as it was before the window or popup is opened.
Now I thought that I have read that every window which is opened gets an ID and that it is possible to call up that window by the ID from the cache again. Is that right? And if so? Or has somebody a better idea. Code:
how to Positioning new Window near the button i've made, in this case i have a Calendar Button, but the position window that open the calendar can't be fixed, so when I scrolled the page behind calendar window, the calendar window moving too.... I've read from the MSDN, but there's no way too fixed the coordinate point to the calendar button
I have a simple asp page that draws 3 fields and a hidden "Row_Id" from the Database. I want to be able to click a "more info" link and take the Row_Id over to a new page which displays all the info for that particlular user. Would I use a response write method? I can get it to work using a form button but It wont open in a pop up.
Is it possible to have a pop up window come up once someone logs in. Inside this window, it have a video of another person with a greeting, and other information? Has anyone ever done something like or similar? Other than ASP, what other technology is needed, FLASH? Come someone show me an example of something like this? All help is greatly appreciated. The thought is to distribute these pop up windows (or better solution if someone knows of something better) to all our dealers across the nation. Each dealer will have its own personal inside sales rep and direct line for personal assistance.
i have to pop-up some reminders in a new window to the users . it is just like when we open a website ads related to that site come in new window.
what i have to do that , when a specific user logs in , a new window will open to remind him about some thing. i think , you will be getting my requirement.
I am developing an web application in asp.net using visual studio 2003, where a user have to fill some description. Along with simple text, the user may need to paste some hyperlinks and images. (like a yahoo composer window).
i have quotation_start.asp which was set to be a small window (height=250, width=500). there is a YES button and some data on this page. when user clicks YES, data will be saved into database, quotation_start.asp will be closed automatically and a new page, quotation_admin.asp will appear in the main window at rightFrame. everything is ok except the quotation_start.asp never close. it remains there. here is the code:
I would like to open a new window (Function is called NewWindow and is writtent in VBscript) when a user submits a form. All the samples I found on the web indicate something like the following: Code:
I have this code where I can check mark the items I want to delete and hit the submit key and it will delete the records, but the problem is that when I hit submit it opens another window for the same page and I can see that the records are the deleted, but the page where I checked marked the boxes to delete the records is still there and its still showing the records.
I dont want to open another window, I want all this process to happen in the same page and when I click on the delete button it should delete the records and the same page should refresh. Code:
i'm developing a site using asp and created a pop up window that gives the user the possibility to click on the image (in this case i associated the pop up to a image field) and see a detailed information relative to that exact picture... the problem is when i click on the image the page that i use as pop up doesn´t give me the image, reporting a error which i belivie that related to the image's ID.!
how can i open a new window with a if statment but still getting variables values?
tit=Request("title") if x=1 then something else Response.Redirect("<A href="http://www.test.com/lookup?q="&tit">http://www.test.com/lookup?q="&tit") end if I donīt mind using java, but i donīt know how
I am working on a website and have a couple links that open up a new window. My webpage is .ASP as well as the windows I am opening. Currently the link open into a new window. However, I would like to be able to set the the size of the window that is opened. This is the code I am currently using:
I'd like to redirect from a certain page, to an external page(an external site), with certain parameters. of that window.
There is nothing to do if using response.redirct, but is there another option?
For example, I would like to open a new window, that will have a cerain dimensions, and that the url of that window is... In javascript it is not a problem of course. What shall I do in asp???
I am trying to get my links to open on a new webbrowser when I am pulling half my page from someone else's server with a .asp tag instead of the normal .html or .htm. Is it possible for me to edit the script provided by the other website owner so those links that it pulls from his .asp webpage will open in a new webbrowser? All my links open in new windows already except for the information being pulled off of the .asp portion of the site.
I want to use window authentication in my asp page. This code allow me to do that but i just need a few user in the server can access this page. Isn't I need to configure at IIS?. Code:
What I am trying to do is create a pop-up that will pop-up for first time users that come to my site. If they click yes, the pop-up window should close and reload the parent page to the appropirate page.
The problem with the code below is, that it doesn't close the pop-up and instead re-directs in the same window. I need it so it closes the pop-up and redirects to the next page on the parent page. Code:
I have an .Net project that has an ASP page, that has links. When a user clicks on one of the hyperlinks, it opens an Excel page, in IE. One of the cells in the Excel Workbook contains a link to a PDF document.
If the user clicks on the PDF link, it's opened in the current page. I'd like to know if it's possible to open the PDF in a new page. So it would basically be opening a PDF from the Excel document - that is opened in IE. Code:
I want to create a new window for update as like as In this forums when i click reputation icon a new window will appear and when i write the comments and click the Add reputation buton window will close.
i have two pages one for displaying records and another for update records and it works fine.
I am displaying records from an Access database. One of which is a hyperlink.I was wondering how i get it to open in a new window when the user clicks on it.
Dim strLink
strLink = rs.Fields("Website") 'Website is the field name in database
when a user logs in, he/she gets a SessionId. This sessionId is uniqe for each user during his/hers visite.The SessionId helps me to put/get correct information yo/from DB.
If a new window created (i'll call the new window as win2 from now on), I'll have two windows and one SessionId.if the first window visite page x, and win2 goes some where else in my web-site, the inputs gets overwritten by the one or the other window hole the time. Because of that I miss my input data for my application. wrong data means Error or wrong end result.
I can stop ctrl+N, and right click op a link and 'choose open in new window' by using JS but not file/new/window.these solutions are irritating for every visitor, that's why i cant use it.I wonder how can I reconize a new window?I use JS, ASP and VB for developing.