Populating Fields In PDF Dynamically

I get all excited to to pump some data into these PDFs that some loan-sharks want to use on their intranet, and then I find that the Adobe Acrobat SDK doesn't support .NET (which they said they did); however, one may access a little "tip" from Adobe if one joins their dev community for the low annual fee of $195.00. Has anyone taken advantage of these features of Acrobad Pro 6.0 in .NET? I'm going to try, but some "tips".

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Dynamically Populating Meta Tags

I have a situation that I am not sure how to solve. I am working on an ASP site that needs to have unique Meta tags for the appropriate page. This would be populated depending on the department selected I need the Meta tags to populate the page. I first thought about creating an application that loads a meta tag file that is called by the department ID or Title.

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Populating 2nd Combo Box Dynamically On Making Selection From 1st Combobox

I m having three combo boxes on my asp page.
For 1st, i m fetching values thru a query.

For second, I want to populate it with values thru a query by giving the selection from first combobox as input.

Similarly for Third also i want to populate it with values using query by entering selection from second combobox as input.

So in other words second combobox is dependent on first and third combobox is dependent on second combobox.

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Populating Fields

I have a check box, when selected it needs to trigger "something" to populate two drop down lists with default values. I haven't done this before, so I was hoping to see if somebody had a good example willing to share.

I was doing a research now and realized that I also need to mention it needs to populate values straight away not on the submission.

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Populating Form Fields From A Database

i have a form with fields that contain data from a db. the fields can then be edited, and on the click of the "submit" button, the updated information is returned to the database, replacing the old. a bonus would be arrow buttons allowing navigation from one record to the next, with the information populating the form each time. i'm having a hard time with this.

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Populating Text Fields Based On Drop Down Box Selection

I am working on a small application for senior users, so I want to limit the option for incorrect input whatsoever. I have a drop down box that is populated from a query and I want to make it so that when an option is selected, the pertinent text fields are populated based on the selection.

All the info I need is already being extracted from the query so its just a matter of displaying the right info based on the selection. I have been looking for examples of code but they all seem to use javascript. I am not too strong in javascript so I kinda avoided those. if there is a pure asp example, that would be fine!

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Dynamically Display The Fields

I have been given the task to create a search page to search on of the tables in the sql database. I have been asked that the user should be able to search any field(which I
have done) but he should also be able to customise the form to display or hide any feilds in the results.

My table has about 20 feilds and different users wanting to you the search page will like to see different set of fields.

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Creating Database Fields Dynamically

I am using a repeated field to bring in to my page repeated records, and I have been able to retrieve values that are entered into text boxes that are associated with these repeated fields. I would like to post these values into a database, but I'm not sure how to set up my table as I know that each employee's values as well as number of fields will be different.

I thought about setting up two tables. One that houses the dynamic question and the other to house the answers, but I'm not sure if that will work. I could really use help as to the syntax to write a loop statement that will insert my returned variables and create the field names dynamically into my database table. I believe this is what i need to do.

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Dynamically Populating A Dropdownlist From Other Dropdownlist

I hav two tables in which one table consists (ID and description) and 2nd table consists (Id,1stable ID,description) and in the front end i am taking 2 dropdown boxes in which 1st box consists the first table decsription, and on selecting the description in the first box the 2nd box must display all the descriptions of secondtable which belongs to selected firsttable description.

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Populating An Array

I have two recordsets that I want to populate within an array.

The array will always have two columns, but the number of rows is unknown (sometimes 2 rows other times 200 rows). I'm not too familiar working with arrays.

I want populate the array using a loop. How would I define and populate the array within loop so that I don't lose values and each new set of values are populated into the array through each iteration of the loop? Code:

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Populating Javascript From ASP

I need to dynamicaly create my javascript as the page loads because as persons add items I need to increase my layers based upon the number of records returned from a recordset. Code:

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Populating A Drop-Down Box

Can someone point to an example where dynamic drop-downs are populated? I would like to execute a sql statment and populate the items in dropdownbox1. I would also like to retrieve all possible values for dropdownbox2 and use Javascript to build an array that holds these values.

Then, I would like to scroll thru the array to select the correct values for dropdownbox2 based in the selection made in dropdownbox1. At last I would like to save the selected values for dropdownbox1 and dropdownbox2 to the database. I would appreciate very much if someone can give me code examples for each of the things listed above.

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Populating A Drop

I'm orking on an online Catalogue, users are to select from a dropdown menu the finish they wish there goods in. The way I was thinking of doing this is have the finishes availiable stored in a column in the database - lets say 'finish' and the column would contain the finishes seperated by commas.. like red,blue,green,yellow etc, so the pull down menu would need to dynamically populate with these values.. is there an easy way of doing this, or am I going about it the wrong way?

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Checkbox Populating From DB

I am populating the few fields values from one of the table. I put series of checkbox having same name but have a different value ( value of checkbox is small int, an autoincrement field of table).
I have to take action against the selection of checkboxes. If the user check one of the checkboxes and select "Approved the things " then the USER will move to some else page and the selection will Approve.
On the contrary, if the user opt delete the things then user move to other page and record will be delete from the table.
Now my problems is...
1) how can I know which checkbox user selected ?
2) Are there someway to get the value of checkbox without making form ?

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Populating Drop Down Box

i am trying to create a drop down with information from a db. i am clueless as to what to do.

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Populating Drop Down

I am trying to populate a drop down so that it shows the current date, plus the previous 6 days. Here is some pseudocode. I can't get it to work from here.

<SELECT name=Date>
Dim d
d = Date()
for i=1 to 7
<% end for %>

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Populating Dropdownlist

I need to populate a dropdownlistfrom a form and fill it with the numbers from 1 -1000. Obviouly, this would take a considerable amount of time doing it manually so how does one go about populating this list from an array of some sort?

These entries will be stored in a database so would it be better to just populate this form from a database? After mentioning the above situation(s)... (a)How do you fill the dropdownlist from an array? (b) How do you fill the dropdownlist from database explained in it most simplest form?

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Populating A Field

Is there a way to grab a password entered into a login page, and have it populate a field in my table?

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Populating A Drop Down From A RS

I have a recordset full of a list of courses.I want to create a search page, where the user can select the course from a drop down box, hit go and be taken to a page on that course. But some courses have 3 versions of that course, so for example I have 3 IT courses. so in the list it says


How can I limit this to just display the value once in the drop down?

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Populating A Table?

I am trying to make a page to display a comparison chart. say we have 15-30 products... these products are all similar and we would like to compare them to each other

I would like to have an image (or whatever) of each product and then a check box next to each one. Below the products is a table (with say... 5 columns) with all of the attibutes of the products (this table is EMPTY otherwise)

when the user checks the check box.. the first empty column populates with the info (from a file??) and the user can continue checking boxes until the 5 columns are populated, or the user can uncheck and have the column unpopulate

i have a LITTLE (very little) asp.net exp. but i understand the concept (same with SQL) and plenty of HTML and such... can someone help me put somthing like this together?

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Populating Forms.

I want to populate my ASP page consisting of some form fields as follows.

As the user enters data into the first field. That value is used by say a javascript routine triggered by "onblur" to fetch values from a oracle database and populate rest for the form fields in the ASP page.

Can this be done?

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Populating Combobox

i have several radio buttons and a combobox. i want to know how to make this combobox enabled only once a radio button is checked and populate it with data from access database depending on which button is checked.

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Populating Drop Down Menu

I am having some problems populating a drop down menu called province with data.

This is the error I am receving:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/fairmont/order.asp, line 85

I am sure there is data in the DB. I have attached the file.

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Auto-populating MS Word Doc.

I managed to import Microsoft Word table structure into my code, but the problem I'm having is that the field are not being populated. Code:

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Populating A Dropdown Box From A Database

This code only allows for 1 date from my database to be added. I need to be able to populate it with all matching dates. I'm not to sure on how to do this.

<select name=""select"" size="1">
<option value="date"><%=get_notes("date")%></option>

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Populating Image In Database

What is the best method to insert and retrive image to and from the database?

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Populating Data With Asp And Access

I have an access database with about 5 tables. One of which i want to populate data to. Specially 1000 enties at one time(In this example im adding employee numbers to a database table. Initially i want to add the for the employee name field " Unassigned" and when i ready to append a real employee name to the fields add if through a script(Can this be done?

Or is there a better way to do this?)This way, in my script i can call one of of those 1000 entries or employee numbers from a dropdowlist (ex. 1-1000). This way if go to use one of those entries from the dropdownlist the database would not get the " EOF/BOF error ". What logical suggestions do you guys have ?

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Populating Drop Down Boxes

im looking at populating a drop down box with database values when a user selects a value from another drop down box.I have a drop down list that populates from database values, it is a list of manufactures. When a user selects a manufacture i want it to display all the systems for that manufacture which will be stored in a table. I understand that because asp is server side that once an option is selected the page would have to submit and then load the values in.

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Re-populating Multi-select

I have two multi-select boxes...selLeft and selRight. The user moves choices from selLeft to selRight with arrow buttons. selLeft is populated using XML.

My question is, when clearing everything on the screen, how do I repopulate selLeft, without losing items in selRight or repeating items left in selLeft.

I'm a newbie and not familiar with the code used to build the multi select box in the first place. Code:

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Populating Drop Down Code?

I am trying to populate the drop down boxes. There should be two one for the begin date and the other for the end date. here is my code. The problem is that it wont create the drop downs. Code:

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Populating The Sorted List Box

Is there a way I can populate the list box with the countries retrieved from the table in the alphabetical order in an asp.?

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Trouble Populating SQL RecordSet

I'm trying to develop an SQL request that will give me back the full contents of the table 'bbs', appending two COUNT()'s from the table 'topic' to the end of the recordset.

The condition of the COUNT()'s should be that bbs.forumnum = topic.forumNum. Therefore if row 1 of 'bbs' has a forumNum of 1, then the append data should COUNT how many rows in 'topic' also have a forumNum of 1. Code:

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Populating Three List Boxes From The Database

I need to have three list boxes automatically populating each other, (ie
when region is selected from the first listbox, it will populate
automatically the second one which is the TOWNS and when the town is
selected is should populate the third one AREA) all data is in the database
in one table.

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