Populating Table With Correct DB Values

Month 1 :
Month 2 :
Month 3 :
Month 4 :
Month 5 :
Month 6 :
Thereafter :


There is a forecast table which needs to be filled in for each client as shown above, all the info is then saved in the DB and from this data I will need to generate a FORECAST REPORT (shown below). It forecasts the prospective amount of records we will receive for processing.


The columns are shown below… june, july, august, September, October, November are dynamically generated on form load, using the current month and working 6 months ahead. Thereafter represents any month after November (6 months from june).

I am having huge issues populating the correct columns shown below with the correct values from the db, so if the forecast for july is 1000, how will I display it in the 6th column in my report? Code:

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Populating A Table?

I am trying to make a page to display a comparison chart. say we have 15-30 products... these products are all similar and we would like to compare them to each other

I would like to have an image (or whatever) of each product and then a check box next to each one. Below the products is a table (with say... 5 columns) with all of the attibutes of the products (this table is EMPTY otherwise)

when the user checks the check box.. the first empty column populates with the info (from a file??) and the user can continue checking boxes until the 5 columns are populated, or the user can uncheck and have the column unpopulate

i have a LITTLE (very little) asp.net exp. but i understand the concept (same with SQL) and plenty of HTML and such... can someone help me put somthing like this together?

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Trouble Writing To The Correct Table In DB

I am having much difficulty having a form write to a DB... I am an ASP newbie and am noticing the errors are pointing to this script... currently this script is producing no error messages but when a user selects one of the chk options in the "Nominator code" section of my code, it won't write to tblNomCommVotes. Code:

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Passing Correct Values FROM ASP/VBScript To VB/DLL?

I'm getting an error on my ASP page:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'StoreFileIntoField'

I assume - 99.5% - the error is generated because of worng value types,
I attemp to pass from my ASP/VBScript page to the VB/DLL function.

My relevant ASP/VBScript Code is: Code:

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Automatically Populating Field Values?

I have a check box and I need to automatically select certain values from the avaialable selection in drop down lists when the tick box is selected. So check box is selected and then drop1 = blah1 and drop2= blah2.

Would somebody have an example i can work on a bit, I am not sure if JavaScript is the best way of handling this, not very good with making anything work automatically.

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Populating Two Independant Drop Down Boxes From One Table

I am trying with very little success to populate two drop down boxes in the same form when i do i get an error saying page cannot be displayed.

They do not need to be linked to each other in any way but they get the data from the same table I am new to ASP so this might be pretty easy to resolve.

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Can't Get Other Values From Table

My Database is set up like this:

AssemblyName-NumberOfPartA-NumberOfPartB ect...

I am trying to get the other data from the table but i can't seem to do it. I have a search set up with a query string, I can get the assembly name, but i can't get the NumberOfPartA, NumberOfPartB ect... that is associated with that AssemblyName... Here is my code:

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Inserting Values Into A Table

i have really only been exposed to getting data from aSQL database and displaying it.I want to include a page in my application (like a form in Access i guess)with various text boxes and drop-downs + tick boxes.Then i want to click a submit button that inserts the data (providing is valid) into a SQL Server table.

I have had a search in google but nothing seems to explain this in its most
basic terms (errorchecking and inserting).Could anyone give me an example of this or some background about this functionality.

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Exporting Sql Table Values

how to export sql database values to excel sheet using asp. so that user can save that work sheet to their harddisk.

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UPDATE Table With Values

I want to UPDATE a table with fields, Id, Home and Away with the values from another table. The other table has only 2 fields, ID and winner, i want to update the first table with the values from the other like so:

Home Away
Winner(1) Winner(2)
Winner(3) Winner(4)

the numbers in the brackets represent the row in the second table. Does anyone know how this is possible?

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Create Tables From Values In Another Table

How can I loop through the values of one MSACCESS table to display the related records from another table? I have one table with two single field records. The values are 4 and 9. These fields are related to another table which contains records that belong to either 4 or 9.

I want my web page to display a table for all records belonging to 4 and then another table of all records that belong to 9. I could specify either 4 or 9 in different record collections but the 4 and 9 could one day be 1 and 5 and I don't want someone to have to get into my code to change the 4 and 9 to 1 and 5 in my sql queries. Any advice?

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Store Values In Table Cells

I have created a table that I want to fill with calculated values. I have given ID's to each cell. This must NOT be the way since I can't address these ID's. How do I store values in table cells from my PostBack?

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Get Correct Percentage

I've always been looking for the best way to get an accurate percentage

For example, in a election scenario:

Person A gets 33 votes
Person B gets 33 votes
Person C gets 34 votes
Person D gets 35 votes

Total votes = 33 + 33 + 34 + 35 = 135
Percent for A = 0.244.... = 0.24 = 24%
Percent for B = 0.244... = 0.24 = 24%
Percent for C = 0.251... = 0.25 = 25%
Percent for D = 0.259... = 0.26 = 26%

Then add up the percentage values: 24 + 24 + 25 + 26 = 99
(where it should be 100)

So, does anybody have a way to get around this problem? How should I
calculate the percentage for each person so that the percentage will add up
to 100 in the end?

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Correct Formatting

I am trying to parse this response.write string but its coming up with a formatting error - can someone please tell me where I'm going wrong?Code:

Response.write ("<input name=""URL"" type=""text"" value=""http://www.evolvewebsitedesign.com/news-indiv.asp?news=" & rssite("News") & ""/>")

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Correct Formatting

I am needing to response.write a variable within a snippet of Javascript.
My Javascript code that I need to response.write with the variable is below:-Code:

response.write ("imageArray[ImageNum++] = new imageItem(image_dir + ""variable here"");")

I can response.write the static Javascript string fine. The problem arises when I try and state a variable into where it says, 'variable here'
The variable I need to include is
Would someone please be able to show me the correct formatting for this Javascript string which includes the variable.

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Correct Syntax

My asp syntax is very lacking, it seems the double quotes that have been
done by me are not what asp is looking for. Anyone that could correct my
faulty thinking would be thanked.

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Correct Time

how to display correct time according to user timezone
i want to do an online meeting let say schedule meeting at 1:00pm server time, how do i display the correct time for users in their local time

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Correct Syntax

I have a form where users can enter search criteria for various products.
now, if this form has 2 fields, colour and size (it wil have more but I'm
assuming the the principle for two fields will be the same for ten fields)
what would be the correct syntax for performing a query where the user
didn't enter a criteria for both fields?
the search string would be

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM products where colour = " & "'" &
request.form("searchstrcolour") & "'" & "AND size =" & "'"
request.form("searchstrsize") & "'" & " ORDER by price"

so if the user selects blue and large, thats fine
but what if the user only selected say blue and didn't bother with the size?
is there a wild card that I could use?

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Correct Version

can someone explain to me the diffrence between the 2 below and why one works and the other one doesnt.could you also explain what each part of the correct version is doing because i dont really no.


sql = "SELECT * FROM userlogon WHERE (username)=' "& (username) & "' AND (password)=' " & (password) & " ' "


sql = "SELECT * FROM [userlogon] WHERE [username]=' "& username & "' AND [password]=' " & password & " ' "

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Correct Abbreviation Of ASP

is it active server pages or application service provider .which is correct

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Update Correct

chk whether the code is correct? For the update date

SQL_query1 = "update Activity_Status set TotalTime = '" & Request.Form("time") & "', Score = '" & Request.Form("QuizScore") & "', Activity_Name = '" & Request.Form("QuizType") & "',ActivityDate = '" & "#" & Date() & "#" & "' where UserID ='" & Request.Form("username") & "' and Activity_Name='" & Request.Form("QuizType") & "'"

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Delete Query Not Quite Correct

i need to delete some values which have dates that are less than today's from a table. The date is in another table so i joined the two tables together and gave a clause

I did this:Code:

FROM RMASerial, Sold
WHERE RMASerial.SoldID=Sold.SoldID
And Sold.Warranty_date<Date();

But that doesnt seem to be working.

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Redirect To Correct Page

I have a few pages that require login to access. Assuming a user clicks a
link containing a variable trying to access a password protected page. That
user is redirected to the login page. After login, he's brought to a "logged
in" page. How do I retain the original link he clicked and instead of
redirecting to a logged in page, he's redirected to the page he originally

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Selecting Correct Details

Im trying to make a client area on my website and an not sure on how to go about editing clients details.When the client logs in they are brought to a menu where they can update there record. How can i get the appropriate record from the database so they can update there details?

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Returning Correct Data

I have a database which stores information,I have a page which has links to each of the rows in the database and to search by each row it has its own unique ID. The problem I am having is only one row keeps getting returned from the database.I have an access database and using ASP. I think the problem could be with the SQL statement.

SQL = "Select * FROM monitoring where monitoringID = & request('ID') &"

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UserName And Password Correct

On asp.net, How can we programmatically verify whether the UserName and Password is Correct? and when i close the application directly and open again, is still in lon in status.?

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Function Not Returing Correct Value

i have this function in asp that should return false when a match is not found, but it keeps returning "exception occured". How do i go about getting this thing to work properly.Code:

public function isValidUserName(byVal user_name)
dim sqlComm

sqlComm = "SELECT USERNAME FROM S_USER WHERE USERNAME = '" & user_name & "'"

set oRs = oConn.Execute(sqlComm)

' if a match is found then return true
if oRs("username") = user_name then
isValidUserName = true
isValidUserName = false
end if

end function

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Display Correct Time

how to display correct time according to user timezone. i want to do an online meeting
example: let say schedule meeting at 1:00pm server time, how do i display the correct time for users in their local time are there any tutorials to do this.

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Set Correct Date Format

I have set with lcid value. but i am not able to overcome my nt server regional setting. Actually i want a date in mm/dd/yyyy. But i get date as mm/dd/yy. How to ensure that i shall always get correct format irrespective of os or regional setting.

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Populating An Array

I have two recordsets that I want to populate within an array.

The array will always have two columns, but the number of rows is unknown (sometimes 2 rows other times 200 rows). I'm not too familiar working with arrays.

I want populate the array using a loop. How would I define and populate the array within loop so that I don't lose values and each new set of values are populated into the array through each iteration of the loop? Code:

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Populating Javascript From ASP

I need to dynamicaly create my javascript as the page loads because as persons add items I need to increase my layers based upon the number of records returned from a recordset. Code:

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Populating A Drop-Down Box

Can someone point to an example where dynamic drop-downs are populated? I would like to execute a sql statment and populate the items in dropdownbox1. I would also like to retrieve all possible values for dropdownbox2 and use Javascript to build an array that holds these values.

Then, I would like to scroll thru the array to select the correct values for dropdownbox2 based in the selection made in dropdownbox1. At last I would like to save the selected values for dropdownbox1 and dropdownbox2 to the database. I would appreciate very much if someone can give me code examples for each of the things listed above.

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Populating A Drop

I'm orking on an online Catalogue, users are to select from a dropdown menu the finish they wish there goods in. The way I was thinking of doing this is have the finishes availiable stored in a column in the database - lets say 'finish' and the column would contain the finishes seperated by commas.. like red,blue,green,yellow etc, so the pull down menu would need to dynamically populate with these values.. is there an easy way of doing this, or am I going about it the wrong way?

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