Post Variables To A WebSite

This is what I need to do:I need to send variables to a website and in return I'll get xml that I need to parse. what should I use to post those variables to the website and receive the response?I tried to use the XMLHTTP object from Microsoft but I always get some kind of error.

Ex: An example of what I need to post is:

Now I do I post this and get the xml response?

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Post Data From Database To Website

I am having an Excel where I maintain my data. I want to extract details from a website based on the data that I have in my Excel(i.e login to that website,post the data to the Website and get the details from the page n update it in my excel). How can I do this?

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Post Variables

I need to transfer a variable value x from 1.asp to 2.asp and maintain that value on 2.asp. Now the problem is that there is a save button on 2.asp which clicked for the 1st time finds the variable x stored in a hidden field. But wen clicked again it is not able to find that variable.

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How Do I Get All The Form Variables In A Post

Could someone please remind me how to get all the form variables in a post?

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POST Variables Not Being Posted

I have a very simple form, username and password, which uses the post method. The asp page resides in the root www directory. when I submit the form, the variables are not posted, I cannot pull any info with request.form. However, if I move this script to a lower directory (/www/test for example) the form works perfectly fine.

Anyone experiece this problem? Anyone have any ideas? I am stumped and my head is sore from beating it on my desk for the past hour.

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Post Server Variables

I cannot view Server Variables Specifically HTTP_REFERER, in an ASP Page that I access either by a From POST from anothe rpage or a link.

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Passing Variables Between Pages Using POST

I having trouble with this action cause I want the user to be able to use the back button and the submitted data should be still in their form. So I the user send invalid data he can back browse and change the invalid data. I use method=POST cause its a lot of data i send between pages + client is IE6 ...

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Re-submit A POST Immediately From A Previous POST

Is there a way to 'force' a submit on a form with out actually allowing the
user to press a button ? For example...

step1: A from is filled out by a user, then they click the submit button.

step2: The form is 'post'ed to an ASP page which writes the values to a
database. So far No problems. But..

step3: Now I want to 'post' these values again to another page without any
user interaction.

My ideas were:

1) I know you can get the form values from Request.Form("myVar"), so I
thought of making a 'dummy' form and setting the 'values' of the form
variables to these Request.Form("myVar") valiables, but I don't know how to
'submit' them to another page again.

2) Is there some type of 'submit' command in ASP?

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Post Data, Then Post Again..

i have a series of .asp pages that i am dividing into model, view, control logic. my view collects a whole bunch of data and posts it to the controller. im wondering if there is a way to somehow "re-post" this same data to my model page.

in short, is .asp capable of taking data posted to a page and re-post that same data to another page?

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Difference Between Environment Variables And Server Variables

can anyone tell me difference between environment variables and server variables.

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Website On A CD

I want to create a dynamic website hosted on a CD. It would be based on ASP and have a database. Is this possible? How would I approach such a thing?

I'm sure I could by a runtime version of Access and build an application, but could that be implemented within the website? Any thoughts? I don't want the user to install anything on their hardrive if possible.

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ASP Website On A CD-ROM?

I have a asp website and am wondering is it possible to place the website on a cd-rom?

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ASP Website

I have a little website which works great on the local machine
but I cannot seem to access it from a remote machine. It is not a
connection problem because my remote machine (which is on the network)
has a share on the local machine using name resolution. The message I
get on the remote machine's explorer is the classic "Page cannot be
displayed". It seems I have looked every where on the net for
possibilites without succes. Both machines have XP SP2, firewall turned
off. The remote machine runs IIS 5.1. Both machines are under the same
workgroup. Any help highly appreciated, will send french chocolates if
you sort my problem out. I have also tried creating a simple "Hello
World" html page. Same think. Workd locally but not remotely.

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How Can I Use Both VB & C# In ASP Website

I have classes defined in both VB & C#, and would like to make them
accessible ASP Website construction. I could not put them both in the
App_Code folder, what should I do?

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Asp Website

I would like to build a simple asp based website. I would like to create a webgallery with some pictures i have.Can I use a MS Access database to do it? And create an asp based site? How can I do it? Is there an example

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ASP Website

I have a little website which works great on the local machine but I cannot seem to access it from a remote machine. It is not a connection problem because my remote machine has a share on the local machine using name resolution. The message I get on the remote machine's explorer is the classic "Page cannot be displayed". It seems I have looked every where on the net for possibilites without succes. Both machines have XP SP2, firewall turned off. The remote machine runs IIS 5.1. Both machines are under the same workgroup.

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FSO From One Website To Another

I searched and couldn't find any threads that answered this question: can I have an ASP (classic) page at my site ( that includes an FSO for reading the files and folders of another, unrelated website ( ?

When I say unrelated, I mean I own both and have control over both. The primary one is at my ISP hosting and the other is a home machine running Server 2003. I want to load up the one at home with photos in folders and then create an album on the other one that uses the pictures on the home machine. I have the following working fine when all is on one server:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(myPath)
Set files = folder.Files
Set subFolder = folder.subFolders

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Log In From My Website

I have forums and are running for my clan I have made the website now and I would like to add that login and logout form to my website so that the users dont have to go to forums to login they can login from the website and the form will direct them to the forums.

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PWS To Another Website

How can I transfer the ASP and HTML files from PWS (Personnal Web Server) to my website?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/wheelofgod/deuteronomy.asp, line 13

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Designing A Website With XML, XSL, And ASP

1. all the content (i.e. the text) is located in an XML file
2. the XML file would then be styled with an XSL stylesheet
3. and finally, the XML/XSL files will be outputed via an ASP script (for all the browsers)
that's all fine and good. the problem is, that for every ASP page, i have to have a separate XSL file. so, for 3 ASP pages, i'd have to have 3 different XSL files. this could become a hassel.
so, my question is, is it possible to have:

- 1 XML file (which holds all the content)
- 1 XSL file (which extracts the appropriate info for each of the 3 ASP pages)
- 3 different ASP pages (which call the appropriate info)

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Connect Website

I am running a website on anintranet on one domain and trying to connect to a SQL database that is in another domain. The server that is running the website does not have SQL Server installed on it. I've looked at many different variations to set this up but none have been successful so far.

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Possible: Transfer Asp Website To CD?

Is it possible to transfer a dynamic, asp site built on top of an Access database onto a cd for demonstration purposes?

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Migrate A Website

I've to migrate website from IIS 2.0 to IIS 6.0.
Simple asp pages are working, but pages with visual interdev 6.0 controls
not work ! HTTP 500 (internal server error)
Visual Interdev 6.0 is it compatible with II 6.0 on W2003 server

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Website On CDROM

I am trying to burn copies of our website on CDROM's and
having problems because the ASP's cannot work without the
existance of a server that supports ASP's.
Does anyone have a suggestion or know of a way I can make
this work?

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Redirect On New Website

Based on the user's input, I want to redirect him/her to another website, but I want to keep my page open and open the new website in a new window. For example:
response.redirect ("") redirect the user to Yahoo site in the same window as my web site. I need to have yahoo site to be opened in a new window? what is the command/option?

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My Website Extensions

This is going to sound strange, but this has been bothering me for some time now.

The site is administered through MonsterCommerce. I recently started working with the owner who just purchased the site. There is one other person helping the owner out and he is doing some web work, I do more of the business side.

All the files previously were html files in the root directory with an "images" directory and a "ProductImages" dir. Now all of the sudden the files are coming up with an index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD*** extension. How could this have been done and what exactly is "Aspin"

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Website Devlopment

When we start with building a new website do we prepare a
user manual first? While preparing the doc in designing
stage what are the steps that are followed?

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Troubleshoot ASP.NET Website

We have a cluster of 5 w2003 servers running an application talking
to a SQL backend. The ASP requests queued frequently gets over 500 and the
server will display the "server busy error". The application seems to be
riddled with problems. What tools are available to help diagnose where the
problem might be?Are there any profiling tools for .net that show request that take longer than x to process? Im not a developer so excuse my ignorance if this is a
silly question.

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Website Builder

I came across a free script (a few pages) that would allow your users to create their own site. It had a Rich Text Editor, and some other features. I am looking for a free script, that I can add to my site to offer my visitors the ability to create their own site. I realy like FreeWebs design, and the way it works.

If any one knows of a free script (in ASP or ASP.NET) that will let my users create their own site (similar to FreeWebs), please post the site that I could get it at. I currently have one that I made, but it isn't that great, so I am looking at other options (without making me spend months writing code).

I have searched the heck out of google, and cannot find any thing...I could be searching the wrong keywords...I'm not sure what to call it...most of the portals don't offer the Create A Website feature.

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Spider A Website

How can I go about sending a spider to a website and retrieving data? I want
to sell product for a company that claims the cannot query their database.
Ridiculous! Anyway, is there a way that I can automate someway of collecting
data from their site? I would need UPC codes, descriptions etc.

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Lock Website

I have a web site that I need to distribute to different sites around the country. Problem is each site has its own developers and I dont want to allow them access to the code, is there anything I can do to lock them out?

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Activating Website

I needed to duplicate an asp website for testing purposes, which reqired my to install IIS on my windows pc.

All went find until I tried accessing a certain website, I received the following error:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
D:INETPUBWWWROOTSIGNUP../Common/connect.asp, line 18

The contecnts of the connect file are al follows : Code:

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Determine A Website

Somewhere in my program I ask users to provide their website URL. I would like to determine if the given website exists or not.How can I determine a website with given URL exists?

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