PostBack Concept

I want to know if the PostBack concept applies to HTML web-based forms, regardless of what programming technologies we use: For example, ASP, ASP.NET, Java, CGI, etc

PostBack means to send the HTML form to the web server Since most of the time I heard this term in ASP.NET circle, thats why I raise this question.

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is there any arrays concept in asp

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Frame Concept

i want to know abt implementing the concept of frames in because i am in need to present my works in separate files with the help of frames.

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Submit The Form Concept

I want to clarify the concept of submitting the form to the web server.pHP is just an example here, it applies to any web programming languages.

On page1.php,
<form name="myform" action="otherpage.php" method="post">

means 2 steps here:
1) submit the form called "myform" on page1.php to the web server using
HTTP POST method.
2) open otherpage.php

Also, otherpage.php can be page1.php itself, that means post the page
to itself, or this is called POST BACK.Is that correct? Please advise & comment.

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Submit Form Data Concept

When people say submit the form data, does it mean the form data are submitted to web browser using either HTTP GET or POST method, and then it will redirect to another page.

For example, this is page1.aspx

<form action="page2.aspx" method="post">

means it will submit the page1.aspx form data to the web server, and then redirect from page1.aspxto page2.aspx?

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Paging Concept Question/pointing The Right Article

So I have that huge database, with a lot of article from different poeple on the same subject. Listing all the articles is too big so I decided to add paging to my pages. So far so good, its working real fine exept for one thing and its here I need help as to how I could configure my things.

For each people with an article a user page is create and in that page are listed their article with the link to them. So how can I specify the link so it knows that the article of that person is at the page=2 or 3 or 4 ... of the paging?

Before paging it was quite simple I was just using an HTML anchor with the reference numberID of the record like this : <a name="<%=RsCritique("refID")%>"></a>

Any idea?

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how can i check if page was initialiy loaded or if it's postback?

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I always see the term "postback" from ASP book, but I am not sure if I fully understand the meaning. Here's my understanding so far, please correct me if any mistakes. here's a typical html form:

<form action="process.asp" method="post">
'GUI code

"postback" action happens when the user click the submit button, that means it will invoke "process.asp" is the above code. In ASP.NET, if the web control has set AutoPostBack property to True, that means when there is any events on the web control, it will invoke "process.asp", just like the user click the submit button.

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Postback Mab

I am getting to a stage with my site that i have so many entries in the database that i am thinking of adding an a-z at the top of the page. Thinking aboout this further and how it may work i thought that this would use a post back method where it passess for example the letter "a" in the link (Am i on the right lines?

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I always see the term "postback" from ASP book, but I am not sure if I fully understand the meaning. Here's my understanding so far, please correct me if any mistakes. here's a typical html form:

<form action="process.asp" method="post">
'GUI code

"postback" action happens when the user click the submit button, that means it will invoke "process.asp" is the above code. In ASP.NET, if the web control has set AutoPostBack property to True, that means when there is any events on the web control, it will invoke "process.asp", just like the user click the submit button.

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Auto Postback

Can I make the screen state where it is after a control is auto postback? And how?

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Postback To Server

i have an aspx page. on that page there are three textboxes. when the controle is in any textbox and i press enter,the page is postback to server. i want that when i press enter the page does not postback to server. how should i do that?

and i want to know what is the javascrtipt event fired when ever enter pressed in asp:textbox.

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Postback And Focus

Say I have a textbox (autopostback=true) and a button. I enter a new value in the textbox then - without clicking anywhere else first - I click the button. The box's text isn't changed prior to the button's click so the new data in the box isn't evaluated at the server. The user has to click the button twice.

I would like to change this without any scripts on the client that will be rejected by security setting in today's browsers.

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Postback In Classic ASP?

Want to check the value of an inputbox against a SQL Server database to prevent a duplicate record being entered.

This is an existing project, and the way they implemented it before was to post to a 2nd ASP page, run the ASP code to check the value, then redirect back to the 1st page if the value was found to be "already used".

There has to be a better way. Is it to use "Postback"?

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Multiple Postback Collision

Using a VB aspx web form I have a TextBox web control and a DropDown List web control that both AutoPostBack to the server when their state has changed. When the user is in the TextBox, changes the text and using the mouse selects the drop down list control, the view state is destroyed and a blank screen results.

When the user has changed the text in the text box and moves focus off the text box using the tab ke the page does the postback with no problems, but when the focus is changed by using the mouse to click on the dropDownList control it to tries to do a postback at the same time.

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Restrict Non ASCII Character In Text Area On Postback

Am trying to restrict user from entering non ASCII character in the text area. Say if the user entered non ASCII character then on the form post back it should show them the message like:

"non ASCII character between the word1+word2"

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