Posting Data To Page

I've created a form that posts data to a script and the script checks the values. If the values are invalid, I want to be able to "post" the data back to the original page for them to be picked up. Is this possible?

I can't use JavaScript for client-side validation as the data to be compared against is in a database. I don't want to use session variables as they are server intensive and can expire. And I can't send the variables through the URL as some of the fields are textareas and could hold long values...

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Posting Data To Credit Card Processor Without Showing Their Page

I've been setting up an online payment system for our site, and it all works fine except for one part. When it submits to the merchant's site, the customer is greeted with a blank page for a few seconds while it verifies the card. Then it redirects to our site.

Is there any way to do a form POST to another site without actually making the browser go to that page?

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Posting Data To An API

I'm working on a shopping cart that uses PayPal when the user submits their information 3 things need to happen on the same page:

1. User information gets saved in a database
2. An e-mail is sent out
3. Variables are transferred via a "POST" method to the PayPal API

I've successfully made it through the first 2 but the 3rd one is killing me. How do I do this? The only way I can think to do this is with the response.redirect but it can't be a GET it needs be a POST. Any thoughts?

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Data Posting

welll I'm using ASP 2.0 =)
I'm trying to do the automated form posting and submition.
What I got is Excel file with the data that I need to manually enter to
the form...
What should I use to maximumally automate it =)

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Posting Data Using XMLHTTP

I am trying to post data using xmlhttp object.

The data Iam trying to send has "&" in it, like - xx.asp?part=tm7&t6

Somehow the data doe not reach to the page correectly.

I also tried -


But still it does not reach.

In my final page when I retrieve request.form("part") -

Iam getting only tm7.

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Posting Data To Two Pages

I have a developed asp page where user inputs the data and it will be submitted to another page. I want the data submitted to two pages of different application.
for example the code:

<form method="post" action="test.asp"&"test1.asp" name="processData" onSubmit="return ValidateAndCreateInstanceName( );" >

with the above code, i am getting error.with one form, how can I submit the data to two pages??

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Posting Checkbox Data To DB.

An insert page and an update page will not let checkbox data be posted to the database. I am using Dreamweaver for all code with no tweaking on my part. If i remove all checkboxes from page i can post from both pages.

I've made sure that there is no data type mismatch. I do have another DB table which i can post to without incident. It seems i have exhausted my ability to solve this one.

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Problem Posting Data From Asp Form

I am running IIS5, Win2k Server, and .Net Framework 1.1.

For some reason asp forms will not post data. So I have
a form with a text box. The form's method is set to post
and I have a submit button.

The weird thing is that the page works fine without using
SSL and/or the FQDN for the server. Code:

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Posting Form Data To A Popup Window

Does anyone know how to post form data to a popup window either by using ASP or JavaScript? I have a form full of inputs and I want to open a popup window where the processing can take place.

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POSTing A Binary File Using Multipart/form-data

I'm trying to setup an ASP page to POST an image across to another page- essentially simulating what a browser does when you use <input type=file> in a HTML form.

I'm able to correctly setup the headers etc and do the POST, but I'm unable to include the binary data of the image.

The only way i've been able to do it is if I base64 encode the image. I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to do the POST, and I can't seem to do the .send with a form body that includes the binary data of the image. Code:

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Posting Information To Asp Page

Usually when you post information from a form to another asp page like this:

<form method="post" action="someASPPage.asp">

It will redirect you to 'someASPPage.asp'.

I was wondering if there is a way of posting information from a form to another asp page, but not actually going to that asp page.

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Automatically Posting Form Values When A Page Loads

is there a way in ASP to automatically submit a form and its values when a page loads ?

if not is there any way round this scenario. i want to have a drop down list of options depending on which is selected will depend on where the form is submitted to.

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How To Get Data From The User In One Page And Display Related Data In A New Page

how do i get data from a user on one page and display the result on the other page
actually i have written a prgoram that displays a set of checkboxes and based on the checkboxes selected the related data is displayed .but the problem is the data is displayed on the same page below the list of check boxes. Code:

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Posting From One Form On A Page To Another Form

have one form on an html page post to another form on the same page? I would like to have the information (all of the second form) hidden until the post is sent to it. Is that possible too?

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ASP Read The Execl Cell's Data, Web Page Created From Excel2000 -- Save As Web Page

I created a web page from Excel2000, using "Save as web page..."...Publish
function. then, I moved htm file to my IIS web server. Then I added a form control, and submit button.

How can get the data on the excel file using ASP from server side?
For example, the value of Cell(1,2), Cell(2,3)....

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How To Transfer A Data Display On 1st Page To 2nd Page Upon Clicking On The Link

I like to know how to write this specifc function on ASP where the user eg: display a set of records on the webpage. Example the data are ID, Name and address.

Lets say i display the data on the webpage and i set the Name as the <a href>. So when i click on the name, it will move to another page with the id of the specific name. Code:

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How To Chain Page To Page With RecordSet Data

I have a form.htm page where the user enters an ID to retrieve addresses. Then PAGE1.ASP displays the addresses. From here the user selects an address and submits. Then PAGE3.ASP brings back further information. My question is how do I use one field from the address information on PAGE2.ASP to display on PAGE3.ASP? I know how to do it with textboxs and such but cant get RS data to hope page to page. I get no errors or anthing.

On PAGE2.ASP I have :
<input type="hidden" name="CLIENTHIDDEN" value="<%=RS1("CICL_LNG_NM") %>"></td>

On PAGE3.ASP I have:
clientname = request.form("CLIENTHIDDEN")

and to display:
<td class=rt width="110" height="1">Business Name:</td><td width="849" class=rt height="1"><% =clientname%></td>

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Submitting Data From Page To Page

I am in the process of developing an application and would like to hide the
query strings in the URLs. I want to POST data to a page then validate the
data. If there is an error I have to send data back via a long query string.
Is there anyway to POST data between pages programmatically?

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How To Transfer Data From 1 Asp Page Another?

I would like the value of the textfield from text1 from Select_License.asp to be transfered to swname from License_add.asp when i click on the Next button from Select_License.asp

<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
Software: <INPUT name=text1 >
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Find">
on error goto 0

If Request.Form("Submit") = "Find" Then
description = Request.Form("text1") .....

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Embedding XML Data In An ASP Page

I'd like to display XML data in a table in an ASP page. Seems like XSL and XML don't like that because ASP commands within the document cause the page to not be "well-formed"...

anybody know how to do what I want to do? Point me to a good online tutorial...i'll be looking too in the meantime.

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Passing Data On To Second .asp Page

OK this query if probably fairly elementary, and forgive my novice understanding of the terminology, I have dealt a little with php but .asp is relatively new to me.

I am able to store variables posted from a form using something along the lines of

strStartDay = Request.Form("StartDay")

however this only works for the .asp page that immediately results from the form. how do I then pass these same values(entered from the form) into an asp page that follows (link from the first asp page).

In my ignorance I have placed the same variable statements in my second asp page but no values are being returned (which of course they wouldnt).

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POST Data To A New Page

I have a page with 4 submit buttons. How can I make 1 of these buttons spawn a new page AND use the data posted from the orginal page?

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Pushing Data To Web Page

i have a server that recieves data often from a third party data provider often. I would like to PUSH this data to the client webpage, WITHOUT having to force the user to hit refresh or without having to use client side polling and autorefresh. Once recieved on the client, i can use something like DHTML to add it to a table.

how to go about this or what is the best technology to use for doing this? Any sample applications out there doing this today?

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Passing Data To 2nd Page ...

I have a registration page which will be receiving user input. These data will NOT be insert into DB within this page. However, all the data (first name,last name, address...) will be pass to second page. And the insertion to DB will be execute in second page.What will be a better way to handle the passing of data from page 1 to page 2?Used querysting in the hyperlink? Err...abit tedious rite? I mean the url will like so long.

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Data From Php Created Page

I run a website that reads our own databases and makes the data available to our users. However, recently someone has sent me a link to a php page that contains data they want me to display on our site. The php creates a csv formatted text string.

Example : I type in www.somewebsite.php and the page returns game1,gamedate,gametime,hometeam,visitor,,,, with real values of course being in these values. the ,,, are null fields that have no value as they expect our website to fill in this data for them from our users. how do I read this data with asp into a recordset, or a database?

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Page Break SQL Data

I am using a SQl query to get information by company departments for a Dept Mgr. How can I display each dept on a seperate page. ie page 1 is dept 1, link to page 2 ect

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Re-Submitting Data To Page

I am developing a page that when it loads up, it will display certain information from an SQL statement using preset values. However when the user is using the page they can then use drop down menus, to choose different year, suppliers etc, the page then needs to reload showing this new information.

I think it is possible to do this using the response.redirect, and direct it back to itself, with all the new variables. However some information will stay the same and I just wondered if it was possible to only reload the information that was required to save on server time running sql statements taht need not run.

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Pulling Data From Page

I am making an asp page that kind of gives a summary of a table I have on my SQL server. I have one field on the page of:


Is there a way i can make another recordset that would use that field on the same page?

Basically what I have setup is a listing of all the tickets for one person. I need to have a score for each ticket as well. I have to start off on my first page by selecting my analyst. I want the page it links to have all of the analysts tickets and their score on each.

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Data Limit Page

In my access database there are thousands of records are there,i want to retrieve them and display only 15 records at a time. how can it possible? also by clicking next page next 15 records will display.

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How To Cache Input Data On Page?

I have a problem to keep the input value from user still keep. The condition when User input , let me say" Employee Code","Employee Name","Level", then the user input all the 3 field, but when the user submit the employee code not unique/already had by another record,then the problem is after that Employee Name and level input value empty again. Then How to keep the input value....with that condition.....i have no idea....

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How Do You Post Form Data To Another Page?

Here is the situation:

1. User fills in form and hits submit
2. Some processing is done with the posted data using ASP
3. The posted form variables now need to be submitted to another script which only receives POSTed data.

How do I send the posted data to another script? I can't run step 2 on the next script as its validation script and I'm going across two servers.

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Transfer Data From Page To Excel

I have an asp page that collects data from a database and then displays it in a table on the page. I also want to be able to put this information into excel. I know how to get the page to load up in excel and then display the data using the following command -:

response.contentType = "application/"

however I want it so that there is an Extra button on the page that the user can press to transfer the data accross. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Passing Data From Page To Pages?

Because of �refresh� problem after updating the form. So, I have to put the confirmation message in a seperate page:

1.update.asp page click update - goes to updated.asp (update to the db and sending email) then redirect to updatedconfirmation.asp page (confirmation message)

I would like to carry a few information from update.asp page such as name and their address to the confirmation page depends on their ID, how can we I do that in the updatedconfirmation.asp?

I�ve used hidden fields in the update.asp page. but there is nothing display in the UpdatedConfirmation.asp page Code:

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