Powerful MS HTTP Request Component - Alternative To ServerXMLHTTP!
Having just "discovered" it myself, I thought I'd draw everyone's attention to the fact that the WinHTTP 5.x object (which is used behind the scenes by our good friend the ServerXMLHTTP object) can be used directly in scripts.
This is useful because the ServerXMLHTTP object encapsulates XML-related functionality which is unnecessary for performing most simple HTTP requests, and thus by using the WinHTTP object directly you achieve higher performance, scalability, and reduced memory consumption... AND WinHTTP offers quite a few features that ServerXMLHTTP does not expose - including the ability to specify a proxy (and an exclusion list) from within the script (or to acquire them from Internet Explorer's settings), IPv6 support, and HTTPS/SSL support!
Is there any good and reliable Upload Component for ASP (or ASP.NET)? I need one which provides an upload status bar.As well, it must be able to handle more than 4 gigabytes of data transfer.Internet connections can be unreliable at times. This component needs to be able to resume broken uploads.
Why ASP's MS XML HTTP request object gets another page's HTML source without interpreting path differences. For example, if my page is:
with XMLHTTP getting source code of page:
and this latter page has a CSS with path ../include/css.css, it won't be used in page1.asp because path will stay as it is "../include/ css.css", not "../../include/css.css" as needed for page1.asp?
I have configured XP and IIS according to some security checklist on the internet. I restarted machine after I renamed and set pw for my admin account.
The IIS isn't working now. I get this:
HTTP 400 Bad Request Error The parameter is incorrect
In other words, The syntax of the request is badly formulated or is impossible to satisfy I scanned my system with SPYBOT, no spyware found.
I have been trying to figure out why I am getting this message.I have an application that is 20 different ASP pages that works in sequential order (step1, step2, step3...). After each step the app writes the entered text to a cookie. This feature is so that if there is a problem, we can still retrieve the data.
This Bad Request error has something to do with the cookie that is written to, because I can go all the way through the app to the last step (step20) and then it gives me a Bad Request. If I clear my cookies then it works fine, until step 20 again.
what may be going on here? I am guessing that it has to do with the size of the cookie, but I am unsure how I can accomplish this task allowing the entered data to be retrieved) without cookies.
Can someone give the snippet to send a post http request in order to send a soap request ? I have the complete http request but I don't know how to send it.
I'm trying to USPS Tracking info to my website. To do this I need to make a XML HTTP Request to the USPS server, then format and "print" the response back on our web site. The site uses ASP and we want to avoid using JavaScript. I found this simple script: Code:
I've been using Dreamweaver Ultra Dev to create a dynamic page and I've been unable to view the page in a browser once the file extension changes to .asp. If I try to open it (in a browser) outside of an editor then nothing happens.
If I try to open it inside an editor, like in DW then I get HTTP 400 Error. DW also has a feature to let you view live data, when I choose that, it gives me "Bad Request (Invalid HostName)" it also mentions: "An error occurred while requesting the document from the app server." I'm running IIS.
Let's say I want to use the msxml object to call a web page from within my script, and on the querystring or "in the header" of that request I want to include a dictionary object, such that the called .asp page can then request the object to it's script and use the dictionary object.
Has anyone seen anything that describes marshaling an object into an http request header?
Let's say if I want to send a http "Post" request to a url, and check the http status code later. How should I write the code? I have found example to use WinHttp to send "Get" request and check the http status code:
====== Set objWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5") objWinHttp.Open "GET", strURL objWinHttp.Send If objWinHttp.Status <> 200 Then ... End If ======
How should I write the code if I need to use "POST" to send data in a form, and to check the http status code later?
I have been working on samples of ASP site components suchas guest book,forum. i have downloaded these samples from free sites. I want to know what's the difference between traditional ASP and ASP.Net and which is more powerful and better? I want to work on asp full time. Which must i turn into?
I have got the following PHP code which I am trying to convert to ASP.cant find a replace function for Unset in asp which will discard the variable if ($categoryid == "all") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM products where shopinspection=$shopinspection"; unset($HTTP_POST_VARS['categoryid']); unset($HTTP_POST_VARS['shopinspection']); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM products where categoryid = $categoryid"; unset($HTTP_POST_VARS['categoryid']); } unset($HTTP_POST_VARS['Submit']); while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { if ($value != "" ) { $sql = $sql .=" AND $key=$value"; //$sql = $sql .=" AND solesource = $solesource"; //echo "<strong>$value</strong>";
i have read a few articles saying that you can run IIS on XP home but it does not look too reliable to me and am not too willing to try, so is there an alternative set-up i can use to test my ASP before uploading?
i say this as all ftp hosts seem to want your code pre-tested before uploading .
Looking for a way to switch between submit buttons. The default will be "start" and when the tech clicks on that, the button will start a timer, which I have already set.
The button then will switch to "stop" and when a tech has completed a job and clicks "stop" the timer will also stop and switch the button back to start.
I know how to track the time for each tech that starts and stops a job. I need a jumpstart on how to switch onclicks for two buttons.
I would like to set up an ASP page that sends an e-mail, but the server I'm working on doesn't have CDONTS installed for security reasons. I don't have any control over the server. Are there any alternatives to using CDONTS that will work or a better option?
Is there any other way or trick to include an asp file in my ASP file than the classic html #include. In fact my filename (which is to be included) will be coming from database and #include statement doesn't support any kind of variables.
I know this is not a core .asp issue, but I'll try anyway. I've used the TEXTAREA element for a while, but as you know it's limited when it comes to formating part of the text inside a TEXTAREA.Does anyone have expirience using other text cointainer objects (Java/ActiveX), which is easy to use and easy to read values from when sending a form to a procedure .asp page?
I'm using ASP and I need to generate a ZIP file that contains a list of files that I'm pulling from a database. I've determined WinZip's command line parameters so that I can use it, the problem is I'm unsure how to run WinZip on the server.
Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Assuming this would work, how do I get the process to terminate upon completion? I can't have 20-30 WinZip applications running on the server, I need it to handle what I send to it and then close. Maybe I'm taking the entirely wrong approach here.
Am using MSXML4.0 serverXMLHTTP for communicating with a remote server. Using POST method of serverXMLHTTP to post a xml string but after calling send method its give "HTTP 1.1 405 method not allowed" in response status text.
I have an asp file that gathers info from a form and sends to the database. im now changing the location of the database from the root path. I think that because of this i cannot use Server.MapPath method of sending data.
Coudl someone please help me out and let me know how i would change the code? Im quite new to this as you could probably see. Code:
Is there an alternative for CDONTS.NewMail for sending email? according to this article , CDONTS.NewMail works only on Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems.
Is there an alternative class that works on Windows XP to send email?
I would like to know if there is alterntiave to using Select Case?I have over 80 files that a user can select from a drop down list and 'read'. Rather than writing out 80+ lines with INC files, what is the other less code option?
i am using cookies to save a users login information which is then used again on another page to save data to a database. This works fine on certain clients' machines, but on others there is an error. Am i right in saying that it is because cookies are not enabled on their machines? If so, is there another way i can do this?