Presenting Database Results In A Repeater Control

I am using a repeater control to display the results of a database query. The problem is when outputing the results of a multiline nvarchar field.

I generally try put it in a <pre> tag and try to enforce the table width. However this doesn't help and the table width when viewing the page is the width of the page, and not the specified width. Code:

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Presenting Query Results

I need to create asp page witch has a form at top of the page. This is the search form. Then I need to present the search results from database query on the bottom of the page as a table. That table has about dozen columns. Some column values can be modified and saved to the database and some column values has to be modified and saved from another page.

Search table is no problem but I have problems getting the results table to work right... Query results are in recordset.

I need some advice on how to do the results table on the best way!

So far I am thinking on creating a form on every row of results and posting the changes of values to save.asp page where I would save the modifications to database.

For the values witch have to be modified on another page I would add a link something like this... Code:

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Storing Content In DB And Presenting It In Browser

I've got a bit of a problem which I need sorting. I'm creating a news system on our work intranet. The main content is entered into a textarea which most people will use as a simple text editor (carriage returns for paragraphs).

The advanced users will be able to enter HTML tags for more advanced articles (lists, character formatting etc). The problem comes when I'm rendering the text.

At the moment, I'm storing the content as it is submitted (carriage returns are stored as carriage returns, not <br>'s). When rendering the articles to the screen, I replace the carriage returns for <br>'s.

The reason I don't convert the carriage returns to <br>'s on submission is incase the content needs to be rendered for another program/platform in the future (we use all sorts of software from the same database at work so it is a possibility at the moment). Code:

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ASP Database Results

I have created a small script that will read from a related products table then display the products associated with it. However I am only getting it to return one product even though I have multiple listed. Here is the code I am using: Code:

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.NET Repeater

I've got a repeater which is pulling items from a database. Some items have a link and some have null filled in for the link column. I was wondering if there is an easy way to format those with links to have an <a href> tag around them and those that have a null link not to be formatted with the surrounding <a> tags. Is there a better way than to just do an if...else clause?

edit: also is there someway I can tell the repeater how often to render the seperatortemplate (i.e., print a horizonal rule every three repeats)?

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I have used repeater before, what I want to use it for is, I get a list of categories, and I want to display them in a table, 3 categories per table row, the problem is I don't know how to get it to start a new row afer 3rd element is displayed.

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Formatting Database Results

I have a query that i have been having trouble with for some weeks and i am desperate to get working.

What i want to do is construct a statement from the values i pull from the database.

for example, i have 2 rows in the database, one field, called dbValue that has the values "Value 1" and "Value 2"

I want to pull the values from the database and construct an if statement like the following

if testing = Value 1 OR Value 2 then
end if

Could someone please help me out, the values have to be pulled from the database as they will be dynamic.

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Stripping Down Database Results

i have a record that is returned by the database as domain/username. i want to be able to strip off "domain/" and just display "username". is this possible? if so, how would i go about doing this?

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Comparing Database Results

I have two variables

DIM medical_crew_1
DIM crew_name

One was created by joining the results of a database query

'first connect and query the first database table ........


crew_name = objRS("first_name") & " " & objRS("last_name)

I am comparing this variable with the second variable which comes from a
seperate table in the same database Code:

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Random Database Results

I am using the following code to Query information from my db table. The problem I have is that it displays the whole table rather than displaying 5 random results by ProductID.

<% strconn2
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS2.Open "SELECT * FROM Products", objConn2

Do While Not objRS2.EOF
Response.Write ":: <a href=""productsDisplay.asp?ProductID=" & objRS2("ProductID") & """>" & objRS2("Product_Description") & "</a><br>"
Set objConn2 = Nothing

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Database Results Buttons

How can i change the query results buttons (Start, Next, Previous,End) in asp?

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Pull Database Results

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but I thought some one here should be able to tell me how it can be done. I'm building a site that will allow people to enter information about their company into a database, the information is then displayed in a profile page for them. They can enter things like news and events. This all works fine and dandy, but now I have had an idea.

Is it possible to be able to publish something for each company so that they can display the same information on their own website? I am thinking it would be something similar to an RSS feed.

Has anyone done anything like this before? The site right now is ASP with a MSSQL backend. The sites that will be posting the published information may be a variety of hosting platforms, if a certain platform is required then we will make it as a requirement.

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Number In A Repeater

I have a repeater that pulls back informtion from a MySQL database. I was wondering how could I put a counter that increments as each row is returned and displays it in the repeater. For example where it says Day:, I want to make that Day: 1, Day: 2 etc as each row is returned.

The Day: 1++ is just a demonstration of what i want incremented.

<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterUserReportSummary" runat="server">
<table style="width: 990px">
<td style="width: 185px;height: 10px;"><b>Day: 1++ </b></td>
<td style="width: 35px;height: 10px;"><b>Total:</b><%# Eval("TotalReport")%>cal</td>

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Checkbox In Repeater

I use a Checkbox in a Repeater, how can I know which Checkbox have changed in OnCheckedChanged?

I have tried to set id then checkbox is binding data, but it will not work.

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Repeater Problem

I want to set a unique id for each item in a repeater like this:

<asp:repeater id=__theTabStrip runat="server" DataSource='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container,"TabText") %>'>
<asp:Button Runat="server" id="<%# Container.DataItem %>" BackColor="<%#
SetTabBackColor(Container) %>" />

However, the id="<%# Container.DataItem %>" generates an error:'<%#Container.DataItem %>' is not a valid identifier.

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CheckBox Inside A Repeater

I'm still learning .Net and have an ASP.Net app that I'm working on. On this particular page, I need to put a bunch of checkboxes on the side of the page, and the text for each is derived from the database. So I can't just hardcode the checkboxes. I'll have any number of them, and possibly even 0.

I am told that you use a Repeater control for this, but beyond that, am not sure what to do. Can someone show me?

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Form Control; Want A Little More Control Of The Name Attribute

I would like to be able to control an asp text box control's name attribute.

I know i can manually type the whole string
<input type="text" name="username" value="" />

but then i can't use the validation control on the inputs. [free javascript ]

PHP Code:

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Tab Control

can anyone please advise me how i can create multiple tabs under one page?

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Control Value

I am using VBScript for ASP. The control value must be case sensitive? The following example should print the "fname" value, but if if I change "submit" back to "SUBMIT". Then it works fine.

If (Request.QueryString("submit") = "submit") Then
End if

<form action="formtest.asp" method="get">
<P><input type="text" name="fname">
<P><input type="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT">

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Getting The Contents Of The A Control

I have a select element in a form on a page with some options. When i submit thet form and the target asp page is executed, i want to find retrieve all the values in that select element on the page...?

thru request.form("sel") i am able to retrieve only the vaue selected by the user.

View Replies View Related Timer Control

I am having a few problems with the Timer component in ASP.NET. I can get it to work in the C# windows application of visual studio but not in the ASP.NET.

The thing is a number of people will be logged into the website (its a game) so each person will need to view the same timer counting down to zero.

This is the code in ASP.NET. The timer only seems to be counting during page load.

How do i get it to count for a number of minutes while the game is in progress????

This is my sample code:

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Using Asp Page Control

I need help. I don't know how to using asp paging control function to display result pages format as like as or

For example.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 >>

<< 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 >>

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C# Windows Control Lib

I have C# windows control libarary (Dll), which I could able to load them
into browser using <objecttag with following syntax (In aspx page) and user
able to see the contolr properly.

<object name="chk" id="chk" classid="http:GSIM.dll#GSIM.gsimManager"></object>

I would like to load a client C# windows control libarary (Dll) instead from
webserver. (something like OCX)
So is there way I can load .NET control from client machine?? (Assum that,
the libarary exists in client machine GAC or in physical path)

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Active Control

My problem is my active control will download to IE6 sp2, but not download
to IE6 sp1. On IE6 sp1, ther is no popup to ask for download.

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Grid Control

how to use grid control in asp 3.0
i am using visual interdev 6.0

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DataSource Control

I created a stored procedure (sp) in my sql database. The sp accesses a table in another sql database. I ran the commands to add the linked server and add the linked login. The tests work fine within the database. Using Visual Web Developer, I'm trying to link my Sqldatasource control to this sp and I'm getting the error: "Could not find server 'xxx' in sysservers. Execute sp_AddlinkedServer to add the server to sysservers." Can you tell me how to fix this error?

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Error Control

when a error happen in my site, how to report it to my mail etc.?but for all error..
db,fso,string error...all and all

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Login Control Bug

The login control fails password validation from both the Web site
administrator as well as from the control itself when the application
containing it is run.

The validation error message produced is: "Password length minimum: 7,
Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1."

This occurs when running the app both running in IIS and file based. What's
'odd" is it seem like a client side problem.

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Menu Control

I have a menu control that has two Menu choices
One is "View History Items"
the second is "PDA"
My problem is as you roll the mouse over the menu options, the second
one works only if your mouse is actually over the text "PDA". Since it
is much narrower than the first item, the entire width lights up like
an active link, but the link won't work unless your exactly over the
area that has actual text. So it appears to the user who clicks too far
to the right that nothing is happening (which it isn't)

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Treeview Control

I need to create a treeview on a database management .aspx site that
when the parent is clicked, it expands to display the many associated
records with it. Aka, it pulls info from not one, but two sql server
tables. Further, these rows must be editable.

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Source Control

Does anyone know of any source control software (besides Visual studio) that allows a multi-user environment to be able to check out/in files and keep version control?

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My website is on a server that places Cache-Control: private in the
Header of the pages that are served. I see these pages are not cached
by Google (the Google Toolbar Cached Snapshop of Page function).
Is this directive from my server preventing Google from caching the
pages that have it or do I need to look into some other problem?
Thanks in advance for your input/feedback.

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ASP XML Admin Control

This is a small Web Application, this contains basic XML functions using ASP including a XML driven user authentication, adding new records, viewing records, editing and deleting records. Code:

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