Print Preview

I'm working on a project where I have a print button on my ASP page.Currently, I have it setup to open a "printible version" of the form with the print window automatically popping up. However, depending on the screen resolution of the user and the IE window size the printible version doesn't look right (but it prints correctly). I'd like to open the print preview window automatically instead how I'm currently doing it. Is there a way to do this?

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How To Do Email Preview On ASP?

In my ASP page, I use CDONT to send email to client. But, I need to
allow user preview and edit the email content before sending it out.
Any advices?

I have two ASP pages - h_email.asp and h_email_action.asp

Inside the h_email.asp, I create a form and allow user to input
information for the email.
In the h_email_action.asp, it contains asp code for extracting fields'
value in h_email.asp and store them into database as well as send
email. All fields' value will be created as a string for the email

Could anyone give me some suggestions?

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Preview Locally

Is there a program like xampp for ASP? where it will allow me to preview locally without having to upload?

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Generated Pdf Preview Issue

I have to make a page with an inline frame, in this frame will come a dynamic generated PDF.

The PDF will have to be stored on the server to load in the preview frame but after the user had loaded the pdf in his browser I want it removed.

I thougt maybe I could use a General variable defined in global.asa that counts from 1 to 100 or something and every time a pdf is generated the number = number + 1 so I can create a pdf with the name ' filename & number & ".pdf" ' so that there would be constantly 100 pdf's on the server but not more and there is no danger of mixing up the preview which users get to see because it takes a while before their number is used again / their pdf is overwritten ...

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Preview Html From Form

Im looking for a way to preview/output html entered in a form a form in a new window. The idea is the user wanting to see what their html will look like before sending the actual email.

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Submitting Form To A Preview Window?

I have a form with 2 text boxes, both of which add to a database and make up a dynamic page, i.e. page title & page text.

I want however, before the user can add the page, for the page to be previewed in a popup window. So effectively there'd be a button which when clicked would open up the new window, load the preview.asp page I have already built, and display the contents of what was typed into the text boxes.

So basically I need to pass the variables through to this preview.asp page - anybody know how I can do this?

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Print An ASP Form By Clickng Print Button On Same Page

i make a data display page, its showing all records, now i want user just press print button, and that print all data on screen, secondly user input 2 dats From ..... To......, so data in between that day will print,

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Wscript.Shell Run PRINT And NET PRINT Returns Nothing

No error or any feedback that I can work with.

set objShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objShell.Run "%comspec% /c NET PRINT GarchiveISLaser[color=blue]
>c:WUTempPrinter_Status1.txt", 0, True[/color]
objShell.Run "%comspec% /c PRINT /d:GarchiveISLaser c:WUTemp est.txt",
0, True

Set objShell = nothing

I can run these commands successfully from the command-prompt on the server
but from an ASP page, I get nothing not even an error. The Text output for
NET PRINT is a blank text file.

I feel something is different on the permissions side because this
code/approach use to work fine.

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Self.print Without Browser Print Prompt

When I use self.print the browser launches the print prompt, then I have to manually press print... DOes anyone know how to get around this.

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Print ASP From SQL

I have ASP statements stored in SQL and want to run them on an ASP page. I am printing the data onto the page using ASP, but the ASP code that comes from SQL just appears as actual text. For example, it appears as:

<a href="<%request.redirect("")%>">Yahoo</a> Rocks

instead of just the link: Yahoo Rocks

Any idea of how to run the ASP scripts from SQL, yet still print out the text around it plainly?

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I am developing an Intranet application for a business. I would like to be
able to print out certain bits of information just as regular applications
do. I realize that this is a little more difficult, and after doing
research it seems that the best way to print is to use JavaScript's
"window.print();" command.

The only problem I have with this is that

#1 - it prints the address and date at the bottom of the page
#2 - it prints the page numbers at the top of the page.

Is there any way around this (without having to alter IE's configuration)?
Or perhaps do I need to approach printing in another way? Perhaps VBScript?

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No Print

Is there such a thing as putting some code on a page that makes it so noone could print out that page? Maybe something that disables the browsers print function or something?

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How to print in asp or how to use Crystal report in visual Interdev or frontpage?

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Print A Pdf

I have a problem opening a file with ADODB.Stream when <HTML> exists on the same page

here is the code I use :....

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Print Into A4

i seem to have a problem printing my timesheet to make it fit into a a4 paper. is there a way to have it to print using ASP but force it to print in a4 landscape.I have tried using my printer settings and force it to landscape,but the whole table and font comes out really big and makes it continue to print to another page.

I have also tried to use the printer settings to print into A4 or even print to 60% of the size, but still cannot. Even though the data is not really long it goes to another page.

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Print From ASP

I've built a form/report for visualize the informations from database. I've used jscript code. How do for printing on the network or local printer ?

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Print Solution

I am trying to implement a printing to file solution of a html page on the server. What I have is a form with a IE control that loads the page I want to print to.

I am using execWB command for printing. Printer's port is set 'To file'. Everything works fine when I am running that component from a desktop apps. But when I call that component from an asp page nothing is happening. I dont see any dialogs popping up on the screen.
BTW, if I print to a printer works fine either.

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Print Asp Records

can we print asp records which are retrieved from data base with a print button

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Batch Print Several PDF

We have LOADS of documents scanned to PDF format, stored
in SQL tables.Allowing a client to browse our ASP driven site to select
and view individual PDFs has been no problem. ("index"
table is queried to show list of available PDFs, user
clicks a link in the list, PDF reader shows the document
in a new window.)
Now, they would like a feature that would PRINT (at their
location) batches of documents via the website,
preferablely with a single click.

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Print Content

I would like to have a PRINT button on my page, that redirects to another page which is more printer friendly.
I am pulling the content of a database (msAccess) into the initial page, and want that content to carry accross..

Here is an example of the page

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Print Page...

how can i print the current page when i click the print button in this page??

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Print Problem

I'm having problems printing to the page. When the user click on the print button it is suppose to print the document to the page and it's not. What am I doing wrong? Code:

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Print In JScript

<%@ Language=JScript %>
print "OK";

But,it's error.My computer was installed IIS

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Print Page

If I put a link on my webpage that says click here to print page. How can I get the print code to specifically print only the information between a specific <TD></TD> tags? See cause if I just let it print the whole page it is all messed up cause it is too big to print on one page.

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Print Page

My other concern is that I want to print a ASP web page which takes
some parameters from the current page. How can I print that page
directly without opening it

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Onclick Print

Is there a way to code an if then statement that allows me to write to my database logs if the print button is clicked?

<form id=form1 name=form1> <input type="button" value="Print" Onclick="print()" ; id=button1 name=button1></form>

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Print From Email

I have an input form in ASP. User fills that form and click on send button, which in turn mail to someone.

Now, the user who gets mail in outlook want to see a print button in the body of email so that he can click on that button and prints the page.

I know its simple to show a print button in the web page, but how can I do it in the email body.

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Print Out And Save As

how to print with pre-define preference such as margin and page size ?

and a quick Question , the function call to save as

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Cannot Print From Web Service

Im trying to print a report from a web service. When the web service is called, a message "invalid logon" appear. The following code is the code used to print the report: Code:

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Print Script

Does anyone know of any script that would allow me to put the content of part of my webpage between some tags which when a user prints the page it will only print the content between the tags

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Print PDF File

Is any way to print a pdf file automatically using ASP?

Once the pdf file is loaded from a website or whatever, the file will be printed from the printer which is located on the server side. How to do it by using ASP?

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Print Out A Particular Page

If i make a table using a query on a web page.How can i make that web page print to the printer without having to make the user click on file print etc?Is there a way to do this?

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Allow A User To Print

I am overlaying several [optional] gifs, each one transparent, to build a picture displayed to the screen. How do I allow the user to print and/or save this?

If they right-click and save-as all they get is the top image, a blank 'acetate'. If they print, they get the same thing. If they were to print-screen, they could then paste to a photo-editor and crop out what they want, but they're dumber than that. I need to provide them a super-stupid-proof way to copy and paste [into powerpoint] or print.

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