i would like to be able to print a txt/.doc file from the client end. the file is located on my server. Since there are multiple files (invoices)..i dont want the client to open each on individually and print them.. Is there any way of printing them. even if i can print one of them, i can print the rest by putting them in a loop, since they are named apporpriately.
i want to create one application which is when user click on a button, a document that located in the folder in my computer will be printed automatically. The location of the document will be hardcoded.
Also, i need to specify the url or path of the printer so that when user click on the button, the document will be printed automatically through the specific printer. How can i do this?is there any example of application or source code like this for me to see for guideline?
I want to download or save a file from remote location to my local computer everyday. for example. i have an excel file . so i need to write a script to download this file automatically everyday. How do i do this.
Will IIS6.0 recognize a global.asa file located in a subdirectory on the webserver?
I'd like a file that will execute whenever a file in the subdirectory is browsed - or, at least it is executed the first time a file in the subdirectory is browsed.
Is any way to print a pdf file automatically using ASP?
Once the pdf file is loaded from a website or whatever, the file will be printed from the printer which is located on the server side. How to do it by using ASP?
I have serveral links on webpage, and each linked to file such as doc, pdf, xls, etc. Just wondering if there's a way to to print those file by clicking on the link (without opening the file). any javascript or vbschip that does that?
I have link from a page.If you click on 'pedir presupuesto' it goes to a form, when someone clicks submit on the form the next page sends an e-mail, and must print part of the table from the original asp page (0.asp - from the first darker grey header to the second one).
i make a data display page, its showing all records, now i want user just press print button, and that print all data on screen, secondly user input 2 dats From ..... To......, so data in between that day will print,
I can run these commands successfully from the command-prompt on the server but from an ASP page, I get nothing not even an error. The Text output for NET PRINT is a blank text file.
I feel something is different on the permissions side because this code/approach use to work fine.
I would like to add a facility to my web page which allows users to upload basic files (word, excel, text, gif, jpg etc) to the server.
I know there's a facility to do this using HMTL forms, but I don't know how to handle the file on the server side.
What I think I need is an ASP file running some code to manipulate the filesystemobject, allowing me to receive the file and store it in the filesystem on the server. It would be nice to access some of the file properties too (name, type etc).
I've seen a few custom components online which allow you to do this, but I can't depend on installing them. I need to be able to script it myself.
i am currently working on a project in which part of the requirements are to store files on the Server filesystem and make these files available for download by users. Is there a simple way to provide the user with a link which starts downloading the file when it is clicked?
I have an asp page, which displays graphical images.I am using Flipper graph in my application.
There is a link in the asp page "Click to view Image file",On clicking on this link,The graphical image need to be stored(Preferably in the server machine) and has to be opened in a new browser window.
To explain in detail. On clicking of that link"Click to view Image file" a function is called which does the following
1)Save the image file(.gif file) on the server machine Graph.ImagetoGif("Location to be saved",100,200); 2) Opens the image on a new browser window.
window.open('from location from where the image is to be retreived',100,some more properties) So i need the image file to be saved in the server and retreived from the server.
I accept a few user inputs and a file from the user, post it to my ASP page. I'm able to receive the data as well as the file properly in Receiver.asp. In my receiver.asp, I need to process the user inputs and subsequently POST this data and the file again to a different server. I would like to use ServerXMLHttp. Now, how do I simulate Form creation in receiver.asp.
I use the following code to post to the second server MyXmlHttp.open "post", myTargetURL,false MyXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data"
Now here's where I get stuck.
1) How do I construct the form data? How can I put together the data i received (which is text) as well as the received file (which is Binary) in the same Send statement for the Post? -- I assume that if HTML forms do it in some format, I should be able to simulate the same through ASP, but how???
2) The received file will not be stored anywhere in my server. It has to be forwarded in memory.
why the above code does not let me access the file on the FTP server? Neither method to authentcate seems to work. Also tried "OPEN" but I don't think that worked either.
I have images on a file server with the name convention of lastname, firstinitial, and last 4 of SSN. I already have the select statement to concatenate all three from my sql server database. Now how do I get asp to query the statement in a IMG SRC tag calling the images from my file server?
here's my sql statement: Select 'srv-file-b/j:data/cert_pics' + rtrim(lastname) + left(ftrim(firstinitial),1) + Right(SSN, 4) +'.jpg' from customerInfo where customerID = 1116
My problem is that when i execute the page i get an X where the image should be.
strPath=Server.MapPath("ADList1.txt") Set objFSO=Server.CreateObject("SCRIPTING.FILESYSTEMOBJECT") Set objOpenFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath,1) Do While Not objOpenFile.AtEndOfStream Response.Write(objOpenFile.ReadLine() & "<br>") Loop objOpenFile.Close Set objOpenFile=Nothing Set objFSO=Nothing %>
When I try to execute the above code, the code never gets executed. Neither am I shown a script timeout error. After a lot of investigations, I concluded that the code is not getting executed due to the presence of
Set objOpenFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath,1)
If I comment line nos. 3 to 8, then the code gets executed but as expected without any output. Is this happening because of some permission which has not been given to IIS 5.0? If so, what is it? I am working on Windows 2000 Professional.
Is it possible in a global.asa file (or some other way) to have an xml file generated by an asp script and saved to the server some how?
<% Dim xmlDoc, rootEl, child1, child2, p'Create an XML document Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")'Create a root element and append it to the document Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("root") xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl'Create and append child elements Set child1 = xmlDoc.createElement("child1") Set child2 = xmlDoc.createElement("child2") rootEl.appendChild child1 rootEl.appendChild child2'Add an XML processing instruction 'and insert it before the root element Set p=xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'") xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0)'Save the XML file to the c directory xmlDoc.Save "c: est.xml" %>
THis seems to be what i am after but when I try to modify the xmlDoc.Save line to either "/images/listings/test.xml" or imageslistings est.xml" and it comes back saying it can't find the path. If I just leave "text.xml" it comes back saying permission denied. If I can solve this path issue so as to be able to save the file to a directory I think I will have it solved.
I would like to create a file on the hosting server (if it doesn't exist yet), then I would like to write some error information into it. Finnaly I would like to retreive that information later.
i creat one sql server and want another computer on my lan run my web server (i mean the computer on lan can insert data and store to my sql server)but i don't know to do that .i used windows 2003 and IIS6.
I need to know the codes to upload my csv file (*csv) generated from Excel to SQL Server. I aso need to have the codes for uploading my CSV file to my access database..
i need to know the codes to upload my csv file (*csv) generated from Excel to SQL Server. I aso need to have the codes for uploading my CSV file to my access database.
I would like a somewhat user-friendly way to have the browser-side user select a file to upload and then have that file be uploaded to my web server. Speed is an issue.
I want to be able to launch a .bat file on my server.So far have created a virtual directory on my server called Scripts and allowed scripts and exectuables to be lauched in it. I have also given IWAM_COMPUTERNAME AND IUSR_COMPUTERNAME full permissions on the folder.From serving the net i have put together this little bit of code:
<% Dim strCommand, objWshShell strCommand = "N:HTTPVirtual Directoriesscript est.bat" Set objWshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Call objWshShell.Run(strCommand, 1, TRUE) Set objWshShell = Nothing %>
However i keep getting a error on line 5 "Call objWshShell.Run(strCommand, 1, TRUE)" but i cant see what the problem is?
I can easily upload images, add to db etc etc... but is there a way of actually dynamically removing image files from the server? At the moment I have clients uploading banner adverts to the server, but if they decide to delete the image, it removes the record from the database.
I need to go one step further and remove these 'old files' from the server instead of simply taking up space etc. anyone have any great applications or scripts I can use with a delete statement?
what r things that I have to do to let the client browser to delete a file on the server. I'm running my server on WIN2000 pro, IIS 5.0. I've stored my website and server in a virtual directory. This is the code i use to delete a file from the server folder
Function delete_file(exceldb) '***************** Delete********************** Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set fileObject = fso.GetFile(Server.MapPath("..upload2uploads"& exceldb))
fileObject.Delete Set fileObject = Nothing Set fso = Nothing ' Deletes exceldb End Function