Printing DOS Commands From An ASP Page

I'm attempting to print to a Zebra printer (barcode) by taking the results of an .asp page and sending the output to the Zebra printer, which will interpret the output / embedded Zebra Program Language (ZPL).

Thus, printing the output at runtime. Does anyone know how to send a dos command from an .asp page that will send the .asp result output to a notepad file then send the notepad file to the printer at run-time? I tried the following code:

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Printing In ASP Page

How would it be possible to print some output before the script is finished,
or a line at a time if possible with HTML specs?
This is because I'm running a LDAP query that takes some 30-60 seconds to
complete after which it prints out the info. I would need some status
printed out in the middle or before so that user knows that something ought
to be happening in the background
I've tried printing the info in between head-tags, but it didn't do the job

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Printing Web Page,

I would like to be able to print just a certain section eg. <div id="main"> of the web page

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Printing A Web Page

I'm looking for some code to to print a web page on a client.

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Printing A Page

how to print a page from internet explorer when the user clicks a button on the page?

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Printing Current Page And Another Page

Is there any way I can print the current page(page1.asp) and another
page(page2.asp)from the current page(page1.asp).

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Page Breaks When Printing

We have a page that reads records from a database and displays them. Basically name/address/city/state/zip/county/phone. These records are between 4-6 lines a piece (there are other variables involved).

When printing these records via i.e. we currently have a process where we determine how many records have been written and eventually put a table with .break { page-break-after: always } style applied to it. The problem is, sometimes a page will hold 14 records, sometimes 15, sometimes 16. Is there a better approach to this so that records don't get cut off and it maximizes the number of records that display on each page?

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Page Alignment For Printing

Can i use scriptiing to make page alignments before i use window.print()?

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Printing Web Page Without URL, Date And Time

Here is my code and when i print out this page i see the url for the page and also the time and 1 of 1 which is the page number can someone tell me how i can avoid these things so they are not printed ....

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Printing In Landscape Page Orientation

My first project is to create a printable form containing dynamic fields that is why we implemented it in asp.

My problem now is that some of the pages needs to be printed in portrait, and some in landscape orientation. I was able to do it successfully using css but it only works for IE6.0. Our client needs it to work also for IE5.5.

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Printing .aspx Page From A Frame

I am working on a project where the site was already created using frames and .aspx pages. I was asked to update pages as well as add new functions. This project is an online training course for internal use only.

I need to put a Print Button on the left frame called "buttons.aspx". I need it to print whatever current content is on the main page. So, of course this will vary from page to page because each has a different file name such as 3_1.aspx and 3_2.aspx. I was able to get the Print function to work but it only printed the "buttons.aspx" page which was nothing more than a few navigational buttons.

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Printing - Large Image Starts To Print On Second Page

I have an ASP page with a header (title) and a long image. I get the image name from the database and write out the image's "src" attribute using response.write. Easy stuff. But when I print the page using Internet Explorer, the header prints on the first page, but the image shows up on the second page. (the image is too large to print on one page) Is there any way to force the image to start printing right underneath the header and not go to the second page? I've looked into CSS to see if I can force this somehow. No luck. If I make the image smaller, it prints on first page. But I don't want to do that.

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Printing Web Page Without Using Javascript Command Window.print()

I want to print a complete asp page without using Javascript command window.print(). I want to print current web page in backgroud withot displaying printer dialog. Can you give me some information.

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Running SQL Commands Using ASP.Net

I have been trawling the net to find a decent example of a way to connect to an sql 2000 server using and run a few commands.

One of the commands i need to run is: "EXEC sp_addlogin 'Albert', 'B1r12-36', 'forum2'"

how to do this, and display a 'successful' message on the page if the command completed successfully.

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System Commands

What is the syntax for running say. a batch file (.bat) from within ASP?

For example... in MS Access you can say something like this...
CurrentDBDir = "c:"
ShellWait CurrentDBDir & "runthis.bat", vbNormalFocus

This would run the "runthis.bat" file located in the c: directory. How would one accomplish this same thing in ASP?

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ASP MS Word Commands

Is there a way to insert a word page break into an asp script? I have a script which uses the MS Word Document.ContentType to display a long table and I'd like to insert a page break at certain points so I can print it nicely.

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Can Server Side Asp Run DOS Commands?

i have an asp page and id like to run some DOS commands to copy files around on the server to a new directory on the server, and then run an exe afterwards. some sites tell me its as simple as Code:

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Server Intensive Commands

Can someone explain what kind of commands demand most attention/resources from server and how an internet server distributes its time among web programs/users. You can also refer me to certain pages where I can read through it.

As far as I know, people prefer using objrs.execute statement instead of other commands like .addnew or .edit etc. the problem is since I don't know much about this hardcore stuff of DB, I continuously have to ask people on ASPFREE to help me. although here people here are awesome but the problem is that sometimes it takes too much time so it's better to have first hand info in your head.

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Run Commands Depending On Origin

Is there a way to tell an asp file which set of commands to run depending on what file they just came from?

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Nested SQL SELECT Commands?

I have an ASP page where I build a html table dynamically by reading a database table and populating the <TD> cells with the fields of each record.

I want the last field to be a html drop down list that contains values read from another db relation in the same db. It would seem to me, (i'm novice) that this would require nesting SQL SELECT Code:

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Executing Shell Commands In Asp

I'm trying to execute a Windows command in ASP. For example, this is a snippet of what I have right now:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run("notepad", 1, true)
Set WshShell = Nothing

The strange thing is that notepad.exe actually appears under the list of processes in Task Manager, but its window does not show up on the server's desktop; the client's browser just sort of hangs. I'm led to believe that this has something to do with IIS permissions, but I'm not certain.

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Executing Windows Commands Via ASP

Quick question: how can I execute Windows command (like deleting liles from
server) via ASP?

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WScript.Shell To Execute Ms-DOS Commands?

How can I use WScript.Shell to execute Ms-DOS commands and can I see the
outputs commands in the asp page?

In the past, using Win. NT 4 Server and attribute to a variable I
could write the results in the screen page.

Any sample?

I couldnīt find any samples yet for win. 2000,ms-iii 5.0 and asp in my help
files, tutorials and guides, etc...

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Printing/printing Reports From The DB

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss Database.

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Printing/printing Reports

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss a button that will go the report section of access DB and print teh report that I want a way to get around with the appropriate codes will be appreciated as I am new to asp programming.

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need to print a document like a invoice. Does it take client side only?

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ASP Printing

I have written a report in ASP that comes up in .pdf format. It is exactly what I want except I can't control page breaking. The report lines roll over automatically thus I don't have a report title header. Is there a way in ASP to perform that task? I have also read about using .css for this, but can't seem to find a good example.

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Printing In ASP

Is it possible to send a file directly to printer in ASP?
I have an ASP page display the list of files associated with the record with
hyperlinks to the files. I want to provide a link next to each file to allow
people to click the button and send the appriopriate file to the printer.
Is it possible to do this in ASP or ASP.Net?

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Printing With ASP

Just wondering if it is possible to make an asp page shrink to fix all the data on a page?

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Printing ... ?

I need to take the report of Ledger of all the customers. I want each customer Ledger to be printed on different page with same page headers and page footers. Only the the Name of the customer and his ledger information would be changed.

One cutomer's Ledger can go for more than one page, In that case it must print the data on the same number of pages and start the next customer page after this customer's ledger finishes.

Infact I am looking for complete reporting system as we can make in Crystal Reports with Classic Visual Studio or .net.Hope someone can help with dumy Sourcecode. Infact I need to know how I'll format in HTML. ASP and Database queries are easy to run.

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I have big problem in printing.. I am getting 20 colums of information from my database.

in asp, the width of the page is long. The problem now iam facing is printing, its only printing those information which are visible and the rest on the right side of the browser is not printing..I really dont know what to do.

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I have an asp page that displays a recordset from a table in paginated format with header values on each page from another table in the database. To print, one needs to click the print button and a new page properly formatted pops up and opens the print manager in windows.

One must do this for each page. If I have 300 pages that's a lot of work for the end-user.Attached is the code I'm using to print.Does anyone see how I could make it utomatically print ALL the pages, rather than one at a time?

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Printing Using ASP

What I want to do is spit recordset variables from the database and place them on a page so they can be printed. The problem I am running into is that it cuts off part of
the printed page. Does anyone know of a way to clean produce a page to be printed even if there is multiple pages so that it does not cut off text?

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