Printing To The Host Printer ??

I am writing a website in asp for a take out restaurant. Customers can place order from their website. What I want to do is, print out the order form from the restaurant's printer when an order is placed, so none is required to manually print out the order list. Is it possible and how??

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Printing From ASP To Network Printer

I have 2 questions :

1. - I want to print from my ASP page directly to my network printer. For this i use the following code, but everytime, my document to print is sent to local and physical port LPT1 not to network printer : Code:

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Printing To A Network Printer

I have a string of text that needs to be sent verbatim to a printer. The text string is generated via ASP. I can't simply print from a client mahcine on our intranet through internet explorer to the printer as the IE headers and other formatting gunk cause problems. I want to set it up to print the data server-side to the printer.

That avoids people trying to send the data to the wrong printer, etc. Of course, the printer in question is a shared printer connected to a machine in a different office (It's a tag printer, is very loud, and is essentially being put somewhere where we won't have to listen to it).

I can't find a way to get this setup to work. Does anyone have any ideas?

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Printing To Server Side Printer

how come when i print programicly my printer says "data received" and it won't print until i press the GO button on the printer? my printer is a HP laser jet 5

Set objFS = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objPrinter = objFS.CreateTextFile("printserverprintername", True)
objPrinter.Write("testing printing")

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Iis Web Host

I have just uploaded my asp pages online and set permissions to to read write and execute but i am still having trouble, it displays this message.You are not authorized to view this page
The URL you attempted to reach has an ISAPI or CGI application installed that verifies user credentials before proceeding. This application cannot verify your credentials.
Please try the following:
Contact the Web site administrator if you believe you should be able to view this directory or page.
Click the Refresh button to try again with different credentials.
HTTP Error 401.5 - Unauthorized: Authorization failed by an ISAPI/CGI application.
Internet Information Services (IIS)

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Host URL

I need to grab the full url of the virtual server server of the image

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New Host

We've had a Fasthosts reseller account for quite a few years now and have been relatively happy until now.Unfortunately they've started to push out MySQL DBs (I think 4.2.x or 5)that don't work very well with classic ASP and basically said you can b*$£*"s if it don't work with your apps.

In which case, we do not wish to pander to the FHosts machine anymore and are looking for a new host.Bearing in mind what the Windows based FHosts reseller account can provide,can anybody suggest a better host?

Please note we were stung badly by 2 'from the attic' ISPs before so wedon't want to go down that route anymore.

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Ip And Host Name

I need to get visitors ip address and host name when visitor visit my homepage. Can someone please paste an example of an asp page that handel this ?

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Add Host Name

Does anyone know how to add a host header to a web site running IIS 5 using ASP?

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Host ASP On Linux

Is it possible to host ASP (not .net) to host on Linux,( hopefully yes then whats required extra on Linux). If some one know any issues related to that or any reference site hosting
ASP on linux.

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Local Host Id

is anybody know how to capture lan id(localhost id ) address in lan. u can check the same under dos using command ipconfig. but i am not geting the same id using bewlo code

<% Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") %>

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My web host uses CDOSYS to snd mail. right direction to get some code for this please?

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New Host, Not Working

I recently moved all my files and db to a new host. I cannot get the site to function properly. The site appears to be pointing to an old test template my programmer set up, and not my index page. I have lost my programmer, and I don't know ASP at all.

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Setting Up On Web Host

I haven't ever used ASP on a web host but will most likely be shortly with a members area and was just wondering if someone could answer these questions. Do I have to have the ASP files in a certain file and with the database?

Do I only need to have the asp files or do I need a file like like if I am using in on my local computer with a web server?

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Unique Host IP

I'm trying to obtain the IP of the hosts connected to my webserver.


on error resume next

'trying to obtain host IP
ip = request.servervariables("remote_addr")
response.write "IP addr: " & ip & " --- "
ip = request.servervariables("remote_host")
response.write "IP host: " & ip

If I use the above script, it shows me the IP of my ISP webproxy, not mine.

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Email, ASP Timeout And Web Host

I'm sending emails to a database of 2000 people (that will be double
that in the future). My web-host provides ASPQmail. I have to send the
emails out in groups of only a few hundred at a time to avoid the page
timing out (I have set the timeout value to a very high value). Once in a
while it seems as if either the SMTP server or the web server is running
slowly and I can't get it to send even a few without timeout problems. I
never get the log file showing anything.

Is there a better web-host situation and email/SMTP I should look for?
Do I need a dedicated server? Any suggestions as to how to go about a bulk
email scenario? At least when I do have problems I would like to know
which clients received their mailing and which ones didn't.

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IIS 5.1 Local Host Error 500.100

Installing IIS and getting a strange error.

..Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0134 (0x80004005)
The object has an invalid ProgID of 'MSWC.MyInfo'.
//global.asa, line 1

This error comes after on Page not Found error after entering http://localhost .I have done all the localhost not found suggestions in the localhost not found thread. I also looked up the error in the knowledge base and the Anonymous login was not checked for the localstart.asp file. I also ping just fine.

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Printing/printing Reports From The DB

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss Database.

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Printing/printing Reports

Is there a way I can put a print button on my asp that will actually print the current Screen opened. My asp has an access backend.On my asp page can I have a button that can actually print a report from the Acesss a button that will go the report section of access DB and print teh report that I want a way to get around with the appropriate codes will be appreciated as I am new to asp programming.

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Host Problems With ShellApplication Object

I have been using the ShellApplication object in an ASP script to
retrieve some file characteristics that the FileSystem object does not
access (this is one of my clients' sites on a commercial host, running
IIS 6.0).

The script ran perfectly for about 6 months, then began returning
"Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' Object required". The code
had not been changed. The script doesn't produce an error on the
creation of the object, but at the first use of it.

The hosting company rebooted the server and it again worked fine, but
then failed again.

The hosting Co's attitude is "you are the only client using this object
and the only client affected by it failing - find a different way to do
what you want to do"

My contention is that they started/stopped doing something that has
caused this to fail and just don't want to be bothered
researching/fixing it (I use the object with no problems on several
other hosts).

Can anyone shed some light? Is there a known problem with the object or
something known to cause it to fail?

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Setting Local Host Permissions

I download an application from a 3rd party for a forum that uses Microsoft Access. When I try to log in, I keep getting an error about the database being read only. I go to the hard drive and right click and uncheck "Read Only" but it never works, I've done this on the database file, the directory it is in, the parent directory, the wwwroot directory, the Inetpub directory.

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Popup Window Changes Host Page

When I use this command in a webpage

Response.Write "<a
href=""'events/EventDetails.asp?EventID=" &
theEventID & "' )"">" & theLinkText & "</a>"

I get the new window to open but it also affects the "host" window. The "host" window is left with the word "[object]" in it. If I refresh the window that says [object] the new window opens again. Why and how can I make the new window open without affecting the previous one?

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Cookie And Session Are Not Created When Using A Host File Instead Of DNS

When I use a host file entry to point to the host header of the site
that I have created on a Win2k server running IIS5, a cookie is not
created to hold the session id. The result is that Session_OnStart is
run every time a page is requested.

If I set up a DNS entry on the DNS server it all works fine.

I never noticed this problem before we put in Active Directory so it
may have something to do with that.

I have set "allow per session cookies" to promt(under Custom Secrity
settings in IE) to see if this is being attempted and it is not. So
the browser is not even trying to create the session cookie when using
the host file.

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Windows Script Host Files From ASP Page

does anyone know how to run a .wsf file from an ASP page?

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Validation Controls Not Working On Remote Host

I have two .aspx web pages. The first one has a form with ASP textboxes, validation controls, an a submit button which calls an event handler using VB to insert data into an Access database then redirect to the second page.

Both pages work fine on my local host computer (IIS). But on my remote host, when I click the submit button, it just sits there and does nothing. When I remove the validation controls, the event handler works fine.

How can I get the validation controls to work on the remote server?

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Host Doesn't Support Server-side Includes

I've just been caught out by a host that doesn't support #includes in my
ASPs. What's the best strategy for replacing these calls to files that
include everything from subs and functions, global constants, other
#includes, script directives, etc.??

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Test If A Host Supports Collaborative Data Objects

Is there a way to test if a host supports Collaborative Data Objects like


something like phpinfo to show the servers ASP setup? which components are installed etc? i've got a form mail script im testing that seems to parse ok (no errors),but am not receiving the email at any of the recipient addresses im sending it to.

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IE Printer

In my WEB application (developped in ASP), i would like to be able to print
a report with data extracted from DB.

I would like to have a button that when i click on it, i launch action like
IE - > FILE -> print.

how can i do this ?
I think that one way is to use activex but i would like to be able to not
use activex too.

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Printer Friendly

Just looking for an affective and easy to use free 'Printer Friendly' script for an Intranet.

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Printer Setup

Is there code that I can write that will change the user's printer setup so that my web page will always print out on one page. I would like the output of the page to look the same no matter who is printing the page. How do I do this?

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Printer Orientation

I wanted to set one of printer friendly pages to landscape, where the user do not need to set it manually.... I tried adding this code to my page, but it doesn't seem to work:

<style type="text/css">
@page { size:landscape; }


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Printer Friendly

I have an asp application that generate reports. The reports are a list of tables that contain information about users. each user has his own table. how do I get the tables to be printer friendly using either css or a script.And how do I page break the tables.

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Printer Command

In Vb6 i use Printer.print command with coordinated printing... Is there any
way to use it also in ASP or how.

if creating server.createobject("param") what will be the param.

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