Problem On Calling C# Component Method From Asp Page

I created C# COM+ component. It has two overloaded methods - the method names are same and their signatures are different, one takes two parameters and another takes four. I coded this way: the method with 4 parameters is coded first and then the one with 2 parameters.

I created very simple ASP page to call these two methods. Calling the method with 4 params has no problem. However, calling the method with 2 params I get the error saying:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0005)
Invalid procedure call or argument: 'SetReferenceValues'
/suitevoyager/testLmx.asp, line 16

How can I solve this problem?

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Transfer Method Without Returning Asp Page

The Execute method allows you to call another ASP page from inside an ASP page. When the called ASP page completes its tasks, you are then returned to the calling ASP page. The overall effect is very similar to a function or subroutine call. Any text or output from the called ASP page will be displayed on the calling ASP page. The Execute method is a more useful alternative to using server-side includes.

In contrast, the Transfer method allows you to transfer from one ASP page to another without returning to the calling ASP page.

There is one mandatory argument.

Fair enough does what I need it to. However, I've run into a glitch. I understand the point about it being like calling a sub which means anything set within the executed page will be considered local and so anything set within it won't work in the calling page. What I don't understand is why the executed page can't read objects which have been set in the calling page before the execute???

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Ppt COM Component To Use In Page Asp

Anyone know COM Component for full control file ppt?

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Page Counter Component, ASP 3.0

I am trying to monitor the number of visits on various Excel and HTML
reports on our website. I would like to create a web page that has the
various hit statistics for various URLs.

I thought I could use the Page Counter Component to do this using

but I cannot get it to work with any URL. I can get it to work with
the page the code is located in if I do not specify a URL, but I
cannot get it to work to keep track of the visits to other URLs, in
this case Excel and HTML reports my business group maintains. Code:

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ScriptingContext .asp Page From VB Component

I am writing a VB component. I want to make a request to hello.asp page from VB component. I am using Scriptinc Context for that. How can I make a request so that I can get a response back from my asp page...

So far I have written only these lines...

Dim ASPsc As ScriptingContext
Set ASPsc = ASP_Scripting_Context

How to make a request and get the response?

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ASP 3.0, Need Help With Page Counter Component

I am trying to monitor the number of visits on various Excel and HTML reports on our website. I would like to create a web page that has the various hit statistics for various URLs.

I thought I could use the Page Counter Component to do this using

but I cannot get it to work with any URL. I can get it to work with the page the code is located in if I do not specify a URL, but I cannot get it to work to keep track of the visits to other URLs, in this case Excel and HTML reports my business group maintains. Code:

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Calling Another Page

How can I call one ASP page from another

Page1.asp returns me some strings in the form of response.write

Page2.asp will call page1.asp and use that long string returned from

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Calling VB Exe In Page

I have one VB exe file. Can it be called and opened in ASP page like as html form is shown. I want to execute the exe file from any machine. Should that machine have vb and sql.

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VB6 DLL From Calling ASP Page

I know that this is easy to do, I've done it before, but I can't find how I did it before.Basically, my ASP page can createObject for a compiled DLL, but it can't do
it for the non-compiled DLL (running in VB6).

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Calling A Page

WE want to call an ASP page that will contain our site navigation html. But call it from pages with .htm extension. Our site is on an NT server. Is this workable? We do not want to rename our existing .htm pages to .asp. This would screw up our page positions on search engines.

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Calling Page

is there a way of getting the page that called the current page? Like, I'd like to add a 'back' button that fills some info and then sends to the previous page, which could be one of many pages that can call this current page.

other than adding a form hidden field and passing it at submit or whatnot, is there something like session('callingpage') or something like that?

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Calling Same Page

I have an ASP page that has over 150 records listed. I would like to have an "Index" (A,B,C,D...) at the very top of the page. Once a letter is clicked, I need to:

1) Call a SQL string like "SELECT * from WoD Where UCASE(WotD) LIKE " & UCASE(strSelected) & "*" & Chr(34)

2) Recall the SAME page (Not another ASP page) withpopulating with the new recordset.

I am having a total brain fart on this and can't figure it out.

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Calling A Dll From Page

I wrote a dll and I want to call it from asp page, but I can't do it. I am using the method: server.CreateObject, but can't interface with the dll. I think that my problem is registering the dll to Windows, and when that I am doing it I receive an error message that telling me that "DllRegisterServer may not be exported". what should I do?

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Calling A VBscript From An ASP Page

I am trying to execute some script on my server that is currently run on an ASP page.

However, I am finding that it can often take up to 5-10 minutes to run and the user is not needed for this execution anyway. What I am attempting to do is write the script into a .vbs file on the server and execute the script when necessary.

I would like this script to run without the user knowing and therefore I do not want the asp page to wait for a return from the script. I am trying to use:

Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ReturnVariable = WshShell.Run("c:connorVBScript1.vbs", 0, FALSE)

The FALSE tells the system to run the code and not wait for a return. The webpage seems to run and returns to the user as it should but the script is not executed.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Detect Calling Page

I have a function in a script file that I use from a couple of different pages. Can I, within the function, detect which page is being viewed (which page called the function)

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Calling An Activex Dll From An Asp Page

i was wondering if i call an activex dll that resides within the same domain, but on a different server from IIS.

there is no problem if its registered on local machine, server.createobject(), i read about MTS and was thinking it could be the solution, but it has a few restrictions or should i say warnings about using components developed without regard to MTS and if the component uses other components...and so on, frankly, im scared to use it.

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Calling A Protected Page?

How do I call a page in a password protected directory? In other words, I had my admin make a directory protected with authentix and now I want to use a page outside that directory to call a page inside that directory. How can I do this

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Calling Aspx Page

I have asp page. In that I want to call a aspx page in the background.That called aspx pages will send and receive mail in the background.The calling of the aspx pages should be hidden from the user.Is it possible.

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Calling Same Page Onselect

In my asp page I have a form with dropdown list,some text boxes and a submit button.When the user selects any value from the dropdown list, I want to retrive the selected value in same page and display it.I know it's not tough,but still Iam unable to get it...ending up with some error.Can anybody help me out in this matter?

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Calling Code Into Page

I am trying to call a field value from my database - which gets open in an included file (all work on database must be done in that included file), if i use response.write(rst("pagename") it would print fine in the page when I call the sub i.e <% call pageNameFind() %>

But i want to get the field value to appear like this <% PageTitle = pagename %> where pagename comes from the included sub pageNameFind pagename = rst("pagename")

It doesn't pick this up however - how would I do this? This value will then be sent on to another included file at later stage. and I must have the <% PageTitle = myvalue %>.

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Write To Event Log From COM Component In An ASP 3 Page On W2K3

I have some ASP 3 pages that instantiate a COM component. That
component writes messages to the one of the Windows event logs.

Things work as I expect them to on XP Pro but not on 2003 Server. I
figured it was a security thing, so I surfed around and found that
permissions were tightened in the server's first service pack. The fix
I found[1] said to append an ACE[2] to the event log's CustomSD
registry value found at

HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEventLog{L OG_NAME}CustomSD

I tried three different ones with a reboot after appending each one:

1. (A;;0x3;;;AU)
2. (A;;0x3;;;NS)
3. (A;;0x0002;;;S-1-5-21-237510213-3056582554-1478882900-1003)

The last uses the full SID of the IUSR account on the Windows 2003 I'm
working on. I obtained that ID using this vbscript: Code:

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HTTP Error 404 When Calling Page.

I have 2 sites on my Windows Server 2003/ISA/IIS machine. One of the sites works fine and has 'default.htm' for the default document. The other site returns an 'HTTP error
404' and has a 'default.asp' for the default document. Aside from that they appear to be configured the same.

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Calling A Java Class In An ASP 3.0 Page

I'd like to know whether it's possible to call Java classes compiled with the latest Sun JDK from an ASP page? All the documentation I've been able to find on the net has referred to the ancient MS JVM and SDK, and I don't seem to be able to get any of the examples to work, so I'd like some idea of whether or not what I'm trying to accomplish is, in fact, workable.

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Calling Stored Procedure From An ASP Page

I have a stored procedure named as

usp_CheckLogin with two parameters

as @usID, @Password

also values of these parameters are to be extracted using Request.Form from
the fields in the forms. Now How do I call this stored procedure from an ASP
Page using a Connection object in Server Tags <% %>. Also this stored
procedure returns a Numeric value as "RETURN_VALUE". please give me the
syntax. This stored Procedure is a part of Session Management module.

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Out Of Memory Error Using A WSC Component In ASP Page On IIS 5 On W2k Citrix Server

Can anybody shed any light on this issue ??? Or even ways of temporaily
getting around it ???

FISH is an ASP application which uses a WSC object called "finapps.fishapp"
to handle the requests to the database. The WSC is created in the GLOBAL.ASA
as a Session object using the following line:

<OBJECT RUNAT=Server SCOPE=Session ID=fish
ClassID="{32f74dc1-40f8-4db3-98a7-000200040013}"> </OBJECT>

The finapps.fishapp object creates an "ADODB.Connection" object that is held
open while the session is running, and the Session_OnEnd event should call a
method of that object that closes the connections

The website falls over only when there has been a period of inactivity
greater than the length of the session timeout, and also after there has
been a significant amount of traffic prior to this!

The problem we have only occurs for one of our clients, but occurs seemingly
randomly on all 4 of their servers. The returned results of the error are as
Active Server Pages error '8002802b'

Create object failed

An error occurred while creating object 'fish'.
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0007'

Out of memory: 'fish'
//global.asa, line 36

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Error While Calling Stored Procedure From Asp Page

I am trying to run an example code from a book. However I am getting the following error message:

Number: -2147217900
Description: Syntax error or access violation

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

SQLState: 42000

NativeError: 0

The following is the code that is being used in the asp page:....

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Included Files Paths Chg By Calling Page...

I have a standard Header.asp that I want to include in every other page in
my site. Header.asp is located in the root folder, but the calling pages are
in various folders/levels. Since the relative paths specified in header are
subject to change and are based on the relative path of the calling page,
problems arise. (Strangley, using the IFRAME method of including a header
doesn't react the same way.)

The solution I believe lies in using absolute paths in the Header.asp file
using the "virtual" include qualifier. But this assumes your development
directory structure is the same as your production environment. So I guess
that is the answer. Use absolute paths and set up your development directory
structure to be identical to your production.

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IE Produces 404 Error When Calling Page, But Only On Some Machines...

We are currently facing a strange problem. We wrote an ASP application using some sessions and database-connectivity, nothing special.

On some machines (we are all using IE5.5 / IE6) those applications produce a 404 error.

The pages that are called do exist (I checked it thousands of times and it is only happens on some machines). Most of the machines have no problem with that pages and do not produce any errors which makes me belive that it is no real programmed problem.

The strange thing is that a reinstallation of IE mostly helped and if not we reinstalled the complete computer (as you can guess this is no real suitable way.

Maybe it has something to do with the sessions we use, but they are not so big.

I hope (not for the one who really has) that somebody has also experienced this kind of problem and can point me into the right direction.

I also tried different IE newsgroups but they had no idea, that's why I now try to ask ASP-programmers.

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Is There Any POP3 And NNTP Component I Can Use As A ASP Component?

What I want to do is to show always the latest post on our company NNTP
and the newest email in my inbox as an activex background on my desktop.

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ASP Method

I have downloaded the DiscIDCalc program from CDDB. I've used it a lot because I've written my own application for my CD collections (keeping track of the track information of each CD, track duration etc). I've already got all my CDs into the application, I'm now just going through each of the disc again just to add in the DiscID information. I do it by running the DiscIDCalc program, generating the DiscID, and then then copying and pasting this DiscID into my application and then save it.
if anyone has successfully generated the DiscID within an asp page?
Now I have to have my browser up and this DiscIDCalc program up. Just want to know if there's a way to incorporate the two together (even if it means I'm not using the DiscIDCalc anymore.). This DiscIDCalc has a documentation for its DiscIDCalcDLL.dll but it's not something that I can CreateObject with, so I'm quite clueless... I don't want to use VB to write APIs for that

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Using Get Method

I use query string to search for records by using GET method. This method will generate querystring automatically by using the form name. Using search field together with drop down is fine but the problem is when i didn't enter any keyword or left the search field blank it won't display any result.

Unless I put "%" in the search field. How do I make the querystring change to "%" whenever the field is blank so that all records will be displayed.

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i am trying top update a field in my sql database but it wont let me??? does anyone know if my syntax is correct?? I have a field called userId in the database and want to replace it with my form request. Code:

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Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /Database/processForm.asp.

Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80

i just got this error, however, i have managed to post data into my database on this server b4, why is this error comin up now, could there be a prob with my asp file??

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