Problem With Frames Page And Asp Query.

I have an asp page with links to a frames page that I need to pass query parameters to. I would like to pass the parameters to the page in the top frame.

The target page is call details and is the default page for the top frame. If I send the parameters to the details page it works just fine. How can I submit these to the correct frame while opening the new frames page?

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Two Frames In Web Page

I have added two frames to a webfrom using HTML.Can I call two other frames into these frames or do I have to do all the design in HTML code?

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HTML Page With ASP Frames

I have a HTML page named Index.html which is divided into 3 frames. The URL of 2 of the frames are HTML pages but the 3rd frame houses a ASP page.

Now when I go to Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder in which the all the 4 files (3 HTML + 1 ASP) reside & select Index.html (by clicking with the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard), strangely the Windows "File Download" dialog box (with 'Open', 'Save', 'Cancel', 'More Info' buttons) pops-up with the message Code:

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Page Refresh Using Frames

I have a page which contain 2 frame. On the 1st frame which contain a header and a drop down box and the 2nd frame contains information. I would like to know how to refresh a whole page from a click of a button which will then refresh a new value base on Session ID?

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Display Frames In New Page

i try to dispaly frame in new page by using


but it open the pages in the same old page i try to open them in new page what shall i do .

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Detecting A Page Is In Frames

I have a program written in ASP. Normally it is all done by using include file etc.The client has asked for the program to be rewritten using frames. This can be done, but I have of course told the client that includes are better than frames and more easily manageable. Despite that advise the client wants to press on .

I have worked out a means by which I can move everything over to frames. How do I detect and ascertain if a page has been opened in a frame; if it has determine the name of the parent frame; and ensure it cannot be opened else where - ie another frame or window without a frame ?

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Unable To Connect To Database From Frames Page

I have creaed a tree stucture using Frames. When selecting an option from the left side, an ASP page (Let us say page1.asp) opens.

In the ASP page, I am getting inputs from the user. On clicking Submit, i am opening another ASP (Page2.asp) which has the connection tags.

What happens now is, page1.asp gets loaded, when I click Submit, it says "Page cannot be displayed". Code:

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Query A DB - Pass The Query To Next Page

I am running a querry on an access database and have set the number of records/page displayed at 20. if there are more than 20 records returned, then 1st page will show the first 20, the next page will show next 20 and so on....

The trouble:

the count of total records displayed is correct and the first page is displayed correctly. But when i click on *Next* to go to the next page, all the records of the database get displayed (not the 2nd page of records from the query).

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Run A Query On The Same Page

I have 2 pulldown menus (<SELECT>) on a ASP page. The list of the second pulldown menu should be updated according the data selection of the first one. how to do this ?

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Multiple Query On One Page

I have created a database request page (wahooo - new to asp and it works)
and everything is great. Now I'm creating a second page and want to know if
I'm able to make two different queries on one page. I want to be able to
create one query that uses a Request.QueryString from a URL and then use one
of the returned values from that query to create another query on the same
page. I hope that make sense. Here is the database connection code:

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Query String In Asp Page

In asp how How can i pass a parameter value with a space in the value like this:

test.asp?catalog=aValue&lineitem=ladies cloths

I get a %20 as a space in the browser window,

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SQL Query Problem Within My Asp Page

My sql query wont work i have data which is from an access database which id like to pull via asp and here is the sql query i have within my asp page.

sqlQuery = "Select * From tblplayers where code=" & player1 & "," & player2 & "," & player3 & "," & player4 & "," & player5 & ","& player6 & "," & player7 & "," & player8 & "," & player9 & "," & player10 & "," & player11 & ";"

But it wont work im not sql guru so cant figure it out

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One Query Form, Two Result Page

I want to add two buttons to my page, which direct to and send query information to different result pages.

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Page 2 - Syntax Error In Query Expression

to search based on the beginning characters the sql should be

sql="SELECT * FROM Employee Where Emp_Id Like '" & strId & "%'"

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Can I Use A Query Stored In An MS Access Database From An ASP Page?

Currently, I do the following in my ASP pages when making use of an MS
Access database:

Dim adoCon, rsSet, strSQL

Set AdoCon = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set RsSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

adoCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &

strSQL="SELECT * FROM MyTable;"
rsSet.Open strSQL, adoCon some stuff...

Set rsSet=Nothing
Set adoCon=Nothing

I have a couple queries stored in the database that I use when in MS Access.
Can I call these queries instead of using a string to specify the SQL

The above seems kind of verbose for making use of a database. Can it be
simplified at all?

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If I have existing code that has a drop down box to select department. This then brings up the Access database based on a field passed from the drop down selection.

How can I get the database to show up without getting rid of the table display from the selection. This way I do not have to go back adn forth for every selection.

Shold I create Frames? How do I do that?

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Using Frames

I want to print a page, with a header(image in another frame).

Is there a way where i can specify what i want printed as a header?

Or can i specify only certain frames to print.

I'll need to do this in the coding because there is other frames on my page as well that i don't want to print.

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Asp And Frames

I am trying to use frames in asp page. Well I am aware that frames are on client side etc.. what I need is following. Let me explain using the main page which have
the frames skeleton :



<FRAMESET ROWS="50%,50%">
<FRAME SRC="which.asp" NAME="which" FRAMEBORDER=0 BORDER=0>



1) on page what.asp i am extracting value from database in a table

2) when any row in what.asp is clicked the value should change in

3) Finally I should be able to submit the whole FRAME.asp when the
update button on what.asp is selected.

Tried to search for examples on the net but unable to find any.

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Asp Frames

I have an ASP programme which calls functions to display a list of tables from an access database



Ive also created the frames page dividing the page into two vertical colums 30% and 60%
Ive created a menu in the left column and when clicked upon want to have just a single table displayed in the right column, how do i do this?

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ASP And Frames

I am having an issue using ASP and frames. I am required to use frames
so NOT using them isn't an option.

Problem: When a user enters the site they goto survey.asp (this is the
frameset page). However when an ASP script redirects to the survey.asp
page I get double frames.

Meaning, that when the user is returned to the page the orgional frames
exsist and then ANOTHER set of frames is set within those!

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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I just wonder what are the implications to use frames to build portal. I've
seen some sites that are quite fast with frames but I just wonder if there
are hidden "costs".

I've tried to use in the past and I run into a lot of problems when I worked
with environment where there were frame and no frames pages.

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Three Frames

I have a page with three frames. One on the top, one on the left and one on the right.I use the frame on the left as a list of selections for the user (ie a menu). When the user makes their selection, the frame on the right shows the relevant page.I want to give the user the option of hiding and showing the frame on the left, by click on a button.My experience with frames, is nil.

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how could display one background image on a web page that is divided into 4 seperate frames.

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ASP In Frames

When I put my asp files in frames and call the frame from browser, I get a message to save the files. The files aren't actually displayed. How can I see the asp files in frames?

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ASP & Frames...?

i have an HTML page (Index.htm) which has 4 frames in it. each frame is a different ASP file.

How can i access one frame from another? is there something like HTML-DOM which i can use with ASP? any other ideas from accessing different frames?

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Hyperlinks And Frames

Say for instance that I have 2 frames and I have code in one. That code is returning information from a database. In that database there are hyperlinks to images. Upon clicking that hyperlink how do I force the image into the other frame?

At present It opens appears to go to a new page, but everything is coded in one ASP page. So I have to click back to select another image? I want to be able see both the database and image so I dont have to go back and forth

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Asp Code And Frames

is it possible to include asp code in a page so that it only executes if frames are used by the browser?

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Pass To Two Frames

I want to pass the value to two frames and two pages after hitting the
submit button If my form I have this:

<form method="get" action="search2.asp" target="fSearch2">

I want to pass crPN to below as well
action="search3.asp" target="fSearch3"

I am having a little problem figuring this out.

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Can I Emulate Frames Somehow?

I can build a nice looking website in HTML, but I have to admit that I don't know a ton of other code beyond that (i.e. ASP, Javascript, PHP, etc. - although thanks to Sitepoint I have incorporated a tell-a-friend and contact form using ASP)

My client currently subscribes to a service for selling his photographs where he uploads his images to a "sales site" that establishes a gallery for him where his clients can select and purchase images online. He would like to incorporate the "branding" from his site (header, background, footer, etc.) around the pages for his image sales site. My first thought was to use frames and to direct the main frame to the sales site pages, however the "padlock" icon in IE that indicates security to users when purchasing disappears because it's just a page within the frameset and he feels that his clients won't be comfortable purchasing from his sales site if they can ensure their online purchase is secure (apparently that padlock icon eliminates a lot of stress for his shoppers).

I then considered using CSS to try to accomplish the same result, but have come to find that IE doesn't support the function of CSS that would allow me to "call" information from a different URL. Code:

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HTML Frames

i have these framesets.Code:

<frameset rows="*" cols="171,*" framespacing="0" frameborder="NO" border="0">
<frame src="index_left.asp" name="leftFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize>
<frame src="home.asp" name="mainFrame">

at index_left.asp there are menus and above the menu table, there is another table for me to display user's name once he/she logs into the system. to see the login page (login.asp), user has to click Login on the left and login page will appear on the right. but after user has logged in, his/her name never appear on the right place unless i refresh the page.

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I have a frameset on domain X in which an ASP-page is loaded from domain Y
into one of the frames. It seems that the ASP-page is not handling any
cooky's. After each load the session-object is empty. When directly opening
the page from domain Y (without the frameset) everything works ok. Does
anyone knows why this is happening en what can be done to make it work?

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Breaking Out Of Frames

I need to break out of the frames in the following line, or a line that does a similar thing:

Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""2; URL=http://localhost/MyWeb/Loanerz.asp"">")

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Css Buttons With Asp And Frames

on a single webpage i know howto highlight the current button in a css menu with something like an ID in the body or in the li of that page.

I create a website with frames.

how can i highlight the current button the left frame when it shows the page in the rightframe Code:

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