Problem With Quotes " In My Database Records?

My database contains a products table with a field called productName. We sell hardwood flooring, so the product names are something like: 3.25" Rustic White Oak.

I haven't had any problem creating recordsets or pulling in the right information onto a page. Where I'm having trouble is creating an update record page. My list page brings in the names ok and then I have a link to go to the update page. The update page is where my problem lies...

I have a form created on the update page that is pre-populated with existing informaiton in the database. However, the Product Name field is chopping off everything after the ". For instance, if I click on the update link for the 2 1/4" Rustic Ash it pre-populates that form field with 2 1/4 and nothing else. If you don't make a change there and simply submit your update that field gets updated incorrectly and then it breaks my recordsets elsewhere because the name field no longer has the actual wood name, Ash, in it.

How can I get it to ignore the quotes in the database records?

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Quotes From Database

I have a form that asks for the size of a particular object. Sometimes the size is 4" X 8". The problem that arises is when the record is pulled back from a database to a textbox in a form; I get an error with HTML.

I try and place the 4" X 8" into a text box, like <input type="text" name="size" value="4" X 8""> Is there something I can do in ASP to keep this from happening after the client receives the data?

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Handle Quotes In Database

What is the best way to handle inserting double and single quotes into a database via input from a form?

It's not a good option to remove them, since I need the text to contain punctuation sometimes. Likewise if I replace them with special characters (e.g.
& # 34 ; (without the spaces)
) it buggers up any HTML formatting I have in the textbox.

Is the best way to handle this to replace with HTML special characters then replace them back again in the database output?

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Pulling Records From End Of A Database Or Inserting New Records To The Beginning

I'm trying to pull the last 5 records from my database.

<% j=5
While ((j>0) AND (NOT rs_article.BOF))%>
''Execute HTML and data insertion here


Everytime I attempt to run this code, I recieve an HTTP 500- Internal Server Error. It tells me no more than that. I know that my connection settings are OK because when I move forward through the database (first five records), the code executes without error. And yes, my Cursor type is Dynamic.

Alternatively, I would also like to know how to add new recordset to the beginning of a database rather than the end.

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Getting Records From Database

username2 = Request.Cookies("wo_username")
sql = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer.username = " & username2

is there anything wrong with this ?

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Using Database Records To Log On

Does anyone know if it's possible to use the records stored in an Access 2002 database to log users into an page? I'm trying to code it in but im not sure how it could be done. Basically I think I need 2 text boxes on the ASP page where the user can enter their name and password.

I then somehow need to retrieve the name and password from fields in the database (using i think) and compare them with those entered by the user. If they match then I want to load another page, and if not then I want to display a message saying login details are incorrect.

Any help on this subject would be much appreciated- the fields i have at the moment are called 'User' and 'Password' in a table called PERSON.

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Records To Database

I need to insert many records from one table of one db to another table in another db.
I have done this, but I have a problem in the case that if an IDNumber is unique in the destination table.

How can I, In the case that record (IDNumber) already exists, to skip that record and continue normally with the rest of records. Not to update that record but to skip that record.

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Add Records To Database Problem

I have a form that I want to use to add records to a database. The form and database have only three fields. Trouble is I get a "page cannot be displayed" in IE. The database and the form page are in the same folder. Here's my code:

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Printing Database Records

I've got this bit of code that prints out the data from a database to a webpage. Some of the entries in the db are blank whereas others aren't. The code checks if its blank and moves to the next record. If it's not blank it lables it and prints the data stored in the db cell.

The prob that it won't print out the db info in the else statement. If I get rid of the if statement completly, it prints every cell including the blank ones. I'm drawing a blank on how to fix it. Could be because I've been looking at it too long.....

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Can't Insert Records In My Database..

I am workin on a project at home,asp vbscript website, n im having problems with inserting records into my database .. I am using a dsn-less ADODB connection, but it seems that some kind of security is preventing me from writing in the db.. i can access n retrieve, but NOT WRITE.. ive tried disabling every type of security, still doesnt work..

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Printing Records In A Database

Does anyone know how i could print multiple records from a database using a series of check boxes on a webpage? i.e it prints all the records that have been ticked?

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Know The Number Of Records In A Database

I want to know the number of records in my database when performing a query by sql. I am getting -1 as number of records.

sqltemp="SELECT Count([All Rooms].Engaged) AS CountOfFREEROOM FROM [All Rooms] GROUP BY [All Rooms].Engaged HAVING ((([All Rooms].Engaged)=False));"
set rstemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.Recordset") sqltemp, connectme, adopenstatic
response.write howmanyrecs & " records in<br>" & sqltemp
set rstemp=nothing

my project is on an online hotel reservation. I want to have the number of rooms available each time the page loads.

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Random Database Records

I'm trying to create a portion of script that would select x (variable) number of random records from a table.

in PHP, I could do this pretty simply with a line like, "select * from table order by rand() limit x", but the solutions I've seen so far for asp and access involve things like 40 lines of code, selecting the entire contents of a database, creating temporary tables, etc.

Is there any quick and dirty way of doing this?

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Updating Database Records

Those anyone knows how can I update several rows in a table using form fields with ASP?.
I'm using oracle9i.

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Inserting Records Into Database

what the best way to update a ms access database from an asp page is.I have a db with 3 different tables,these tables are bound to each other via the relationships.

On my asp page,I want to create one page where the user would enter in information and hit submit.The problem I have though is that how do I have only one button that will update information from 3 or more tables all at once?

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Displaying All Records In My Database

I am trying to display all the records in my database when I click a button that I made. Can anyone show me how to do that? Right now I have no code for this. I just want a button on my page, so that someone can print out a list of all the records in my database and have it for reference.

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MySQL Database Records

i post a while back on how to page thru database records. i dont really understand the ASPFAQ one. Its not well commented. This is how i learn anything, is if its commented on what does what.

Can someone please help me. i have a datbase of about 90 records so far, that i would like to page thru.

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Insert Records Into Database

i have learned database connectivity. I am facing some problems in inserting records to database using SQL. Please tell me the way to insert records using SQL. I received error about wrong arguments on following line.

Rs.Open Query, DBConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

where Rs is the RecordSet object, Query contains they SQL String, and DBConn is the Connection to my Microsoft Access database. I easily connected to the database and retrieved records using following command:

Rs.Open Query, DBConn, 3

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Writing Records From A Database

After this statement, I want to be able to then show the data in the database in a recordor table view for the user. Any ideas?

'Check if username doesn't already exist
do while not rs.EOF
if rs("username")=Request("Username") then
set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing
end if

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Updating Records In Database

I'm trying to update records in the database and the script I'm using is giving me an error:

Type mismatch
/Action_Item/action_items/view_action.asp, line 79
Whis is referring to this line:

response.Write("<tr bgcolor=""" & strBgColor & """><td width=""150"">" & lclArray(0,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(1,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(2,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(3,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(4,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(5,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & lclArray(6,rowCounter) & "</td>" _
& "<td>" & "<a href='edit_action.asp?action_id=" & RS("action_id") & "'>"&"<img src='edit.gif' border="" alt="">"& "</a></td>" ) ....

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Database Records Have Been Deleted

I have a web application that simply has 2 text boxes with a start and end date. I have a submit button which triggers the delete from an access database. I use and with an access database.

I either don't display "record deleted" or always display "record deleted". I tried the textboxchanged, but that doesn't trigger until I hit the submit button. I tried response.redirect, response.write and even tried using a label with the message. Can anyone tell me how to stop the "recode deleted" upon clicking on the textbox or clicking anywhere on the form.

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Displaying Records From A Database

I am displaying a table that contains 36 columns and 20-40000 rows.The first row is a header.When i scroll the page down the header disappears(anyways this is a fact).Is there any way in which i can keep the header/first row constant when i scroll the page downwards or sideways for n number of records? I am using Access as the Backend and the front scripting is by ASP and connecting thru ADO.

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Inserting Records In Database

I want to insert multiple records in my SQL database. I was wondering if this is the right way to do it: PHP Code:

 set insertRecords = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
insertRecords.ActiveConnection = mlConn

For i = 0 To 5
    insertRecords.Source = "INSERT INTO Info (Name, Age) VALUES (" & getName & ", 20)"

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Deleting Records From A Database

If I have an access database with the fields Title, Artist, Description, DiscNo, TrackNo, Price and ID(Autonumber)

What would be a single-page script to remove only records where DiscNo= string entered into a text field in a form?

Example: I enter into the text field "SC8200" which relates to 18 records in the database. I click submit and all 18 records are deleted. Code:

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Insert Database Records To Email

How to do i send database information to an html email using ASP?

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How To Insert Multiple Records In Database?

how to insert multiple records in database?? i have this problem like i have this one form and there are three fields like the (quantity,unit,item name)..the item that will be inputted will vary, depending on the number of item to be inputted..

enter the number of item: 3
qty unit item_name
1. 2 pcs pencil
2. 2 pcs glue stick
3. 2 pcs clip

what should i do in order that these items will be inserted in just one insert statement?

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Add Multiple Records To A Database From A Form

I am trying to have a form that has multiple records on it and the user can check a box on which ones to add to the database. I created the form but cannot get the fields to enter into the database.

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Dynamic Display Of Database Records

I am rewriting from scratch some code done by previous programmer on a glossary for our website. I have a database with three fields, ID, Term, Definition and a table called glossary. I need to be able to display everything to the *same* ASP page.

I have already successfully created the db connection and the records display according to the SQL statement, i.e. where Term like 'a%'.

What I would like to do is to display each letter of the alphabet dynamically from the Term field as a hyperlink that will display the terms beginning with that letter, i.e.

A B C D .... Z

The terms would be displayed as hyperlinks and when clicked will display that term and the definition. If A were clicked: Code:

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Create Link To Database Records

What I am wanting to do is list the last 10 submissions to a knowledge base and create a link to each one with the question text serving as the visual representation of the link.

I have searched the forums for info on how to do this in ASP and have come up empty. I will detail what I have so far.

I have a database table called kbase and want to have html table with links to the last 10 things entered. I just can't figure out how to get a dynamic link to point back to the database entry.

I may be missing something very simple here but as this is work related my time frame for learning is small at best. Code:

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Format Records From Access Database

I have an access db from which I would like to display records in a formatted manner. I can display all the records one after the other on one page no problem, but I would like to display maybe 6 records on one page (3 across, 2 down). I would then need a page break for printing purposes.

Displaying all the records on one page would be fine if I can put a page break in so that they print correctly. I currently have it fomatted correctly, but my loop is not working correctly. Instead of different records displaying, I have 6 of the same record displaying, then the next record displaying 6 times, etc.

Even if it's better to do this over multiple pages, that would be fine as long as I can print the report with all records by clicking Print only once. Maybe even display the records on multiple pages with next and previous buttons, but when the user clicks print, then it would print a report from access.

I hope this all makes sense. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions or pointers on the best way to do this both for viewing and printing purposes? Code:

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Selecting Random Records From Database How?

The following code should select the specified number of records randomly from the database .....

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Select 4 Records, Randomly From Database

Is this do-able with ASP / VBscript?

-- I have a database with user records (name, photo, etc. etc.)

I want to use asp to generate (on the homepage) a series of 4 randomly selected 'user records' from the database -- say just the headshot photo or name from the database.

In addition to the recordset being randomly generated (i.e. our of about 50 records, only records 4, 18, 23 and 26 are displayed) I need to MAKE SURE they are not duplicated (i.e. out of the 50 records, records 4, 18, 23 and 23 -- where the last two are duplicates).

Is there a way I can pull this off and how do I go about it exactly?

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Deleting Multiple Records In A Database

I get this message when trying to delete:

The column prefix 'username' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. I am not sure what this error is. I checked all over the place for the problem.

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