Problem With Search For 2 Option...

I have 2 option for search, first, user must select both category and project and second, user must select project only. It means, i have 3 combobox. I've created search.asp and contact.asp (to display search result).

I've tested with only one option and it works. But when i include both option, it's not working. Code:

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Option Tag

how can i create an option tag whith the onpick event?

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Option Value

if the default value of my my option value i want to retrieve it from the record if it's not empty. how can i do it? for example Code:

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Is there a way I can iterate an option value using ASP so I can pass in multiple values on submit to the Federated item? Here's an example of pseudocode of what I'm trying to do:

<SELECT name="grpNm" style="LEFT: 8px; WIDTH: 213px; TOP: 1px">

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Option Value Tag

Below is an extract from a form that i am writing. I need the user to be able to have a drop down menu of languages. How do I use the 'option value' command in ASP like you can do in HTML.If someone could amend my code to give me a couple of language options so I can get an idea of how it is down.

<tr id="r_Lang">
<td class="ewTableHeader"><span>Language<span class='ewmsg'>&nbsp;*</span></span></td>
<td class="ewTableAltRow"><span id="cb_x_Lang">
<input type="text" name="x_Lang" id="x_Lang" size="30" maxlength="25" value="<%= Server.HTMLEncode(x_Lang&"") %>">

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Option Value

i have a dynamically created drop down menu where the values are pulled from our database. i've been trying with no success to pass those values to the page but it never works.

how do you pass the values from the <option value="<%=...%></option>? i thought you recalled it in the sql statement like:

" WHERE Something = '" & Request.Form("optionvalue") & "' "

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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Vb 6 Option Button

I am trying to get a font of a label to change to times new roman when an option button is clicked, i have tried this:

Private Sub optHigh_Click()
lblHeading.FontName=Times New Roman

End Sub

This is wrong but i cant work out how to get the font to change,

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Option Disable Value

how extract previews option value disable from script.

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Option Selected?

I have a form named: 'formhandheld' and a select with the name: 'pricing_option'.

I'm trying to make the select <option> thats based on 'axDD3current' selected.

what's the code ? Probably more of a JavaScript question than ASP

the above doesn't work

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ASP Dropdown Option Value

Here is my page:

<form name=myForm>
<select onChange="myForm.forename.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="Arnold">Pam
<option value="Mokoena">Joe
<option value="Seth">Pat

<input type=text name=forename disabled>

when inserting on the database,the value of the dropdown option is the same as the value of the textbox which is wrong.they must not have the same values example
when Pan is selected,then the value inserted to the database must be "pam" not Arnold.

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Tooltip For Each Option In DDL

I have a dropdown list on my page. It is populated with values from database ;some values are unsually long that the DDL extends to the right of the screen where i need to scroll to find the arrow.

if i dont i wudn be able to read the values fully[i.e only half the length can be read]. Hence i wud like to provide a toottip for each <option> in the DDL whch will help me read the values onmouseover event. Hope I am clear abt it.Thus me scrolling to the right can be avioded.

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How To Get The Value From Option Button

I created one ASP page for Online Test. i get all the questions from database. In home page if user select the topic and no. of questions then its displayed in second page.

My trouble in Second Page, becs I show the questions like:

Ques No. Ques Name
====== =========

(1) ans1(Option Button)
(2) ans2
(3) ans3
(4) ans4

untill the users selection of question numbers. all this are created dynamically. if user submit the answers next page shows the result. How can i get the User answer(Option button) in Text Box or other ways.

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Passing 2 IDs Through An Option To Db

I need to pass an Cat_ID and Category from an option field on a form, but can't figure it out. the code on my form:

<select name="Cat" >
<% Do Until rscat.EOF %>
<option value="<% response.write rscat("Category") %>">
<% response.write rscat("Category") %>

In the database, I have two fields which need to be filled in. The Category field and the Cat_ID field. How do I assign two values to the one field to pass this along?

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Option On A Page

I want to know if you can write a print this page option to a page. I want to write this function in asp or vbscript. I know you can do this in javascript but I don't want tot use this. I also know there is a print fuinction in the browser this is also not what I'm looking for.

I want a piece of tekst which say something like "print this page" When you click on it a asp or vbscript will print the page to your own printer.

I need to know if this is possible and what the code is.

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Option Select

i have a list of provinces in an option select right, so when i click one province i want it to chance the header of my page according to the provinces, and i have no idea on how to do that.

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I have loaded a combobox (select) with a recordset from SQL Server. I am trying to accomplish two things, so I will break them up.1) Is there a way to allow the user to enter as many characters in the dropdown menu. For example, if you have serveral options in the dropdown menu that start with A, they can key in app.. to got to apples, instead of entering A and then having to keydown or click on the dropdown menu.

Granted there is a solution to #1, could you also allow the user to key information and if it is not apart of the dropdown menu, insert the value back into SQL (kind of like an notonlist event in Access).I have googled this and can't find anything, probably wrong keywords used.

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Getting Option's Text Value

I have a select list that gets populated from the DB. When the user makes a selection I am able to retrieve this value via Request.Form(...) However, I am wondering if you can retrieve the text value using ASP? I know this can be done in JavaScript using the options text attribute, but it is possible in ASP?

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Domain Option

Are there any articles / resources out there about the point of setting the domain when you set cookies? I have been able to find nothing and fail to see the point in setting a domain. As cookies can only be accessed by the domain that set them, what is the point in setting a domain? if the domain is set for say, can all subdomains read it?

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i just want to ask on how will i load the other version of file written in another language (e.g Japanese)upon selecting that particular language from the option box. Like for instance the options are English, Arabic, Japanese and so on...then upon choosing the Arabic language, the page that contains an Arabic language (layout and data)will be displayed.

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Check Box Option

Is it possible that I can create a check box that corresponds with a group of radio buttons which become visible and invisible as the check box is checked and unchecked ?

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Option In Combo Box

I have some filter fields - when these are chosen it should list the records only with these values that are chosen.

For e.g. I have a filter for month. So, want to list the records only for that month. Also for week. How do I go about?

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Option Selected

I am displaying few values in a List box. I would like to put first item as selected by default. i.e <option value="some value" selected>Name</option>

Here is my code.

<SELECT size=15 id=select1 name=select1>
<% do while not Rs.EOF %>
<Option value=<%=Rs("value")%>><%= Rs("Name") %></Option>

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Option Value Not Coming In Form

I have seen a code to populate a list box from a data base table. Earlier I gave my own values using HTML coding like :

<Option Value="P-159">P-159</Select>. It was working fine but not after using code to build a list box, it is not coming in form value as input and next redirecting page retutns with error:

two codes pages are attached : profile page and search page. Profile page sends input to search page and search pages returns the output.

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Print Option Issue

Based on the layout selected by the user in the search page, im displaying the search result!! Now, i have to give him a option for "print"!! What code should i put in, so that he will have an Printer Friendly option and that prints the search output in the diplayed format!

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SO_RCVBUF WinSock Option

The two options I am interested in modifying are:

Const SO_RCVBUF = &H1002& ' Receive buffer size.
Const TCP_NODELAY = &H1& ' Turn off Nagel Algorithm.

Again, I am just not sure what code should be used in ASP to accomplish

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Forcing Option Select?

I am trying to force the last option selected in a drop down!, I basically have a page with a drop down box in which sends to itselfs when selected, the idea is
the selected value updates a postage amount depending on the country selected from the dropdown.

However when it returns to the page it defaults back to 'select country' and I would really like it to be able to display the option selected as this is part of the address form.

the relevant country is correct, and i am putting that into a request.querystring so this variable (destination) is available to test/compare against and maybe force select this way, but i just don;t know how to write the asp/html to make the select value go to either this variable or the last one selected. Code:

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Getting Text From Option Boxes

ok i need to get the text from an option box? i know you can do it with java script but it would make my life a lot easier if you can get it using asp. don't know if there is a method out there or what. any ideas?

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Code For Sign Out Option

I want to make sign out option in my website as like yahoo and hotmail.

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Command.Timeout Option

I am using ADO to connect to a database to get some data that I then display
on my web page.

I build the entire script in ASP code the finally use response.write to get
the web page itself

When I create the connection object
set objConn = Server.Create.Object("Server.Command)
objConn.Timeout = 90

Even thought I set the time out to 90 seconds the time out occurs in 30
seconds. And this is pain as I have some large queries returning some 100K

Is there any other way of increasing the timeout Is it a Registry setting on IIS?

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Using Onchange With Option Lists

I am trying to take actions using onchange with an option list without success.

I am not able to fully populate the list without a bad bad behavior (the list is not getting populated)

What I am looking for, is being able to call a sub procedure each time a new item in the list is selected (of course after it has been populated)

Below some of the code: ....

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Showing Default Option

How do I display 'Please Select' as the default value my code is below.Code:

<option selected>Please select</option>
<%SQLStmt = "SELECT magcode FROM Magazine ORDER BY Magcode"
Set rsDistMags = Connection.Execute(SQLStmt)
Do WHILE NOT rsDistMags.EOF%>
<option value="<%=Trim(rsDistMags("magcode"))%>"<%If Request("magcode") = Trim(rsDistMags("magcode")) Then Response.Write " Selected" End If%>><%=Trim(rsDistMags("magcode"))%></option>

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Multiple Format Option

Reading through the CDO email articles on ASPFAQ. I see .textBody and .htmlBody as properties, was wondering if you can add BOTH to an email so that if a user has HTML enabled (lets say in Outlook) they get the HTML version, and if they dont, then it'll use the plain text version?

If this is the case please let me know as I need to finish this code this evening if possible and it would save me some testing.

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