Problems With A Simple Text Search

I am trying to do a simple text search

The Table I am searching is called 'Items' and the Field I am searching is called 'Item Title'

My search sql string is as follows:

strSQL = "Select * From Items WHERE Item Title LIKE '%var2%'"

However I keep getting the following error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Item Title LIKE '%var2%''. /showroom/asp/showroomSearch.asp, line 45

Is this error being caused by the fact that the field I am searching has a space in the name? If not, please can someone tell me where I am going wrong as this code seems correct to me.

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Simple Search

Have a database setup and its main purpose is for images. image libraray. There's a few database tables all linked some how or another. The main one being "tbl_img" where images are linked to a project, owner, and have details about that image etc. Im after creating a simple yet advanced in terms of people selecting and searching search script.

SQL server is used for the tables. Hope i make sense. like a libraray I wish users to search on many or 1 criteria from a few available which can then return results. And examples online would be great. I think i could go about it no problem Im just asking for advise and maybe help speed things up if I see early "mmmmmm, i like the way they did that" .

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Simple Search Feature

i have a text field that the user can input a keyword to search on. i want it to search two fields in my database: productName and productDetails. can someone tell me the sql i would have to use? I know it would be a mixture of using the WHERE and LIKE commands.

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Simple Page Search

We have a simple html page that contains a long list of documents that users can hyperlink to. The entries are currently in alphabetical order and we would like to implement some type of page search instead of requiring users to go to Edit, Find, and type in the search.

suspect that this is possible. We would simply like to have a SEARCH box at the top of the page and it allows users to search only the current page for words. We simply want something a little more eloquent than the built in IE page search.

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Simple Search Engine

I'm building a simple search page, the database connection is fine, but when I hit the search button. I get this error:

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/sort_search.asp, line 63

This is the line it's referring to:

Response.Write(" <td>" & RecordSet.Fields("Name") & "</td>")

but I think this is the problme, but I just don't see a problem and the database is fine as well: Code:

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Simple Text Box

I've got simple text box in asp:

<input name="<>" value="<%=x.value%>" size="20">

now how the hell do I get this to be bigger, downways, as in more rows??

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Validating A Simple Text Field

i have a software capable of building a Search engine with no programming skills needed well, the app works great, but i want it to validate when the search box is empty (no user entry).

Tha app generates 3 files : search.asp which calls the other two files, webdata.asp and searchfunc.asp, the webdata file gathers all the keywords of the site adn the searchfunc file is the one that does the remaining job. I wannna tell the user when he left empty the search box, so i go to the searchfunc.asp file and write thie:

if request("searWords") = ""
msgbox ("you left empty that entry, please try again")
end if

But when i try it on my server it gives me the error 500. I don't know what to do i just want to validate that simple thing. I attacha the 3 files mentioned above.

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Search Text

I use ASP to display links to Word documents on an intranet. Is there a way in ASP to do text searches on the documents' contents? I want the results to have the link to the Word document plus two or three lines from the document that include the search terms.

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Highlight Search Text

how to highlight the search text on the asp page when its displayed after being fetched from database[using LIKE]
any vbscript technique?

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Site Search-text

im working on a script which will search the specified keyword within files, for this im using FileSystemObject which is working file with html/text/asp files but is there any way to search the text within .doc/.pdf files too?

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Full Text Search...

if there is a way to do a text search through pdf documents?

If there is, can someone show me how, or at least point me in the direction of a good tutorial?

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A Full Text Search

I have developed a website with ASP.NET Jscript. Im fairly new to development so i used DreamweaverMX and Webmatrix which was very useful. Now I want to enhance it further by adding a search facility into my website and thus providing users to actually find contents within my webpages and display the same.

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Highlighting Search Text

Does anyone use a funtion to highlight search terms (if they have a search facility on their site). Basically, I would be sending the search terms from a form field into a results page.

If there are results I would like the search terms to be highlighted. One problem that I could think while using "replace" is that capitalisation would not be maintained.

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Search In A TEXT File

I have one TEXT file that I use to log download information from website.
The file will have unique Login ID for the downloads. When the user will
come for next time for download the LOG entry should go under the same
section (same ID number) so for this I need to search the text file for the
ID and if the ID is found the program should append the NEW LOG entry to the
end of Section. (section mark can be a line of ***** ) (mean just before the
***** line)

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Search Text Field

I want to search text field and highlight the text. This is the code,


strText = cstr(Request.form("strText"))
strText = uCase(strText)
strTextWhere = ""
strTextWhere = " and (Specialisation
like '%"&strText&"%') "

I have a lot of data in different cases. I can do the search, let say i want to search by keyword project, it will display all the "project", "Project" and "PROJECT". But now i can only hightlight the "PROJECT" only. I think this is because of ucase(strText). Is there any way for me to highlight all (either lower, upper and mixed cases)?

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Advance Search Text Function

For example:
The text to be searched is the following:

Text 1:
Hello world! what a nice day today. But I like to sit in front of computer and doing some web design. Now I have encountered some technical problems and would like to get some helps from the experts.

Text 2:

I like fishing.

Text 3:
Baseball season is over.

Text 4:
The winter snow storm is coming.

Search Keyword: snow.
Search result is Text 4

Search Keyword: I
Search result is Text1 and Text2

At the end, the key word should highlighted with a different color in the paragraph.

How would I do about this?

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ASP And MySQL Full-text Search

i want to know how to use the MySQL full-text search feature using ASP.
Also, how do i index my web pages using MySQL full-text search.

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Search Result Text Highlighting Issue

i am developing a search engine(ASP with SQL SERVER) for my project . My objective is to search for a data and it should display the result and highlighting the search text in different color. But when i use the search text with more than one word, the result is highlighting only the last word of the search text.

Example - If i search for "Opal" , the search result highlighting all the words with "opal", But when is search "Opal Service", the search result is highlighting only the "service".

Here the "Opal" and "service" are different identities, i will search these two words with AND condition . Code:

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Text File Boolean AND Search Problem

I trying to search a text file using a boolean AND search. What i want to happen is when a user types in type values to search e.g. Name Department (Taylor marketing) i want it to only read out the lines which contain both values.

At present it reads out all lines with Taylor in and all lines with marketing. The code i have so far is: Code:

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Site Search: Reading Text File ERROR

I have to make a site search function for my website. User types a keyword, and the search function searches through all the static pages for the keyword. The result of the search has to display the URL relating to the keyword, which the user can click to read the contents.

I had no idea how to go about doing it, finally I thought of using a textfile containing the word, and its related URL in the format: Code:

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Simple Encryption (simple)

A system I use uses advanced encryption for passwords. It was taken from some sample script and adapted some where. However this was I think intended to be for passwords. So nothing too long.

However the time has come where I need to create a function to encrypt a large amount of text. It has to encrpt a large amount of text but nothing too advanced is needed to be honest. Just so its unreadable because its written to a text file on drive. It has to be a function though then capable of decrypting the encrypted text.

Any ideas ? Again Dont have to be nothing too flash. I mean I had a go at just changing letters to different letters but the function got huge with all the replaces.

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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Simple One

i have 3 fields like these

and i add them up to get the totalcharge like this

Total_charge=Int(membershipamount) + int(Postage) + int(GiftArticles_Amount)

so i get Total_charge=120.00 which is what i want

but when i have like this


i get Total_charge=118.00

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Simple One

does someone know a good site for asp 3.0 interiew questions

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Simple If

I have only begun to look into ASP due to an assignments requirements.I usually code in PHP,one feature in PHP is to be able to do an if.else statement,where if a certain statement is true then a chunk of HTML can be outputted.

Basically I want to be able to do this in ASP to use with a simple authentication system which I will construct.I have just got a fat book on ASP,and am beginning to read through it

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Simple If/else

I am not an ASP programmer, but I need help with the syntax. I have a simple if/else statement that I need to translate into ASP. Begin Pseudocode

(id == 1,2,3,4,5,6),
then print "Private"
Print <a href="<%=rs("ID")%>" target="_blank">Register</a>
End Pseudocode

So how do I say this in ASP?

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Simple Upload

i'm trying to create just a simple upload - fill in a form with the article
title, and description - and select a file - i need to upload that file to
the webserver, and then rename that file to the <% =Sartid %>.pdf

any ideas where to get something this simple from? never done anything like
this before - i'm guessing the FSO will be used?

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Simple Sendmail With CDO

This code is working partially fine

sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = ""

Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = Request.Form("E-Mail")
cdoMessage.To = Request.Form("sendto")
cdoMessage.Subject = "Tilbakemelding fra nettsiden"
cdoMessage.TextBody = strBody
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing
Response.redirect Request.form("resulturl")

Well, this works with only some addresses and not others.


will work...

On the other hand:

won't work at all...

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Simple ASP Page

I need to send data from a 'form' on an HTML page to an ASP page.

The ASP page should 'return' a simple HTML page containing
the data from any items submitted, including any hidden items.

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Simple Login

A user logs in, then based on their account (username/pass), they are redirected to a specific web address.
I only need 3 different accounts.
Can this be done with Javascript? Or do I need to use a database?
If you can point me to some script that will achieve this I would love it!

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Simple Problem

I got a small problem that I think you can solve in a sec.I use ASP to tell day, date, month etc on this page:

But,as the servers is in Sweden and I´m in Sweden to, I see the text in Swedish.
Can anyone that lives in any other country just please tell me if the text is in English when youre not viewing it from a Swedish connection.
IF it´s still in Swedish, how (if) can I make it change to English text or am I stuck with some messy old Java Script??

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ASP Simple Upload

does anyone know of a good place to find code samples for ASP Simple Upload. I can't seem to get to the original site.

What I need to do is upload the file and save the path and some other info into to a database.

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