Progress Bar For ASPSmartUpLoad

I'm using ASPSmartUpLoad free component in order to upload files in a browser based way, but I would like to add a Progress Bar to my page during the big files uploading, I mean something like the small html windows that appear when you are "downloading" any file.
Please, Does anyone could indicate me a way or idea about to do this?

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Regarding AspSmartUpload

I am using AspSmartUpload component in my project. In one of my forms there are one file field, checkbox and textbox. I need to save the file in the webserver directory by changing filename and then i need to store these values(new filename, textbox value and checkbox value) into database.

please dont give advices search it in I have tried alot. I could not find required code for this.

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I just tried uploading a picture on my site

user: test
pass: test

I get the following error:

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/poyh/upload.asp, line 311


Line311: Set mySmartUpload = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload")

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AspSmartUpload And Access DB

I keep getting an Internal Server Error from the query in the following bit of code...

Code: ....

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AspSmartUpload Error

aspSmartUpload error '800a0035'

File not found: aspsmartuploadutil.dll

I know what the error means and everything, but I can't seem to fix it. I've read the FAQ and Setup but they don't seem to help. I tried both copying the DLL to system32 and I also tried modifying the PATH with the instructions they give, but I still get the error. I know it gets annoying to have people say it, but this is urgent. Code:

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ASPsmartupload Validation Problem

I am using aspsmartupload and I can upload fine but I am trying to validate the file extension before it is uploaded. I know you cannot use request and you can get the file name and extension after it has been uploaded but I need to get the file extension before the upload takes place.

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AspSmartUpload Error 80020009

Due to my browser being danishm the error message will not mean much to most of you. It is an "Unspecified problem" with "Provider (0x80004005)"

POST Data: error '80020009'

The error only arrives with some apperently random files being uploaded ....

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ASPSmartUpload For File Upload

I am using ASPSmartUpload to move file from user computer to web server through company network. If the file is small (<1 MB), everything is fine. But if file is big (more
than 50 MB) it will stay forever. Does anyone know in this situation, which component you recommend.

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Checking If File Exists WITH AspSmartUpload

I want to upload images from people and save the name of the files in a database so I can later populate from there. The uploading part is working fine, except that when I use SaveAs, if the file exist it rewrites the existing file...

I did do a search in the forums and tried to use a code that memnoch posted but it wont work since the aspsmartupload objetc doesnt support the FileExist Method... the code from Memnoch that i tried to use is the following: Code:

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Prevent File Overwriting Using AspSmartUpload

Is there anyone who knows how to prevent file overwriting using aspSmartUpload?From what I have read there is no function that disables this. And I have tried different other solutions but nothing seems to work.

Have a input type file where a user can select a file. Then when the user uploads the file I want an error message to be displayed if the file name already exist on the server before the file is uploaded. I have already tried differetn file comparions functions,but no one works with the aspSMartUpload script, it automaticaly gives an error everytime i use Request.Form.

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ASPSMARTUPLOAD Internal Server Error

i am having a upload script which is giving internal server error. I am using ASPSmartupload and my server is windows2003. The code which i am using is working fine in windows XP dev mechine but not working in windows 2k3. Is there is anyone who can help me in sorting out the error.
The error given is internal server error. I can't able to trap that also. It is calling some http_500.html i don't remember exactly. But it is internal server error.

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Overwriting Existing Image File Using Aspsmartupload

The scenario is that I need to save the file names of images that people uploaded. If the image file already exists, it should be overwritten with the new image. I got the code from one of the forum posted by freeasphelp.

But I keep getting the error:

"C:Program FilesEnsimSitedata hewebzstudioInetpubwwwroot golfasiaadminuploadcmdprompt.gif

aspSmartUpload.Fileerror '80040460'
Unable to save file (Error 1120) "

This is the code:....

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Where I Can Get Code Of Aspsmartupload Component For Attache Mail?

I have aspsmartuplod component on my server. I have from of information with attachment field. I success to upload file on server with that form but i want that upload file will come at my end as mail with attachement.

I tried at my end but not find any code. Can any one help me to get that code. I want user infromation and his uploaded file through mail.

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Progress Bar

I have a frameset,leftframe and rightframe. Leftframe displays links and clicking on these links the appropriate page is shown in the rightframe.The rightframe accepts some inputs and submits to another page (.asp page).This page creates a .PDF report.

When i click on a link for the first time and try to generate a report , the report is displayed, also the progress bar is shown. But when i reload the page and try to generate the report again , though the report is generated in PDF format, the progress bar is not shown. This happens when the PDF is integrated within the browser.

This does not happen when the PDF is shown outside the browser. Can anyone tell me how do i resolve this issue?

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Progress Bar

I want to create a popup that shows up after I click a link and stays on top until the new page is loaded

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Progress Bar

I would like to create a progress bar for file uploading stating the percentage left to complete upload. How can this be done? Any reference that I can refer to?

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Progress Bar

Is it possible to do a progress bar of gauge bar in asp? If possible could someone show some sample code on it.

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Progress Bar

know when you are uploading files, if there is a way to show a progress bar as the file is being uploaded?

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Progress Bar

I have a website that lists Word docs and Powerpoint presentations. When a user clicks on the link the open/save dialogue pops up (as it should). I know that when a user chooses to Save the doc, the dialogue finds the file size and updates the estimated download time as it is downloading.

But how can I duplicate that 'progress' when the user chooses to only Open the file? I know that the browser's status bar shows the status of the page (i.e. loading) but my client would like a progress bar for this also.

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Progress Bar

I have an ASP which is a form (get), and whenever I run it, even though its just sitting there waiting for input, the progress bar at the bottom of the page starts slowly climbing up. Why is it doing that ?

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Show A Progress Bar

I have a ASP application which let user to download their reports in pdf format. I would like to show a progress bar, or change the mouse cursor to a hourglass while the user is waiting for the file. How to acomplish this? In the asp code, I use response.BinaryWrite to create the pdf file directly to the browser. How to detect when the file is ready?

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Explorer Progress Bar

I am looking for explorer object of internet explorer progress bar. I
don't know if it accessible to read real time this control.

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Progress Page

I need a search in progress page, so when a user clicks my search button they are then directed to a 'searching...' page with an animated gif.

The search in progress page needs to use 'GET' to go and retrieve the results of the search. Once the results come back they replace the search in progress page.

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Displaying Progress

I have an ASP page - that will be making about 7 calls to a database. What I want is to show progress to the users so that they can tell each database call is in progress. The asp calling page works fine, but it only displays when the entire process has been completed. What I want is to be able to show dynimically - step 1 done; step 2 done; etc.

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Progress Bar For Reports

I have some reports which run as SQL statements from an ASP web page. As some of the queries return about 4-5000 records, I would like a progress bar to be shown so the user knows that something is happening, does anyone have suggestions on how to do this or any sample code I can use?

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Copy Progress Bar Possible

I m in the completion of a "backup script" from remote to local folder. However, i m using the fsobject to make this copy. Of course, when i run this on my local intranet, it s so quick that i don t have the time to realise what s going on and it s already copied on my local folder.

BUT, if i run the script on the Internet (since the file is something like 5Mb and up) i don t have any indication that the file has been copied on my local hard drive.
Is there a way that i could display some "waiting signs" (ierogress bar or else) while the copy takes place ?

srcfile = (Server.Mappath("../db/db.mdb"))
desfile = "c:01db.mdb"
fso.CopyFile srcfile,desfile,true

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Login Progress Bar

I am using Commerce Server and during the login phase,it may take a while. I have been requested that if someone is in the progress of loggin in, to display an animated gif stating "Please Wait". I am not allowed to use frames (I know why) and have been asked to avoid JavaScript if at all possible.

Does anyone know how to check for an event, display a gif without waiting for the current function that manages the login to return before refreshing the page. I was looking at some client side event?

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How To Create A Progress Bar In An ASP Page

I have an ASP page that updates a processes a large amount of data n' takes a couple of minutes. I want to create progress bar .

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File Upload / Progress Bar

I had posted a couple of weeks ago to the board, asking about file upload with asp. I wanted to write my own and I have down that now.

Now, I would like to make my own progress bar to display at the client as the file uploads. I have no idea about how to do this, dont even know where to start looking.

Can anybody point me to some sample code, tutorials, articles, etc ? I would prefer to write something with pure vbscript/javascript...if thats possible.

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Progress Type Dialog...

I have a web app that converts files. The conversion can take up to 20
minutes depending on the file size and contents.

So, to help the user I want to display an animation (gif/avi/swf) while this
happens. (so that they don't assume it has stopped and go and submit the
file again!)

I have tried all sorts of options but cannot get any animation to play while
IE/NS is waiting for the asp script to process and post back.

anyone got any ideas???

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Demonstrate Progress To Client

Is there any way possible for me to demonstrate an in-production site working locally on my machine as ASP and SQL Server. I really would like to show the client current progress, is this possible?

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Ho Show A Progress Bar While Records Are Being Retrieved.

While trying to retrieve a large number of records, I would like to show a progress bar to indicate that the user are to wait. How can I do so?

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Yahoo File Upload Progress Bar-

when u upload a file in yahoo , you get a time line saying the time take to upload the file and progress bar also.

Is it possible to implement the same functionality in asp for file uploading , and i am using freeaspupload codings to upload the files.

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