Prompted For Username, Password And Domain?

I'm developing this simple ASP page that uses
Request.ServerVariables("Logon_User"). To retrieve the users NT login.
It seems to be working just fine when I have the page on my
developer's machine. AS soon as I move it to the server it keeps
prompting for a logon.

I have anonymous access turned off, and windows authentication turned
on. Is there anything else I need to do

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Username Of Domain User

How can I get the domain,username and PC network name (Win 2000 Pro & Win XP Pro PC's) of the current logged on user (logged onto a domain and access an intranet page, Window 2000 server running IIS) and put this automatically in a textbox in an webpage. Can this be done with asp & VB?

I basically want to automatically populate a username field with the users logon so the do not need to type it themselves, leading to type errors

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XP Username Password

How to use WIndows XP login username and password for ASP 3.0 Authentication, for access to a website directly without any further, second authentication by ASP page?

I have MS SQL Server database, ASP 3.0 website, and ASP 3.0 based authentication. I want to use a Windows XP username, make a table with approved usernames, check Windows XP username and password against the mentioned table, and finally - user can access the site without second authentication by ASP page. Of course - everything should work in IE.

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Username And Password

i would like users to be able to login using a username and password stored in an MS ACCESS database. there is a customer table which stores the username and passwords as well as other customer details such as customer name, address etc. i would like the users to login and then when the login i succcessful, be presented with ONLY THEIR data which they can edit.

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Username Password

I have a Username:, Password:, Sign In and Regester Here at my Main Page. And at my Regester Page I have a First Name:, Last Name:, Address:, Date of Birth:,Status:, Country: and ZipCode. And also at my Database Name is Info.

All I want is that when a User Log In a Message will display and say's (You are not Regestered, Sign Up First...), but If he is already regestered he can sign in by using his username: and password:. Please!, can anyone give me an ASP Code on this.

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Username And Password

I am developing a website with username and password. I have almost complete it. I want that once username and password is verify in the next page that open (SMS Page) should contain the same username in in FROM field and user cannot change it.[IMG]D:usmanusman.bmp[/IMG] i think this picture will help you to understand in depth.

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Username And Password

I have to develop a web application for my company in which I need to have a facility for username and password for the employees to do certain tasks. How can this be
implemented in ASP. I am thinking of having usernames and passwards (encrypted) in database and when a person tries to log in, the script will compare those stored in databse to the values entered by user. But after the user has logged in, how can I make sure that the user is always logged in as user move from one page to another.

how I make sure that the user is logged out properly. Basically my main concern is that no unauthorized user can access any part of that web app.

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Own Username And Password

Make a page where users can enter there own username and password in order to access the memebers section, and alert them if the username has already been taken. Also need a message board like the one we're using here only i have no idea where to start I have spent 5 days online trying to find help and tutorials etc, but I must confess I'm struggling now with code overload.

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Username And Password

i am getting url and password in query string i used get and post methods. how these yahoo people get loooooooooooooooong url in query string .

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Verifying Username/Password

I have seen in many sites that when I enter my username/password, it displays a new page wherein it says "Verifying Username/Password. Please wait..."

I wonder what does it do behind the scene? Does it really take 5-6 seconds to verify a username/password? if yes, what code runs behind it? If no, then why they have to display that page?

I think the authentication process normally does not take more than 1 second.

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Post Username/password

I wanna post a username/password to another site, which recieves the
information with request.form.I have a page which fills a form with hidden input boxes. When the user enters the page a onLoad submits the form and opens the recieving page
in a new window.If the user now switches back to the sending windows and checks the
source code all asp variables can be seen i clear text in the form (ie
<input type=hidden name=password value=secret>)How can I revent this? I tried redirecting to another page when the submit is done, but it seems like the redirect is done before the ubmitting of the form. Server.Transfer and Server.Execute havent
helped either.

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How Username And Password Validate

How to set up code that validates a password that is at least six characters long and contains one number

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Username And Password Protect A Pdf

Is there anyway for me to make users enter an username and password in order to get access to download a pdf file.

I will have a list of valid usernames and passwords?

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Username And Password Validation

Is this method of validation for password and username considered to be secured. In my previous post I was given a solution that uses command object and the values are parsed by parameters. But the solution only worked well for insert and delete, but not select....

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UserName And Password Correct

On, How can we programmatically verify whether the UserName and Password is Correct? and when i close the application directly and open again, is still in lon in status.?

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Check Username And Password

I want to check username and password directly from database using ASP vbscript.can any one send code with connection.

if login success then it must be gone to defined page or it fails to login then it should go to same page.

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Check Password And Username

A website connected to access database, i have a table which contains the names of all ppl members and users, users table. if someone can help me in giving me the code of a login page .. how it can check if the password and username are correct, i had already entered information of few users for testing. by the way i dont use java messages, i have to give a message wich will be shown in a new page and the user should press back button to retain to the login page.

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Create Username And Password

I have a login page that's preset where the user type in their username and password. What I want done now is make the user create his/her own password on first visit to the web page. For example when the user tries to view a specific page on the site he/she is prompted: " You must first create a username and password to access this page". This is my login script, how can I change this to prompt the user on first visit to create a username and password?

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Username And Password Parameter

After i enter the username and password, the site show me all the relevant content. The authentication of the site is control by window.

From there i click another link go to another page, this page also require authentication.

But the authentication is made by myself and is not control by window.After i complete key in the username and password, the next page cannot receive the username and password parameter which i keyed in.

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Enter The Username And Password

I'm attaching a zip file of four ASP pages. At index.asp I enter the username and password and it goes to signin.asp. That is what it's supposed to do, but I end up with Please Try Again.

I've used this before and as far as I can remember I have done everything the same. I can register as a new user and it will take me back to index.asp and then it will show the welcome, username message.

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Alternative To Username:password

Are you suffering from the same problem? In the past, you want to access to a secured page protected by Windows Authentication (e.g. Exchange OWA), you will make such redirection "http://usernameassword@domain/exchange/".

However, because of security and Microsoft's latest patch, it will be no longer working. I wonder what we could do now if we want to do the same.

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Windows Username And Password

I have a problem with ("auth_user") in asp,I try to use windows username and password in asp page for limitation user access to pages, but this server variable returns empty string.

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Change Domain User Password

if it's possible to allow regular windows domain users to change their passwords through an .asp page? I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle domain users to log into an .asp application tied with SQL Server 2000 on the back end since I keep reading that windows authentication is better practice to log into SQL Server.

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MS Access DSN-Less Connection With UserName & Password

I receive error when connecting to MS access DB with password.

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Could not find installable ISAM.

/lpo/common/cnlocalpo.asp, line 4

Here is my string:

cst = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=C:AccessDBLocalPOData.mdb; UID=admin; PWD=hello;"

What went wrong?

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Asp Page Asks For Username & Password

Our company has an intranet paging website. It gets all the contact and
group addresses from SQL Server database. The paging is done through

It works properly except for only one group where it asks for username
and passord when the user tries to send a page and does it
successfully. But before I view the status of the page it asks me for
username and password. It asks thrice and then give me an error web

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How To Check If Username And Password Are Correct?

I am doing ASP.Net and I really need the code for this...

somebody here could share the hard code if how can I check if the username and password are correct? just an example of piece of code or a hint only....

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Form Validation Username, Password

I have a form that i'm using to collect a NEW users username, password, confirm password and email address.

I cannot seem to grasp the concept of the various ways to "validate" these fields. Here is what i'm needing.

*Username field is required (cant be left empty) and doesn't match any current username records - I do have the form going to a page that does the SELECT WHERE blah blah and has the rs.eof thing but I'm not sure how this is fitting into the part where we make sure its not blank. Also when there is an error, I was hoping it would redirect them back and leave the "correct" data in the spaces. Mine seems to empty every last field even the correct ones. Is there a way to only change or blank out the wrong fields?

*Password required (cant be left empty) and both fields match.

I have something like this so if they do match, it continues on ....

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Find WIndows Username And Password

how to find the username and password of windows 2000 (i mean the usrname and pwd of the user who has logged in).

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Username And Password For View An ASP Page

I have an ASP Page that I want to make Username and Password for Viewing it. Can you guide me how can I do this?

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Pass Username/password Into URL And Open

I am trying to pass a NTusername and NTpassword into a url and open
that url automatically. Each user sees a different page. Code:

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Username/Password Form And Session Cookies

I am new to asp. I am trying to setup a log-in screen and am having trouble figuring out how to set the session cookie. I found the bit of code below, and it works if I enter a specific 'email' and 'password' into the "if" statement, however we have multiple users logging into the section. How can I set it up so that if the form is successfully submitted using any of the multiple email/password combos then it creates the session?

Example found...

If email="emailaddress" AND Password="password" Then
End If

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How To Create The Username/password Authorization Dialog?

Anyone knows how to create the username/password authorization dialog in ASP?

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Validate Username And Password From Access Database

I am trying to create a "Members Only" section of my website. I have an Access Database to store usernames and passwords and I am using Frontpage 2003.

I have very little ASP experience and am having trouble finding some help on this subject that is understandable. I already have a global.asa file on the site because I currently have a page with a form that writes to the database.

What I would like to know is how to setup a login screen to get to the members only side of the site which will validate against the password table in the database.

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