Querystring Values Spaces Causing Errors

I am trying to update my table with a value passed though the
request.querystring method but as you can see from the sql statement below
it is causing errors.

In this case the name of the department as displayed is "Arts and
Entertainment" but it is giving me something strange when I try to use the

update empprofile set department ='Arts%20%26%20Entertainment' where
employeenumber =219104
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in
table 'Departments'. Code:

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Varchar In Db Causing Errors

I have a field in a db thats a varchar (10).its values pass well in a query string if the values do not begin with 0

134567 passes great

0132 passes another number like 2343 (where it comes from I have no clue?)

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QueryString Values

I need to pass a lot of QS variables to another page. Problem is, the form being submitted is dynamic, so I don't always know how many values I am going to be passing.

At work, we use Site Server Commerce Edition which has a nice function to pass all the QS variables ( mscsPage.URLShopperArgs() ), but it seems like this only works in the Commerce Sites because the object needed to make this function work is only available in SiteServer web sites.Is there a way to grab all the values from the QueryString and place them into a link or form? ....

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Keep QueryString-values

to change the colors of a forum I am using request.querystring("cellcolor"). That works fine for my default.asp. Now I click on a topic and it links to topic.asp where the values of the query string are gone.

Which approach would you recommend? How can I store the values? The general idea is that I have got 5 main-navigation-links which point to 5 different forums, each with separate colors. So the query string can be hardcode in the HREF, but should remain if you click
further in each forum.

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Passing Values As Querystring

I,am passing form variable monthsenrolled as a query string It does not work as i get a error what is wrong here

function previous(){

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Hiding Querystring Values

How we can hide values of variables in our querystring those are readable in the address bar? is there any way we can encrypt the url and when it is required we can de-crypt it also like yahoo do?


It does not change the domain name but change the folder name and query string's values.
and url encryption should be automatic.

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Multiple Values From QueryString

how i could put multiple values on to a Query String and get them on the next ASP page. Currently on wy website, i know how to get one, but i am not sure how i am able to get more than one assigned to a specific variable.

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Get Original Querystring Values After Decryption

Anyone have a VB function or know how to retrieve original querystring values after they have been decryted and lie within a string? Code:

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Request.querystring, All Values If Empty?

How do I get all walues if my querystring is empty?

If I have a table with let's say 10 rows/records, (ID 1-10). I then have a
recordset with request.querystring("id") and get the record having the id
thats shown in the address bar ("..com?id=4" would get the record with the
id 4). How do I get all records if the querystring is empty ("..com")

I have: Code:

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Pulling Values From Request.QueryString

I need to pull values from another page to a form in my script. Basically i want to update an entry in my dbase and populate those current values to a form which is working fine for most of the form except the dropdownlist. Also i dont know if this is an issue but i have a "FOR" Script running in my dropdownlist constructed as follows:

<% For x = 0 to 1000%><option value="<%=x%>" selected="<%=Request.QueryString("CabN")%>"><%=x%></option><% Next%></Select>

As you can see i place the Request.Querystring object in my code but the dropdownlist doest recognise this and continues on until it reaches 1000 which at this point it stops. I want the drop downlist to reflect the same value as that which exsist already in the datebase for it. What am I doing wrong?

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Saving Querystring Values Into Session Variables

In a earlier post I made to find a solution a member suggested I save my querystring values into session variables. Code:

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&amp; Causing Validation Problems

I have some code on my application like the following:


redirectUrl = "mypage.asp?type=100&id=something&view=10

'some more asp code


<a href="<%=redirectUrl%>">Some Link</a>

the above code works fine but throws validation errors.

the errors are

# olumn 81: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "id".

An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference
by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference
name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon
(;). The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs
as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs". Code:

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Loop Causing A Time Out

When I run the following code it causes my page to time out This query can onlt return 30 records for any given month I can't figure this out. Code:

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RS Causing Strange Error

For some reason,, the following recordset rs("w2itd1") will run fine when I'm looping it out on a page, but when I have it inside a sql statement, I get errors.

for example:

sql = " Insert into table (title) values ('"& rs("w2itd1") &"') "

This will give me an error. The contents of this rs is a book title. Oddly enough, however, if I enter any other of the rs("fieldnames") that I have, in exactly the same fashion, I have no problem. There just seems to be an issue with the text coming thorugh. Can someone
indicate what the problem could be?

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Session Variable Causing A Delay

I have a project that uses a frameset. On the pageload event one frame calls
an ASP.Net page that watches a message queue. The other frame has a page
that allows a user to submit queries. Through research I've discovered that
IE allows only two connections to IIS from any one client at a time. This is
okay since at any given time I can only have the AJAX thread and a page

I noticed a problem today. If I introduce a session variable in any of my
server side code it causes every request to lock for 90 seconds before a
response comes back. After studying this behavior I am stumped. Is there an
extra thread being fired whenever session is used?

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Page Refresh Causing Addition

below is the code which is used for adding items and then displays the item
which is working fine i have a problem when i display the item if the user press f5 or does refresh it increases the qty.

so if u look at the code i get the product details from a earlier page if the qty which i get is 2 and then i do a refresh on the page the qty becomes 4 is there any way to stop it Code:

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Passing QueryString URL As A Paremeter In QueryString

The subject sounds confusing but here is what i want to do. I have a
button on my page which says

OnClick="javascript:window.open('reportsContainer.asp?pag eURL=Report1.asp?intCurrentPage=1&blnRetrieveFlag=1&Show=1',TasksRPT');"

Now on the Conatiner.asp what i do is
if Request.QueryString("Show") = 1 then
pageURL = Request.QueryString("pageURL")
end if

And then i set the pageURL along with intCurrentPage and
blnRetrieveFlag parameters to my fram src as

<frame height=500 scrolling=auto name="pageFrame" id="pageFrame"
border=0 src="<%=pageURL%>">


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how can I add a space between words in my formtomail script. i know that by putting & VbCrLf & it adds a line break but I need to be able to add a space.

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i m using a simple form to cleect user info and i need to chech if the user left any spaces befor or between words and delete it for ex if the user pressed enter many times before typing the data in the text area.

it makes errors in my db so how can i check if there is spaces in the textarea ot text box and delete it?

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I have a problem with the following code :

Response.write rstContacts(1).Value

The above line prints "Andark Marine"

However the following only passes "Andark" and stops at
the space. How do I get over this ? Its the same with all

Response.Write("<td align=center><a
ref=companycontacts.asp?Company=" & rstContacts(1).Value
& " target=_new><img src=imagescontact.ico width=25
height=25 border=0></a></td>")

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Spaces In Data

I seem to have now been able to get ASP to write the full contents of a field with spaces in it by using:

Var_Myname = "'"&rs.fields("User_Name")&"'"

<input name="txtFname" type="text" size="25" maxlength="25" VALUE=<% = VAR_UFname %>>

that works fine but when I just do a simple Response.write(Var_Myname) I end up with something like:


I don't want these quotes, so the question is can I either correct the Response.write (don't really want to do that each time.or is there a way to ge the text boxes to do their bloody job propper.

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Removing Spaces

how do i remove spaces in the middle of the string?

from this:
var = "sand bag"

to this:
new var = "sandbag"

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Spaces In Folder Name

I use breadcrumbs for navigation
I have a folder called College Students in WWWRoot
in college students i have a page called mainpage.shtml
when i open the page like this
www.abc.com/college students/mainpage.shtml
i see the breadcrumbs like this
Home >> College%20Students >> Students List
but i want to see it like this
Home >>College Students >> Students List
Students List is the title of the page
Can someone tell me how to get rid of those %20 that i see when i have spaces in my folder name

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ASP/Checkboxes And Spaces

I have the following in one of my asp pages:

Response.Write("<form action=createpst.asp method=post>" )
Response.Write("<input type=checkbox name=pstfldr value=" & myArray(i) & ">")
Response.Write("<a href = '" & strLink & "'>" & myArray(i) & "</a>" & "<br>")
Response.Write("<br>" & "<input type=submit value=submit>" & "</form>")

In my createpst.asp page I am trying to load in an array using the split function:

Dim arrVals
arrVals = split(Request.Form ("pstfldr"), ",")
Dim i
For i=0 to UBound(arrVals)
Response.Write arrVals(i) & "<br>"

However, the problem is that some of my values that are read in from myArray(i) in the first asp page can be more than one word. So, when I get to my second asp page and traverse through the loop, some of the values stored that contain more than one word only output the first word.

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Spaces Carrying Over

Even when I try using LTrim function, I have one variable that has two
mysterious spaces in front of it when i pass it to the next page in a
query string


the resortname variable gets two spaces thrown in front of it for some

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Handling Spaces With Sql/asp In A Url

I have written some code to query a database and create a hyperlink based on a value, however, if the value comprises of more than one word, the hyperlink only references the first part of the value. e.g. For instance, if the value retrieved is "the strokes", the hyperlink will only contain the word "the".

Here is my code: ....

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Spaces Between Words

the spaces between the words (in a textbox for example) are removed when i try to pass the value to another page for saving.

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+ Sign Where The Spaces

I have the following:


which would show something like:
555 Home Rd

What can I add that will put a + sign where the spaces are so that it looks like:

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Spaces In Recordset??

Below this code causes and error because there are spaces within the "". I can't change the name of the field, so I need to find out if there is away round this?

<% = objRS3("Job Ref No")%>

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Spaces In A Username

we never guarded againsts spaces in a new site we built. And while checking, a couple of users registered with spaces between their usernames. e.g. afrika 1 instead of afrika_1. Could there be downside to this?

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2 Divs Side-by-side Causing Me Grief

I wanted to just use standard INPUT buttons and colourise them, but user's
of my web app want to continue creating their own buttons and using these in
css. Before I used straightforward images, but creating an image for each
button was a mare. You see this is all to do with giving people the ability
to change the look of the web app, in other words a skin, using nothing more
than pics and css files.

My theory was that I create a div, span or whatever for the left hand side
of the button and ref the image (in css) to be a 2px wide img that can have
the curved left hand edge of the button.

I would then put a div, span or whatever next to this and the reference
image would be a really long image (horizontally speaking) so that if the
button text was long then this would keep moving to the right and
accommodate basically any text length. Code:

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Spaces In Formtomail Script

Just a quick one, how can I add a space between words in my formtomail script. i know that by putting & VbCrLf& it adds a line break but I need to be able to add a space.

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Spaces In Column Names

I have a db auto uploaded to me everyday. I am displaying information from the db, but some of the columns contain spaces. When I use a space in a select statement it obviously does not work. Is there some special syntax I need to allow for a column name that contains a space?

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