Question About Access Database From The Server Through Asp Website?

I've published my asp file to the website. I've uploaded all the asp files including access database and it works fine. But the record is not updated until i upload the latest database.

Actually the updated database stored in the my local server. Is it possible to access the database on my local server? It means, user can access all the updated directly.

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How To Access An DSN In The Connection String To SQL Server 2000 Database?

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "DRIVER={SQL Server}; Server=;Database=pubs;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPasswor d;"

Instead of database, how can I set the DSN in this connection string?

DSN is DSNName. I am trying to connect to a SQL Server 2000 database.

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Unable To Download Microsoft Access Database From Server To My Machine

I recently built an application using an Access database. The application works fine, but for some reason I am unable to FTP the database file back to my machine from the server... the operation simply times out halfway into the transfer.

Has anyone ever encountered this issue? I don't know if maybe some renegade connection wasn't closed, but I kinda doubt that's the case.

Is there even a way I can check what connections to the DB are open?

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Block Access To Website

is there any way to block access website to particular country internet users.

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Domain Access Secure Website

I am creating a web site for the company that I work for. We have a Windows 2000 Server running with AD and Exchange 2000. Now I want to give some of the people that are not part of our company access to our web site. How can I do it? How can I set them up? I tried set those people as contacts, but I can't set passwords on contacts, so they can use it to accsess web site. I then tried to set them up as a regular users, BUT since those people are not part of our company I don't want to give them our e-mail addresses. I know I can set up the user without setting him/her up on exchange, but then again I want to be able to see that person's OWN e-mail address when I try to send him/her e-mail.

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Restricting Access To Website From Public

I'm creating a web application for my company now. This application has 2
parts. 1 part for the customers to access. The 2nd part is for our staff to
access only. My director hopes to make the 2nd part to be something like an
intranet, such that only our company's computers (maybe only 1 or 2 in the
company) can login to this part of the application.

1. My company's intending to put the application on shared server with a web
host. Windows Authentication is NOT allowed.

2. My company doesn't have a static IP address.

3. My manager suggested using Network Card number (which I don't really
quite understand. Is there a way to get the Network Card number that's on a
client PC?).


Some ISP told us that they can provide a firewall management feature such
that it will restrict access to the website from anyone that is not coming
from my company's network. This requires Static IP.

Another told me that IIS Manager has the security feature that restrict
access based on IP address. This requires Static IP again.

Is it possible to implement the 2nd part (the part that is to be accessed by
my company's PC) as a windows application instead? Then we only put the
windows application on one computer. So, 1st part (for the public) will be a
web application, 2nd part (for my company) is a windows application, both
accessing the same database server from an ISP. Will the ISP allow the
windows application to access its database server? I've no experience in
making a windows application at all, is it the same as making a web

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Put Website On The Server

My web site works local in my computer with IIS, I put site on the
server when I try to delete a page It display page can't display and
information bar(in IE) says: your security setting do not allow web
site to use activex control installed on your computer.

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Setup The Website Server

I have developed a sample website in my system.Is it possible to access the website from a remote mechine using the ipaddress? if it is possibleto access, I hope some body will tell me the procedure how to to setup the website server aty home?

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Club Database On Website

I've written the ASP for a sports club database on a website. the problem I've got is that once the details are entered for the sports club onto the database. The inputter can not update their details, they have to email me to do it.

Does anybody know of any code examples I can look at, which will show me how to set up a system, so that people who create a database entry can go back and ammend it at a later date?

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Transfer Database Output To Another Website

Assume that there's a website named There are 2 ASP files & one MS-Access database file in this site. The 1st ASP file is named "SearchForm.asp" & the 2nd ASP file is named "SearchResult.asp". "SearchForm.asp" houses a Form with a select list & 2 TextBoxes. The select list is populated from a MS-Access database table.

When the Form is submitted, the user is taken to "SearchResult.asp" which retrieves & displays the records that match the criteria that the user selected in the select list & the text they entered in the 2 TextBoxes in "SearchForm.asp".

Now the records that "SearchResult.asp" retrieves & displays - I want to display these records in a ASP file named "ShowData.asp" which exists in another website named

Is there any way by which I can display the records generated by in

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Post Data From Database To Website

I am having an Excel where I maintain my data. I want to extract details from a website based on the data that I have in my Excel(i.e login to that website,post the data to the Website and get the details from the page n update it in my excel). How can I do this?

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Creating ASP Website On Server Running Sharepoint Services

I am having trouble creating a web site on a server running sharepoint services.
I am creating an ASP.Net website using Visual Studio 2005. The server I am trying to create it on is a Windows 2003 server.

From what I understand I need to exclude in sharepoint services the folder where the application will be deployed. I have done this in the Define Managed Paths section of the Sharepoint management site, but it has no effect. Even after I have done this and then attempt to create the ASP.Net website in Visual Studio I get the error message.

"Visual Web Developer does not support opening Sharepoint web sites. See help for more details".

Hence despite excluding the folder, the website still attempts to deploy into Sharepoint Services instead of the IIS. This is backed up by the fact that I can then see the website listed in "Sites and Workspaces" in Sharepoint.

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Access A MS Access Database Using ASP But On A Linux Box

I want to move my only window shosted client to linux. The site they have access a Microsoft Access database with the below code but i can't get it to work under Linux.

<code>Dim MM_connPang_STRING
'MM_connPang_STRING = "dsn=pangDSN"
MM_connPang_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:clientdatabasepangDB.mdb"</code>

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Access Remote Access Database From ASP

I have an ASP page needs to access a remote MS Access2000 database, I got error "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'F:Collect.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. ".

The 'F:' is a mapped drive from remote machine where the access database loactes. If I copy the database back to local box, no problem.

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How Many People Can Access The Same Access Database

I'm looking to make an online multiplayer game which will utilize Access Database... basically I require thousands of people writing and reading from the same database... I was wondering if this is possible for that... or is mdb file restricted to 1 person at a time...

If it is limited what would you suggest as the best way to control an interactive online environment? .txt files possibly?

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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How Do I Export Data Fom Local Database To Server Database?

I'm current working on a project which need to upload local data to
live server database.

Meanings that, i'm current having a server in my local mechine. I need
upload data from local database to live database which host at oversea
company. But i really have no idea how to do this in asp.

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SQL Server Vs. Access

I have an Access DB connected to an IIS via ODBC, and use ASP pages to get info to/from the DB. My guys in IT now want to migrate the Access DB to SQL Server. Can anybody tell me what this implies in terms of :

a) syntax of my ASP pages
b) syntax of my SQL statements
c) other problems I may not have thought of.

I am told it is really easy, however, I just cannot get is to work. BTW, I have activated the "SQL Syntax" option in Access, in case that helps any.

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This might be more of a database question than ASP. But when you create a database and then create relationships with the database, once you open an asp page say to create a new record; once the record is saved, shouldn't it also update the relationship with the table involved?

Unless I am doing something wrong, it is not updating the second table; for example:

rs("username") = Request.Form("txtUserName")
rs("password") = Request.Form("txtPassword")
rs("firstname") = Request.Form("txtFirstName")
rs("lastname") = Request.Form("txtLastName")
rs("email") = Request.Form("txtEmail")

Response.Write("Record has been added!")

Say the information is entered, because of the UserID field is "autonumber", that would be my primary key: so "1" would be related with the second table where I have: (PK)

If on the other table I have number of uploads to generate, whenever it adds a document, it would have the relationship of the username, and the upload:

But when I do that, even adding the code, it does not update the code. So what am I doing wrong? Do I have to do another Add.New at the same time for the second table?

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Access MS SQL Server

I ask this here because as ASP Developers I figure you have more experience with windows Webhosts. I know Phpmyadmin is usually provided on Apache platforms to manipulate MySQL databases. What interface is usually provided by webhost to access and manipulate your Microsoft SQL databases?

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Access Database & C#

Does anyone know how to connect to an Access database using C# in ASP.NET?

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Database Access With ADO

I have four input variables from a form (first name, Last name, registration number and pin number). I want to check if this variables conform to the data I have in a database (mind you the Pin number is initially not related to the registration number, first name and last name and it is a list of numbers in a separate table in the database;I want to have the flexibility to supply any Pin number, tie this number to the registration number, first name and last name for the purpose of accessing other data in the database for a specified number of times) . how can I do this in an asp environment ?

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I'm Trying To Access A Database

I'm trying for the longest while to access a database and i keep saying error 3219 which states that the operation is not allowed in this context.

The error occurs when i add obj.AddNew. I have declared a variable called obj which handles the microsoft access database. i set it to obj.Open tablename, connection,0,3,2 and after assigning the values to the fields i then said obj.Update.

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ASP And Access Database

I'm creating a form for users to fill out and submit the form via email(outlook). But at the same time I want their names and phone numbers to be registered in an Access database(once submitted). I can't figure the ASP coding to do this.

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MS Access In Database SQL

I have a whole database set up in MS Access with all the menus etc. It's a flight reservation database for a school project. Is there a way to import everything (including the interface) to a website using ASP or ANY other kind of software?

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Access Other Database

how can i access other pc database and send a signal to that computer based on the IP address.i can not find any component for it.

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Access Database

i want to write a intranet webpage (can be in ASP / HTML) to connect our Access Database and to search in the Database.
We are using WinNT Server here, and php is not allow. And i have no permission to install anything to the server ...
I have experience with php and mySQL, but have no experience with asp ...
1. what is ODBC ? how to link db with ODBC in intranet ?
(coz' i only saw instructions to link db to local computer)
2. any sample codes of ASP with access database to follow?

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Access And Sql Database

Hope that i could find my solution here.i'm working on an asp page and i need to display data from 2 different databases one is in sql server and the other is in access
currently i have linked the sql tables into the access database but problems occur where i have to refresh the tables regulary
so what i need is to be able to select from the sql and access seperatly in one select statment How could i create the connections for both of them to be able to do so?

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XML To Access Database

I have been trying forever to get info from an RSS news feed and send it to an Access database.

The structure is a basic news feed


with childnodes: title, link, description

I can supply more info if needed

Anyone have any examples or know how to do this?

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ACCESS Database

I want to have a sentence reading:

There are "x" numer of records in the database.

What code do I use? Bear in mind that each ACCESS record has an Auto-ID, but since some records may have been deleted, the number of records in the database does not equal the maximum ID number.

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Database Access

For a new project I just got,I am being asked to code a small web site but it has to be in ASP. The company doesnt have alot of money, and wants to use ASP and an Microsoft Access database.I had thought that ASP was only able to use MS SQL, but maybe that is wrong.

I am very adept in PHP and MySQL, and have programmed a little in ASP, but never with ASP+ and a database. Could someone please recommend a site or give some examples on using ASP with MySQL or with Access?

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WAP And Access Database

I am trying to get records from an Access database that can be viewed from a WAP enabled phone.I understand that I have to create a WML file, but dont know how to do this.

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Access Database

i have a form that adds subjects to access Database.It works very well but the problem is when i request the fields by their Name and not by Id. If the subject have to 2 words or more between the 2 words, there is Space so it take Only the First Word and ignore the rest of the words.

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