Queue Directory

I am using CDONTS with winnt and all the sent emails are sitting in the QUEUE directory in c:inetputmailroot.

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Send To Queue

Could someone point me to some specificic code which illustrates how to leveraget the [Send to Queue] feature of CDO.....I have looked at www.aspfaq.com but there does not seem to be a SPECIFIC code example on this subject.

I am aslo still unclear as to whether ASPemail from Persits is a better choice than CDO when sending bulkemail below 800?

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Queue Folder

i am using IIS in windows XP. while sending e mails sometimes, the mails are delivererd instantly but at times after a day or so. is it due to a large files in the queue folder under mailroot? can i delete these files?

How can i send sms in ASP???

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Queue Up Downloads Then Download 1 By 1

Does anyone know of a way to be able to take 10 urls which point to zip files and then for it to download them one by one, i.e. when one has finished to then begin the next one.

This is for an asp site which is why i posted it here, but i am not sure where to post this as i dont even know how to go about doing it.

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Queue Email Sending With CDOSYS

I'm running a mailing list which has grown to around 5000 recipients. I'm currently using ASP to cycle through a database of recipients to send each a custom email with their name, unsubscribe link etc.

Currently I'm using CDOSYS to send the mail, and have set up a page to trigger the emails in batches of 50 so that they don't create blockages on the mail server.

Is it possible to queue emails with CDOSYS, since this would mean I could fire all the emails at once, safe in the knowledge that they will all be dealt with without a problem.

I've used the ASPEmail component before which does this, and it was very effective, but sadly it's not an option to use it on this domain.

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Mail Went To Queue Folder With CDONTS?

My ASP code is:

dim mailComp,mailObj
set mailObj = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
mailObj.BodyFormat = 0
mailObj.MailFormat = 0
mailObj.From = "Didem.Gultoprak@vestel.com.tr" 'sadece bir örnek
mailObj.To = "Pinar.Gokcen@vestel.com.tr"
mailObj.Subject = session("admin")
mailObj.Body = request.Form("comments")
set mailObj=nothing
response.Write("mail sent")

but no mail comes to me.All mails stored in Queue folder in MailRoot.

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How To Resend Mails From Queue Folder

I'm sending out the newsletters using ASP Cdonts. It is fine for few number of mails say about 20. When I started to mass mail say about 200 at a time all the mails got stuck in the queue folder (Now totally 1000 mails got stuck up). Then from my service provider I got the info that the mass mails will be stopped if they are more than 99.

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Cdo.message Emails Stuck In Queue

I'm working on a classic asp site and am having sending mails in my development environment.

In attempting to use CDO.Message the emails usually (but not always) get stuck in my mail Queue folder.

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Emails Are Stuck On Queue Folder

We have a server with an Intranet, it handle the contract forms we want to send the contracts forms by email but the emails are stuck on the queue folder. we are running with win 2000 server, SMTP, IIS, creating the pages with ASP.

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Active Directory :: The Attribute Syntax Specified To The Directory Service Is Invalid

I have written a script to update user information in the Active Directory using ADSI. Here is part of it:

Set User = GetObject("LDAP://<GUID=" & GUID & ">")

User.Department = DepartmentName


Set User = Nothing

This works fine unless DepartmentName is an empty string ("").

Then I get error 0x8007200B: "The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid."
This happens with all the attributes I have tried, including TelephoneNumber
Do I need to delete the value of the attribute instead of setting it to an empty string? If so, how do I do it?

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HOWTO: Detect Outgoing Email Has Left Queue Folder

I can send email using C# and SMTP, but keep closing the connection before
the .eml file has left the Queue folder. The length of time the .eml file
stays in the Queue folder is dependent on the size of that file; big or many
attachments increases the time.

If I start an internet connection, issue the smtp mail send and then close
the connection in my C# program, I need to wait until the .eml file has left
the Queue folder. Otherwise, prematurely closing the internet connection
causing IIS to abort the send.

How can I detect that the .eml file has left the Queue folder?

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Mails Are Dump Into "mailroot/queue"

I am trying to work out an email sending page. I got my SMTP installed and running. I have set the properties of relay to "All excepted the list below". Running windows 2000 server. Code:

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im brand new to ASP and all but at school they want a webpage and they wont support PHP which is what i know so i need to figure out how to show everything under a directory then if sub folders have them link to that folder

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Outside Of Web Directory

I would like to do something like this:
<!--#include file="C:dbutilsdbConfig.asp"-->

Where the directory C:dbutils is OUTSIDE of the web directory and not
accessible by a client web browser.
The reason I would like to do this is in case somehow ASP processing
gets turned off in IIS. Since "dbConfig.asp" contains a
username/password for the database, I don't want this file to somehow
get sent back to a client browser as plain text.
Two questions:
1) is it possible to use an include file that is outside of the web
2) is there even any way that ASP processing can be turned off?
perhaps not explicitly, but maybe via malicious code or virus?

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Directory To Pdf

Does anyone know if it's possible to convert files to .pdf format through ASP? or better yet, does anyone know of a utility that can take a directory of word documents and form one pdf file with the contents?

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ASP Directory

I've been playing with the script at http://www.asp101.com/samples/dir_list.asp

What I want to know is if the script can be changed to 'read' from the dir it 'loads' from..

So I can just put the script is heaps of folders without having to edit the 'strPath' for each.

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IIS 6 And Virtual Directory

I have an Intranet site sitting on an Windows XP server, which has IIS 6.0 installed. This Intranet site contains a virtual directory (VD), which sits on a second server and has Windows 2000 installed.

To test how a virtual directory would work for this particular Intranet site, I had previously set up the VD on the web server. Everything worked well...no errors.

Once testing was complete and the location of the VD changed to the second server, I have been receiving the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found

I understand what this error is saying, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any problems between IIS 6 being on a XP server and the VD on a 2000 server and any possible implications.

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Get All Filenames From A Directory?

Is it possible to read the all filenames from a directory? Basically I want to grab all the filenames from a directory and make a flat file with all the values in it.

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Trying To Browse A Directory

I'm trying to create my own browsing window for a directory on my webserver. I can access the root the directory and the first sub-directory but anything lower than that I get "path not found". I'm almost sure the problem is attaching the selected directories names on to the objFSO.GetFolder line.

I used the Mid function to get my selected directories. I can't figure out how to add the selected directories to the objFSO.GetFolder line. Code:

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Protect Directory

I'm trying to protect a directory from users not logged in.
Let say i'm trying to protect a direcory called files.

I only want the user to acces the files when they've logged in.


Even though they know the name and path i want to prevent people from downloading the files.

I don't want the user to be able to send out the link to another friend without logging in.

Is this possible i'm using a wiindows server.

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ASP Active Directory

I'm trying to connect to the active directory using asp. I'm having problems with logging in, what happens is the username accepted is not the user logon name but the displayname is accpeted heres the code:

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ASP & Active Directory

Could anyone show me a sample, snippet, code chunk ... etc of how I can get ASP to find the Active Directory username based on a supplied email address?

For example: I want ASP to query active directory and retrieve the AD username for where user email address = 'whatever@whatever.com'

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Directory Trick?

Not sure how to address this, but...

Obviously in the SEO world, this:


Is better than:


Here's the challenge though: How do you get your dynamic pages to appear as a directory rather than an asp page with a querystring? I'm fairly certain that there is a workaround to this to be able to have one dynamic asp script that appears in your address bar as a directory.

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Virtual Directory

Is there a way in asp to create a new default web site within IIS
I am setting a content managament system and want to create a new default web site during on of the processes.
So for example if people create a new site within the admin section and call it Jacinto this will create a new virtual directory called Jacinto.

This would then be accessed at http://localhost/jacinto

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Virtual Directory

Here are a couple of links that describe how to create a virtual directory programmatically on IIS.



I haven't had a close look at the code yet but it's not in asp/vbscript

Has anybody done it in pure asp.I would like to do it on a site hosted by a third party and I am unable to install any dll's or exe's on the machine because it is a shared webserver.Both .NET and Non .NET would be good

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Virtual Directory

I have a virtual directory set up and it's fine. Now what I want to do is write files into them. When I try to do that it gives me a "path not found" error.How can I do this? Is this even possible?

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IIS Virtual Directory

I want to write a web hosting application. But how to create a IIS virtual
directory programmatically in ASP page?

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Directory On Unix

Is there a way to create directories using vb or jscript in IIS to a unix machine? I want to have the aility to upload files through my Win2k Web Server, and have those files stored on my Mac OS X Server under new directories based on date and Upload ID's from the Db.

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PHP Scripts To Run In Another Directory With IIS

I would like to have PHP for windows run in another directory than
c:inetpubwwwroot. I have tride changeing parameters in php.ini in my
c:php directory. But nothing changes. When I run the phpinfo() I always get
Configuration File (php.ini) Path as c:windows. But I do not have the
php.ini file there. Is there something I am doing wrong or is it a bug.

I tried renameing the php.ini file and reseting the IIS and believe it or
not my scripts still work in c:inetpubwwwroot.

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Keep Database In C: Directory

Is it possible to keep my database file (access db) in local pc (C drive)? I have created all the page with asp, the reason is that I cannot set the server path to write on the database if it's save under server.

I am only running all this file in one pc. how can I change below statement if I want the db file save in the local c:...Tks

<%Dim DBPath, connstring, conn
DBPath = "score.mdb"
connstring = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; DATA SOURCE=" & server.mappath(DBPath) & ";" & "Jet OLEDBatabase Password=welcome"
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open connstring

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Path Name Of FTP Directory.

I'm trying to find out the entire path for the directory on the web server that I use for FTP'ing.

I had an ASP script which did it for me once before but I've lost it. Does anyone know how to retrieve the full path name?

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ASP To Active Directory

I would like to write an ASP ap that asks for username/password and
validates against the active directory. Any ideas how/where I can do this?
In addition, once these people are logged in I want to be able to send the
to exchange's OWA and just be logged in, no second login/password.

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Directory Listing

At work I was asked to add a link to a directory listing page. This page is with the link is located behind a secure page requiring a username and password. When I added the link I also went to iis and checked to make this directory have directory browsing listing checked.

Everything is fine however now this directory is open if you just post the complete link to it in the URL bypassing the login page. Is this a nornal behavoir and is their anything that can be done to make it prevent it to be opened?

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