Queue Up Downloads Then Download 1 By 1

Does anyone know of a way to be able to take 10 urls which point to zip files and then for it to download them one by one, i.e. when one has finished to then begin the next one.

This is for an asp site which is why i posted it here, but i am not sure where to post this as i dont even know how to go about doing it.

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Queue Directory

I am using CDONTS with winnt and all the sent emails are sitting in the QUEUE directory in c:inetputmailroot.

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Send To Queue

Could someone point me to some specificic code which illustrates how to leveraget the [Send to Queue] feature of CDO.....I have looked at www.aspfaq.com but there does not seem to be a SPECIFIC code example on this subject.

I am aslo still unclear as to whether ASPemail from Persits is a better choice than CDO when sending bulkemail below 800?

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Queue Folder

i am using IIS in windows XP. while sending e mails sometimes, the mails are delivererd instantly but at times after a day or so. is it due to a large files in the queue folder under mailroot? can i delete these files?

How can i send sms in ASP???

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Iis And Pws Downloads

I'm running windows 2000 profession, and i know that i can install it from control panel but i tried and it's asking me for the cd and id ont have it.

Could you give me the direct links to the IIS Download as well as the Personal Web Server download.

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FTP Downloads

I have an FTP server that I use to store documents. When a user needs to download any document the "download link" directly points to the FTP server (eg: <a href="ftp://some URL since URL are blocked">Download</a>). I want to avoid this and now have added a user name and password to the FTP sever. But instead of giving the link as "ftp://usernameassword@myftpserver.com/document.xls, I want a much secure way of letting the user download the file without letting the user know about the FTP server username and password.

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Queue Email Sending With CDOSYS

I'm running a mailing list which has grown to around 5000 recipients. I'm currently using ASP to cycle through a database of recipients to send each a custom email with their name, unsubscribe link etc.

Currently I'm using CDOSYS to send the mail, and have set up a page to trigger the emails in batches of 50 so that they don't create blockages on the mail server.

Is it possible to queue emails with CDOSYS, since this would mean I could fire all the emails at once, safe in the knowledge that they will all be dealt with without a problem.

I've used the ASPEmail component before which does this, and it was very effective, but sadly it's not an option to use it on this domain.

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Mail Went To Queue Folder With CDONTS?

My ASP code is:

dim mailComp,mailObj
set mailObj = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
mailObj.BodyFormat = 0
mailObj.MailFormat = 0
mailObj.From = "Didem.Gultoprak@vestel.com.tr" 'sadece bir örnek
mailObj.To = "Pinar.Gokcen@vestel.com.tr"
mailObj.Subject = session("admin")
mailObj.Body = request.Form("comments")
set mailObj=nothing
response.Write("mail sent")

but no mail comes to me.All mails stored in Queue folder in MailRoot.

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How To Resend Mails From Queue Folder

I'm sending out the newsletters using ASP Cdonts. It is fine for few number of mails say about 20. When I started to mass mail say about 200 at a time all the mails got stuck in the queue folder (Now totally 1000 mails got stuck up). Then from my service provider I got the info that the mass mails will be stopped if they are more than 99.

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Cdo.message Emails Stuck In Queue

I'm working on a classic asp site and am having sending mails in my development environment.

In attempting to use CDO.Message the emails usually (but not always) get stuck in my mail Queue folder.

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Emails Are Stuck On Queue Folder

We have a server with an Intranet, it handle the contract forms we want to send the contracts forms by email but the emails are stuck on the queue folder. we are running with win 2000 server, SMTP, IIS, creating the pages with ASP.

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Logging Downloads

I need to log how many times one spesific file is downloaded from my
website. First I thought this could be done simply by routing via a script
that count number of downloads, and then redirect to the spesific file. But
this soultion will not work when a user right click on the file/link and
choose "save target as...". How can I solute this?

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ASP File Downloads

I have an Access db with usernames and passwords set up on a web site. Upon signing in to a password protected asp page which contains a link to an exe file, the user clicks the link and the browser asks to either Open or Save the file.All this works fine, but if the user simply types the full path to in the address bar, the browser again asks the user to either Open or Save the file - thus bypassing the security Is there a way to prevent this "back door" of accessing the file or would I have to set up an FTP mechanism.

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Successful Downloads?

Is it possible to log a successful/unsuccessful download in ASP? I've got a download logging system but I'm wondering if its possible to find out if a download was disconnected or not?

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File Downloads

I want to provide the ability to download files from a web page based on whether a user has paid for the file. I therefore need to hide the URL from the user.

How do I write code to download a file and hide its URL?

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Detect Downloads

Is it possible to detect downloads of a file on the web server? Using ASP Classic?

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Server->user Downloads

I have an VB ASP page that creates, using a linked database, ad-hoc queries. Like, the user selects what table to look into, what fields, any criterias (ex: PROVINCE="QC"), etc. That part is easy.The problem is, I would like the results to be outputted in MS EXCEL. Well, it's not my idea, but I have to do it. Any ideas how this can be done?
My only idea would be that:
1) The ASP page writes to a file on the server and offer a link to the user to download that file.
2) User Downloads
3) We can't have these Excel files cluttering up the server, so the file would also have to be deleted automatically.

Is this even remotely possible?
I'm not too good with ASP, so is it even possible to write to file? Could I create a Workbook/worksheet object using VB ASP?Can I delete the file programatically

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How To Restrict Unauthorized Downloads

I have a website setup which also provide ability to download latest version
of our Software by logging into the webpage. All latest softwares (ONLY ONE
FILE .EXE for each Software) are located in the "/Download" folder of my
website. Customer will login to website and the ASP page decide the software
that this user has purchased and privide ONLY that Hyperlink to download the
latest Version file.

My problem is if somoe body know the path and file name then they directly
put the URL in address bar and will get latest file. How do I restrict that?
Please suggest all possible solutions.

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Verifying Completed Downloads

A big problem with most server statistics is that when they count file downloads, they are counting the number of requests to the server, not complete downloads. Is it possible to count downloads more accurately?

I can use the Response.IsClientConnected command immediately after streaming the file to the browser but it's working only for files with size less then 80MB . How can I resolve this problem?

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Prevent Unauthorized Downloads

I have a file that SHOULD only be made accessable to registered users. They must login to get to the download page. The problem I have is that once a user logs in an gets to that page they can potentially share the web link to that file with anyone and that unregistered user can bypass logging in.

I was thinking something along the lines of download.com where when you click download, the actual files location only appears for a split second, pops up the download box, then it switches to another webaddress?

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Disabling ASPBufferingLimit For File Downloads

I have a website that (like many) allows users to download large files. Some are up to several hundred MB in size. The problem is that since switching to IIS 6.0, the size of the file is limited by the ASPBufferingLimit, and it's size seems to be limited to only 4294967295 bytes.

That's pretty big but it's not quite big enough and I need to disable it. Some people have recommended setting it to -1 via:

cd C:inetpubadminscripts
cscript adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/1/aspbufferinglimit -1

but the -1 doesn't really "take"...IIS keeps it at 4294967295.

Setting it to 0 does "take", but then IIS returns nothing (0 bytes).

How do I disable or workaround this security feature in IIS which is not allowing people to download large files?

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Enabling Multiple File Downloads

I currently need to allow users to download a series of Excel files from the intranet which were generated individually using ASP. Rather than have them click one link at a time to download only one file, I want to find out if it is possible to let them download the whole series of files with one link click.

The users are all on the LAN so bandwidth is not an issue. Furthermore, the total size of all the files is only 100kb.

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HOWTO: Detect Outgoing Email Has Left Queue Folder

I can send email using C# and SMTP, but keep closing the connection before
the .eml file has left the Queue folder. The length of time the .eml file
stays in the Queue folder is dependent on the size of that file; big or many
attachments increases the time.

If I start an internet connection, issue the smtp mail send and then close
the connection in my C# program, I need to wait until the .eml file has left
the Queue folder. Otherwise, prematurely closing the internet connection
causing IIS to abort the send.

How can I detect that the .eml file has left the Queue folder?

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Mails Are Dump Into "mailroot/queue"

I am trying to work out an email sending page. I got my SMTP installed and running. I have set the properties of relay to "All excepted the list below". Running windows 2000 server. Code:

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ASP To Download

I am trying to download files from one website to another for purposes
of caching. In trying to do this, I created a VB dll component (using
VB6), that used URLDownloadToFile, to allow me to download the file
onto the receiving site. The sending site supports an ASP page that
allows the file to be downloaded.The component works fine when run in debugging mode, placing the file as expected. But when not debugging (but registered), it reports that
the file has been downloaded, but the file is not there.

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Pdf Download

I am looking for some VB Script tutorials possibly as a pdf file that one can download and take print out of as one single file. I can see a lot of VB Script tutorials on the net but not offered as a single PDF file all in html format and explained on different pages.

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Download PWS

where I can download PWS Personal Web Server,or IIS from,ideally for as little cost as possible?I have XP Pro, but I've tried typing "inetmgr" in the Run field in Start Menu but it says it can't find inetmgr,and there is no IIS or PWS in my Program menus or submenus on my machine that I can see.

I had heard my XP Pro may have come with IIS but this doesn't seem to be the case with my pc. I have IIS on my server at work which has Windows 2000.Is it possible to copy an .exe install application of somekind which would be used to install IIS on another machine? What would the .exe file be called and where would it be located?

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SDK Download

Is there a reference document for ASP (not ASP.NET) which can be downloaded? Perhaps an SDK? Where could I find this?

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CSV Download

I have created a script which connects to a SQL DB, runs a query, writes the results out to a file (Using FSO) then presents the user with a link to download the CSV. As the file contains sensitive data, I dont want to leave the file on the server, and I dont want to rely on the user to delete the file after every export.

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Looking for download asp script or java script for my zip files but without user know the location of the file/folder and can only log to this page from my authorized page.

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ASP Editor Download

Does any one know if there a ASP editor available that I can download as a trial version or free lisence?

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Download Image?

I have this javascript photo album i made. It is all working in tables and such. When you roll over a certain cell it will show that picture above, and turn the cell a different color. I also made the cell "clickable" when they are on it.

Is there anyway i can get it to when someone clicks that cell, that it will download that picture?? I have looked everywhere but i have not see anythign that will allow me to do that.

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Download Images

I'm using ADODB objects to download the images. Is there any way I can disable 'Save' option on a prompt. Also, when display the image (it could be any of the following files: .doc, xls, txt, pdf...), I need to disable 'Save' option or hide the toolbar.

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