REMOTE_ADDR Gives A Wrong IP Address

In one of my setup, the server REMOTE_ADDR(url = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")) does not work, itgives a IP address but the wrong one. It does not give the IPaddress of the machine surfing the page. It seems to me that itis giving me the IP of some proxy server. Is there a work around to this issue ?

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REMOTE_ADDR Gives My External IP Instead Of LAN Address

I have a webserver which is behaving strangely. The server is a fresh
copy of Windows 2003 running IIS with default options + Active Server
Pages installed. The server is connected to a Linksys router, and has
a static IP address of

When I access a page with the following script directly from the
server, my WAN IP address is returned (24.x.x.x.), instead of my LAN
address. Code:

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Remote_addr Will Return My Web Server Ip Address

I have a web server with a firewall. The problem is that when i use request.servervariables("remote_addr") the ip i get is my server's ip.
Is there any other way to retrieve my visitor's ip?

Looks like the firewall cought the visitor's request and then request's
this page from the web server-and send it back to the visitor.(but still i
am not sure if this is what happens)

If i have to reconfigure my firewall can you give me some info on how to do
this and if this is secure!!

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I am logging (trying to) visitor's IP by the code below, though all I get is "".

What can I do? Is it my web hotel that messes things up?

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I have a landing page host in different ISP, and it's point to my site. How can I track where they're coming in the landing page and pass the info to my site?

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Permission Denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' Is Not An Allowable Remote Socket Address.

Permission denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' is not an allowable remote socket address.

What is the significance of this error, and what should be looked into to fix the problem?

(if this is of relevance: My sandbox is localhost.. so zzz.zzz.z.zzz is internal ip)

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Can Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") Fail And....?

Can Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") fail and catch the address of my
default gateway in my local network? What should I do?

Sometimes brings address of my default gateway) instead the
remode IP address:,, etc....

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What Is Wrong With My If Statment

I'm using the following code on my website:

if left(session("lastPage"), 5) <> "admin" then
session("return") = session("lastPage")
session("return") = ""
end if

My problem is even the "left(session("lastPage"), 5) is equal to "admin" it still not equal the variable session("return") to "". Can anyone please tell me why or what Im doing wrong?

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Wrong Code

I'm Trying this code to switch the user group , so this code select users with groups only if the user doesn't have a group or does'nt exist redirect it to another page
Her is my code please check it

sql="select * from users,groups where users.user_id='"&id2&"' and users.group_id=groups.g_group_id"
set rs=conn.Execute(sql)
if rs.eof or rs("group_id")=null then
dim group

end if
and It gives me this error message
Error Type:
Exception occurred.

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Wrong User

I have web prgramming to check login. After first time login, I still could login even type wrong password and username, but I need correct login when trying different computer. Is the problem with cache?

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Wrong # Of Recordset

The output contains only one record it is supposed output 2.. sch_date in db are 10-Oct-07 and 14-Oct-07 ....


rs.Open "SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE trim(sch_date) between #"&FormatDateTime(trim(x),2)&"# and #"&FormatDateTime(trim(y),2)&"# ",conn

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ASP SQL Query Wrong

I am getting the error message

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0409)
Unterminated string constant

Here is my Query, It is slight incorrect:

newest_sql = "SELECT TOP 5 CatID, ContentID, DateAdded, Title, FeaturedLabel, NewestLabel FROM Content, ContentTypes Where Content.ContentTypeID = ContentTypes.ContentTypeID
AND (((Content.Display)=1) AND ((ContentTypes.ContentTypeId)=4))

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Remove Email Address/ Pseudo Email Address

has anyone got a function or subroutine which will remove blank out or remove email addresses.

i've wrote a function which will remove valid email addresses, it's pseudo addresses such as "blah @" or "blah_at_blah_dot_com" or "blah_at_blah_._com"

the function is basically to stop users posting an email address in a message.

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ADO Parameter Of The Wrong Type

I've taken over the development of a web app written in ASP. It's not
very well coded. In the live environment it's fine, but on my local
machine it falls over whenever it tries to pass a date to a SQL Server
sproc. No idea why the person before me's been doing all this string
formatting with his dates, but anyway, the error is:

Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation.

The dates throughout are in mmddyyyy format, and presumably ADO
running on my local machine wants ddmmyyyy. I'm rebuilding the whole
app in C#.Net anyway so I don't think it's worth me running through
and making this jumble of code international date friendly, so my
question is, where exactly is the date format for ADO defined?
Windows? SQL Server?

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Wrong Code For Include

I am not sure if this is in the right thread, but...I am making my new website and I haven't been able to get a 'siteinclude' file to work with my default page.
I created a site wide file, basically, includeing the header and table of contents and eventually the footer. I have other sites like this, but cannot figure out what is wrong with this one.
I thought that by putting together a site wide file, i could easily generate many pages that are similar, by adding <!--#include virtual="/siteinclude.asp"--> to the top of the page. Then making the page regularly, save it as .asp and it should have when I just created as well as the 'siteinclude' info, right? Well, the problem I am having is with the default file. It is appearing BELOW the 'siteinclude' info, instead of within it.

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DatePart Wrong Code

Is there anything wrong with my code (see below) bcoz when 10p-6a shift my
browser returns the error cannot be a zero-length string. Im wondering why,
bcoz the 2 other shift works perfectly.

'Shift: 6a-2p
if DatePart("h", Now()) 5 And DatePart("h", Now()) < 14 then
ShiftID = "A"
end if

'Shift: 2p-10p
if DatePart("h", Now()) 13 And DatePart("h", Now()) < 22 then
ShiftID = "B"
end if

'Shift: 10p-6a
if DatePart("h", Now()) 21 And DatePart("h", Now()) < 6 then
ShiftID = "C"
end if

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SQL Query Put The Wrong Answer

I have the following SQL in my ASP:

sql="select * from [tblbuy] where Location like '" & request("location") & "' "

The above code is working fine. Now i wondering in case the request "location"
value is: * is it possible to modify my sql statement that will retrieve ALL when the value is * (an asterisk)?

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Why Do I Get Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type?

Why do i keep getting the following error?

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/_script/main.asp, line 22

I have a simple script that has always worked!


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Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type

I'm getting the following error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in
conflict with one another. Code:

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Application Use A Value Of The Wrong Type

I got the following error:

ADODB.Command error '800a0d5d'

Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation.

/Include/Authors.asp, line 71

Line 71 is the one with sphone: Code:

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Wrong Logic,select Data

I am using access with sch_time_start,end,start_time,end as text fields not as Date/time....I am getting wrong amount of record...Example:

If db has 6 records like start_time and end_time = 12:00 AM- 05:15 AM,
and person has sch_time_start and sch_time_end = 12:15 AM-05:12 AM.....I am missing smth...maybe logic is wrong.. Code:

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Xmlhttp Producing Wrong Results

I'm developing a web page which displays the link popularity of a site from various search engines using xmlhttp. Yahoo, MSN, etc all work fine, but I'm having problems with Altavista and Excite returing the wrong results.

For instance, if I want to find the link popularity of URL from Altavista I would use xmlhttp on this URL:


and it produces 1,412,312 results. But when I go to that same URL in my browser it shows 1,339,554 results. Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening?

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Type Mismatch Error What Wrong

SQL "Select * FROM kmCarbonlessCost WHERE Part = "'" & CCSpecificProduct & "'""
rs1.Open SQL,cn,1,2

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

Error msg:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

/FunctionUpdate.asp, line 74

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URL Displaying Wrong In Message Body

I am trying to put a URL into the body of an email message but I can't get it to display as a link. Code:

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Date Format Display Gone Wrong

i have a form value which accepts the date format in the dd/mm/yyyy Code:

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Application Uses A Variable Of The Wrong Type...

I have a ASP and SQL Server website which uses a couple of Stored
Procedures during the Shopping Cart process. 1 inserts the Customer
information into a table and the next inserts the Payment information
into a table.

I don't have access to the code now, but have found that many of our
customers, especially those who use I.E 6 are having problems with a

" -2146824867 Application uses a value of the wrong type for the
current operation"

error message which occurs when the Stored Procedure is executed.

I have looked through the Google archive but can't find anything
specific about this message. Could anyone tell me if there is a known
issue with IE6 and Datatypes with Stored Procedures, and if so how to
resolve it?

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Error With Access??

I'm trying to query an Access database with an asp page hit with a hidden form from an ecommerce site. It was working fine until I added a new variable ("speed"), and now I get the following error: Code:

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ADODB.Stream Default Filename Wrong

I use the Stream method to serve certain file types to the user. If the
type is pdf, it opens in the browser fine. My problem is with those
that the browser doesn't have plug-ins such as ppt, word, etc. it
prompts to choose Open/Save/Cancel and defaults the filename to the ASP
page serving the content. ie. BinarySend.asp -> BinarySend.doc,

If I use
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" &
sFileName then it defaults the filename to the name I specify but
always prompt a download instead of opening directly.

Is there another way to default the filename in situation like this?

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Server.MapPath Returning Wrong Path

I've got the directory f:CompanyProduct set as web shared so it's got a
virtual directory in the default web site on my test server's IIS. If I try
to use Server.MapPath in that site it returns a path within
c:Inetpubwwwroot rather than the real path.

Can anyone please tell me why this isn't working?

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Web Site Loads Wrong Default Page

I'm running win 2000, I downloaded a calender and put it into my root website folder. the calendar folder contained a file called . After the insertion of this folder and creating links to it we noticed that when the web page loaded it's home page, another older page that has been deleted is displayed.

This page was located in the calendar folder. So now I've deleted the calendar folder, and restarted the server but this old page is still on display.

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Arguments Are Of The Wrong Type, Are Out Of Acceptable Range

perct = Math.round((cInt(objRS4("total"))/cInt(objRS5("ttl")))*100,4)

i am trying to grab 2 integer values from a mysql db and get their asp...what is wrong with the above statement, b/c i get this error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

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Pick Wrong Time Interval,scheduling

The interval that a driver is available from 5:00:00 AM to 8:00:00 PM....
And I dont want to pick this route that runs from 10:15:00 to PM 4:00:00 AM...because the driver is not available btw those times..However my query picks that tooo..Why? Code:

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Application Uses A Value Of The Wrong Type For The Current Operation

i get the following error every time, what's wrong?

Error Type:

ADODB.Command (0x800A0D5D)
Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation.
/dwprojects/newday/Step1.asp, line 33

Here's my code:

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