I am in the process of creating a blogging community site. What I want to do is use their Blog RSS feeds to create a recently posted list with say the last 20 feeds. I have access to both atom and RSS.xml files.
The trouble is I would not know where to start. We are anticipating a community of about 50 bloggers all using Blogger. We are wanting to post the latest entry at the top of the list moving down as new ones get added.
I am trying to create a newsfeed on my website. I used the following code on my website which I found somewhere. I then placed the call to this code in my web document. It does not appear to work. Code:
I want to pull in some RSS news feed from several news sources but I'm not too sure how to use the files that are retrieved. Has anyone got any good tutorials or tips for it?
Is it more efficient to store the news feed in a file on my local server rather than calling it everytime my local page is requested?
Some general tips on this would be really helpful - I'm guessing the XML parser would be required at some stage...
I am looking for a way to use.asp to display simple.asp rss feeds.I don't want to load the xml rss pages from the server as it doesn't have a proxy configured,instead I want the .rss to load from the client.Does anyone have any examples of this?
I have written a RSS News Fees application for my site, by I want to limit the number of news items to only 5 instead of the 10 that Reuters sends. Here is the main code:
what do people think is the best way to incorporate these into my site?Do I read the XML data from the BBC site or download the file every 20mins or so and then read the file locally.also can anyone point me to a resource that can tell me how to write the XML data to the page?
I have made an ASP page that dynamically creates an XML page from articles stored in an Access Database. It works great and i was well pleased with myself.I was then sitting back admiring my own work when i suddenly thought.The page ends in .asp and not .xml.So i downloaded some free feed readers and news readers and they all found the feed with no problem and i thought i was going to be alright then it clicked - What if the "person" who wants to add my feed to their own site for example, has their site written in PHP?
I wrote a little PHP script that dynamically inserts feeds and sure enough, it will not accept a feed URL ending in .asp. It's (of course) fine if it ends in .xml So, (sorry for going on) Im wondering on your thoughts about this and what you would do? How LESS efective do you think an XML feed ending in .asp is?
i want to get the rss newsfeed from the other news site and want display on my site in the html format. can any tell me that how i can do it using asp.
I'm looking to build an ASP script that can pull in the XML for a podcast feed and display important information (podcast title, description, link, etc). For some reason, I have been unsuccessful in getting this to work, despite a number of tries.
Does anyone have experience doing this or any examples that they can refer me to? For some reason my scripts have been unable to read the enclosure tag, and to be honest, I don't have advanced knowledge of ASP - XML interaction to really know why.
I'm trying to make an ASP page with VS .NET 03 using VB as the language and I want the page to display an Rss News Feed as page content form another RSS News Feed on a web page served by another one of my IIS srevers, I don't know how to do this it sounds simple enuf but were do I start is it a simple one line of code deal or it it complex to do I havent really played around with Rss news Feeds much give me some feed back .
When users fill out my text area field, there is a chance that there will be no line feeds or cariage returns or spaces and just one really long word.
THIS CAUSES A MAJOR PROBLEM! What I am trying to do is force a vbCrLf if a string is long than 80 characters in a row. So if a string is a total of 500 characters with no line feeds, spaces, or returns, I want to force a vbCrLf every 80 characters so that is doesn't overflow my preview text field on the next page.
Any suggestions on how the algorithm would be for this in VBscript ASP?