Random Numbers Based On Points

I have this situation:

each user has some amount of points, for example:

user_id --- user_name --- points
1 --- user1 --- 100
2 --- user2 --- 100
3 --- user3 --- 100
4 --- user4 --- 200
5 --- user5 --- 500
total points: 1000

I want to generate random selection of user, according to their points respectively, so the more points he has, the more likely he will be selected:

user1 in 10% cases
user2 in 10% cases
user3 in 10% cases
user4 in 20% cases
user5 in 50% cases

this percentage is respective to their points; I put some rounded numbers in the example - so total points of 1000 equals 100% - but they can have any amount of points: 1, 200, 3672 etc.

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Making It Random (getting Random Numbers)

I just wanted to know whats the best way to generate 50 or say X amount of number at random without having to repeat any of the previous number...

so far I've the following:


function RandomNumber()
dim theRandom

'RandomNumber = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)

theRandom= Int((99 - (0) + 1) * Rnd + (0))

if (theRandom<10) then theRandom = "0" & theRandom

RandomNumber = theRandom
end function

and then I've this in the body of HTML doc: Code:

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How Do I Add Points And Update Points In A Database?

let's say there will be 4 files for 2 questions. Qn1.asp Q2.asp Check1.asp Check2.asp
Check1.asp consist of the codes below to check Q1.asp and Check2.asp is to check Q2.asp

What do i need to put in the "" in both check1.asp and check2.asp so that if the user answer both the qn correctly it will 2 out of 2.. both wrong 0 out of 2 and so on.. I want the points to be stored inside a database.. Code:

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Random Numbers

I have a problem creating random numbers. I basically have this

iRandom = Int(10 * Rnd + 1)

If I do not wait a few sec before hitting the page again it will create the same random number as generated a few seconds before.Any idea why it is like that? Another way to reprocess the "bug" is to just fit F5 few times in a row and you end up with the same number being generated. Its annoying and I need some help to "fix" it!

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Random Numbers In C#

I am trying to generate a random number between 1 and 100 into a label, using c#....

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Random Numbers Access

I am developing a online test application(multiple choice ques) So for that i need to shuffel the questions randomly. eg there will be 60 Questions in total. If say 50 users are connected to it, all will be having same 60 questions but its order should be different.

i am using below code to randomly generate questions numbers but the problem with this code is it is repeating the number.I want to generate non repeatable numbers. Can anyone help me out to do it.

Dim my_num,max,min
Dim i
i = 0
For i = 1 to 60
Response.Write my_num & "<br>"

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Random Numbers Find

I know thats theres already a few posts about this subject but I need to create 3 random numbers of any size, I've used the following code -:

randomnumber1 = int(rnd*9)+1
randomnumber2 = int(rnd*9)+1
randomnumber3 = int(rnd*9)+1

but it always returns, 7,5 and 6..
Not very random as you can see

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Random Numbers Select

I have 30 numbers. I need to select randomly 10 out of the given 30. A number must not repeat ( eg. i can't have number 10 twice ). How can i do this??

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Random Numbers And Letters

I have a code to create a random string of letters. The number of them can be whatever I desire.

what i would like to do, is have it both letters and integers. how would inmodify this code to allow that ....

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Generate Random Numbers Between 10 And 1,000,000

I am trying to create a random value between 10 and 1,000,000. I am using the following code but it is creating numbers between 10,000 and 999,999. How can I fix it.


The code never gives small numbers like 10, 15 500, 250, 257 etc.

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Allocating Random Numbers

I am using DreamweaverMx to create a football website that stores players to a databse and when they join a game there is a function to randomize a number for each player and store it on a second databse and from the database using sql to link my databases together so that a players details are posted on a page of my website.

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Display And Delete Random Numbers

I’m having problems on how to randomiz numbers and delete the ones that have been displayed.

My first step is to take some numbers:

21, 32, 35, 4, 15 and randomize theese so the ouput may look something like this:
35, 21, 15, 32, 4

My second step is to display the first number (35), then when a user clicks on a link I want the second of my random number (21) to be displayed and I also want to delete the first number (35) that has been displayed. And this routine (display number, delete previous number) should continoue untill there is no more numbers. So again, I wnat to step through all my random numbers and delete the ones I have displayed.

Example: ....

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Generate Randomize Numbers Based On A String Of Text

i trying to randomize a string of text inc. number and alpha. e.g. 024053J

what is the approach to generate a few integer numbers from this string "024053J" ?

i tried to this way of randomize but not very efficient as in sometimes the user will get the same numbers back when the page is refresh.

So i thought to use a string of text to generate the randomize numbers.


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Test A Random Number For Nearby Numbers

not after code, just thoughts, suppose i'm generating a random 8-digit pin number for our clients, first i'll be checking against the db to see if it already exists before assigning it. what i might do for that is getstring all of the exsiting pins at the top of the script and just keep performing an instr until i get a 0. (i dont expect to ever go above a thousand clients for this system and hopefully my initial number will be random enough that these checks are for backup/redundancy assertion anyway)

but anyway, the main problem is: i dont want to generate a random pin that is one (or maybe two) digit(s) different from another,. i.e.

11111111 is too close to 14115111 and much too close to 11111811. 11121111 is right out of the question as it can be entered as a typo, as is 11111411 because of the numpad

so i'm after thoughts on how to perform that check, i suppose if i went with the "big string of all pins that went before" check i could perform a number of regex searches on the string. i.e.

my pin is 12345678 and i dont want ony to be one digit different so i'd check the string against .2345678 1.345678 12.45678 and so on. think i just answered my own question, anyone else got any ideas? especially for the two digit case (dont want to be performing 36 regex checks do i!)

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Writing Array Of Random Numbers To A Database

I am trying to write an array of random numbers to a database. The array part is working fine, but when I go to update the dataabse, it inserts the last value of the array into all the fields in the database .....

Dim MyValue,sqlRandom
Dim arrayRandom(8)
for i = 1 to 8
MyValue = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
arrayRandom(i) = MyValue
response.write "<p> Array Value:" & arrayRandom(i)

sqlRandom = "UPDATE CarParkDetails SET FreeSpaces = '" & arrayRandom(i) & "'"


I can't see whats wrong!

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Function To Select 3 Random Numbers Which Are Distinct

I need to generate three random numbers between 1 and 100, but they need to be different.

e.g. 3,43,88 would be fine but 5,76,76 would not.

The function I have to generate a single random number is:

function funRandomNumber(intHighestNumber)
funRandomNumber = int(rnd * intHighestNumber) + 1
end function

called by: funRandomNumber(100)
Can anyone see how this can be modified to do what I need?

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Top Rep Points

I remember seeing a post with a link to a ranking of members rep points, but I can't find it again. Is it still available? Can anyone post the link or maybe alter the User CP or members pages to include a permanent link? Or have a sticky post?

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For More Rep Points

I have alot to learn!!! If i use the connection below, after i have done my select statement, how do i make a statment to say, if the results are null then write....postcode dissallowed else go on.. Code:

dim post_code
dim pcservice
pcservice = service
post_code = left(Request.Form("postcode"), 4)

Set rsPC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsPC.open "SELECT *, PDA_PD_SER_TAG AS servicetag, PDA_AREA AS area FROM tblPostcode_Disallowed_Area WHERE (PDA_PD_SER_TAG = '" & service & "') AND (PDA_AREA = '" & post_code & "')" connDB, 1, 2 ...

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Points To Be Stored

there will be 4 files for 2 questions. Qn1.asp Q2.asp Check1.asp Check2.asp
Check1.asp consist of the codes below to check Q1.asp and Check2.asp is to check Q2.asp
What do i need to put in the "" in both check1.asp and check2.asp so that if the user answer both the qn correctly it will 2 out of 2.. both wrong 0 out of 2 and so on.. I want the points to be stored inside a database..

result= Round(CLng(r3)*CLng(I)/(CLng(r2)+CLng(r3)))

if (CStr(result) = CStr(urans)) then
" "
elseif (CStr(result) <> CStr(urans)) then
" "
End if

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Comas Or Points? For Dbl Subtypes?

I have to do several operations with values that i capture from textfields, but these values will be integer sometimes and float some other times. I use Cdbl(expression) to get them to double subtype, but i the input have to be in comas for it to work. Like 2,75 instead of 2.75, if the input is like 2.75 it will take 275 as the value..

Anyway I wrote a javascript that takes care of that, changes the textfield input for comas. The thing is, all of the people i tell this act stranged and tell me they have never needed to use comas instead of points, does anybody know why is this? Im affraid my code will not work on some browsers maybe?

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Displaying Data To 2 Decimal Points

I have an ASP/SQL 7 application that rips data from SQL Views onto an ASP
page. I have a money column in a SQL table that contains money income values.

When data is input to this field it needs to be displayed as money (to 2
decimal places - 10.00 or 7.60)

However, this only seems to be occurring when the user puts in the extra 0,
and if 7.6 is entered, it is still displayed as 7.6

I need all data to be displayed as money values (and it is selected as money
in SQL), so is there any way (either in the table design, View design, or
display on the ASP page) to get the data to 2 decimal places, no matter

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Server-Side Break Points

I try to debug ASP aplication. I use Visual InterDev 6.0 and Windows
server 2003,but Visual InterDev Debugger Skips Server-Side Break Points. I read thisbug was in asp.dll version 4.02.0622 (WIN NT), but why doesn't it work on WINserver 2003

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English Numbers Into Arabic Numbers

I'm working on asp project, access 2000 at backend.I can write arabic text and arabic
numbers in textbox and save them in database.but if i see these records, arabic text and arabic numbers,it is ok,if my computer is arabicenable.

If my computer is not arabic enable then it show arabic number into english numbers.
how can i show arabic numbers instead of english numbers if my computer is not arabic
enable.i'm working on a project i have to complete it.How can i convert english numbers that are coming from database and convert that numbers in arabic for show.

I have use

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">
I shall be very thankful to you for this purpose.

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How Do I Make Random Images Not Random?

However, what I want to do is include a request.querystring("ID"), so that IF an ID is defined, eg ID=3, , it will display the relevant (not random) information. I've tried this every way I can think and get type mismatches, etc etc. It's probably really simple but I can't see it.

redim link(limit)
redim image (limit)





<a href="<%= link(random) %>">
<img src="<%= image(random) %>" border="0"></a>

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Random Token Generator - Not Really Random

We have the need to have a random token (a 16 char alphanumeric field) to be used as the key for one of our SQL tables. I have created a random token generator, however after only 3 months in production, it appears that we had an instance where a token that already existed in the tables was created. There are 3810 records currently in the database so it isn't like there are billions of records there.

I contacted an old college buddy of mine who is a mathematician, and he claims, assuming that random really does mean random, that the chances of getting a duplicate token are 1 in 79.5 septillion (79,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000).

So my conclusion is that this was either a complete freak of nature occurance, or my random generator isn't really all that random. Here is the code behind how I am generating this: Code:

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Random Number Not Random

I am trying to generate a random number. I am using randomize and then rnd to return a decimal number between 100 and 120. This will give me a longitude. I am doing something similar to generate a latitude.

I created this on a page which refreshs every minute. I put these points into a map and they are showing up in groups of straight lines. Since rnd is time based will refreshing every 60 seconds return similar numbers?

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Getting Two Numbers

Just started learning ASP about ten minutes ago.
Currently experimenting with forms.
could someone please tell me what is wrong with this code:Code:

Resonse.Write Request.Form("myform") + Request.Form("myform2") & "<br />"

Im trying to get two numbers to add together from a form.
I get this error when i use that code:
Quote: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

/Jaynesh/asptest.asp, line 14

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Even Numbers

how can i check if a variable is an even number

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Add Two Numbers

i want to add two numbers in server script with VB script. how to do it.

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Add Numbers Using Checkboxes

I Have this form in page1:

<form method="post" action="page2.asp">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="10">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="20">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="30">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="40">

Now what I want is to add the checked values in page2.

For example :

if checkbox1 and checkbox3 gets checked I want to add the values in the
checkboxes which in this case is 10 + 30 and get the total sum (40).
Hope this makes sense?

So how do I retrive the checked values and then add the checked values
with eachother to get the total?

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Ordering Numbers?

i need to oredr a set of numbers. the numbers are "06/9","95/1","95/6","06/3" and so on. the thing is that these need to be ordered form the second number, so it shoudl be ordered thus: "95/1","06/3","95/6","06/9". how can i do this? at the moment just as an attempt im splitting the number either side of the "/" like this:

var regNo = "12/09"
var yearStart = 0
var yearEnd = regNo.indexOf("/")
var year = regNo.substring(yearStart, yearEnd)
var itemStart = regNo.indexOf("/") + 1
var itemEnd = regNo.length
var itemNo = regNo.substring(itemStart, itemEnd)

but where do i go form here?

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Trim Numbers

I am converting bites to Megabytes in an operation. How would I trim the result to only go to 2 decimal places?ex:

Response.Write(file.FileName & " (" & (file.Size/1048576) & "Mb)<BR>")

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Check This Numbers

i know how to code it in javascript but failed to do it in asp. there are 12 digits of number. exmple like this 871205106599. i want to check every single digit when user clicks Submit button.

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