Randomly Generated Validation Code

I would like to incorporate a Randomly Generated Validation Code Immage into my New Registration page (so when users register they have to enter a validation code produced by the immage).

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Randomly Generated Strings

I used to have a piece of code that would generate a random string of
8,16,24 or 32 characters in length.

I got it from this group, does any one have this piece of code?

It will be used for a double opt-in email newsletter.

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Randomly Generated Filename

How could I create a random filename for a single-use download? So, if a user was to download a file from a site it would send them a unique filename that could only be used once. That link would not be available after the download completed.

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Randomly Generated Variables

I am relatively new to this generation of variables in ASP. I am unable to proceed from here. Can somebody advise?

Challenge :

I get number of participants in an exam, from a sql statement and stored into a variable called headcount.

After that, I am using the following to initialize randomly generated variables. For example if there are 4 students in the class, I intend to get student1, student2, student3 and student4, all of them initialized to 0.

For j=1 To CLng(headcount)
Eval Execute("student" & j & "=" & 0)

Now we are trying to find out question wise defaults in the test. I have a for loop that does traverse through all the questions in the test. As I go question by question, if there is any failure I would like to increment the errorcounter of that participant.

Which means .....

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Form Validation Code

I'm making form validation that checks a form that will be added to the database when filled out correctly, the error message will be in the form of a line above the form stating that you forgot to enter some fields correctly and pictures of X's behind the field that weren't Filled out correctly. But I can't get it to work correctly. Can someone please help me and if possible change my code or tell me where exactly I need to add certain pieces of code.

<!--#include file="Connections/conn_db.asp" -->
Function isValidation(Len)
If Len(Request.Form) > 0 Then
name = Trim(Request.Form("name"))
formOk = True

If name = "" Then
errName = "*Error: Please enter your name"
formOK = False
End If....

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Validation Code Error

here is the code

if ((form1.Decline.value=='') && (form1.OfficeStatus == "YES") &
(form1.FloorBldgDiscStat.value=='')) {
alert('Enter value on floorbldgstat')
return (false);

This validation does not work when i try to update my asp page i should prompt the alert msg. My OfficeStatus field is a dropdown with value of "YES" and "NO". What i should i use to get the value "YES" i javascript. Single equal sign(=) or double equal sign (==), and anothe one is what should i use in enclosing the "YES" value. '' or "".

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How To Create A Validation Code With Image?

I wish to create a page with a validation code (something like rapidshare.de or gmail, when u want to submit, u will required to type the characters in the image shown for validation)

any idea how to do it?

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Form Validation Special Promotion Code

I am working on this form. One of the text field I am using is for a Special Promotion Code. If the user enters the incorrect Promotion Code it should generate an error message. In the future this text field may have at least 10 valid promotion codes to this field. Currently I have only two valid promotion codes to the the text field. The code I created will only validate the first on (06teach)instead of both. Here's my code...

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Server Side Code For Password Validation

Anyone have server side code to password validation?

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How To Select Randomly

how can I do a "select" action and select lines randomly, for example:
"select * from items where views>100" and to choose from that 5 objects randomly.

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Choose Data From DB Randomly

i need to choose a data, randomly, in a database based n category (cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4, cat5, cat6). i only need to show 1 data of each category in the html page. kindly inform where to find a sample tuts for this.

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Randomly Select A Name From A Csv File

I've got a csv file with names, addresses, emails, etc. I've been asked to randomly select a name from a csv file. I've found plenty of RandNum examples, but I'm not sure how to apply it to these names. Can anyone point out a sample I could use?

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Pages Hang Randomly

I have a Windows 2003 Server Web running 5 web sites. Every few days, the ASP pages stop responding. There are no events in the event log. The HTML pages are still served successfully. These pages have no database interaction (others use MySQL). I have to restart IIS in order for the pages to work again. I haven't been able to find anything about this issue on the web. Has anyone seen this before? Any idea how to fix it?

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SQL Randomly Select A Record Using Access

I want to select a random record from a table within my Access database, however I am running into problems. When the page is executed, it always shows the same record. Code:

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Banners Disappear Randomly From Pages

We have 2 copies of our web application - Development and Checkout. We have
noticed that when the QA quys go through our QA version, they will sometimes
find that pages are missing the banners. The banners are created by VI
using the themes and layouts.

All of the other theme/layout information is
fine, and both sites are using identical Site Diagrams. We have even tried
copying the site diagram over from development to QA again and recalculating
the site, and the banners stay missing. Can anyone tell me how to fix this
and what is happening?

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Select 4 Records, Randomly From Database

Is this do-able with ASP / VBscript?

-- I have a database with user records (name, photo, etc. etc.)

I want to use asp to generate (on the homepage) a series of 4 randomly selected 'user records' from the database -- say just the headshot photo or name from the database.

In addition to the recordset being randomly generated (i.e. our of about 50 records, only records 4, 18, 23 and 26 are displayed) I need to MAKE SURE they are not duplicated (i.e. out of the 50 records, records 4, 18, 23 and 23 -- where the last two are duplicates).

Is there a way I can pull this off and how do I go about it exactly?

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Session Variable Randomly Mixed Or Lost?

Windows 2000 Server SP3
IIS 5.0


Antivirus deactivate

No changes on main files (web.config, machine.config, in)

No exist Active Directory (changes in ACL are not exist)

In machine.config LogLevel="All"

No events registered in Event Viewer.

aspnet_wp.exe not recycled never.

Web site accessed by multiple users at the same time. Some user data are
stored in a session variables. Randomly one user view data of another

It ocurrs in two different machines.

What can be?

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How Can I Randomly Update Access Database Content

I am trying to get an access random image script to simply update the content from a folder on my server...... Automaticlly without having to go into the database to add a the new image and location, i just want it to randomly select one. is this possible?

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Input A Randomly Alpha (letters) In A Specific Field

what i want to do is to put 2 fields in my table , username and password

what iwant to do is to create a page that ask you to unter your username only ,and when u click submit the other page will add new record for the username u enter and will input a randomly alpha(letters and numbers) to yr password field , so how can do this random thing throw the asp"!?!

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Dropdown Validation To Add Onto Shadwizard Validation

Create the following code from database but does not validate on enter - I am using ShadowWizards validation code.

<Input fields so work however I will need dropdown and radio buttons to be validated also.

I really like the work ShadowWizard has put in and would like to continue in the same neat, cleaver coded way!

I did validate the few fields with ASP but Yahoo toolbar stops people going back on forms and therefor would not work on all PC's, typically the bosses and now he seems to want it asap so any javascript solution? Code:

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Getting The Generated Id

I’m trying to build an application that will flow like this “when the data from my form1 is submitted an auto increment is generated id will generated...I want to be able to used the generated id in other form or page in my application.. this is because the id would be use as foreign key in other table in the database” …is there anybody can guide me on these issue.. I manage to develop it only until the submission of the first form after that I didn’t know how to call the generated id.. For your information I’m using mysql as database.

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Generated Email

Can anyone provide me with, or point me in the direction of somewhere where I can get the code to get the server to create and send an email.

Basically, when an order is completed on my site, I need to create and send an email notification both to the client and also to ourselves.

Is there anything else I need to be aware of when dealing with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Generated Mail

Im trying to send plain text emails to a japanese mobile phone.they use 3G in japan. However,one make of mobile phone can't read messages when the message is generated from two strings concatenated together.yes,i dont belive it either

message = "Hi"
message = message & " Bye"

cannot be read on one type of mobile phone (giving invalid content error).

I've also tried message = message + " Bye" but that gives the same problem.This email can be read on all otehr types of phones. A single string can be read, but as soon as the string is ended and then started again,it breaks.

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Automatic Generated Email

I want to send customers and automatecly generated email once they submit a form/place order. I've been searching the net for a whille but I haven't been able to find any usefull information.

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Getting Loop Generated Variables?

for Counter = 1 to Sections
<td><input name="<%=Counter%>_Title" type="text" value="Item Number <%=Counter%>" size="40"></td>

As you can see, the name for the text field is being generated as (in this instance) 1_Title

the form submits to another page.

How do I retreive the new value of that form?

<%=1_Title%> returns an error.

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Retrieving Auto Generated Key From DB

I have an insert query that creates a customer record, this record is given a ReferenceNo that is autoincremented within Access.

What I want to know is how can I retrieve this value after I have applied this update. Using MySQL I know there was a way to retrieve autogenereated keys, but is there something similar that I can do via the ADO stuff and access?

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Parse Dynamically Generated

have a number of text box rows generated dynamically with the same name. This gets posted to the same page as a comma delimted string.
The Problem: If a user enters a comma the string gets disjointed.
Need to parse(remove commas)the dynamic text box values generated on client side.

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Generated Excel Reports

I have in the past run some ASPs that generated Excel reports via the following line:

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=rpt_s2dpoc_Access_dump.xls"

I have a critical issue where I need to from an ASP gereate and excell spreadsheet but with three tabs. I will need different sections of the asp to write to those three tabs.


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Dynamically Generated Calender?

i need to build a booking system which relies on a calender. basically i have a db of clinics thar offer allotted times for appointments on certain dates. eg: a clinic may offer five 20 minutes slots 2 days a week.

so i need to get the data out of the db and display that in a calender form which the user can then select the time/date convenient to them. my question is (apart from how do i build this!?!?!?!) does anyone know a good calender that would fit my purpose? Code:

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System Generated Email

I have an asp page that collects data on referrals. The user inputs the
information and selects the rep to receive the referral. My data is being
saved to a backend database (SQL) and the user is receiving a confirmation
page after hitting the Submit button. Now, what I need is a way to have an
email sent to the rep that is selected in the drop down list on the asp form.
I have a SQL table containing the reps and corresponding email addresses.
Is it even possible to achieve what I am trying to do? I am trying to avoid
sending a blanket email to a single address and having someone filter them
from there.

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Getting Html Generated From An Asp Page

I know you can use the XMLHTTP object to retrieve Html, but how can you get html created by an asp page? Is there a way.

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Redirect Generated Html

I am not the ASP programmer on this project so I am simply asking for possiblities.
We are using ASP to generate html documents with data drawn from a database. We need to email some of these pages to our users.
We do not want to create separate email-able versions of all of these pages. It would be ideal to create an html email or attach and html document to an email, using the html code the asp code generates on the existing page.
Can this be done? My programmers tell me that the second option (write the generated code to a file, attach it to an email, send it, delete the file) would need to use FSO and the this object opens security holes.

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Pdf From Dynamically Generated Pages

Can anyone point me in the right direction for tutorials etc on dynamically generated pdfs from pages created from a database.

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