Re-Sort A Drop Down Inside A Form

I have a form in asp that has a drop down of contact - busness names. One side is contact name and other side is business name in this one drop down. I want to create a button or Link for the user to click and re-sort the order of the drop down from contact name to business name. The drop down is in a form already, so I thought about using another form inside my main form to run a requery of the drop down, but I don't think I can run a form inside a form...

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Iframe Inside A Form

I have a form which consists of Iframe

<Form method="pst" action="test.asp">
<iframe src="testingframe.asp" id="testfram" frameborder="1"

testingframe.asp has
<input type=checkbox id="checkedName" name="checkedName"/>

How do i acess checkedName value in my main form .... ?

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Excel Wb Inside Asp Form

i am unable to figure out some pls if anyone has implemented then do suggest me. i need to have a link on clickign to which i want excel workbook to open (a previously created template) below the link in the form.

how can i do it. i find lot of info on opening excel as an application freshly. i want to
open in the form itself. is it feasible or i am just wasting my time searching info for it.

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Form Validation Javascript Inside ASP ?

I have an ASP application which gathers information to put in a
database via some forms - I would like to do the form validation
(making sure some fields are not empty) with a Javascript script inside
the ASP file - what is the syntax for doing this? Usually I would place
the javascript inside the <head> tags, but ASP files don't have

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'undefined' Form Input Value Inside JS Function

I'm developing an account lookup, mostly in ASP, that displays a list of radio buttons to select one account from those found in a recordset. Here is a snip of the account display, after the recordset is populated: Code:

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Form Inside Of Form

i have an ASP page with a table that is populated by a db query the table is set in a form(outter form) so that a user can up date and add information to the table. one of the columns is a form(inner form) to us a buttont to call an asp function to generate a random number (invoice number).

The problem i am having is that when i click on the button (inner form) to generate the invoice number it wants to load the page for the outer form. how can i fix this? If you can tell me how to call the asp function with out a form then great. I am open for options. What I am trying to do is have a button (invoice #) you click and it is replaced by the random number that was generated.

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Form With Linked Drop-down Lists

I have an ASP-page where I want to be able to select a fabric and color of that fabric. Since different fabrics comes with different colors I want to have a form with two drop-down lists where selection of fabric in the first list populates the second list with the right set of colors. I need to have the lists in the same form so it only require one submit.

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Drop Down Menu Show In Form

How do I get a drop down menu to show Please select one when a form opens up? The menu will be populated with a database field but when someone creates a new record I would like for all the drop down menus to say Please select one.

So if nothing is selected from that menu then when they INSERT the new record into the database it will store a Null value for that new field in that field.

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Multiple Drop Downs In A Form

basically what im trying to do is create a form to submit some data to an access db.

In the form i want to be able to have two dynamically populated drop downs (so if a user chooses cars in the first field it comes up with a bunch of car manufacturers, or if he chooses boats it comes up with boat builders etc etc.)

Ive searched high and low, and i the best i can find is javascript to make the drop dows. The java script however uses a form to repost the data back to the page to populate the second drop down. This wont work when its inside a form.

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How To Set Form Fieds Depending On Selected Item In Drop Down List

I am having a drop down list and other text boxes in a form. I need to retrive and fill text boxes from database depending on the selected item in drop down list. I am using javascript as scripting language. Can any body give solution.

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Display Drop Down Options Based On The Selected Item From Another Drop Down

The code that I have has 2 drop down boxes dd1 (visible) and dd2 (hidden). Based on the option selected in dd1, dd2 should be visible and populate options. I think I can have OnChange script but how could I return the value and put it in the SQL query (see variable in red in thecode)? Code:

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Select Sort

I have a script that I want to display the returned list numerically in. The database is deciding how to order the list, and is being displayed pretty loosely. Is there anyway I can sort the returned list numerically here? Code:

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Sort By Part

I have a database table, that I need to sort by PART of the contents of a field (named rFieldName in the table):sample contents of this field are:Code:

qid_6_question_2I need to sort his field by the value that appears AFTER the 3rd underscore, and if applicable BEFORE the 4th underscore
Is this possible - can you help please - I have no idea where to start on this as I've never had to try to do something like this before.

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JS Sort Function

I have a JS/ASP application that sorts a SQL populated table.
This works great, and sorts the data fine, apart from my currency columns.
It wants to read the data as text as far as i can gather. Ths data in ASP
looks like this -
<% =formatcurrency(RS("income"),2)%>
I have tried changing this to a number (formatnumber) and hard coding a £
sign, yet it still wants to read the data as text, rather than numerical?
How can i get my JS function to read currency or if not, eliminate the
forehand figures. I need the data to appear as a currency, yet be sorted as
a number (rather than taking the 2st digit)if this is a
common problem (sorting currency) and there was a universal solution around

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Sort Text

I've lurked on here for awhile but I've come upon something I'm having trouble with.
I have a database table of movie titles and I want to sort by the column, but ignore the articles in the title, "a", "an" or "the"... "The Lion King" would be under L... "A Bronx Tale" would be listed under "B", etc.
Does anyone have a function that does this or know of another method? Or am I forced to enter them as "Lion King, The", for example?

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Sort Array

Which would be faster?

1) Bubble sort
2) Join Array remove empty delimaters and then Split.

I am thinking the second would be a faster routine wouldn't it?

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Sort Order?

I have a form that is created dynamically, and all is working fine. But I want users to add an sort order to help list phrases in a certain order.

<input type="text" name="AdvantSort" value="" size=1>
<input type="checkbox" name="Advantages" value="10">

<input type="text" name="AdvantSort" value="" size=1>
<input type="checkbox" name="Advantages" value="20">

so on, so forth...

And one clicks on the form, and a SQL statement is executed.
However, when I create the SQL statement,

VALUES (<call from form ID>,<advantages>,<advantsort>)

Then it loops to allow the next phrase to be entered. The statement also takes the value from every other sort order value including that ones that are in different lines. Which in result, gives me an error, saying the insert columns exceed that of the available columns in the table.

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Table Sort

I would like sort table. The table is createobject method (open a function
and use SAP connection) and the table not use recordset. is it possible sort
table for example or how can i sort table columns.

set objTable = myFunc.tables ("Sales")

objTable.sortColumn="SalesID", Asc

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How To The Sort FileSystemObject?

I'm trying to sort the fso. The file names are named june2004, july2004, august2004, ect... I need to sort them in chronological order starting with the latest one first.

The files were recently created so sorting them by the modified or created date will not work. The only other way is to them by the name of the file. I tried converting name of the file into a date using CDate (formated the file names as July 2004, August 2004, ect...) but it did not work. Code:

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Sort Problem

region = array("a", "b", "c", "d")
I am sorting in desc order that is d, c, b, a, it works fine. Is there a way to sort them as d,c,a,b? How do I do? thanks.
Code:select* from mytable Order by region desc

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Sort Options

Can u help me generate a javascript to sort the options(list) in an asp listbox control?

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Sort By Relevancy

I have an SQL string that does a search using

SELECT * WHERE Titlename LIKE '%Crimson%' AND Titlename LIKE '%Skies%' order BY Titlename

This gives me all results containing both "Crimson" and "Skies". But I want a result that contains exactly "Crimson Skies" to appear first in addition to the blended results.

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Sort Rows With SQL

When I try to sort rows of records in asp with sql I cant get them coming out right. The column I'm trying to sort has record values such as 63, 254, 98, 7 but when I try to sort them ascending I get 254, 63, 7, 98 but I want 7, 63, 98, 254. Please help because its been annoying me for ages.

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Trying To Sort By Month

I have an Access "date/time" column and I am trying to use SQL to select by month. I thought the code below would work (to query for records in april for example) but I am still getting all the records regardless of when the date is.

FROM comm
WHERE comm_requested_date = month(4)

Basically, I have a drop menu with the months and I want to query the DB for all records for a particular month.

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Sort From Database

how i can make it sort alphabetic? From a database.

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Sort Posts

I have a simple address-script (its actually a guestbookscript that I changed a bit). Part of the code looks like this:

Code: ....

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Sort Through My Database

Is it possible to do the following in asp. I have a flash game which saves the name time and email of the users race. Is it possible to sort through my database (ms access) and then display the quikest 10 in flash as high scores? This is my load.asp where my database results are at the mo.

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Sort Records Using ASP

I have Table Named "League_Table" in MS Access and data Stored in Table as follow
Tm P W D L Pt
ABL 2 0 0 2 0
HBL 2 1 1 0 4
KRL 2 2 0 0 6
PIA 1 1 0 0 3

There are 16 Teams in League. Now I want to sort Records on the basis of Points, assign Rank to Teams and display on Web page using ASP.

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Sort By Relevance

i have a search/results page. how can i sort records according to relevance? i am using access, asp, nt, iis.

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Sort By Total

I have a column which i store my totals (price) and i want to sort the records by total.
simple way of ordering as ORDER BY doesn't give correct solution since it sort according to the first number. like this:


i want to sort it like


do you know how?

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Sort By Relevance

I'm currently producing a search that looks into 3 tables in my database and outputs all the data. As you can imagine there's a lot of information displayed so I would like to sort the information by relevance displaying a pecrcatage beside each result.

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How To Sort Month And Year

i have data likes this
post_month post_ year
january 2006
december 2006
january 2007
february 2007

i need to write a query to display as follows


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Sort, Filter And Paging In One?

does anyone know where i can get a good free javascript that sorts, filters and pages my ASP page? if it will work with my ASP page and if this is the best way?

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