Re-convert Currency Back To Integer?

Database: Access 2000

How does one switch a converted currency format back to a plain integer in
Asp. I have tried Cint but this produces an overflow error for the

NewPrice = CInt(Request.Form.Item("NewPrice"))

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0006)
Overflow: 'Cint'

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Convert A String To An Integer

I get the EmpID from the form which is a variant. When I do the following, I get an overflow error. Can you suggest of a way I can convert this EmpID to a number?Code:

'Get the EmpID from the form
strEmpID = cInt(Request.Form("empid"))

VBScript is the scripting language I am using.

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Convert Varchar To Money/currency

I am updating information in an SQL database through a form and I need to convert my varchar string into the money datatype in my database. Can anyone help me with the syntax? Here is the code....

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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INT = Integer

I'm adding fields to a table with this code:

sql = "ALTER TABLE companies ADD COLUMN fieldname int"

now "int" gives the number as a whole number but what is the syntax for this value to be allowed to involve decimals?

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If i need to search the ticketnumber by using long integer, do i need to include the single quote like the example below.

strsql="Update offsitetape set status='Open' where ticketnumber =' "&problemopen&"' "

When I get the value from the textfield, do I need to convert it to integer or just leave it like that:


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Single To Integer

I am trying to send a 'single' data type to a sql server db cell that is formatted for 'decimal' from asp/ado code and it is converting it to an integer. Should I be using some other data type in sql server?

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Integer Check

when i set the checkScore1 to 100 or higher in the table field, the if else condition became FALSE? But it work for 70 to 99 ??

If checkMaxAttempt = "2" AND checkScore1 >= "70" Then
response.redirect "error.asp"

'last attempt check
ElseIf checkMaxAttempt <= "1" AND checkScore2 >= "70" Then
response.redirect "error.asp"

ElseIf checkMaxAttempt <= "0" Then
response.redirect "error.asp"

Else 'do nothing
End If

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Integer => String

Is there a way of converting an integer to a string. so can 200 become "200".........i need to do this cuz i want to append it to another string.

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Determining Whether An Integer Is Even Or Odd...

I am trying to reiterate through a using an integer (i). I would like to know when it is either a odd or an even number, insteading of using the simple version below:

if i = 1 or i=3 or i = 5 then
Response.Write "<tr " & strRowOdd & ">" & vbcrlf
Response.Write "<tr>" & vbcrlf
end if

Want to format table rows in a different style.

Any ideas?

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Integer - Max(year)

I have a set of values like name,age,desg,salary,year etc . currently i am getting the values using max(year) and displaying the values year is integer in my sqlserver db
If you go thru my code (see attachment) you would be able to understand.

Now the problem is if a person gets promoted or hike in his salary i have to display two differnt salary on the same year how do i do that. currently i am displaying the values based on the max(year) max(year)-1 etc. i cannot modify the database. i have to do some changes on my coding only. Please view my coding as attachment (3000.txt).

For example
Name Age Desig Salary Year
abc 35 CEO 39000 2004
abc 35 CFO 38000 2003
abc 35 CTO 37000 2002
abc 35 CTO 35000 2001
abc 35 Direcotr30000 2001

How do i display this from the database.

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Integer - Max(year)

I have a set of values like name,age,desg,salary,year etc

currently i am getting the values using max(year) and displaying the values year is integer in my sqlserver db If you go thru my code (see attachment) you would be able to understand.

Now the problem is if a person gets promoted or hike in his salary i have to display two differnt salary on the same year how do i do that. currently i am displaying the values based on the max(year) max(year)-1 etc. i cannot modify the database. i have to do some changes on my coding only. Code:

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Integer And Casting

we have a recordset return by a stored procedure from MS SQL. basically this recordset is an integer value, but when we are checking is value something strange happens :

if RS(0) = -1 then

for example RS(0)=46 and anyway our program runs what is inside the if ...end structure..

how can we cast -1 to integer... something like in C++ : (int)(-1).... in order to make sure that -1 in integer.

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Converting A String To An Integer

is any way possible to convert a string, which is a string of a number, to an integer (using VBScript). If not, are there any other solutions to have a number that is a string, and add one to increase that number?

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Parsing String Into An Integer

How can I make a variable to be an int instead of being a String?

I want to get it done in VBScript.

so if I have
id = "32"

how can I tell the browser to read that as a int instead of a string.

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Integer Data Type

I am calling a javascript function in my asp. I am passing a recordset value, a 7 digit integer, to this javascript function. However, in the function this value is not coming in correctly. say for example i am passing 0360001, in the function when i pass it to another window, its going as 122881.

I am asuming its because of the size of the default integer data type. If you think thats the reason, how can set a long integer data type to this value, if that can be done in asp.

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Check If An Object Is An Integer?

What is the function in ASP to see if an object / string is an integer?

I want to check the contents of a form, and if it's an integer, i.e a number, do something, else if it's a word do something else, and I'm not sure howto?

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Text Value Appearing As Integer

I have a form, that has a drop down menu with number of options eb. home, work, mobile etc. However when the choice is added to the database table it appears as a number inside the table, even though the field in the table is set to a text value (it is an MS Access DB) Why is this?

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Check Input To Be An Integer

I am trying to test a users input to be an integer. Is there a simple function that i can use. Here is a simplified version of my attempt.

dim numTestNumber
numTestNumber = 6
if isNumeric(numTestNumber) = false then
Response.Write "The input must be numeric"
end if

if Cint(numTestNumber) then
Response.Write "The Number is an Integer"
Response.Write "The Number is not an integer"
end if

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Turning Date Into An Integer

I am looking at doing a rotating image using the date to count it up. I have found a small bit of script to do it but have to admit Code:

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Assign A Null Value To Integer Field

I am trying to update an integer field in an Access database with a null value (ie, make the field empty). It currently has an integer in it. Here's the code I've tried, which normally works for all other updates:

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.ActiveConnection = sConnString
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM tblFixtures WHERE FixtureID = " & strFixtureIDcurrent
rs.CursorType = 0
rs.CursorLocation = 2
rs.LockType = 3
rs_numRows = 0
rs("ArticleID") = ""
rs("Result") = ""
set rs = nothing

However I am getting a Type Mismatch error on the rs("ArticleID") = "" line. Where have I gone wrong?

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Tabbing Through Integer Field Causes Error

I have a form with several fields that are updated to a DB as an integer. I am using this code to validate the fields:

iincidentdet = CInt(iincidentdet)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
strErrorMsg = strErrorMsg & "Your entry for integer_field could " & _
"not be converted to an integer! Remember that integers " & _
"need to be from -32,768 to 32,767.<br />" & vbCrLf
End If

when I use my tab to pass by one of the integer fields which should be a 'zero' or null. Is there a way to default the fields to a null value?

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How To Do The Error Handling If The Users Key In Character Into Integer Text Field?

How to do the error handling if the users key in character into integer text field? If possible, please give example and show me the coding.

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ASP Currency Converter

I have a web page which displays various data reports. One field displays £GBP. I would like to display the conversion to $ next to it, i.e.

Charge £100 ($172)

Is there anywhere I can link to for this info, or do I have to enter the exchange rate myself in a db field and do the calc in a script?

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Date And Currency

i have a little problem that i can't fix, in the Regional option of the Win2k server control panel i have set the Euro currency and the date format with dd/mm/yyyy but all the peoples that use a simple asp script like asp ASP date(), get the $ currency and the Usa date as mm/dd/yyyy, do you know where can i change this on the server?

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Format Currency In ASP?

Is there an easy way to format a number into a currency display style eg:

I have this set in my Access database on the field but my asp produces:

Is there perhaps a formatCurrency command or something like that in ASP?

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ASP Currency Issue

i have a textbox where a user enters a number when he submits that page i want to show the number entered as currency:

say for example he entered 12

next page i want to show $12.00

i did this:

txtprice=Cast(txtprice AS MONEY)

but its throwing an error

any idea how to work this out

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Currency Number

I have a ASP shopping cart system and sell expensive products that can push the total purchase price over $1000. If the invoice total is more than $999.99... say $1010.00, it passes a value of $1.00 instead of $1010.00. Anything under $999.00 get processed just fine. Of course, say's it's my code and not their system.
Is there a limit to FormatCurrency that would cause it to trim the value? I'm not quite sure where to begin looking but my "hidden x_amount" value thats passed along to the gateway is using FormatCurrency.

<input type="HIDDEN" name="x_amount" value='<% = FormatCurrency(Request("GrandTotal"))%>'>
Looking at it just know I noticed that the x_amount value is enclosed in ' ' instead of " "... could the comma in the currency value $1,010.00 be ending the code? It happened to some of my product drescriptions that had a comma. Changed it to " " and all was well.

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Problem With Currency

i have a database where the price is in pounds for my products,

on my localhost it comes up in pounds, groovy

however, on my web server it comes up in dollars (not so groovy) how can i solve this problem ( preferably not by getting a new server ;-)

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Currency Format

I want to format a number in one of me text boxes as a currency, I tried CCur but this didn;t work.

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Currency Conversion

im looking for some code that will convert an inputted amount in sterling to a number of different currencies.i presume i will have a text box and a series of radio buttons that a user will choose for another currency then a button to initiate the code to convert.
Could it do the currency symbol also? ie £ > $

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Currency Sign

I have a problem with an ASP page pulling data from a SQL2000 server. Expected behaviour is that when prices are displayed they are displayed in pounds as this is the default locale of the server. However they are displayed in dollars.

I've checked the default locale and the user locale of the (windows 2000) server and these are both British english. The language for the SQL user is also British english. Are there any other setting that could affect this?

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Format Currency

when I read a float number from my sql database and use format currency to to display it it always puts a question mark before it. why it does this? I've checked the value in the database. response.write on the value itself.

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