Read Excel File With Asp And Stored It In Access Db

Anyone know how to read excel file with ASP and stored it in database?

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Read And Write Datas Into Excel(.csv) File

how can i read the datas in specific columns and rows from excel(.csv) file and then use that datas to calculate the min(example) and write the results into the same excel(.csv) file.

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Read Data In An Excel File And Than Write It In The Format Of XML?

How can I use ASP to read data in an Excel file and than write it in the format of XML?

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Upload An Excel File Into MS Access DB

I am trying to upload an excel file into MS access dB using ASP and its not working.

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Import Excel File From Asp Page To Listbox/access

Basically, I want to have an asp page that has a button where when you click on it, it opens up a file open dialog box where you can search for any excel file you want to import. Then, once a file is selected, I want to read all the contents of the excel file (from column A) to display into a listbox on the screen (so that each individual row from excel file would be a separate item in the listbox). Also, this data would have to be inserted accordingly into an access database .....

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Parses And Excel File And Inserts The Data In An Access Table

I have created a script that parses and excel file and inserts the data in an Access table. The script works perfectly fine, however I also need to extract a column comments via my script.Column comment is like a tool tip for any given column and therefore it occurs only on mouse hover, not in the actual column data.

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How To Read Stored Mails From ASP Using CDOSYS

My requirement is to read the inbox mail from remote mail server. In my local machine I don�t have any IIS, Exchange server. I am running ASP page using SUN ONE ASP Server, for sending mail I am connecting remote mail server using CDOSYS. Now I need to read the mail from inbox folder. I am not able to read the inbox mail from remote mail server.

I don�t have IIS/ Exchange server in my local machine. I need to read the mail from remote server. Is it possible?

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Read Excel

i use the following code to read excel

Set ExcelConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set ExcelRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]"
set ExcelRS = ExcelConn.Execute(sSQL)

it work fine for those cell that contained string ,but once the cell is numeric,i cant get anything in the cell.How can i solve this problem.

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Read Excel Files

i was wondering if it is possible to read an excel file from the client side and for example, print the cells info in a <table> using ASP of course

I have one that makes this but, i have to indicate the fisical location of the file (C:inetpubwwwrootexcelfileexmpl.xls), wich means, my machine.

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Read Chinese Character From Excel Using Asp

I use asp to develop a web page to read an excel file containing Chinese Character then display it in the web page. Unfortunately, I cant display it!!! it will display (?????????). Code:

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Read Excel And Match With Database

can any one help me to read the datas from the excel sheet and match it with the database.i will be thankful to you if u provide me a sample code.

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Read And Write To Excel And Word On Client

I'm converting a VB6/SQL Server application to a web application. I need to
read data to and from Excel and Word. I'm not allowed to install Excel and
Word on the server, only on the client. Is there a way to use client side
scripts to read from and write to Excel/Word files?

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Converting An Image File To Hexa, Read Text File

i'm converting an image file to hexa..then the hexa is saved to a text file..

can any one help me how to read the content text of a text file?...

im doing it this way because i don't want to save hexa in my database, because it makes the database slower to open up.

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Stored Procedure In Access

I am currently using Microsoft access database 2000. I am trying to create a stored procedure in my database. How do i do that?

"CREATE PROC procProductsAddItem(inProductName VARCHAR(40), " & _
"inSupplierID LONG, inCategoryID LONG) " & _
"AS INSERT INTO Products (ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID) " & _
"Values (inProductName, inSupplierID, inCategoryID);""CREATE PROC procProductsUpdateItem(inProductID LONG, " & _
" inProductName VARCHAR(40)) " & _
"AS UPDATE Products SET ProductName = inProductName " & _
" WHERE ProductID = inProductID;"

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File System Object - Check If File Is Being Read

I have code that loops through a directory reading files..

now the problem is that files are constantly being uploaded and I only want the file system object to read those that are finished being uploaded.

How can I check the properties of the file to see if it's in middle of being written before i read the file?

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MS Access DB Read-only

how to modify this script to make the connection to the MS Access database read only, so that writing to the database directory is no more necessary (currently, I have to give IUSR write permissions so that the .LDB file can be created... but I don't need that because I want the database to be read only, and I don't want to grant write permission to IUSR).Code:
cst = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &_
"Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("/database/riviste.mdb")
set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Mode = 1 cst
strSQL="SELECT * FROM riviste ORDER BY Titolo"
set rs=conn.execute(strSQL)

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Fetch An Image Stored In Access DB?

A client has an OLE field called Signature in an Access database. The field contains a GIF image of a scanned signature (that a product has been received). How can I show this on an ASP page?

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How View Image Stored In Access DB?

A client has an OLE field called Signature in an Access database. The field contains a GIF image of a scanned signature (that a product has been received).

How can I show this image on an ASP page?

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Pass A Parameter In A Stored Access

I have a stored access query which is corresponding to a particular id. However, I am using a login script to capture the value of an id. Now, I want to dynamically open the stored query by passing the id captured via login.

Which means, I need to erase the static id value associated with the stored query GMISExpenseCombo. how do i open this stored query by passing the id value to the stored
query. I am using this stored query to retrieve some financial data for the corresponding record. Currently, I am opeing the static stored query as follows RS.Open "GMISExpenseCombo"

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Access Stored Procedure Problem

my stored procedure in access XP (I create it Succesfully)
It returns me all records.. For example in my db there are records with
catid=1 but no record with id=2

I try my code both catid=1 and catid=2 it returns same records.. What is my
fault..? Code:

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Read Ms Access Database

I need to be able to find a record by a unique code from a ms access database,take the value of the price field in that record,then store the value in a JavaScript variable.
These variables are being used for calculations.

So can I change the hard coded JavaScript code
var price1=(229); // 229 being $229 the price for item1

var price1=(item1); // item1 = 229 - value read from database and stored in variable price1.

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Can I Use A Query Stored In An MS Access Database From An ASP Page?

Currently, I do the following in my ASP pages when making use of an MS
Access database:

Dim adoCon, rsSet, strSQL

Set AdoCon = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set RsSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

adoCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &

strSQL="SELECT * FROM MyTable;"
rsSet.Open strSQL, adoCon some stuff...

Set rsSet=Nothing
Set adoCon=Nothing

I have a couple queries stored in the database that I use when in MS Access.
Can I call these queries instead of using a string to specify the SQL

The above seems kind of verbose for making use of a database. Can it be
simplified at all?

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Running Access Stored Queries With Parameters

I'd like to transfer al my hard coded sql queries to access stored queries and use them with parameters. Actually, I did not find any strong information how to do that. Please, provide me official information, or give me at least one example of using it(with
Select statement or other).

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Binary Access Read/Write In ASP

Im writing a web interface for a CRM product which has the ability to store files within a database... Now, the problem is, these files are binary files, and VBScript doesn't have support for binary files (as far as i know...)...

To overcome this i wrote a component (ActiveX DLL) in VB6. This component works fine, but as soon as i use it in ASP, my computer beeps and then sits there looking like it's doing something forever...

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ASP Access Stored Procedure Doesn't Accept Leading Zero

I'm pasing a zip code as a prameter to an Access stored procedure. In
Access the parameter is a text data type. It works for non-leading zero
zip codes but, apparently access (or ASP) is converting it to a value
first (dropping the zero) then sending that to my SP.

Even if I use cStr() to be sure the parameter is sent a string it still seems to drop
the leading zero. Any thoughts? Note: It needs to be a string for canadian zip

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Open Word Document Stored In Access Database

anyone know how to open in ASP a word .doc stored in an access database.

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Error: Access Database Or Object Is Read Only

I have an asp app that connects to an Access database. It works properly at my work on XP with IIS5.1 running.

I zipped up the asp pages and the Access database and emailed it to my home, which is XP and runs IIS5.1. When I recreate my work environmnet at home and try to update the database I get the following error when the code hits my AddNew method.

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I've tried going into Access/Security/Tools/User and Group Permissions and setting all the tables to be able to update. I've even created new ODBC drivers, but neither has worked. The database is not set to read-only.

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Read An Asp File As A Text File

I want to read an asp file as a text file. The problem is that the file that I want it to read is located on a server. For example: I want to read te content of this file: . I want to look after some values in that file.

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Read Asp File

I have an asp application in which, a page generates reports depending upon the id passed to it. For eg. printpage.asp?id=52 . Now I have a Print button on this page on clicking of which the contents of the page should be read and passed to the activex dll which I have prepared for printing the page.( I had to do this because the printer is installed on the server where the application resides and it should print on the server printer).

Now my question is how to read the asp file (say printpage.asp?id=52) contents in such a way that the fonts and formatting should remain the same, as that content will be printed on the server printer using Active X dll.

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Read PFD File

how to read the contents of a PDF file from an ASP page? I am trying to create a search engine that displays PDF files and Docs as links in an ASP page once the search request is submitted.

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Read A File Through FSO

I am trying to read a file through classic ASP. The file is located on a file server, seperate from the webserver. This is the path I'm trying to read the file from
FILESERVERMYFOLDERmyfile.txt . How can I accomplish this task?

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Read A .csv Or .txt File

I'm looking to display a 'phonebook' which will read the columns in a .csv or .txt file and display them in a sortable table by column. Here is what I have an excel file which has nearly 550 first, and last names, extensions, phone numbers, and office locations which I'd like to display on our companies intranet.

I'm looking for a way to show the table in a window with column headings that are clickable to sort by first, last and office name in an alphabetical fashion. Any direction to tutorials, free stuff or development here.

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Read A Tab Delimited File In Asp

I need to be able to read a tab delimited text file with an asp page so that I can stuff the fields into a sql table.I really don't know how you can do that, I checked the books I have and have been running around the internet trying to find the answer when I found this site.I cannot use a bulk insert statement because I don't have that level of access to the sql server. and I was assured that "BCP is indeed a command-line only utility and cannot be launched from ASP. You could parse the text file with ASP and generate INSERT statements that you then execute against the database. Routines for parsing tab-delimited files can be had by searching for them on google quite easily." by the system administrator

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