Read In Page On Diff Domain

i have a page that i need to load in an iframe that is on a diff domain (sub domain), i need to get the doc height of the page so that i can adjust the iframes height (so there will be no scroll bars).the problem with that is even though its on the same sever, because it is on a subdomain the browser sees it as different and restricts access to it (makes sense).

so, what we can do is have php read in the page with curl and parse it out in the iframe. that looks like <iframe src="reader.php?page=subdomain.pagename.html">but, we cannot use php on this server so i was wondering if there is an asp solution that can do the same thing (vb script). basically, i just need that asp page to grab the page on the sub domain, read it in and then output it.

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Redirect All Pages From Domain B To A Maintenance Page On Domain A

We have two sites hosted on different servers and we have many pages on
domain A which has many links(asp programs) to domain B.

My question is if domain B server is in trouble, what is the best way to
have all domain pages redirect to domain A? Right now I just have redirect
code in each program on domain B to redirect to a maintenance page on domain

Can I just write on program to solve this issue?

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Updating 2 Diff. SQL Tables From One ASP Page

I have one ASP page that has two separate FORMS, each that will update a separate SQL table. These tables are in the same DB with the same connection string for both.

The SQL statement seems to be writing correctly (when I test them) but neither of the tables updates when I try to update both of them. IF I try to update just ONE of the tables it does work correctly. Code:

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Grabbing A Variable From A Diff Form On The Same Page

I'm trying to grab a variable from a dropdown list and pass it to a paypal form, the problem is it's in two different forms.. Code:

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Domain Search Page

I am shine from India, a web programmer. I want to know
about how to create a domain search page using ASP.

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Cross Domain Page

anyone know how to include a cross domain page?

eg:, want to include page.

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ASP Read The Execl Cell's Data, Web Page Created From Excel2000 -- Save As Web Page

I created a web page from Excel2000, using "Save as web page..."...Publish
function. then, I moved htm file to my IIS web server. Then I added a form control, and submit button.

How can get the data on the excel file using ASP from server side?
For example, the value of Cell(1,2), Cell(2,3)....

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Can An ASP Page Read A Cookie Written By A PHP Page?

I am working with a developer, on two portions to a site, he is working in PHP and my work is done in ASP.

Is it possible for my pages to request data from a cookie that was written by his pages that are PHP but residing on the same server? Just want to make sure before I spend too much time planning out the development on my end.

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Read A Web Page

I am building a link exchange system - It works but I have to validate each recipricol link individually. I want to modify it so that it can read a web page and determine whether the website has added a recipricol link to my site before I add theirs.

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Allow Users To Read And Set CSS From Web Page

I have an ASP site where the majority of the site style is set in CSS but certain aspects such as font and background colors for sections is set by the user in a web page, with the data being pulled from an Access database.

It should be noted that the site is an open source forum and the user mentioned above is the admin for the site - so this only means limited access to this functionality but allows the admin to customise their forum for their users easily, whilst keeping them from the more crucial aspects of the CSS which afect table layouts etc.

The question has been asked - is it possible to not have to split the CSS like this (some in Db some in CSS sheet) and instead include it all in a style sheet?

I guess what I am asking is - is it possible to read and write to the style sheet from ASP, and if so how would you identify each CSS ID or Class?

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Read A Remote Page

here is my code:

set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", "", false
objXMLHTTP.send ""
intStatus = objXMLHTTP.status

let say the addres is not exist, but the web server will auto redirect the page to a user customize page, and the object track the page as 200. Is there any way to track the error even the page is redirect to a 404 page ?

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Read From A Dynamic Page

What I need to do is use asp to read the contents of a web page (that is generated on another server), put the html in to a sting, and then take action based on the contents of the string. I can probably do all of the sring manipulation myself, but want to know if I can open the page and read the first 200 characters in to a variable that I can then manipulate.

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Can't Read Or Write To A Page

I've just re-installed my PC with IIS (WinXP w/ service pack2) and now when I try to access or write data to any .asp site locally I get this error.

'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.

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Read An External Page

I'm no ASP/VBScript guru, but I need to read a page from another domain, extract some information, and format it inside one of our own pages at the office.Just to make one thing clear: I'm not ripping off someone else's page. The external site handles employment ads, and we're supposed to include our own ads from there.

Frames or iframes are out of the question, since we use HTML 4.01 Strict. The markup on the external page is horrible (layout tables, presentational markup, etc.). I want to read the external page into a string, and then extract the actual ad information and format that on our page. This would be very easy in PHP, using fopen(), and I assume there is something similar for ASP/VBScript.

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How To Read/write To Csv From Web Page

I have a csv file that has 2 columns - Name and Team. I want to display both of these on a page in seperate dropdown boxes..Ideally I would then like to have an option where the user of the page can click a button to change which team an employee is a part off, in effect overwriting that line of data but not deleting everything else in the file

The code below lets me see each column from the csv file on a page in a separate dropdown box but I don't think I have the logic right to do what I need..I've checked Google and w3schools but I must not be searching for the correct thing as I can't find a way to do this... Code:

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How To Read The Contents Of An HTML Page In ASP

i want to read an HTML page in ASP n i m not able to do so.

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FROM Statement Should Read Menu In Page

I have a dB with several tables, in my page the visitor should have to choose which table in the dB should be selected. here is my code:

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Read And Copy Html Page From Another Server

Is it possible to do the following in asp: To read an html page from a server (not mine) every 5 minutes and copy it to my server. The html page just contains a list of numbers.

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Time Diff

If I want to compare time, what is the best approach to go ? Any good
example ? DateDiff ( ) ?


submitdate = rs.fields("submissiondate") -submissiondate is a date field
in a table.

if time for submitdate < = 8:15am then
do something A
elseif time for submitdate <= 10:15am then
do something B
elseif time for submitdate <= 12:15pm then
do something C
do something D

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Diff Btw Two Tables

anyone know of ways to show the dif btw two tables? if using left join . The LEFT JOIN returns all the rows from the first table even if there are no matches in the second table If there are rows in first table that do not have matches in second table , those rows also will be listed . this is not i want. i WANT to show ONLY the dif btw the two table. or can the sql statement be modified to suit my request ?

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Each Sentence Appear Diff In Txt Field

Well i have txt file with abt 1000 Sentence i want that each sentence
appear on my website each time diff sentence on each visit on website
! i have done this:
set Testfile=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set TfileStream=Testfile.OpenTextFile("C:InetpubwwwrootQuates.txt")
<p align="center"><b>
<font face="Arial" size="2" Color="006699">

But it happends for 1 sentense . i have 196 sentence in my txt file .
i want each diff sentence appear on each visit.

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One More Time/Diff Approach

I'm able to pull the image from the database but I'm not able to pull the text from the record using this script. What am I doing wrong? Code:

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Download From Diff Server

to download a file from same server we use

Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=text.mp3"

but what if i want to download a file from diff server. How can i do that? i have tried using virtual directory which is pointing to diff folder in different server but doesnot work. First is it possible use to download files from virtual directory pointing to diff server altogether?

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Diff Between CSng And CDbl

I understand that all asp classic vars are variants and to always make sure that you are working with the type that you want it is best to use these built-in Cxx() functions, but I'm confused about whether I should use CSng or CDbl for my calcs.

I don't think they will ever be more than say 6 decimal places (at the very most usually 2 or 3) and the value the other way won't be in the millions (chance would be a fine thing!!) so should I be using CSng or CDbl? Is there any kind of performance degradation in using one over the other? Is there any kind of accuracy degradation in using one over the other?

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Diff Colors In Text Area Of HTML

Is it possible to have, first n number of charectors in a text area in one
colour and the remaining in a different colour? If so how can it be done?

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How To Execute Different Files Based On Diff. Values?

I need to execute different asp programs based on different values of a parameter. For example, if the user inputs ID of 1, program1 needs to be executed automatically, if user inputs ID=2, program2 needs to be executed in the background automatically. How do we do this in asp?

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Copy Tables Across Diff. Access Files

I was trying to integrate a forum software to an existing site. The site is having a different database file already. What i want to do is, copy the forum tables from forum database file to the existing site database. How can I copy the tables from FileA to FileB using ASP?

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Problem When Send Email With Attachment From Diff. Server.

I want to send email with attachment. I have no problem if the file is located on the same server but i got error when attach file from different server. This is the code,

set mail=server.CreateObject("persits.mailsender")""
'mail.addattachment "c:attach est.txt" ' no problem with this
mail.addattachment "websvrattach est.txt"

I got this error,
"Persits.MailSender.4 error '800a0007'
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."

when i changed the servername to static ip address also got the same error.
any idea? fyi, this user has an administrator rights to the server.

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How To Read An SQL Server Into A ASP Page And Then Change, Add, Delete And Write It Back To SQL Server

I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web
Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add
new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server
table back.

The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL
Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and
then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to
the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a

Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager
table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a
sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.

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Domain Name

I'm trying to get the all the information from a URL but after the domain name eg.


I want to get the information that is in bold

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Domain Redirect

How do I do this? When someone comes to it
redirects them to

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Changing Domain

I'm having a domain change foisted upon me and the test I did resulted
in every last ASP and
ASP.Net script stopping cold. Nothing but plain old html worked.
Is there a FAQ or some other document available that outlines what has
to be done when the
IIS server machine is disconnected from one domain controller and
reconnected to a totally different one? If not, does anyone here know
what would have to be changed to make the ASP code play nice in the new
domain?A relevant bit of info, they're also changing the name of the
administrator account. I don't know if that would contribute to the
death of ASP* on the system, but it might.

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ASp Domain Search

I need Asp Domain Search .. like Whois.. or any type .. asp, or PHP .. no matter of language .. but i need complete domain Search ..

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