Read Text Document

Is there anyway I can read a text document (Notepad) with ASP? I have a small database of emails in a text document, which I want to use for a newsletter. By using ASPMail I can make this an easy task for me to do weekly.

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Read Word Document Using Asp

I am having a issue to read the word document and to print the content of the same document can any one please help me out in this case.

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Read In MSWord Document

I wish to read in the contents of a MS Word document, and then search the text (I am looking for heading styles like Heading 1, Heading 2 etc). From here I wish to construct multi dimensional arrays. But that I can figure out. Anyway, how do you read in a word document, and then search the contents of it? I am assuming the entire contents are passed to a variable!?

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How Can Use ASP To Read In The Ms-word Document Files The Content?

How can use ASP to read in the ms-word document files the content, then copy
the content to access?

I attempt ("word.application") have opened with CreateObject to word
document only. Can I use "Find" function to search ms-word content in ASP?

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Specific Text In A Document

This might be i bit complicated, but i'll explain this to the best of my ability. I have a txt document with the following content. PHP Code:

Blue<br>7<br>2. Green  <td align="center" class="normal">3. Light Blue  </td><br>8 

How would I go about creating something that reads the text file, and only outputs the text without the html?

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Compare Text Document Versions

Can anyone point me to a tutorial or example code of how to write VBScript
(or VB6) code that could look at two versions of a document and mark all
differences between the two?

I am working on a project for a newspaper. the goal is to be able to store
each version of an article from rough draft to final copy, and look at any
two versions in the process and see what changes were made.

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How To Read Text File In ASP

I'm write an asp to include part of a text file into my asp output html, I use FileSystemObject to get the content of the text file, but the asp just hang when it runs, the source code is listed below if anyone could help: Code:

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Read Text Files

I want to read textfiles with ASP. But I want to do this in a special way.

I want to set a variable, for each line.

So for example:
Dim line1, line2, line3, line4, line5
line1 = Line 1 of the text file
line2 = Line 2 of the text file
line3 = Line 3 of the text file
line4 = Line 4 of the text file
line5 = Line 5 of the text file

How do I have to do this? .....

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FileSystemObject To Read Text Files

Can I use FileSystemObjects to Read Text Files on my server rather than just on my local drive?

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Cant Read A Text File Contents

I tried to read a text file from my local com, but it keep on loading and loading, after tat, i'll need to restart my IIS... im sure tat the directory of the txt file is correct... The code is running very well in another com, is there any kind of permission/ something i missed?

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Read Uploaded Text File

I would like to allow my customers to upload their log files so that I can analyze them. Using ASP, I've found ways to:
1) upload files using the standard form elements and save it to my server using:

<input type= file>

2) from the file on my server, i can parse the text file and return results to the user
However, I would prefer not saving hundreds of random text files on my server. Is there a way that I can see the contents of the uploaded text file using ASP without saving it to the server? Is there something using the filesystemobject that allows me to do this?

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Open/read A Text Database

I have a database that was originally in Excel. After modifying it, I have saved it with .txt and another one with .csv format. DB.txt (Text (Tabl delimited)(*.txt)
DB.csv (Text Comma Separated Value) (*.csv). What is the command/statement in oppening database record for these formats?

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Read Tab Delimited Text File

Anyone know the best way of Read tab delimited text file, its old but I have to use it, I only know how to read csv.

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Read Large Block Of Text

I am trying to create an ASP page that processes a large block of text that is posted to the page. The data block is approximately 500K. The only was I can figure to get the posted text into a string is using BinaryToString. Is there another way to just get the body of text that is posted?

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Read/Write To A Text File In ASP

I am working on a safetywear deduction system and i need to perform the following functions: write to a text file and read from a test file and wrute to a table in the database. I need code to write and read to a text file in asp please.

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HTML Email Can't Be Read As Plain Text??

I'm using the ASPEmail component to send HTML email newsletters:

Mail.Host = ""
Mail.From = strFrom
Mail.FromName = strFromName
Mail.AddAddress strTo, strName_In
Mail.Subject = strSubject
Mail.Body = strMessage
Mail.isHTML = True

The emails are coming through fine, though in Outlook the option to 'View as Plain Text' is greyed-out. This should let the user see the plain text version as defined in the code above, but it is inactive.

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Read Text File By Line And Values Separated By Tabs

I have a log file from my email software program. Each entry is on a line and the values are seperated by tabs. How can I read through this text file such that I insert its contents into a database? Thanks. Tom

Here is one entry from that file:

11/30/06 00:00:21SMTP-IN25AA24076F2041D7B35E97EE7748D06C.MAI65284.244.91.208EHLOEHLO []250-home [], this server offers 4 extensions11922

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Converting An Image File To Hexa, Read Text File

i'm converting an image file to hexa..then the hexa is saved to a text file..

can any one help me how to read the content text of a text file?...

im doing it this way because i don't want to save hexa in my database, because it makes the database slower to open up.

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Read An Asp File As A Text File

I want to read an asp file as a text file. The problem is that the file that I want it to read is located on a server. For example: I want to read te content of this file: . I want to look after some values in that file.

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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ASP In XSL Document

First of all, yes we are still using classic ASP, lol. I have a XSL
document that is reading in info from a XML file. I have to display
serveral server side dates on the page. Is there anyway to use ASP
code inside a XSL document.

I have tried the following.

<![CDATA[ <%=Date()%]]>

This does not work. In the view source the < and get changed to
&ls; and &gt;. Is this possible? Is there any other way to read a
server side date from this xsl page? If not I will have to re design
the hole page.

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XML Document

Is it possible to query the database using an ASP doc, then write the data to an XML document? The XML document is then going to pass the data as variables into a flash mx file, but the issue right now is just how to write to XML from an asp doc

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How To Get The Document Name In ASP

Is it possible to get the current document name (file name only) in ASP? When I load a document, i.e. /a/b/default.asp, I would like to be able to get the name of the document I'm currently loading (default.asp) to do some processing before displaying the contents.

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MS Word Document

I want to do a Ms Word document in a ASP page. I can do it, With the code lines:

Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=OrderFax.doc"
With these lines all document content show like a Word document.

But i can not change the MARGINS of this Word document.And Default
left/right margins are very bigs.

I try it, change the <body> attributes and with styles, but this don't work,
the margins are always the same.

How can i modify the margins of word document? I should do this with another method?
Can I modify PC client settings to change the defaults margins of word document create througt the web?

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Word Document

I'm currently working on an application that has to open word documents (word forms) and read and write data from/to it. But, unfortunately, the web server hasn't Word installed (my ISP...). Is there any other way to do that?
I'm currently investigating about working with rtf documents, but the syntax is turning me crazy!!! Any idea/dll/other way to do that?

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Document Title

I am writing a little ASP script that reads the URL and generates a navigable breadcrumb trail from it. It is highly dependant on the filename and folders being named appropriately and consistently.
However, what would be prefereable is for the file that you are currently reading to be generated in the breadcrumb base on the document <title> instead of the actual file name.
Is it possible in ASP to read a <title> attribute?
Naturally, the ASP script would be in the <body> of the document and as such the <title> would already have been written to the client.

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I am working on an asp page, where I need to set the title to a variable. I have tried
<% document.title = variableName %>
I even tried

<% response.write "<title> " & variableName & " </title>" %>
That doesn't work either. I need to set the title to a variable on a dymanic ASP page

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Word Document Via ASP

I've been looking (unsuccessfully) for a tutorial on creating Word documents from ASP. I know it can be done and have been able to find some references to various aspects of this, but nothing that spells out the process from beginning to end.

What I'm trying to accomplish is being able to generate a paper document using some information that is contained in an Access database. I have a ASP script that will generate the same info on the screen, but nothing that will put it on paper in a clean, professional format.

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Word Document

I am creating a word document from an asp page. I have no problems
actaully creating the document and creating some tables that have data
in them. I am using Response.ContentType = "application/"
to create the actual document. My problem is that I want to place a
picture (which resides on the server) into the word document as well.
However all I seem to get is the place for the image but a picture of
an "x" meaning that the picture is missing.

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Write An XML Document

If you wanted to create a dynamic XML file for Froogle bulk upload based on products from your database, is it possible?

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MSWord Document

I want to perform a full-text search for a lot of MSWord documents. So that I have to read the MSWord content and store it to the database. However, I cannot find any solution on it. What should I do if I want to perform a full-text search for these MSWord documents? or any alternative solution for me?

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Faxing Document In ASP?

is it possible to fax an document to another location in ASP? or is there any plugin avaliable?

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Document Write

my code [see attached] does not appear to be working once I document write it out. In the enclosed page the top bit of code is the code that works. The bottom bit of code is what I have tried to acheive.

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