Reading Database From Correct Location?

I am trying to run one of my first ever asp scripts. It is a form I copied from the
w3schools website along with its ASp script, demo_add.asp, both which i have
modified very slightly(variable names for my own database etc).

However, "No update permissions" appears in my browser when i run the script -
this means that there is an error. The problem is i dont what the error is!

The only thing I can think of at the moment is maybe my database location. I
am using IIS are all my files are mapped to a virtual directory within IIS. Should
the path in my HTML file below be to the harddrive location or its location within
the virtual directory? Im assuming it is the hard drive location. Code:

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Using Access Database On Different Location For .NET 2.0

I am use to the include file on classic asp for maintaining MS Access
database location. On using Visual Web Developer Express, I can only use the
MS Access database if it is located on the same folder with the web app. Is
there a way that I can locate MS Access as my database but the location is
not located on the web application?

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The Correct Way To Close A Database Connection?

I'm looking at another developers code and I'm now confused about the correct way to close a database connection and destroy the object. I would normally do it this way: Code:

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Storing Correct Date Format In Database

I am using the code below to add a date input into an access database.

Quote: rs.Addnew
rs("Date")= Request.Form("Date")

Instead of inserting a date with the format dd/mm/yy, a date format of yy/mm/dd will be inserted into the database.

I entered the following code before the insertion Quote: response.write request.form("Date") and it displayed the correct date format as dd/mm/yy.

Pls how do I insert the date into the database for it to store the date as dd/mm/yy instead of as yy/mm/dd. The date format in the date field of the database is dd/mm/yy.

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Reading From Database

I have written some coding to insert customer details which writes to the database (table name is called cars). On my website if an existing customer enters their car reg then i wish for the rest of the fields to be filled in automatically by reading it from the database, has anybody got any ideas on what coding i should use for this and how i would go about doing this? My coding for insert is as follows: ....

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Reading Database Value

I have a check box on my edit ASP page. I have a field called MyCheckBox with a data type of bit in an MS SQL database. If the value is 0 in the database then the checkbox will not be checked, if the value is 1 then a check should appear in the checkbox. How do I do this?

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Reading Site Database

We have a site with ms access backend, hosted remotely with a hosting company. Can we read the tables in the site database within our office desktop app either using web services or some other way? Are there any links to how this can be accomplished?

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Code Reading Database

I downloaded an online quiz application from the Internet. The application works fine but and after I answer questions, it does not produce any results and display it on the screen. It gives an error message saying the database is read only.

I think there is a problem with reading the database to retrieve the correct answers. It is an MS Access database. But I don't know what it is and how to solve it.

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Location Thru IP

I want 2 know how can I pinpoint the location of a visitor to my site thru his IP addr or is there some way else 2 do that??

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Cannot Use Web Services From Another Location

I have a client application that uses web services. When the client application an web services are in the same machine, they work fine. But when the application call the same web services hosted in other server, the server return: Code:

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Redirect Location

I am using frames in html.
How can i redirect to an asp file in a new browser window.So that the redirected page opens in new window instead in a frame..

Response.Redirect "../pm/scriptlogon.asp"

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Word's Location

If there a scriptfunction I can find a word placement in ASP? I mean, like I give a string, and it returns and word's placement

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File Location

Is there a way to set the location where the input type="file" option gets its files from. I know you cannot set a default file, but is there a way to set where it starts looking.

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Location Finder Over WAP

tell me anything they know about locating WAP users. I assume that there must be some information on their current cell sent in the WAP request headers, but i'm not sure. I want to make a WAP site that appears differently depending on the users cell location.

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I have created a global.asa file, but somehow it doesn look like it is working...I have only one simple sub-routine in it.

Is the name case-sensitive? I have placed it under [ www/myfolder/global.asa ]

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Cookie Location After Being Set?

I attempted to find the cookie 'Prospect' in my Temp Internet Files in IE6
after I had set it in ASP:

Response.Cookies("Prospect").Expires = Date() + 2
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_id") = u_id
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("u_name") = sName
Response.Cookies("Prospect")("VisitorIP") = VisitorIP

....However, it does not appear to be there? Am I looking
in the wrong physical location?

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ASP OpenTextFile Location

This is a dumb question but i am just starting out with ASP. I am working in vbscript and i am trying to do a OpenTextFile the problem is that i am editing my page on a different computer from where the server is. I know that if i were trying to open the file from the server i would type:

filesys.OpenTextFile("c:inetpubwwwrootfolder namefile name")

but i am writing this file to a server and i don't how enter the location, it is not on my c drive.

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Get Correct Percentage

I've always been looking for the best way to get an accurate percentage

For example, in a election scenario:

Person A gets 33 votes
Person B gets 33 votes
Person C gets 34 votes
Person D gets 35 votes

Total votes = 33 + 33 + 34 + 35 = 135
Percent for A = 0.244.... = 0.24 = 24%
Percent for B = 0.244... = 0.24 = 24%
Percent for C = 0.251... = 0.25 = 25%
Percent for D = 0.259... = 0.26 = 26%

Then add up the percentage values: 24 + 24 + 25 + 26 = 99
(where it should be 100)

So, does anybody have a way to get around this problem? How should I
calculate the percentage for each person so that the percentage will add up
to 100 in the end?

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Correct Formatting

I am trying to parse this response.write string but its coming up with a formatting error - can someone please tell me where I'm going wrong?Code:

Response.write ("<input name=""URL"" type=""text"" value=""" & rssite("News") & ""/>")

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Correct Formatting

I am needing to response.write a variable within a snippet of Javascript.
My Javascript code that I need to response.write with the variable is below:-Code:

response.write ("imageArray[ImageNum++] = new imageItem(image_dir + ""variable here"");")

I can response.write the static Javascript string fine. The problem arises when I try and state a variable into where it says, 'variable here'
The variable I need to include is
Would someone please be able to show me the correct formatting for this Javascript string which includes the variable.

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Correct Syntax

My asp syntax is very lacking, it seems the double quotes that have been
done by me are not what asp is looking for. Anyone that could correct my
faulty thinking would be thanked.

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Correct Time

how to display correct time according to user timezone
i want to do an online meeting let say schedule meeting at 1:00pm server time, how do i display the correct time for users in their local time

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Correct Syntax

I have a form where users can enter search criteria for various products.
now, if this form has 2 fields, colour and size (it wil have more but I'm
assuming the the principle for two fields will be the same for ten fields)
what would be the correct syntax for performing a query where the user
didn't enter a criteria for both fields?
the search string would be

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM products where colour = " & "'" &
request.form("searchstrcolour") & "'" & "AND size =" & "'"
request.form("searchstrsize") & "'" & " ORDER by price"

so if the user selects blue and large, thats fine
but what if the user only selected say blue and didn't bother with the size?
is there a wild card that I could use?

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Correct Version

can someone explain to me the diffrence between the 2 below and why one works and the other one doesnt.could you also explain what each part of the correct version is doing because i dont really no.


sql = "SELECT * FROM userlogon WHERE (username)=' "& (username) & "' AND (password)=' " & (password) & " ' "


sql = "SELECT * FROM [userlogon] WHERE [username]=' "& username & "' AND [password]=' " & password & " ' "

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Correct Abbreviation Of ASP

is it active server pages or application service provider .which is correct

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Update Correct

chk whether the code is correct? For the update date

SQL_query1 = "update Activity_Status set TotalTime = '" & Request.Form("time") & "', Score = '" & Request.Form("QuizScore") & "', Activity_Name = '" & Request.Form("QuizType") & "',ActivityDate = '" & "#" & Date() & "#" & "' where UserID ='" & Request.Form("username") & "' and Activity_Name='" & Request.Form("QuizType") & "'"

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Geographical Location Of Incomming IP

We have special kind of service that covers just north on America (US and
Canada), so we want to redirect users comming from another country to
another page.

I am looking for a web service or similar thing that tells me the country
and state/province of incomming IP address. I am sure it is possible but i
don't know who sells that service.

Could anyone refer me to any resources related to that ?

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Included File's Name And Location

Is it possible to get the filename, and more importantly the path, from inside an ASP file, when that file is included? I know it can be done for the base file using Server variables, but I can't figure out how to do that for an included file.

I need to write an application that uses include files, and that may be moved to another folder on the server...

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Relative Db Location(from Global.asa)

I'm using a segement of code in my global.asa to open a db connection check a users ip address against those i have in a recordset and then take the appriopriate action, very handy for banning bad bots who ignore my robots.txt and users who abuse my system.

Anyways the connection im using is Code:

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Resolve IP Address And Get Location

I have been unable to find any code that will allow me to resolve an IP address then determine which country the IP is registered to.

I've seen it done all over the net, even resolving it down to the town I am located in.

I am hosting on GoDaddy, so I can't install any componants (I did find a couple that could do it). So I'm looking for a code only solution if that is possible.

If anyone knows of any Perl or PhP code that can do it, please post a link and I'll port it to ASP if possible and post it.

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I want to redirect to other page using document.location.href on Button click and pass ID to that page e.g;

<input type="submit" value="Submit" ONCLICK="document.location.href='mergestatus.asp?projectid= <%=selRs("projectid")%>'">

Please help.I am not able to pass projectid to 'mergestatus.asp'

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I have 3 includes in 1 asp doc-left,header,main. header contains my menu. I want to click the menu and change the main incude file, but I don't know how to. I though a window.location.replace line could work. what should i do?

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Application At Multiple Location

i m developing General Ledger application in company is located head office at south and is branch office in west so i have to developed an application that data related to south they can post there as well as problem is that what techniquei should use.

In my opinion i can create administrator login form where person in south can log on with it and enter his data while same as person in west. or what should i use.

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