Reading Email Data

I wanted to retrieve email from mail server based on POP3 protocol through ASP.refer some good tutorial or example code doing this.

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Reading From An Email

I need to read from a weekly email and extract the contents of that email then convert them into HTML. I do not have control over the email that is being sent but do have control over the email account the notice is sent to? So to explain everything I need to take this email and post it onto a site, I can do it manually everytime but am looking for a way to let the script do it?

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Reading The Data Of A .xls

I cannot figure this out for the life of me. All the tutorials I've gone though give code (and from what it looks like, wrong code) with absolutely no explanation?

My ultimate end is to read the xls file into a mysql database.. but I need some method, way or idea of actually doing this. Presently the data is an a .mdb database (so I can save it to different formats) but I cannot use the .mdb itself to upload the info (server disallows reading and writing from .mdb).

I've looked all over and there is no detailed method of doing this (all I really need is just the basic code for connecting to a .xls sheet (excel sheet) and then reading the data from a line and displaying it on the screen (there is no present tutorial that explains that, least that I can find)

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Reading Data From Excel

I know the basic way of doing this when you have a static set of
spreadsheets but I need to be able to process different spreadsheets
every day. These spreadsheets are sent to us by an outside auditing
firm without named ranges. They have a consistent format. Is there a
way to read a specific set of cells without having a named range? Or
is there a way to name a range with ASP? I am open to any options
here. Going through and creating named ranges is the only thing that
wont work sicnce it would take more work than processing the files by

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Reading Binary Data In SQL

I am storing PDFs as Binary data in MS SQL but do not know how to open the PDF files in ASP. Seperately, how do I capture the filename when I do a multipart/form-data?

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Reading Data Excel Cell

Is anyone aware of a 255 character limit when reading data from a particular Excel cell? I'm experiencing when pulling straight text from an Excel spreadsheet, which otherwise works fine. Right at 255 characters, the data is truncated and I only see that bit of information.I've searched Google and came up with a few registry modifications, neither of which fixed the issue. Has anyone else ran into this?

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Reading Data From Excel Sheet

I have a master table employee , which contains the details of employees .

i have to upload the the data to this table from thye excel sheet by using asp.

that is -- what i have to do is , I have to provide a interface to browse the the excel sheet by user , afetr browsing the sheet user will submit the page and i have to read all the rows of excel sheet and update the table . if id exists in the table , then update the data otherwise append the data . Code:

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Reading/writing Binary Data

I Would like to know the code for reading/writng binary data.

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Reading Data From Multiple Databases

i have data in multiple access databases (not multiple tables within one database file) and was wondering if there is a way with ASP to display selected data on one webpage from these different databases?

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Error Reading Data From CSV File

i am not able to read alphabet data from csv file using VBscript. In the following it gives error when i try to read the first record itself.

it gives the following error.
Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)'
[Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Numeric field Overflow.

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Reading Data From Table Which Is In Pdf File And Compare It

I am writing a asp code that can take values from user in html form, process it and display it back in some kind of report.

the problem i m encountering is that I have a field which is numeric and I want to compare it with tax-table like for example:

if value in field is 6 then I have to look into table in pdf file (tax table form 1040ez) to compare it with the value and then write it to appropriate field. the problem i m facing is that it's in pdf and also the data is so large (4 pages in pdf) that i don;t know how tocompare it .....

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Track Data Via Email......

I have a fairly advanced order processing / tracking system I designed
with MS Access, MySQL & ASP.

I want to add an enhanced order tracking facility where a user can send
an email to a specific address we set up, with an ID & PO Number in the
subject / body, and then have our system reply with the required

Is this done with asp or something completely different ?
When an email comes in, what would auto scan all incomming emails and
read the data ?

Is there a special component I need for this. I just want this to
happen in the background, whilst possibly sending me an alert email
each time the system is used. This will help me guage the services

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Sending Data Via Email

Does anyone know how i could send bulk info from a database to an email? Like an order confirmation for more than one product? or where i could find some info?

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CDONTS !! Dynamic Data In Email

I am trying to generate an email from the webpage using code below, which
works fine. However I want to be able to include some dyanmic data how do I
go about it ?can anybody point me in the direction of some sample code ?

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

Dim myMail
Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"""
HTML = HTML & "content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
HTML = HTML & "<meta name=""GENERATOR"""
HTML = HTML & " content=""Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0"">"
HTML = HTML & "<title>HTMLMail</title>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body bgcolor=""FFFFFF"">"
HTML = HTML & "images/gifs/homepage/microsoft.gif"" BORDER=0 "
HTML = HTML & "WIDTH=167 HEIGHT=36 ALT=""Microsoft Corporation"">"
HTML = HTML & "<p><font size =""3"" face=""Arial""><strong>"
HTML = HTML & "Microsoft Exchange CDONTS Example</strong></p>"
HTML = HTML & "<p><font size =""2"" face=""Tahoma"">"
HTML = HTML & "CDO for NTS allows an easy way to send mail.<br>"
HTML = HTML & "This example shows how the content can be "
HTML = HTML & "an HTML page<br>"
HTML = HTML & "which allows you to send rich text and"
HTML = HTML & "inline graphics.</p>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"
HTML = HTML & "</html>"

myMail.Subject="Sample CDONTS HTML Message"
set mymail=nothing
Response.Write "Message Sent"

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Send Cdo Email With Database Data

i've got a database in ms access. using ASP (vbscript) and IIS. I can send text e-mails through ASP but i want to attach a file from the database to the e-mail when it is sent. can anyone give me any hints on how to get the data from access, attach it to the e-mail and send it on?

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Cannot Insert Data And Email Results

I have a form that I created via DW that inserts data into a db. I also have code that I want to use which will email the results of the form. However, I have no idea how to combine the two functions (insert and email) into one page of code. Is there a way to merge the two? Where would I put teh email code? Code:

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Simple Way To Email Form Data

i am creating a survey type page in Visual Studio it has 2 textboxes and 2 dropdowns and a submit button.

all i need it to do is when i click the submit send this data to an email address. The email address will never change so...

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Receive Form Data In Email?

I'm looking for a simple e-mail form processing for my website. I want users to be able to add their e-mail in a simple text field with a submit button so I can receive it by e-mail. I've looked on the Internet and it seems so complicated.

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Send Form Data To An Email Address?

What I am trying to do is create a page on my company's internet site so that our customers can fill out a form, click a submit button and then have the data they entered be emailed to me. I have already created the form within Dreamweaver MX. How do I setup the Submit button to automatically email the information to me?

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Sending Dynamic Input Data Through Email

I have sent form data through email using .asp before but I have never done it when you are using a form that has createelements involved. I have a form w/ 3 inputs, two text inputs and one select combo box. if i click an add user button it will appear with another row of 2 text boxes and a combo box, and you can repeat up to as many as you need. I am trying to figure out how to mail all of those values to someone. Is there an easy way. Below I will attach the code that I use to name the fields when they are generated maybe it will help....

<SCRIPT language="javascript">
counter = 1

function addRow(id){
var tbody = document.getElementById(id).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
var row = document.createElement("TR");

var td2 = document.createElement("TD");
var input2 = document.createElement("INPUT");

var td3 = document.createElement("TD");
var input3 = document.createElement("INPUT");

var td4 = document.createElement("TD");
var input4 = document.createElement("select"); = "Role"+counter; = "Role"+counter;
option = document.createElement("OPTION");
option.value ="Admin";
option.text = "Admin";
option = document.createElement("OPTION");
option.value ="Read";
option.text = "Read";
option = document.createElement("OPTION");
option.value ="Read/Write";
option.text = "Read/Write";





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Form To Submit Data To Email Address

I'm really new to this and want to submit the data entered in a form to my email address. My problem is that I get the email but none of the data is being "grabbed" so although I get the headers I don't actually receive any of the information I really need.

What am I dong wrong? - this is my code:.....

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Passing Data To An Email Address From Form

I have a resume form with four separate pages,and on the last page when you submit the form I need it to gather all the information inputed to be sent to an email address.

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Inserting Data To SQL Database And Sending Email At The Same Time?

I’m attempting to insert some basic information (name, address, details) to the sql database and send a notification email (at the same time).

Right now, I can insert the information to the DB after I click submit, but how can I also receive an email? Please give some ideas how to do it.

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Reading XML With ASP

Could somebody please help me out with this? I have been researching it all day and can't figure it out.

All I want to do is put some info from this XML file (staff.xml):

<employee id="1">
<employee id="2">

into an ASP page. I already started an ASP page:

Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False



That's all I have in the ASP page because I am having trouble with it. Could somebody please help with it real quick? I'm sure it's very simple, but I am having trouble learning the XMLDOM thingy.

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Reading RSS/XML

anyone know a simple to use RSS/XML feed getter so i can add external news
to my site?

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Reading Xml

I got a little piece of ASP code to read from a remote url, which is expected to be an xml, like a RSS feed, and echo the content out to be processed by downstream xml processor. The code is like this:

Response.Buffer = false
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml, url, text
Set xml = Server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
url = Request.QueryString("url")
xml.Open "GET", url, false
text = xml.ResponseText
Set xml = Nothing

Using firefox, I get the request.responseXML object back from the code above, works fine. But in IE, the request.responseXML is returned null, but request.responseText did show the entire xml file.

My question is how should I make change to the above code to let IE honor the request.responseXML object? I gues the xml is somewhat ill formatted and IE can not recognize it as an xml.

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Reading XML

I have an ASP classic site that needs to add the option of reading an XML file send back from another web site and parsing it into a multi-column HTML table. The server is Windows Server 2003. Can anyone direct me to where I might find more info on this?

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Cd Reading

I have just created a cd based demo web with FP2000 under XP pro. The disc plays back fine on the XP machine, but when tried on a WIN 98 machine it doesnt play, and I get " G: is not accessible Device not ready" when I try to read it in Win Explorer. The disc is a 48x speed 700mb CD-R. Is it too fast for the older machine?

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Reading A Cookie Value?

am trying to create a login page for the first time, I have a login page, validate login page and if the password is correct it takes me to the first page.

I have customized this code someone else created,but what I have a problem with now is I need to log who submitted that data and that is why I am trying to read UserName cookie so I can later match that data.

This is the error I get which is telling me that it is reading the cookie since this is the UserName I am logging in with
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'boxhill'.

but I can't see what is wrong, and there is not much out there for this kind of error.

So I can login successfully but now i need to read and dispaly that cookie and then insert the value of the cookie but,but don't worry about that now, just trying to give you the full picture.

So this is the code for reading the cookie ...

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Reading Mp3 ID3 Tags?

i was wondering if any one could give me some info on how to get mp3 ID3 tags in ASP?

I've seen it done, but don't really have any idea how,
just looking for info like song lenth, bitrate, and so on.

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Reading DIV Tags

I have a function in ASP and I want to read a DIV tag. Any ideas? I know
the syntax but when I apply it, doesn't work.

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What is a good method to read a file that is hosted on another server. I really want to echo the code found between a "<PRE>" and "</PRE>" tag found in the source of an externally hosted file. How should I go about this? I am somewhat new to ASP, but am confident there is a way.

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Reading File

I have a routine I'm writing to read the contents of a file and modify it. However the file will not parse properly into an array, so I strongly suspect I'm using the wrong character to parse the file. The line of code that is supposed to parse the file is:

arrLines = Split(sFileContent, vbCRLF)

When I view the array, it appears as one continuous line, but when I open the file in a file editor it's very clear there are 15 lines.

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