Reading Exel Cell More Than 255 Characters

Im trying to read an Excel file using OLE DB. I have around 500 characters in one cell. But the program is reading only 255 characters. How do i make my program to read all characters?

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Reading The Cell

I have to upload one excel file. In that excel file I need to check the availability of data in particular cells and also the worksheet name. If the data is not available at particular cell, say for eg: $F1, an error should be thrown to user saying that the data is manadatory. How to do that? How to read the particular cell in ASP? If anybody knows the code, please send the same.

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Reading Data Excel Cell

Is anyone aware of a 255 character limit when reading data from a particular Excel cell? I'm experiencing when pulling straight text from an Excel spreadsheet, which otherwise works fine. Right at 255 characters, the data is truncated and I only see that bit of information.I've searched Google and came up with a few registry modifications, neither of which fixed the issue. Has anyone else ran into this?

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How To Find The Exel Version And File With

I need to load Excel file from client into a database in asp, before loading I need to verify the excel version and the file width ( and if possible length).

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Save On Hard Disk Exel File

how to work with ASP apart from tweeking some codes through Macromedia at times.The application has 1 form and 2 reports.

The report is viewed directly at the site and now I want a feature to export the report to excel by adding a button on the report so that it asks me to save it onto my harddisk in Excel.Can anyone help me with the code or concept?

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Get Value Of Excel Cell

I have been toying with various resources I have found on here and the web - but would like to know specifically how to get the contents of an excel cell on a particular sheet using .asp?.

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ASPGRID Cell Change

I am displaying the table using ASPGRID.In Edit mode,the column2 displays an array of values.On selection of a value from Column2 the column3 value should be automatically populated based on the Column2 value.

The cell change event of column2 should be captured and display the column3 values based on the column2 value. Is there any way to track the cell change?

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Datagrid Cell Colour

I am not sure if this is possible but is there a way to change the color of a datagrid cell when a condition is met? For example, let's say if percent_changed >10 then change cell color to orange if percent_changed >25 then change cell color to red.

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Excel Cell Properties

Is it possible to set a cell property in Excel from an ASP page. We have numerical data that is taken from a database and then displayed in Excel. I would like ideally all the data to be set at 2 decimal places, is there anyway of setting this from the ASP page?

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Cell Background Colors

I have a table with coloured cells. I want to print out the table via IE with the coloured cells. But the outcome of the table does not have the cells coloured.

Are there ways to force out the colouring of the cells in the print outs?Either via php/asp/css or any means.

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Mouseover Based On Cell Content

My asp page pulls from the database into a table for example


What i want to do is create a mouseover based on what that content is, rather like when you hold your mouse over a image and view what the alt tage says i want it to display a short description of what the item means: I.E

AName AITEM ANOTHER SOMETHING <---- users mouseover "Something = Something that has a description"

This has to be dynamic based on the value in the table cell

Anyone have any ideas?

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ASP And Excel Cell Formatting Issues

I came across a problem when importing my data results into Excel. The whole table outputs perfectly but a particular field which is generally large (13 characters long) presents as some random integer which shouldn't be the case. I click on Tools -> Format Cells and change its value to number and to 0 decimal places and great it works.

Am I able to do this before I get into Excel? Or would this always have to be done by the user?

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Cell/td On Mouse Click Event Using ASP

I have a basic page for which I have included some of the code for at the
end of this message. It may not run correctly as I have cropped out a lot
of code.

I am trying to handle the click event for a cell. From the code you should
be able to see that I am handling the mouse over event and would like to
link to another page via the cell click.

I addition, but not too important at the moment, I would like to pass a
string or two across to the called page. For example link to the next page
and within that page identify which cell was clicked and possible pass a
string for the image used in the clicked cell. Code:

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Excel Wrap Inside Cell

What ASP code can I use, for an ASP-generated spreadsheet, to force a cell to wrap if the content is longer than the width I have specified for that cell?

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Anyone Know How To Send A Message To A Cell Phone?

I have a situation where I need to send a text message to a cell phone. Any ideas?

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Changing Cell Color Depending On Content

Is there a way of having a cells bg color change depending on its content? And what would be the best way of doing it?

I am wanting to use a traffic light style system for coloring number content cells. 0-33 Red, 34-66 Amber, 67> Green

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Submit Dynamic Cell Values To Asp Page

I have an asp page where im creating dynamic rows on an onclick function and textboxes are created in the dynamic rows and when i submit the asp page it goes to another asp page, where i whant the values entered in the textboxes of dynamically created row of the previous asp page. Code:

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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ASP Read The Execl Cell's Data, Web Page Created From Excel2000 -- Save As Web Page

I created a web page from Excel2000, using "Save as web page..."...Publish
function. then, I moved htm file to my IIS web server. Then I added a form control, and submit button.

How can get the data on the excel file using ASP from server side?
For example, the value of Cell(1,2), Cell(2,3)....

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Read Cell Data Line By Line From Excel

I had created a macro to read data from an excel sheet and write the values to a text file. I had used "ActiveSheet.Range("GB" & k).Value" command to read the values from the excel.some cells in the excel sheet is having two lines value and four lines data, the text file is generating that value in a single line. (Ex. the cell value in address column is in four lines and should display in four lines in the text file generated from the macro)

Can i do something in the excel sheet or in vb script to read the address value line by line and write line by line in text file?

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Reading XML With ASP

Could somebody please help me out with this? I have been researching it all day and can't figure it out.

All I want to do is put some info from this XML file (staff.xml):

<employee id="1">
<employee id="2">

into an ASP page. I already started an ASP page:

Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False



That's all I have in the ASP page because I am having trouble with it. Could somebody please help with it real quick? I'm sure it's very simple, but I am having trouble learning the XMLDOM thingy.

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Reading RSS/XML

anyone know a simple to use RSS/XML feed getter so i can add external news
to my site?

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Reading Xml

I got a little piece of ASP code to read from a remote url, which is expected to be an xml, like a RSS feed, and echo the content out to be processed by downstream xml processor. The code is like this:

Response.Buffer = false
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml, url, text
Set xml = Server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
url = Request.QueryString("url")
xml.Open "GET", url, false
text = xml.ResponseText
Set xml = Nothing

Using firefox, I get the request.responseXML object back from the code above, works fine. But in IE, the request.responseXML is returned null, but request.responseText did show the entire xml file.

My question is how should I make change to the above code to let IE honor the request.responseXML object? I gues the xml is somewhat ill formatted and IE can not recognize it as an xml.

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Reading XML

I have an ASP classic site that needs to add the option of reading an XML file send back from another web site and parsing it into a multi-column HTML table. The server is Windows Server 2003. Can anyone direct me to where I might find more info on this?

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Cd Reading

I have just created a cd based demo web with FP2000 under XP pro. The disc plays back fine on the XP machine, but when tried on a WIN 98 machine it doesnt play, and I get " G: is not accessible Device not ready" when I try to read it in Win Explorer. The disc is a 48x speed 700mb CD-R. Is it too fast for the older machine?

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Reading A Cookie Value?

am trying to create a login page for the first time, I have a login page, validate login page and if the password is correct it takes me to the first page.

I have customized this code someone else created,but what I have a problem with now is I need to log who submitted that data and that is why I am trying to read UserName cookie so I can later match that data.

This is the error I get which is telling me that it is reading the cookie since this is the UserName I am logging in with
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'boxhill'.

but I can't see what is wrong, and there is not much out there for this kind of error.

So I can login successfully but now i need to read and dispaly that cookie and then insert the value of the cookie but,but don't worry about that now, just trying to give you the full picture.

So this is the code for reading the cookie ...

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Reading Mp3 ID3 Tags?

i was wondering if any one could give me some info on how to get mp3 ID3 tags in ASP?

I've seen it done, but don't really have any idea how,
just looking for info like song lenth, bitrate, and so on.

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Reading DIV Tags

I have a function in ASP and I want to read a DIV tag. Any ideas? I know
the syntax but when I apply it, doesn't work.

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What is a good method to read a file that is hosted on another server. I really want to echo the code found between a "<PRE>" and "</PRE>" tag found in the source of an externally hosted file. How should I go about this? I am somewhat new to ASP, but am confident there is a way.

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Reading File

I have a routine I'm writing to read the contents of a file and modify it. However the file will not parse properly into an array, so I strongly suspect I'm using the wrong character to parse the file. The line of code that is supposed to parse the file is:

arrLines = Split(sFileContent, vbCRLF)

When I view the array, it appears as one continuous line, but when I open the file in a file editor it's very clear there are 15 lines.

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Reading An Xls File

I've got a league standings file that gets uploaded as an xls file. To display the contents, I'm not sure what the most efficient way is:

1.) Import the xls file into a database every time the file is updated

2.) Read the contents of the xls file using OpenDataSource or OpenRow Set

3.) Something I haven't thought of yet!

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Reading A Sql File

I've to got a login script, but in the middle of the verification script, I'd like once the vify has been ok'd to look for a sql file, that has insertion data in it, once the file has been found the asp code must read and carry out the sql command (insert the data in the access db), once done the sql file gets deleted. Code:

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Reading A Variable

How do you read a variable that you've declared on one page

For example
I've declared
dim x

then i goto the next page. I can't seem to access it.
How do I get access to that variable that has been defined in the previous page.

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