Reading Text Files

I was under the impression if I had a page with several database queries to 3 different databases, it would be faster if I just had the queries cached to text files since the query result won't change that often and I build the cache manually when needed.

So my question is would it be faster to just include text files instead of doing multiple Access and SQL queries on a web page?

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Reading Doc Files

Is it possible to display a doc file within an ASP page and have it show the header and footer of the page?For example,in ColdFusion you can use cfcontent to display doc files, however any html on the containing page doesn't show.I was hoping that with ASP, it would show the HTML of the page that reads the doc file.

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Reading Files And Directories

I have several files and directories and I want to read the contents, seperate them into fields and INSERT them into a database.

The structure is as follows:

D:DISCSSC8849SC8849-01 Artistname -
D:DISCSSC8849SC8849-02 Artistname -
D:DISCSLG114LG114-01 Artistname -

I want to read every file in D:DISCS, seperate the filenames into: Disk Number, Track Number, Artist and Title - drop the .zip and the hyphens entirely and insert the data as a record in a database.

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Linking Reading Files

Assume that there are 100 flash files in a directory and i want to load 4 flash. files for every page and list of links in a row previousPage.page1.page1.page3.........page10.Nex tPage) How can i divide
100 files into pages and 4 filash files on every page. is it possible to use files systemobject to createpages or sholud i record content of directory of files to a database and then use recordset to create pages.

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Reading Server Files

I have files on a server. I want to read the SERVER's File system and write out the filenames to the page. how can i do this?

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ASP/PerlScript And Reading And Writing Files

In ASP, using PerlScript, how do you read and write to files?

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Ideas For Reading/writing .ini Files

I'm planning a little asp prog that will allow me to read&write .ini files.

meaning, read lines that are:

and maybe even read from groups (optional):
[group 1]

[group 2]

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Reading A TEXT File Without DB

I would like to know how I could accomplish this without using DB. There's a long text file named "TEST.TXT" The TEST file contains special character 'º' which will be used as pagebreak. I want an ASP page that will read the TEST.TXT file and split it into multiple web pages with navigation control. (eg. <FIRST<PREVIOUS>

If it is possible

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Reading Text Delimited

I have the below code found on an ASP site.

arrName = Split(Request("TextArea"),",")
For i = LBound(arrName) To UBound(arrName)
Response.Write "ID: " & arrName(i) & "<br>"

I'm using a TextArea box to submit the following...
Results are...
ID: A123
ID: 1 B123
ID: 2 C123
ID: 3
I expected something like...
A123 1
B123 2
C123 3
For the sake of understanding, why are the results like above?

In the end, I want to insert these values into a table.
A123 into Field1 .... 1 into Field2
B123 into Field1 .... 2 into Field2
C123 into Field1 .... 3 into Field2

Where do I start?

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Reading Text File

I have a form that updates a text file. This text file writes variables (i.e. username = tom). This file is used to preview an HTML page and when you go to the form the variables are populated into the form fields again.

For some reason when someone else modifies the text file (using the form) I only see the old contents in the form fields. When I look at the preview HTML file, however, everything is fine.Why doesn't the form re-populate with the new info?

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Text File Reading

i have a variable 'user', and a text file 'users.txt'. how can i search the text file and select the line thats the same as the variable 'user', then put that line into a variable?

'user' = 'root'

'users.txt' =


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Reading A Text File

I need to create something that will read a text file and send e-mail statements from that text file. I know this is a basic application, but I am not sure where to start with this. The text file already contains all of the information for the statements. It is one file that starts with the customer e-mail address and then separates each statement by an <eob> marker. I need to be able to browse to upload the file and then have the application cycle through and generate all of the e-mails. I don't need to do any formatting to the text file, just read it and send the e-mails. The server currently uses CDOSYS to send other e-mails from a shopping cart application.

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Reading From Text File

I have some messages in a text file.I would like to read one message every day from the text file. My Text file looks something like this

If you take medication for your blood pressure, you may need to be wary of adding certain pain relievers to your system. A class of pain-relieving anti-inflammatory medication often used to treat arthritis may interfere with a common blood pressure medication, according to research. The hash is just for demarcation. As I havent worked much with FileSystem can anyone help me how to go about acheiving the same.

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Reading Text File From Ftp Server

I need to read a simple txt file where there are some variables. I've done
this a lot of times but in this case I have something different: the text
file is located at an ftp server.

The FTP server has anynomous access.

Anyone know how can I do this?

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Reading A Content Of Text File

I get a CD from O2 containing call data.I want to read the txt file on the CD and use the content of the textfile in an asp file to import to the database.But how do i read the file?

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Server.MapPath For Reading From Text File

the source code is:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("") & "/learn.txt")
Response.Write ("<pre>" & mystring & "</pre>")

Set a = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

The output is:


i don't understand this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("") & "/learn.txt")

what should be insect in ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")?
and what should be insect in (Server.MapPath("") & "/learn.txt") ?

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Problem With Writing/reading Text File

Here is what I have setup:

- a form that updates a text file.
- for example, in the form I have two fields, title and story. then, this write to a textfile (i.e. theinfo.asp). the update.asp file looks like this:

TSO.write "<%" & vbCrLf
TSO.write "title = """
TSO.write Request.Form("title")
TSO.write """" & vbCrLf
TSO.write "story = """
TSO.write Request.Form("story")
TSO.write """" & vbCrLf

- so, essentially it is creating an asp file with two variables.
- this works fine, it updates the file and i can call these variables in other pages. however, when i call these variables into a form : old versions of the variables populate the form: Code:

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Reading And Writing Text File Using Vbscript

i had a vbscript that will read the text file from the bottom to the top, and after reading the file, it will be displayed in the screen, and the code look like this:
PHP Code: Code:

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Site Search: Reading Text File ERROR

I have to make a site search function for my website. User types a keyword, and the search function searches through all the static pages for the keyword. The result of the search has to display the URL relating to the keyword, which the user can click to read the contents.

I had no idea how to go about doing it, finally I thought of using a textfile containing the word, and its related URL in the format: Code:

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International Text And FSO Created Text Files

When using ASP's FileSystemObject to create text files, I am unable to get user submitted text (in Hebrew) to save as anything other than "?????". The text file is being saved in Unicode and setting the CodePage in ASP proved unsuccessful. Strangely, hard coded Hebrew text in an ASP variable does add to the text file correctly.

Any ideas of why this happens and how to get it to work correctly?

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Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") & Reading From Text File

I found the complete physical path to the doman by Response.Write Server.MapPath(".") and the path is: C:Inetpubwwwrootmyweb"&"gg.txt

With this,there's still error to read my text file.The error source code is place at below,please help me do correction!!! Code:

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Text Files

I have an ASP (not ASP .NET) application that I have to modify. I am now using Visual studio .net as the editor. I would like to be able to work on the files together with a colleague and have versioning included in the ASP text files each time they are modified.

In addition, any comments that I make about the files as a whole in the editor should be automatically inserted in the ASP file as comments. Anyone knows an editor that can help me with this?

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Securing Text Files

I haven't started programming with databases yet, but instead have been saving data in asp files. The files would look something like this.... Code:

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Writing Into Text Files

I'm writing a script lately to write some records into a text file for backup purpose. But may i know do asp allow update for the text file? Cause i dun want it to overwrite my previous records.

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Text Files Queries

i have a text file (tsv) with products in, but i want to run queries on certain fields, e.g. description, i ahve tried linking the txt file to a databse but the recordset does not work,

does anybody have a sample script that will query a tsv, csv file.. e.g.

SELECT FROM prices.tsv

WHERE products = cisco

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Searching Text Files

I have developed a search engine to search through an Access database.It uses three fields to say if the number of people is less than 300 then display these fields.

I have searched for an engine to do the same thing using a text file as oppossed to Access.I have only found examples saying you can search through text files to find character similar to the search term.Does anyone know if it is possible to pull a character form a text file and use ASP to say if its less or more than.

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Read Text Files

I want to read textfiles with ASP. But I want to do this in a special way.

I want to set a variable, for each line.

So for example:
Dim line1, line2, line3, line4, line5
line1 = Line 1 of the text file
line2 = Line 2 of the text file
line3 = Line 3 of the text file
line4 = Line 4 of the text file
line5 = Line 5 of the text file

How do I have to do this? .....

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Compare 2 Text Files

I want to be able to compare 2 text files and display the diffeneces.on a webpage.

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Upload Text Files In IIS

i want to upload text files present on my comp (running IIS) to a ftp site which is password protected (I have the "write" access to the site) how do i go about doing it?

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FileSystemObject To Read Text Files

Can I use FileSystemObjects to Read Text Files on my server rather than just on my local drive?

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Using Filesystemobject To Combine Text Files?

I have several text files on my server and I would like to combine them into one text file by just appending each file to the end of the combo file. I know this should be possible, I just don't know how to approach it. Some combination of OpenTextFile and CreateTextFile?

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Works Only With Text Files?

I'm trying to remotely get a pdf file - http://remoteServer/file.pdf - in order to store it into another server, maybe with Scripting.FileSystemObject

However the following code doesn't work properly:

url = "http://remoteServer/file.pdf"
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", url, false
xmlhttp.send ""

as xmlhttp.responseText does not contain the whole file textStream, but only a part of it.

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Write Text Files To Local Machine

I need to know how to write a text file to a local machine. Here is my code:

Set myFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set WriteText = MyDrive.CreateTextFile("C: est.txt", True, False)

Right now it writes the file to the C: drive on the server.

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