Reading And Displaying HTML Source From Remote Page

I am currently attempting to convert from PHP to ASP and I am having some difficulties.

Foremost, from my PHP page I have pages that reference HTML source code from a remote page, write it to a local page and then displays it. I haven't been able to find any way to display this HTML source anywhere.

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Use A Remote Xml Source With An Ado.recordset

how can i load in an adodb.recordset a remote xml file on another http

if i use the simple ole-db provider, that work as an admin only. (according
to ms, this component mustn't be used for non-interactive users.

So i found serverxmlhttp but ...
i can load the remote source in,
i can load it in an domdoc, as describe in the msdn,
as my files are encoded for french, they can't be open by the recordset.

so my question is the following ?

is serverxmlhttp the only way ?
if it is, how to make it work properly in this case ?

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Displaying Info From A Database On An Html Page.

if I have a list of book names and prices and I just want the info to be called onto an HTML page to be displayed how would I do that?

It sounds easy...but who knows with code? :P

I havent' set up the database yet but i suspect it will just be called books.mdb and the table will be called Books.

Fields in the table will be

Name, Type, Condition, Price

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Getting HTML Source From Web Pages To Include In My ASP Scripts

I am running an ASP script which I require to get the source html from
some URL so I can pick out bits of this and include the data in my
webpage. So it should have a function something like this:

Function GetHTMLSource(String URL)

which retuns the source for example as a string or an array of strings

I'm not sure how to tackle getting the html source. I've tried setting
up an Internet Explorer object and also using the
createDocumentFromUrl function which have worked in VB but I can't get
to work in ASP

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Remote HTML Parser

I'm looking for a solution that would enable me to specify a remote URL and parse the HTML (doing various things like replacing links or image refs) and then deliver the revised page to the browser.

I know it's possible, because site search engines and W3C Validator do that sort of thing, but I can't find anything suitable on the web.

Basically I need the plain ASP source code - I don't want anything that would require me to install new components.

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Reading HTML

Is there a way to read a block of HTML from an ASP page. i.e.

Dim someString

someString = SomeFunction(http://www.test.htm)

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Displaying The HTML Code In HTML

I'm doing a content management system, whereby the user can enter the HTML code for a currency symbol, eg &pound; for £.y . when I bring this data backup, say they want to edit the settings, then my ASP/HTML page is rendering the HTML code, eg £, rather than showing the original value, eg &pound;.

If for example I put a space between the '&' and the 'pound;', eg & pound; then this will cause me problems because the user will think that they have to a put a space in or they file it with the space, which means the HTML code won't work any more. Is there a way round this?

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Reading Html From Other File And Publishing Only Part Of It

I'm having a problem: I've two files, an html file and an asp file. What I've to do is to publish part of the html file into the asp file.

I started OK, the file was opened and that stuff. I published part of it, the problem is that it publishes from the middle of the file to the end of it, and I only need the middle of it.

For example, from the 3rd <tr bgcolor=#003399> tag to the <blink> tag I'd need to get published. But I get published from the 3rd <tr bgcolor=#003399> tag to the end of the file. Code:

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Displaying Alternate Image When Image Source Not Found

I am creating a dynamic ASP VBScript page, which gets data from an Access database.

In the database, there is a field which holds a URL to an image. I can get the image to display fine, but where there is no file that matches the URL (i.e. a missing image) I want to display an alternative, default image (e.g. one that says "Awaiting Image"). The field is never blank, but the image file may not exist for all records in the database.

I think what I am trying to get to is the following:

If file exists (using URL from database to get location of image file) then
display image using the url from the database as the image source
display default image - hardcoded in program

I have had a go and come up with the attached but I get an error with my if statement...

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Source Page In IFrame

I want to open the source code in an iFrame. What's the ASP script for that?

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How To Get The Source Code For A Web Page

How can i get the source code of a web page through asp code?

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Copy Source Of A Page

I have a page which contains a TEXTAREA form field.I want to be able to click a button and have it go off and fetch the source code for a compiled ASP page ie.

what the user would see if they loaded the ASP page into their browser and put the source code into this form field.Is this possible?

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Scramble Page Source - How?

I write applications for my company's intraweb, and recently we've had some
eager users trying to get at some data they shouldn't. The way they did it
was to look at the pages input tags and hidden fields to construct their
own URLs.

Aside from poor design (which is being changed) - how can I scramble the
page, so as the users can't simply use "View Source" from the menu? Is
there a switch or component I can activate/install i ASP, can I change the
ContentType or something else?

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ASP/HTML Not Displaying

I have two folders in inetpub/wwroot. One has all HTML code, the other has
HTML & ASP pages. The pure HTML files show up in IE6 just fine. The other
pages just say done with a blank page. I had servral files that were ASP
pages but only had HMTL code and changed the extension to HMTL and still get
blank pages. Not sure why these pages do not display but the other directory

Both folders have the same rights configuration (scripts &
executables). I am using IIS 5.1 on XP SP2 machine and I Have all updates
installed. If I open these sites in FrontPage they both work fine. I guess
FrontPage handles the code itself and does not use IIS. I am tryint to
relearn my ASP & HTML and I need to get this working,

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Read A Remote Page

here is my code:

set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", "", false
objXMLHTTP.send ""
intStatus = objXMLHTTP.status

let say the addres is not exist, but the web server will auto redirect the page to a user customize page, and the object track the page as 200. Is there any way to track the error even the page is redirect to a 404 page ?

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Displaying Image Using The Mailer Object In HTML Format

The code sends an automatic email, but the email is html format. At the top of the email i want to include an image.

Everything is working except the image is not being included, instead a box with a X appears.

Here is the code that i am currently using


PHP Code:

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Trying To Include A Remote Asp Page With Streaming Video

Basically, we are working on a website where we want people to be able to see about 10minutes of our live streaming webcams on a once off basis. We are working on IP address sessions to do this, my question is however we want to have a single page with a countdown timer and the streaming video.

Now the timer is located on a local server but the streaming video is coming from a remote location, can we include use the remote asp page inside our local page. So far we keep getting the remote url displayed but not the media player.

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ASP Page As Remote Function Call From Javascript

I've been playing with the idea of just how to use an ASP page to provide a
remote function call. In an ideal world this would be a web service but how
can you do it if restricted to ASP 3.0 ?

Idea 1 was to write an ASP page that accepted arguments using the classic
?X=1&Y=2 type of strings and have the page return an ADO disconnected record
set containing the results of the action. This is call very well, and works,
but you do have to allow the browser to create an ADODB.RecordSet in which
to place the results which goes against some security principles. Code:

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Passing Recordset From An ASP Page To Another HTML Page ?

I am looking for a way to pass an ADO recordset that has been retrieved in
an ASP page to another HTML-page. Is there someone who can provide me with a
small sample or a link to see how this is done?

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ASP Page As Inline Frame In HTML Page

I have a ASP Page[inline frame in an html page] that does login to a database.

When the user visits the site, the first attempt to login will always failed and session is broken. Login name and password are correct though.

Only when the user re-try agian he/sge is then able to login to the site successfully. Can anyone tell me what could had caused the first time login failure?

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Page Not Displaying

Following is a function on button click event to display the details of an user.if i include this function page is not displaying.can u tell me where the mistake is? Code:

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ASP Page Not Displaying

I have IIS 5.0 configured in win2k server. When I browse a html I have no problem. But when I browse an asp page, the browser is hanging around.

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Displaying XML In A Web Page

I am trying to create an XML file but i want to create an ASP page that will eventually save the XML file to the site, but to get the formatting of the file correct first, i want the ASP page to display the XML in the browser window. as an example: Code:

Response.write "<graph caption='Feburary Track Listend To' xAxisName='Date' yAxisName='Total Tracks Listened Too' showNames='1' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'>"

as i have it i can see the line if i view source but its not displaying on the actual page. Once i have the format of the file correct i will need to save it to the disk on the web server but for now i just need to see what will be saved.

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Displaying XML Through ASP Page

I have an XML file, which is a phone list of staff for the firm i work with. I need to display this in an ASP page. Is there a code which will do this? As it will be live and update as the XML file is updated.

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Displaying A Page

I recently downloaded the Baby Web Server, installed it and started it. I was trying to run a website for a printer setup page on the webserver which came from a CD (I didnt modify any thing).

When I was trying to run the website from it gave the headers of the website without the menu and the mean page. and when i was try to run the menu page independently it was showing some thing like: Code:

&eprinter=&action=pause&page=" target="main" title = "">
&eprinter=&action=resume&page=" target="main" title = "">
&eprinter=&action=purge&page=" target="main" title = "">

I dont know if this information is enough.

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Multi-page Displaying

I have a database full of info and I have display.asp which I want to display 10 items at a time so I have display.asp?page=1, display.asp?page=2, etc.
How do I go about actually filtering the database to only produce 10 results per page? I was trying to use:

results.Move 10

and things like that, but I'm not sure of the best way around this.

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Image Not Displaying From The Include Page

I have designed asp pages where all pages have common header and footer. I have added Images to the footer page called as footer.asp.

now i have the footer.asp in another folder
and i call that footer.asp within my index.asp page as a include page.

but the images in the footer.asp are not displaying in the index.asp.

what could be the problem?

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Displaying Text On Asp Page From Access

I've created a db field with Memo type, and I have stored some text with
carriage returns (no html) So the 3 words start on a differnt line. In
access this displays correctly ( each word starts on a new line).
However when I display these on a web page all the words appear on the same

I need the words to be displayed on a seperate line.

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Displaying Database Info On Asp Page

I can display information to a webpage from a database and handle the connections etc. My next task is a bit more complicated for myelf. Id like to have a page the pulls information from a record set and displays like this.

down one side

the container numbers

along the top

the products in the containers

the information in the middle would be the amount of product that came on that container.

Im just wondering how the best way to setup my database would be, and the best way to setup the asp webpage. (oh) nearly forgot, it has to repeat the information till all the records are finished but i guess that gos without saying.

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ASP Page Displaying SQL Table Data

I need to solve this as part of a class project. It is designed to simply read a SQL table and display the data in the browser. But it will only show one record based on ID at a time. So if I have multiple records with the same ID such as page.asp?ID=9734, it would show all records using that ID in the browser. Code:

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DateTime Data Not Displaying On Page

I am trying to display some DateTime data from a SQL Server db using the standard recordset object...objRec("PostTime").value

It displays nothing.

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Displaying Quiz/test Results On Same Page

I have created a quiz with 14 questions that the user can click a yes radiobutton or no radiobutton. In the code-behind I have set a varable to store the selected items.

What I have taking place is if yesRadiobutton is selected the variable is incremented by 1. then after all the radiobuttons have been added up. i check the variable using an if statement. Code:

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