Reading Dropdown Values In ASP

I have an ASP application where I need to not only read the selected item from a combo box on a web page but also all the options in the combo box. Can someone point me in the right direction.

I can obviously use request.querystring() or request.form() to get the selected value but not sure about how to get the options.

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Reading In A Txt File To Create Dropdown List

I am building a link exchagne for a medical web site. To get categories for the link exchange, I Googled "medical categories" and came up with a very, very good list of medical categories. they were seperated by a <br> tag. I went through the code and extracted all but the following (see below).

What I want to do is somehow create a list of "options" for this categories in a select dropdown, with the category being the value for the option AND displayed in the dropdown. You know what I mean. I would think it would involve reading in a text file and inserting the necessary code. Code:

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Change Dropdown Menu Values

I have 2 drop down menus with data populated dynamically from a database.



If i select an appropriate category the subcategory should change instantly to show the subcategories relating to the selected category. But i can't use a form submit, because before the forms are other textboxes with other values that i don't want to wipe on a page refresh.

I need to somehow preload the categories and their related subcategories. I've been trawling through examples, most are harcoded combobox values which won't work for me.

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Retrieving Values From Dropdown Combo

i am creating an website using asp. In one page i am using dropdown combo box having multiple property true, so that user can select more than one values from dropdown box. when i am submitting form in querystring it gives dropdown box & the value of selected option. Code:

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Reading Form Values Into A Scripting.Dictionary

I have been trying to read values from a form into an array on a page without much success and was told to use a Scripting.Dictionary instead.

There are a variable number of fields on the form as it is different according to which product is ordered (as are the fields that are used to create the record.) Code:

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Refresh Values In Select List Based OnChange Of A Dropdown Box

I am trying to learn and use good DHTML concepts and code (assuming they are needed). My current issue concerns how to handle this situation.

I have a Select List box which displays values based on what value is selected in a dropdown list. For example, my dropdown list contains a class name, and the Select list contains all of the students who are registered for that class.

So what I would like to occur, is when the user changes the class from the dropdown box, the Select List is re-created displaying the students who are enrolled in that class.

I thought I could do this without having to reload the page (with DHTML) but here is my problem. Code:

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Making Dropdown Menu Dependent On Another Dropdown

I have a category that I will call "company". in my access DB, there are about 6 or so companies. On another table, I have a list of locations that are related to these companies.

What I want to do, is have a drop down menu that lists all the companies. When you select the company, the second drop down menu will automatically populate with the locations of the company you selected in the first dropdown.

Anyone know any links to some examples of this? My google searches have been pretty fruitless since Im having a bit of a problem trying to explain it concisely (as you probably noticed).

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Form Values With A File - Passing Values

I want to call a recordset so you can edit the details and then obviously pass the parameters onwards into the db. However, the user guide just says this:

To process other fields in the form, use the Form collection of the upload object the same way you would use the Form collection of the Request object. For example, if your form had a text element named UserName, your processing code would include: Code:

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How To Convert Escape Values In To Actual Values

i need to convert the escape values which are by mistake updated in DB.

this is a sample text string
is updated in DB as

here %20 is the space.

like wise there are many entries for :,'

is there way that i can update all this in a update statement?
or use asp to to update the records?

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How To Extract Indiviual Values From A Set Of Values

I have a variable SET which has the value Of 1, 2, 3, .., N.

SET=val1, val2, val3, val4, ..., valN

What is the commend or procedure to extract individual values, val1, val2, ...

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Reading XML With ASP

Could somebody please help me out with this? I have been researching it all day and can't figure it out.

All I want to do is put some info from this XML file (staff.xml):

<employee id="1">
<employee id="2">

into an ASP page. I already started an ASP page:

Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False



That's all I have in the ASP page because I am having trouble with it. Could somebody please help with it real quick? I'm sure it's very simple, but I am having trouble learning the XMLDOM thingy.

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Reading RSS/XML

anyone know a simple to use RSS/XML feed getter so i can add external news
to my site?

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Reading Xml

I got a little piece of ASP code to read from a remote url, which is expected to be an xml, like a RSS feed, and echo the content out to be processed by downstream xml processor. The code is like this:

Response.Buffer = false
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml, url, text
Set xml = Server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
url = Request.QueryString("url")
xml.Open "GET", url, false
text = xml.ResponseText
Set xml = Nothing

Using firefox, I get the request.responseXML object back from the code above, works fine. But in IE, the request.responseXML is returned null, but request.responseText did show the entire xml file.

My question is how should I make change to the above code to let IE honor the request.responseXML object? I gues the xml is somewhat ill formatted and IE can not recognize it as an xml.

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Reading XML

I have an ASP classic site that needs to add the option of reading an XML file send back from another web site and parsing it into a multi-column HTML table. The server is Windows Server 2003. Can anyone direct me to where I might find more info on this?

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Cd Reading

I have just created a cd based demo web with FP2000 under XP pro. The disc plays back fine on the XP machine, but when tried on a WIN 98 machine it doesnt play, and I get " G: is not accessible Device not ready" when I try to read it in Win Explorer. The disc is a 48x speed 700mb CD-R. Is it too fast for the older machine?

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Reading A Cookie Value?

am trying to create a login page for the first time, I have a login page, validate login page and if the password is correct it takes me to the first page.

I have customized this code someone else created,but what I have a problem with now is I need to log who submitted that data and that is why I am trying to read UserName cookie so I can later match that data.

This is the error I get which is telling me that it is reading the cookie since this is the UserName I am logging in with
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'boxhill'.

but I can't see what is wrong, and there is not much out there for this kind of error.

So I can login successfully but now i need to read and dispaly that cookie and then insert the value of the cookie but,but don't worry about that now, just trying to give you the full picture.

So this is the code for reading the cookie ...

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Reading Mp3 ID3 Tags?

i was wondering if any one could give me some info on how to get mp3 ID3 tags in ASP?

I've seen it done, but don't really have any idea how,
just looking for info like song lenth, bitrate, and so on.

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Reading DIV Tags

I have a function in ASP and I want to read a DIV tag. Any ideas? I know
the syntax but when I apply it, doesn't work.

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What is a good method to read a file that is hosted on another server. I really want to echo the code found between a "<PRE>" and "</PRE>" tag found in the source of an externally hosted file. How should I go about this? I am somewhat new to ASP, but am confident there is a way.

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Reading File

I have a routine I'm writing to read the contents of a file and modify it. However the file will not parse properly into an array, so I strongly suspect I'm using the wrong character to parse the file. The line of code that is supposed to parse the file is:

arrLines = Split(sFileContent, vbCRLF)

When I view the array, it appears as one continuous line, but when I open the file in a file editor it's very clear there are 15 lines.

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Reading An Xls File

I've got a league standings file that gets uploaded as an xls file. To display the contents, I'm not sure what the most efficient way is:

1.) Import the xls file into a database every time the file is updated

2.) Read the contents of the xls file using OpenDataSource or OpenRow Set

3.) Something I haven't thought of yet!

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Reading A Sql File

I've to got a login script, but in the middle of the verification script, I'd like once the vify has been ok'd to look for a sql file, that has insertion data in it, once the file has been found the asp code must read and carry out the sql command (insert the data in the access db), once done the sql file gets deleted. Code:

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Reading The Cell

I have to upload one excel file. In that excel file I need to check the availability of data in particular cells and also the worksheet name. If the data is not available at particular cell, say for eg: $F1, an error should be thrown to user saying that the data is manadatory. How to do that? How to read the particular cell in ASP? If anybody knows the code, please send the same.

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Reading A Variable

How do you read a variable that you've declared on one page

For example
I've declared
dim x

then i goto the next page. I can't seem to access it.
How do I get access to that variable that has been defined in the previous page.

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Reading From Csv File And ,

Im having a bit of trouble with taking a csv file and sperating each row with a "," because we all know that csv's are serpated by cammas, my problem is the rows are getting messy because say I have for the first Collum "Toy, Really fast", it will seperate the collum name because of the , Is there any way I can remove these or whats the best way.
Heres my code right now: Code:

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Reading File

I am developing a web page, in that i have to get user's photo from user and insert it in to database. how to upload this photo from local drive to my server

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Reading Title

i dont know that is this right to put the question in this forum or in html forum.
anyways, the question is how can we read/find the value of title tag of html page using asp or any scripting langauge.if any one has idea, please do share

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Reading The Data Of A .xls

I cannot figure this out for the life of me. All the tutorials I've gone though give code (and from what it looks like, wrong code) with absolutely no explanation?

My ultimate end is to read the xls file into a mysql database.. but I need some method, way or idea of actually doing this. Presently the data is an a .mdb database (so I can save it to different formats) but I cannot use the .mdb itself to upload the info (server disallows reading and writing from .mdb).

I've looked all over and there is no detailed method of doing this (all I really need is just the basic code for connecting to a .xls sheet (excel sheet) and then reading the data from a line and displaying it on the screen (there is no present tutorial that explains that, least that I can find)

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Reading From An Email

I need to read from a weekly email and extract the contents of that email then convert them into HTML. I do not have control over the email that is being sent but do have control over the email account the notice is sent to? So to explain everything I need to take this email and post it onto a site, I can do it manually everytime but am looking for a way to let the script do it?

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Reading Doc Files

Is it possible to display a doc file within an ASP page and have it show the header and footer of the page?For example,in ColdFusion you can use cfcontent to display doc files, however any html on the containing page doesn't show.I was hoping that with ASP, it would show the HTML of the page that reads the doc file.

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Barcode Reading

Does anyone have any experience of using barcode reading software with ASP applications?

I have an ASP-based application where Serial No's are entered manually. The users want to move across to a barcoding system so Serial No's can be picked-up automatically.

I have no experience in this area... Are there appropriate tools out there?Can anyone give me a few pointers?

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Reading From Database

I have written some coding to insert customer details which writes to the database (table name is called cars). On my website if an existing customer enters their car reg then i wish for the rest of the fields to be filled in automatically by reading it from the database, has anybody got any ideas on what coding i should use for this and how i would go about doing this? My coding for insert is as follows: ....

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Reading XML/RSS Feed With ASP

I could post the various bits of code that I've tried to use to get this to work... but it'd be kind of pointless as I haven't gotten very far with either of them (I've run across encoding problems, and problems where it works on the local machine, but not through ASP. I've tried using an XLT doc and without).

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