Reading Html From Other File And Publishing Only Part Of It

I'm having a problem: I've two files, an html file and an asp file. What I've to do is to publish part of the html file into the asp file.

I started OK, the file was opened and that stuff. I published part of it, the problem is that it publishes from the middle of the file to the end of it, and I only need the middle of it.

For example, from the 3rd <tr bgcolor=#003399> tag to the <blink> tag I'd need to get published. But I get published from the 3rd <tr bgcolor=#003399> tag to the end of the file. Code:

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Inserting/publishing Text As Html

I need to populate a field with html formated text. I'm using a simple form field to do so.

When I use a textarea to return the record, it comes out formatted, but when I use a Response.Write command, it comes out as plain text. Anyone can tell me how to make the response.write publish formated text?

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Reading HTML

Is there a way to read a block of HTML from an ASP page. i.e.

Dim someString

someString = SomeFunction(http://www.test.htm)

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Print Part Of An Asp File

I have link from a page.If you click on 'pedir presupuesto' it goes to a form, when someone clicks submit on the form the next page sends an e-mail, and must print part of the table from the original asp page (0.asp - from the first darker grey header to the second one).

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Reading And Displaying HTML Source From Remote Page

I am currently attempting to convert from PHP to ASP and I am having some difficulties.

Foremost, from my PHP page I have pages that reference HTML source code from a remote page, write it to a local page and then displays it. I haven't been able to find any way to display this HTML source anywhere.

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Reading File

I have a routine I'm writing to read the contents of a file and modify it. However the file will not parse properly into an array, so I strongly suspect I'm using the wrong character to parse the file. The line of code that is supposed to parse the file is:

arrLines = Split(sFileContent, vbCRLF)

When I view the array, it appears as one continuous line, but when I open the file in a file editor it's very clear there are 15 lines.

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Reading An Xls File

I've got a league standings file that gets uploaded as an xls file. To display the contents, I'm not sure what the most efficient way is:

1.) Import the xls file into a database every time the file is updated

2.) Read the contents of the xls file using OpenDataSource or OpenRow Set

3.) Something I haven't thought of yet!

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Reading A Sql File

I've to got a login script, but in the middle of the verification script, I'd like once the vify has been ok'd to look for a sql file, that has insertion data in it, once the file has been found the asp code must read and carry out the sql command (insert the data in the access db), once done the sql file gets deleted. Code:

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Reading From Csv File And ,

Im having a bit of trouble with taking a csv file and sperating each row with a "," because we all know that csv's are serpated by cammas, my problem is the rows are getting messy because say I have for the first Collum "Toy, Really fast", it will seperate the collum name because of the , Is there any way I can remove these or whats the best way.
Heres my code right now: Code:

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Reading File

I am developing a web page, in that i have to get user's photo from user and insert it in to database. how to upload this photo from local drive to my server

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Reading XML File

I am trying to read in an XML file I don't know the node/structure,so I basically just want to load in the file and then print out the entire file on the page through Response.Writes. how do I loop over the nodes if I don't know the names?

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Reading An Xml File

i want to 'grab' an rss news feed from a public site that has the xml file published on an hourly basis. how do i do this in asp?

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Publishing A Subform

I can get records from the database and display them on my asp webpage, I have a form with a sub form and id like the information to be displayed in a very similar fashion. how to do this. bear in mind i want to display all the records on one page and have the sub records nestled in.would i have to use to repeat functions?

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Reading TXT File Into A ASP Variable

What's the code for reading a TXT file and assigning it's contents to an ASP variable?

create variable
open a text file... read it's contents into the variable
.... perform string manip. on the variable... etc etc...

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Reading Xml File By Node Name

how can i read a xml file using the node item name.

one example:

i could use:


but instead of that, i want something like this:


is it possible ? how can i do that ?

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Reading File From Server

Consider the following code snippet:

Dim objFSO,objOpenFile,strPath

Set objOpenFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath,1)
Do While Not objOpenFile.AtEndOfStream
Response.Write(objOpenFile.ReadLine() & "<br>")
Set objOpenFile=Nothing
Set objFSO=Nothing

When I try to execute the above code, the code never gets executed. Neither
am I shown a script timeout error. After a lot of investigations, I
concluded that the code is not getting executed due to the presence of

Set objOpenFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath,1)

If I comment line nos. 3 to 8, then the code gets executed but as expected
without any output. Is this happening because of some permission which has
not been given to IIS 5.0? If so, what is it? I am working on Windows 2000

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Reading A TEXT File Without DB

I would like to know how I could accomplish this without using DB. There's a long text file named "TEST.TXT" The TEST file contains special character 'º' which will be used as pagebreak. I want an ASP page that will read the TEST.TXT file and split it into multiple web pages with navigation control. (eg. <FIRST<PREVIOUS>

If it is possible

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Reading File From A Server

I understand i can not use Scripting.FileSystemObject to read a file that resident on another server and i need to use something else.

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Reading Text File

I have a form that updates a text file. This text file writes variables (i.e. username = tom). This file is used to preview an HTML page and when you go to the form the variables are populated into the form fields again.

For some reason when someone else modifies the text file (using the form) I only see the old contents in the form fields. When I look at the preview HTML file, however, everything is fine.Why doesn't the form re-populate with the new info?

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Text File Reading

i have a variable 'user', and a text file 'users.txt'. how can i search the text file and select the line thats the same as the variable 'user', then put that line into a variable?

'user' = 'root'

'users.txt' =


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Reading A Text File

I need to create something that will read a text file and send e-mail statements from that text file. I know this is a basic application, but I am not sure where to start with this. The text file already contains all of the information for the statements. It is one file that starts with the customer e-mail address and then separates each statement by an <eob> marker. I need to be able to browse to upload the file and then have the application cycle through and generate all of the e-mails. I don't need to do any formatting to the text file, just read it and send the e-mails. The server currently uses CDOSYS to send other e-mails from a shopping cart application.

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Reading From Text File

I have some messages in a text file.I would like to read one message every day from the text file. My Text file looks something like this

If you take medication for your blood pressure, you may need to be wary of adding certain pain relievers to your system. A class of pain-relieving anti-inflammatory medication often used to treat arthritis may interfere with a common blood pressure medication, according to research. The hash is just for demarcation. As I havent worked much with FileSystem can anyone help me how to go about acheiving the same.

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Reading File In Backwards

I have a text file which I would like to read from the end and display only a certain number of records. Is there any way of doing this?

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Reading Excel File!

how can i read the excel file from asp or from javascript.

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Reading File From A Server

i understand i can not use Scripting.FileSystemObject to read a file
that resident on another server and i need to use something else.

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Publishing Aspx Page

Something was wrong with my IIS 'Service unavailable', I decided to uninstall IIS and then reinstall it, then the simple pages can be viewed but the aspx pages not. Then I uninstall SQL server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 and reinstall it.

Now I can view simple pages but not aspx pages, but when running from the debugger of Visual Studio, it Works good. When I access an aspx page 'The page cannot be found' error occurs

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Multiple Non-administrators Publishing

Is it possible to use Visual Studio to create ASP.NET projects on a web server, without giving the various people that will be doing this full administrator privliges? Each user will need to have independent folders that they can modify (ie, one user cannot change the contents of another user's folder). Access to the server must be strictly limited for each user (preferably to just adding/removing ASP.NET projects). Having a similar problem with Frontpage. This is to be used for training.

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Reading With Input Type File??

I m using

<input type="file" name="abc">

But when I retrieve the contents sent after browsing the file from the system using


the retrieved value is null, ie., blank.

Why is that occuring??

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Reading Tab Delimited File Into An Array

I'm trying to read a tab-delimited file into an array so I can pick out different fields for a report. I keep getting a "Type Mismatch" error that I don't understand.

sReceiveFile = "receipt.txt"
sDataFile = sReceiveFolder & sReceiveFile
sDelimiter = "Chr(9)"

Dim objFileSystem, objFile
Set objFileSystem= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(sDataFile,1)
sReadLine = objFile.readline

Do While objFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
Response.Write "<UL>" & Chr(10)
'Response.Write objFile.ReadLine & "<br>"
sSplit = split(objFile.Readline,"Chr(9)")
Response.write sSplit ' I want to see the contents and this line is giving me the error
Response.Write "</UL>" & Chr(10)


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Reading The Input Type=file Tag With Ie6 In Asp

I wanted to write a simple page to let me choose a directory and then list
the files in it. The end goal was to make an easy way to copy all the
file names in a directory. I tested with Opera7, Mozilla 1.4 and IE6 -- all
on windows XP Pro

Here is the code. In all three, when I select a file, the complete path
is displayed in the file input box. In Opera, reading the form field gives
me the same full path. But in IE and Moz I get only the filename -- none of
the path information. Code:

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Reading Text File From Ftp Server

I need to read a simple txt file where there are some variables. I've done
this a lot of times but in this case I have something different: the text
file is located at an ftp server.

The FTP server has anynomous access.

Anyone know how can I do this?

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Reading Array Elements From A Txt File

i am able to read from a txt file and this is the code:

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