Reading In A Txt File To Create Dropdown List

I am building a link exchagne for a medical web site. To get categories for the link exchange, I Googled "medical categories" and came up with a very, very good list of medical categories. they were seperated by a <br> tag. I went through the code and extracted all but the following (see below).

What I want to do is somehow create a list of "options" for this categories in a select dropdown, with the category being the value for the option AND displayed in the dropdown. You know what I mean. I would think it would involve reading in a text file and inserting the necessary code. Code:

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Reading Dropdown Values In ASP

I have an ASP application where I need to not only read the selected item from a combo box on a web page but also all the options in the combo box. Can someone point me in the right direction.

I can obviously use request.querystring() or request.form() to get the selected value but not sure about how to get the options.

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Dropdown List

How to display sql database data to dropdown list in asp?

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Dropdown List

I would like to display 15 items (lines) in the dropdown list, but by
default the list displays only 11 lines. How can I have all the 15 items
displayed in my dropdown list

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Dropdown List

This is probably really stupid, but I cannot figure it out, and none of the references I've found seem quite right for what I'm trying to do. How do I do the below, but have the option values and Option Choice Text Description pull from the db instead of requiring manual data entry?

<option value="1" <%If (Not isNull((RS.Fields.Item("ID").Value))) Then
If ("1" =CStr((RS.Fields.Item("ID").Value))) Then
Response.Write("SELECTED") : Response.Write("")%>>Option Choice Text

Can anybody point me to some resources for this?

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Variable Value For Dropdown List

I need to include a variable value that I am getting from the URL into a dropdownlist selection.

Dim strFlagCode 'Holds the vessel Flag Code
strFlagCode = request.QueryString("flag")

'-- Variables we are using
dim objConn, objRS, strSQL
'-- Define our objects
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'-- Database path and Data provider
objConn.ConnectionString = Server.MapPath("Static.mdb")
objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
objConn.Open .....

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How To List Database In A Dropdown?

I am trying to list a database (SQL) i a dropdown list but I just cant get it to work... I am writing in ASP. This is some of the code:

mySQL="SELECT ras.raser FROM ras ORDER by raser"

<td width="220">Raser</select></td>
<td width="342" height="23">
<select name="idRas">

<%do while not rstemp.eof
pRaser= rstemp("raser")
<option value='??????????' </option>


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Dynamic Dropdown List

I'm trying to build a asp dynamic list were you can select a option in the first list and depeding on that value the second list will change to match. For instance I choose a customer in the first list, the second list then has to give all the codes from that customer. The list is variabel, as the value;s are from a database.

If tried some stuff with ASP and Javascript, but the page reloads after selecting one option, but because it reloads, it delete's the text that is written in the rest of the form.

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DropDown List Error!

the problem is tat i have two dropdown list, i have to select an option from one of them and the result will display it in another drop down list base on wad i selected earlier.

Then after clicking the submit button it will insert all this information into the database. but for right now it is inserting all the information once i select the option in my first dropdown list without clicking the submit button. how do i solve this?

i have this code : onchange="document.vForm.submit()"
which is to submit the values from my first drop down list and display it to another dropdown list.

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Dropdown List Selection

I have a dropdown list where u can add students name inside the listbox. As u can see there is a "Please select one" option in the dropdown list also. When i click on the option, it will be added into the listbox also. Can someone pls help me to solve this in JavaScript. My attachment.

if (document.teamForm.newMember.value == "-- Please Select One --")
alert ("You can not select this option.")
return false;

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Select (dropdown) List

I have an old application ( pre-VB5) that I need to add a select/option list to. This is an edit program so the values for the form will be retrieved from a database. How do I set the value of the dropdown with the value from the database. The value in the database is either new, trial, maint., employee, beta, or null. I need to set the dropdrown to one of these values. An example of the select;

<select name="ordReason">
<option value="New">New</option>
<option value="Maint.">Maint.</option>
<option value="Trial">Trial</option>
<option value="Employee">Employee</option>
<option value="Beta">Beta</option>

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DropDown List Error

i have this error in my form. okay i have two dropdown list which i have to slect an option in one of the drop down list an it will display the result in another drop down list and then by clicking the submit button it will display all the information into the database. but right now, the problem is tat after selecting an option frok the first dropdown list it is submitting into the database without clicking the submit button. how do i solve this?

i have this code : onchange="document.vForm.submit()" which will submit the values and retrieve sum other values and display it into the other dropdown list. i cant take this code away.

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DropDown List Options

I have a drop down list on an asp page. Can I have tooltips for each item so when the user scrolls odwn through the drop down I display a tooltip (as some options are long and I do not want to incrase the width of my drop down).

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Asp And Dropdown List With Database

An HTML page that have two dropdown list whit different values:

1. Dropdown list 1(tblname1) =values with different location's. After user
has selected one value from the dropdown it should show values from
(tblname2) in the dropdown list2.

2. When user select an value from dropdown list2(tblname2) and click on a
button "GO" it should show all the value's from the database that been
selected in dropdown list1 and 2.

Please someone please help me out with this problem!?

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Setting Dropdown List

I have what I thought was a simple script but I cant figure it out. Anyway, I want to set the selected item of a drop down list with information i am recieving from request.querystring. Seems like this is a case of when learning first is a hindrance to what i want to do. Im looking for something to the effect of,

Request.Form("dd_eventdate")= Request.QueryString("event")

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Triggering An Action On A Dropdown List

What I want is for an action to be triggered when a user selects something on a dropdown box.

The something would actually be two variables. One 'static' in that the drop down would be 1, 2, 3, 4 the other being a variable in the true sense e.g. if selection A is 2 and selection B was 3 then the variable is 5 and this variable is the one I want to use to trigger events.

Using themes I could maybe do it but I am hoping there is a easier, more dynamic way to do it.

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Dropdown List Array Problem

I have managed to populate a dropdown box with a list of all files in
the current folder and even filtered them by the extension so that it
only displays the .mdb files. However, the menu seems to be holding
all of the items in the folder and displaying only the .mdb.

seems to be a problem with the way I am defining the size of the
array. If I add my .mdb filter to the array loop I get an 'out of
range' error for the n variable?? Can anyone suggest a solution??


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Large DropDown Scrolling List

We have dropdown on ASP page. The problem is we have about 900 items in the
dropdown. Users scrolling through the list have become very frustrated in
the past.

Can someone suggest if there is another way of implement a dropdown where
the datalist is as big as ours.

I am looking for something like a listbox in VB where you can start typing
the characters and the databelow moves accordingly until you have found what
you want.

Is there anything in ASP/HTML to achieve a similar functionality.

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Multiple Select In Dropdown List Box

How to make multiple select in dropdown list box using asp and access.

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How To Display Tooltip For Dropdown List

I am creating a dropdown list in ASP. My problem is how to display tooltip for the drop down list in ASP.

I have used title property but it's not working.

<Select id="cboAction" name="cboAction" title="Select Action Type">
<Option value="0" selected></Option>
<Option value="1">One</Option>
<Option value="2">Two</Option>

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Display Data In The Dropdown List

This is just a test before i apply to my system. I have a student:

Table: Pelajar
pelCode : 1001 (datatype: Number)
pelName : Michael Lee (datatype: Text)
countryCode : US (datatype: Text)

Table: Negara
countryCode : US (datatype: Text)
countryName : United States (datatype: Text)

i want to display this student's country name in the dropdown list as a selected country name and at the same time, populate all country names in the dropdown list. but, i can't make it. i saw the selected country name is country name that at the 1st row of table Negara ......

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Editable Dropdown/list Field

I have a page that has a form on it which has a dropdown list on it. It connect to an sql database and populate the list. What I would like to do is make the list editable so that if the data returned doesnt contain what I want, I can type in the data I require which will then be updated to the database when the form is posted. Hope I've made sense, you may be able to tell.

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Dropdown Query List For Excel

I would like to create dropdown box that would populate by query table in excel. Field would be base on names. Second when query is submitted it would return a report for that name with the value I specify as the results for that person name. Is it possible and where can I find information on this subject.

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Create As Much As U Want Of Dropdown And Tect Boxes

i want to create a textbox and when i enter a number on it ,for example 3 ,and send submit , i will have 3 dropdownlist(all of them is the same) , and choose different things from these 3 dropdownlist , so ican sumit 3 stuff everyone is separte than the other , and to the same userid

so how this could be?!? cause i dont knowe how it will be send to the same table , and they have also the same Name.

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Auto Resize Dropdown List Of A Combo

Any code snippet or help link available on how to auto resize the dropdown list part of the combo(<select>) ?

Or, is there any alternative techniques for displaying the full lenth text when dropdown the combo?

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How To Show Dropdown List With Selected Value From Database

how to show a drop down list with a selected value that is derived from the database? Is this correct? When I do this, it shows "Mastercard" always, even when its "Visa" in the database.

<select name="ccType">
<option value="Visa" selected="<%=rs("cardtype")%>" >Visa
<option value="Mastercard" selected="<%=rs("cardtype")%>">MasterCard

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Update Selected Dropdown List From/to Database

I am creating one web page which contain a drop down list. It use the data from database. Now my problem is when the user select the drop down list value, I want the current selected value update to the database. How to write the code?

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Problem With OnChange Event For Dropdown List

I have an access database and an ASP application. On my add screen I am populating a dropdown box with a field from the database.

I want to use the OnChange event to fill in a textbox below with the corresponding information. I am combining HTML, ASP, and VBScript for my Onchange event.

Below is a working sample of my code, this issue is my RecordSet does not set to the record that is selected in the dropdown box: Code:

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Adding Elements To Dropdown List From Popup Window

I am designing a website to records details of people who visit our company. When entering a visitors details I wish to record the company that they work for, to save the user time a dropdown list of companies is populated dynamically from the backend (Oracle) database. In the event of a company not existing in the database the user would have to go to the page to add a new company and then come back to the form meaning that they would lose anything they have already entered.

What I am trying to do is to enable the user to click on a link which will bring up a pop up window into which they may enter the new company, on closing down this popup the new company will be added to the dropdown list.

So far I have got the popup to display and to accept the user input and I have inserted this new company name into the database with a unique reference number generated by a sequence and before_update trigger. The following code is for the popup window and accepts user input, writes it to the database and closes the window: Code:

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Reading The Global Address List Form Exchange Server

Does anybody know of a good way to get a list of emails from the corporate
exchange server from a corporate website?

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Dropdown Menu/list Issue Pulling Records From Access Db

I am trying set up a page where the user can view records chosen by the year.
I want to use a dropdown menu/list. Having trouble figuring out the sql behind this.

My db table has about 10 fields in it, one of which is the year this record was created. i want the enduser to be able to enter the page, and first step is to select a year to view. Again, i want this to be chosen using a drop down menu. After clicking I would like the page to show a simple table pulling up all the records from that year.

i know this sounds simple enough, but i cannot find this info/tutorial anywhere.. you guys are my only hope.

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Refresh Values In Select List Based OnChange Of A Dropdown Box

I am trying to learn and use good DHTML concepts and code (assuming they are needed). My current issue concerns how to handle this situation.

I have a Select List box which displays values based on what value is selected in a dropdown list. For example, my dropdown list contains a class name, and the Select list contains all of the students who are registered for that class.

So what I would like to occur, is when the user changes the class from the dropdown box, the Select List is re-created displaying the students who are enrolled in that class.

I thought I could do this without having to reload the page (with DHTML) but here is my problem. Code:

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Create An Archive List

I need to know how to create a dynamically named list of a collection of records from my database.

All the records come from one table using the DateCreated column as the column that I want to collate the records with.

I want to group all the records in eg: march 2007 under a dynamic heading of 'March 2007' and the same for every other month in the table.

The date format in the DateCreated column is: dd/mm/yyyy

It's kind of a blog achive.

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