Reading Registry Settings From The Client Machine

1. I need to read the registry settings from the client machine using an ASP file running on the server.

2. Also I need to create an XML file at the client machine and the ASP file running on the server should read the data from this clent XML file.

If anyone could give me some suggestions on how to proceed this I would be very much glad.

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ASP Behavior Changes On Different Client Machine

I know this is actually impossible, but didn't know how else to describe it:
I have created a Content Management System for a client using ASP connecting
to a Access database. It doesn't do any fancy things: INSERT, UPDATE, etc. I
also use ASPUpload to upload images onto the server.

When I test my CMS from my own machine and others, it all works fine.
However, testing it from my client's machine, the Updating or Inserting of
data ends up returning a 'page not available' error (the asp page calls
itself when the form is submitted) and the changes to the database are not
being executed.

I really can't figure out why this is happening. Could it be a setting on
the client's browser?

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Read From Client Machine

To secure my web site i need to read client Machien's MAC Address with

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Date From Client Machine

how to get the date from client machine?

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FileExists On Client Machine NOT Server

The jist of what i want is the obj.FileExists (how it checks for a file on the server) for the client machine.

The client will be scanning something that will put a pdf file into a shared folder on their machine (it will be the same path for all clients). I need to get the code* to pull that file so that i can take the data on the pdf.

*Code doesn't have to be ASP. i'm up for ASP, VBScript, Javascript.

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How To Detect That File Has Been Downloaded On Client Machine

I am working on a web application where i allow users to download text file , the content for this file will be retreived from the database and is passed to the and is read into Response.binarywrite

I am using the following code which i have got from a forum Code:

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How Do I Install A MSI File From Webserver On The Client Machine.

I have a web server running on a machine. When the users
connect to that machine, it loads the ASP page. The ASP
page has a ActiveX control on it and it gets downloaded to
the client's machine. I have made the control as a signed
control so there is no problem in download.

Likewise, in the virtual directory path on the server, I
have one clientsettings.MSI and that needs to be run on
the server. Whenever the user tries to connect to the web
page, in onload event of the web page, the .MSI file
should be installed on the clients machine. For this to
happen what all needs to be done ?

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Delete File On Client Side Machine

Is it possible to delete a file on a client side machine using VB/JAVA script?

My website allows the user to upload a file to the website and after that I would like to delete the file on their machine tried this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

But it is always looking to the server machine? How do I say delete file XYZ on client machine. Is this even possible with the security issues?

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Copy Files From IIS Image Path To Local Client's Machine

explain abt copy files from IIS image path to local client's machine.

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Registry Key

I want import some registry key via an ASP page to user`s Computer

is it possible ?
how can i do it

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Registry Key

I have a key in my registry that i want to delete it completely. I have tried it several times but it keeps coming back after sometime.

Does anybody know how to delete a key that can also delete its subkeys in windows 2000 pro. I am sick and tired of the popups i get all the time because of that key.

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ASP, Read Registry Key

Is it possible to read a registry key in ASP, and use the value in an application via a session variable. I'm using II6 on windows server 2003.

I'd like to create a key in the registry (under HKLM) and store a value (connection string for example).

In the ASP application, read the value and store it in a session variable with global.asa.

How do that and which right to access the regitry (IIS_IUSR) ?

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Change Registry With Asp

I have a html page that contain a form, I want to change windows registry, this key (LegalNoticeText) to amount of the text box in the form how I can do this?

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Cleaning The Registry

What's the best way to clean your registry of multiple old component
references? I've got a few orphans in there from old versions, builds that
have been renamed, had source paths deleted, etc. I was going to use
RegClean but see a few warnings regarding to Office 2000 and later related
to it. I'm using Windows 2000, Office 2000, VB 6 and InterDev.

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Change Registry

I have a message in (LegalNoticeText) in winlogin in registry,when user( in our network) log to windows can see massage that I put in LegalNoticeText,every day I should change this message(it's message of the day).

I write a html form that I could input massage in it ,I want to change the value of the LegalNoticeText with text box in this form, or if you have any other way that I can change the value of the LegalNoticeText?

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Error 2 Opening Registry Key

Recently, when I try to open files in web projects with visual interdev 6 I get this error message:

Server error: Error 2 opening registry key Software/microsoft/shared
tools/web server extensions/ports/port 80 .

Well, just in one project I can open its files. I don't know why is the difference between this project and other projects.

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Unable To Open Registry Key

I've published my database using Frontpage and inserted a result query on a ASP page and I get the following error.

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open
registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x3cc Thread 0x4f8
DBC 0x13d50024 Jet'.

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Get Remote Registry Keys

Is it possible to get a key from the registry if a remote machine?We have three print servers (tin) serving an ERP application for different areas of the business.Currently someone has to logon and check to see if the servers are still running each morning.

However while they are running they increment a key in the registry once every second each time they poll. If I can get ASP to read this value, I should be able to setup a
webpage to monitor the situation.I've found RegObj.dll on the Microsoft site, but this
doesn't seem to work in ASP.

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Accessing The Windows Registry

I am trying to find out how to access the windows registry so that I can alter some of the keys. To explain, I am trying to be able to read, display and then write new values to existing registry keys using ASP pages on an IIS server ( the keys to access are on that server). I can't seem to find anything which clearly explains how to access the individual keys, view and set them.

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Change Registry Files

it's not on web site ,computers are in intranet and that want see the message before they enter to windows (like pop up window) I have code in vb script(.vbs)(if it helps I sent for you) ,every day I change the text in this code and execute it on server ,but they want to reception do this with just input text in simple form, with your idea I think it's not possible with asp ,I would try other things.

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Checking System Registry

is there a script to check for the existence of a particular registry entry?

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Database Registry Key Error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xbf8 Thread 0xcd0 DBC 0x8cb565c Jet'.

/suhaib/masjidasp/database/connCommunity.asp, line 5

connCommunity.asp file is

Dim objConn, objRS
set objCommand=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="& Server.MapPath("databasecommunity.mdb")
%> ....

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How Can I Retrieve All The Subkeys In A Registry Folder?

i am trying to retrieve ALL the subfolders in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall" of the registry using the code below... for some reasons other subfolders are not listed/retrieved by the code... how can i resolve this? Code:

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Local Settings

The webserver I'm using (which I can't make any changes to) has a
Dutch-localsettings. When doing simple calculations the decimal-symbol in
ASP is a , (komma). Is it possible to force IIS to use a . as decimal symbol
by code? (IIS5)

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MySQL Settings

trying to connect to mySQL4...using....
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") "driver=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver;database=kraken1"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
SQL = "SELECT * FROM Access"
rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
Set rs = conn.Execute(SQL)

And what i get is the error...
"Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype."

Is adOpenKeyset NOT the cursor to use????

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SMTP Settings

I'm trying to send mails from asp page.Its showing error.Permission denied.When I checked the IIS settings SMTP server showing unnknown. I cannot start the SMTP server. Wat shall ido to start the smtp server.

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Regional Settings

I have a problem with the regional settings. I have set the regional settings of the web server to display the numbers in this format 123.456,78. But when I open my web site all number are diplayed with the old format which is 123,456.78. I changes also the regional setting of my computer but it does not work.

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Resetting All Iis Settings

is there a way to reset all iis settings? i have tried a reinstall but still have problems. the main one being i cannot see any pages on a website it says page not found when i know there are pages there . i have even switched on directory browsing and clicked through directories to get to any asp pages and it just says page not found . i think its something to do with permissions but cant correct it so i want to reset to original settings, can i do this?

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Is It Possible To Change IIS Settings From ASP?

That was the first question. BTW, I am using Windows 2000 Server.

Second questions is how do I transfer session variables from one virtual
website to another website. Currently I have session variables set in say and then I click a link and goto How can I
transfer session variables from to Both sites
are virtual websites and running on the same physical server running Windows
2000 Server and IIS.

Is it even possible to transfer session variables between 2 websites? Or
share the same variables?

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Get To The Ragional Settings

how can i tell the user location (from the ragional settings?) in asp? i have a website written in several languages, i want to check the user country and redirect to his language automatically.

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SessionState - Db Settings

In a app in the web.config the session state can be looked after by the data base - the settings need to be entered into the web config such:

sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=sa;password=t09

Our problem is that we do not want to expose the password of the data base user here - rather maintain it in a dll - is there a way for the code behind classes to set the user/password programmatically ? and if so how?

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Window Settings

Is it possible to declare the window settings (like toolbar displayed, width and height, etc.) when a page is loaded? Or is it only possible when with a link to a page? And is it possible with ASP only, or do you need javascript? Does anyone has some examples/tutorials?

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Modify IIS Settings

Does anyone know if there is a way of changing IIS settings using ASP specifically:

"The content where this content should come from" radio button property set on the Virtual Directory Tab (of a VD).

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