Receiving Newsletter

I have made my own newsletter system and its working perfect but the problem is that when i mail an HTML code news letter like this :

<title>New Page 1</title>
<a href="">
<img border="0" src="" width="595" height="842"></a></p>

when i send the newsletter then this image is only comming for the Hotmail users and not for the Yahoo or Gmail account holderrs

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ASP Form Fills In Newsletter. How To Save Newsletter?

I have a form that collects data fro a newsletter. Data is passed via form variables and dislplayed on in the newsletter. I am trying to nit use a database due to space concerns. How do I save the newsletter page after the form has been ccompleted?

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Receiving Of Id

this system mine in view.asp it opens one apopu (print.asp) that he would have to show the same information that only appears in view that only the text. He happens that when clico I in the image to open popu, me seems that id is not sent through the method form, this popup does not open and gives this error...
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'id ='.

/news1/print.asp, line 45

it sees oq has in line 45 of popu, the error above is of popup and not of view.

rs.Open sqlstmt, Dados, 3, 3

They see a part of the code of popup print.asp that it appears the error...


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Receiving Mail

I am generating Purchase Order from database. Then i send it to the
supplier. I am using CDONTS to send mail.
I am not sure that it was sent or not.
So i need confirmation when they read it or received. How can i send a mail
with acknowledgement?

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Not Receiving All Emails

I have a stored procedure which sends out an email to all the users
listed in the database. for some reasons I am not getting all emails.
could someone offere some assistance? Code:

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Not Receiving Error Messages

I am testing my ASP page and when I click on the link to open up my new asp page I get "page cannot be displayed". When another person clicks on the she gets a descriptive error message about a Type Mismatch on a COM function call in whih I am passing a parameter. I see that I do have an error, but why am I NOT getting the same message the other person is?

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I want to know if there is a free newsletter template or tutorial in asp.

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my new client need a newsletter script for its website. So far my experimentation havent been quite successful, so any help is welcomed.

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Jmail Newsletter

I am currently trying to code a newsletter script with asp using jmail. I've seen hundreds of examples on the net that accomplish this but there is only one problem they all use a do while statement that sends one email at a time. When I do this the server times out because my list is so long. So I have been trying to write a scrip that uses the BCC function to send one email to everyone at once. Unfortunatly I can't seem to get it to work. Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this?

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Newsletter System

Created a basic ASP/ADO/Access 2000 Newsletter system using JMail.
Basically client has 300+ subscribers and wants to send 1 newsletter email
to them all every 1 - 2 months.

Missed my client's call to say it wasn't working, but having checked with my
ISP (FastHosts), they have some kind of embargo on the amount of emails that
can be sent every 10 seconds.

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Electronic Newsletter

We currently create an e-newsletter for our members on a weekly basis. I do know some ASP, and have done a lot with what I know. BUT what I would now like to do is find out if there is any good way using ASP or an ASP script that I can extract a URL and email it to people.

Basically we can't afford to continue using b-central to mail our newsletter, so what I am hoping to do is find a script that will allow me to email the contents of our newsletter to people on our subscriber list (as well as to manage that list).

I have found many listserv scripts, but what I can't find is one that actually grabs the content of URL X and turns that in to a HTML email message.

That is what I am looking for. Preferably a free package, if there is such a thing, if not an inexpensive solution (under $200).

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Template For Newsletter

I need to create a template for an online newsletter that will auto-generate
page number (with current page not hyperlinked) and previous and next
buttons (no previous on first page and no next on last page).

Does anyone know of any quick asp code that will do this? I don't think
that it'd be too hard to do, but I'm very new at asp. Code:

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Newsletter Script

if anyone had any good recommendations on a good newsletter/mailing list script. My site is slowly gaining new members everyday and needs someway to email them important updates/newsletters. I have tried creating one myself but run into problems when trying to send out a large quantity. So I’ve decided to find a script to do this in order to save me time.

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Send Newsletter

how can i send newsletter(Html including images) to any one email address. Email must come from database.

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Newsletter Script

I usually work with PHP but have taken on an optimzation job where the guy has an aSP site and will be installing a newsletter as part of the make-your-site -more-useful process.

Does anybody know of a decent, really, really simple, newsletter ecript in ASP, that has (or is possible to translate to) a Spanish interface, and is easy to install?

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I once found a script that would automatically notice changes on your site, and then auto-matically send a newsletter to your users notifying them of the changes, and giving a short description. I know how to do everything but get the changes and summarizing them. Anyone know of such a script (that's free)?

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Unsubscribing To A Newsletter From Email

I've seen in the bottom parts of the newsletters there's a link to unsubscribe, something like this

when I click, the link takes me to a webpage and my email address is already there in the form just to click 'unsubscribe'. How do get the email address to unsubscribe??

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HTML Newsletter - Practical

I am setting a newsletter feature on a server that has about 80 near identical websites all different clients. Each client has a password protected control panel for their site. If I set up their sites to collect email addresses for newsletters how do I then going about enabling my clients to send the newsletters to these email recipients. Is it practical to write a script that loops through the emails What if there are 300 emails

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Sending Email/newsletter

Currently,i've done up something like a newsletter that is being sent to all users in the database. My problem now is how do I hide the rest of the recipients' address and show only the address of the recipients? Say for example, I sent this mail to user A, B and C.

However when A views her mail, she only sees her address. I know this sounds absurd but I'm just following orders. I cant user Bcc in this instance because this is like a mass emailing thingy. Can anyone assist me? I know I can make use of while loops but I'm a beginner in ASP,quite clueless on what to do. Code:

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Template Selection/ Newsletter

At the moment i'm working on a template based newsletterscript and this a testscript to get some variables. This is actually working for one record but i want it to get al the records where the Newsid = "1" e.q.

It's not necessary to print/ write the results but this is just testing.

Actually the following part should be a select case... depending on the value of the column = template e.q "1" he should display this record in another format. Code:

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Using BCC For Mailing List / Newsletter

Designing mailing list to send out newsletter with asp, ie: page where admin presses send button to send out newsletter to all subscribers in database. I'm using JMail, but have following question:

Can I fill the BCC with all user's email and send once or is it better to loop through each user and send email one at a time? Guess worried about using BCC because of someone might gain access to all user's emails in the mailing list.

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Not Showing Newsletter Section If Db Is Empty

I have a newsletter form with 8 article sections. The resulting newsletter displays the sections in a specific format. However, if the user only has 6 articles, how can I prevent section 7 and 8 from being dispalyed as blank sections?

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Sending Formatted HTML Newsletter

I want to build a system that sends formated HTML newsletter. Like the one we recevive from microsoft. How do we include the whole page with the pictures and style in an e-mail

I am using CDOSY

Do those developers use HTMLBody property or something else

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Newsletter Sending With Aspemail Or Jmail

Is there a way to send a newsletter to 14.000 addresses using an web-sending email aplication like Jmail, ASPemail or others? Ill tell you the whole problem, my friends. Im responsable of sending the newsletter, and my life is travelling from one city to another.

I dont have any notebook, so it would be very helpful if I could make (or use another's) aplication in where, using a user & pass, I could enter to a site and run "send" and then quit.

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Newsletter Submit Field Not Working With Hotmail

I am sending a newsletter and within newsletter I am inserting data into database.
The email works fine with yahoo mail and outlook but in the hotmail I am facing
problem which is:

I am clicking on the submit button but it is not doing anything.

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