Record Set AutoNumber Elements

Why won't this code work - the "id" fields are autonumbers


<select size="1" name="Agent" tabindex="">
<option value="Select">Select Owner</option>
x = rs("id")
Do While NOT rs2.eof
y = rs2("id")
Response.Write "<option value='" & rs2("id") & "'"
If x = y Then Response.Write " Selected" End If
Response.Write " >" & rs2("first") & " " & rs2("last") & "</option>" & vbCrlf

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How To Make Autonumber By Using Last Record In Database?

I want to take the last record in my database and display it on my ASP program. From my understanding, when last record + 1, it will be autonumber right. It's like generaing the autonumber for invoice number.

For easier view, my last record is 21. So I want that 21 appear in my ASP system as 22.
Is anyone can give me the idea how to make it?

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Autonumber In Access

I've searched the net but I couldn't find any SQL code on how to insert an autonumber column into an access database and table. Can anyone include the code?

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Generating Particular Autonumber

Ive got a table in an access database and I want to generate my own autonumber
based on the number of records in the table. Code:

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Autonumber Fields

I'm creating a basic ASP guest book, keeping my guest book entries
in a Microsoft Access database, and using ADO to access it. My problem is
that I am using the autonumbered ID field to split my guestbook into pages
of 10 entries. It works for the most part, but if I delete an entry, a gap
is left in the records and I end up 9 entries instead of 10 on that page.
Basically I need a better way of sorting this out - I thought of SELECTing
all the records into an array first and then working from that, but I can't
get array to be dynamic enough in VBscript

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One-line Autonumber

A portion of the asp for our site looks like this: Code:

insert = "INSERT INTO Students VALUES ( '" & _
CStr ( Request ("UserName") ) & "','" & _
CStr ( Request ("Password") ) & "','" & _
CStr ( Request ("Email") ) & "','" & _
CStr ( Request ("Country") ) & "','" & _
CStr ( Request ("DOB") ) & "','" & _
Date() & "@" & Time() & "','" & _
Date() & "' )"

It just inserts a new record into the db. What we did was add an autonumber field to the db, but now it won't update.

We know why - because it needs a value for every category in the db - but we don't know how to code it so it will update the db correctly. So, if anyone could help me with the (????) line in the coding so it will correctly update, that would be perfect!

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Return Autonumber

How can i get the autonumber(primary key value) from the specific rows when i just insert it.Example

i just insert the member information.
sql="INSERT IMTO register(user,password,address) VALUES (shujuan,841218,singapore)"

so how can i get the primarykey for this row after i just create it.

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Insert With A Autonumber Row

var SQLString = "INSERT INTO table VALUES( '' ,'" + Request.Form("name") + "','"
+ strAlpha + "','', '"
+ Request.Form("email") + "', '"
+ Request.Form("userid") + "')";


This is jscript inserting into access2000. My table looks like this:

id (autonumber)

Its the first field that causing my problems, I get a data type mismatch error. How do I insert with an auto incremented field?

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Autonumber With SQL Server

What is the best way of using an AutoNumber system on an SQL server?I've been used to using Microsoft DBs for my online apps and have now upgraded to using Microsoft SQL server.

I want to be able to insert a new record into the database not such a problem but I want each record to have a unique identity no eg. NewsID. I know that you can do a lookup of the MAX number on insertion but if two people are inserting at the same time this may cause problems with duplication.

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Get Value Of Autonumber-field

I use (something like) following code to add new records to a database, but it doesn't work!!! I need to know the value of an AutoNumber-field when I add the record. Why doesn't it work and how can I make it work? I think it should be easy, but I can't figure it out! Code:

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Next ID From Autonumber Field

I have a page that does an insert into a table in an Access DB which has an autonumber primary key field. Following this insert I need to be able to get the ID that was generated. If I were using SQL Server I would simply return fetch @@IDENTITY from a stored procedure for example.

Does anyone here know of something similar I can use in Access to be able to get that ID? I tried just using a SELECT query with all the information I had just inserted but it comes up empty unless I put it in a separate request (i.e. redirect to a new page passing all the info through the querystring and then building the query on the redirect page...which is a huge pain and takes FOREVER to run.

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Getting AutoNumber Number

I have a form that is filled out and put into an Access database. The id field is Autonumber.

What I would like to do is also insert this data (or some of it) either into another database or another table, but I would like the created AutoNumber to be a part of this data. Is there any way to get this number immediatly after insertion?

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Autonumber Code

I'm trying to write the code for an autonumber to go in to a text field when the page is open. I had it working in access but of course it won't work in asp. The format has to be for example: PBC-1200.

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Access And Autonumber

I have an Access database that uses an autonumber for the primary key. I hv app. 110 items in the table, and yet when I add a new item, it autonumbers as 534097 or some ridiculously long number.

How can I get it to go back to a smaller number without removing/trashing existing ID fields?

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Determine If Field Is Autonumber

I have a recordset with two three fields. One is an autonumber field called ID , one is a text field called Name and the last is a date/time field called DateEntered. How can I programatically determine the autonumber field ? Code:

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Get Last Insert Autonumber From Access

OK, I realize this is a subject that almost every developer would encounter, so I understand the answer is probably out there somewhere. Suffice it to say that I have been looking, both in this forum and on google, found many SQL server answers, and one for Access, which I have tried with no success. See the following: Code:

sql = "INSERT into someTable(IntColumn) values (" & fakeValue & ") SELECT @@IDENTITY"
set rs = conn.execute(sql)
response.write "New ID was " & rs(0)

This results in a JET database error, Missing semicolon at end of SQL statement. I tried adding it after the close paren, after the select @@identity, and after both, with the same error.

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Access Database Autonumber

Is there any way to format the autonumber or change it in Microsoft Access?

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Display 3 Digits Autonumber

I am using Ms Access database and I have set 3 digits (e.g. 000) for an autonumber field of my table.Its working fine in Access and incrementing automatically like this (001, 002, 003 ...), but when I call the data on a web page using ASP its displaying these numbers like this (1, 2, 3, 4 ...) I dont understand why is it not displaying the numbers as it is in the table.

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Mismatch Access Autonumber

Why do I keep getting a type mismatch on this

Set cnn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
openStr = "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
"dbq=" & Server.MapPath("fpdb/images.mdb")
cnn1.Open openStr,"",""
sql = "SELECT * FROM gallery"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

rs.Open sql, cnn1, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText

temp = cINT(request("pic"))
rs.Find "id = " & temp

I've tried multiple variations.

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Insert Into 2 Tables With The Autonumber Ids

I have 3 tables and they are linked with each other.

table 1 (ID, Title)
table 2 (QuestionID, ID, Question)
table 3 (AnswerID, QuestionID, Answer)

the problem is that ..

I insert the question in the correct place which is related to the table 1 but when it come to insert the answer for that specific question id didn't work .. it always take the first question in the table Code:

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Adding Records With Autonumber Field

I'm writing a database admin page in ASP. I had it adding records correctly. Then I added an autonumber field ("ID") to the table, and it stopped working. The sql I'm using is Code:

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Selecting Data With Autonumber In Access...

I have a line of code in my script that looks like this:

Set User = objDBCon.Execute("SELECT * FROM tblsUsers WHERE ID = '" & request.form("user") & "'")

This gives me an error of data type not the same. Anyone know what the problem might be?

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Asp Session Elements

i'm having a bit of trouble inside a loop displaying values for session variables that are wrong the code thats not working looks like this:

Response.Write"<tr><td>Answer "&counter&"</td> <td><input type=text maxlength=50 id=option"&counter&" size=50 title=answer"&counter&"value value='"=session("answer"&counter&"")"' name=answer"&counter&" /></td></tr>"

its enclosed in a loop with the counter element increasing to the given total and its meant to set the value of the text box (the session variable) to display the value.

in plain ASP and html all thats needed for the normal input box to display a session value is :



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Array Elements

i have one array of string and it contains 51 elemnts. it will get bigger and bigger but i want to read these array ellments from a text file.this is possible?

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DB Elements As Hyperlinks

I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 to get me started - probably a bad idea I'm told. Anyhow, I've connected a drop-down list ('Components') to a column in a SQL DB, and, upon selection, the resulting gridview is being generated as I hoped (with the corresponding 'Applications').

However, I would like each of these resulting rows in my gridview to be "clickable" as a hyperlink so that I can display each of the applications details on another page. If someone could enlighten me as to whether/not this is even possible, and if so, how?

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Inserting XML Elements

I am aware of how to create elements, attributes on the fly with the Microsoft.XMLDOM however I was wondering if anyone had any examples of how you could extend this to insert the content created in to an existing node.


<section> <- INSERT ELEMENT HERE -> </section

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Menu Elements

In my ASP page I have a set of menus on the left side and list boxes just on its right side. Whenever I click on a menu and the submenu appears it gets hidden under the listboxes and cannot be read properly.

The page design cannot be changed at this point of time and the listboxes cannot be moved to any other position of the page. So is there any property or function so that I can make my menu elements appear above the listboxes.

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How Many Elements In An Array

Like in PHP you can use:

PHP Code:

$length = count($array); 

Is there an ASP alternative? I'm using VB4.

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Removing Empty Elements

I have this form that collects text values and I use VBCrLf as delimiters to tell one element from another. Sometimes, I get several empty elements. Is there a way to remove those elements?

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Display Elements By Date

I have an html file where I put a date (im_lixis) in a form and I also have an asp file that checks this date and if this date exists in my table timologisi in ms access I want to display all the recordsets with this date.

I dont know what I'm doing wrong... but when I run it.. it takes some time and then tells me that I got out of time ... without telling me if I have something wrong in some line Code:

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Problem With Array Elements

I'm inserting elements into a 2-dimensional array from a form like this..... Code:

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How To Get Number Of Input Elements?

Does anyone know how to get the number of input tags contained in a div tag? I am trying to build a dynamic list of checkboxes from a database and I don't know how many checkboxes i have until the form is built to do some validation.

Probably using client-side javascript - something like

var obj = document.all.tags("div").item(0)
var mydiv ="chk0100")

But I am not sure how to specify the name of the input tag.
I dont know what the above statement does.

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Extract The Form-elements' Value

Is there any way to extract the form elements' value without submitting the form. I want the value of the form element be used in the script written in the same page without submitting the form.

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