Records Not Showing Up As It Should In Asp Page

I am new to ASP and tried to do an ASP page up using FrontPage and Access. I have encountered a problem that even when I select all records in the database, the records are not showing in the ASP page as they shld be. Code:

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Showing Records For Each ID

I'm really trying to make this work. I have a dbtabel with following fields.


I want to show each players point like this "1,2,5,6,4,8,9", but i want the script to first add up which player who has the most points, and then list them in order of wich player who has the most points...


Each row is each PlayerID's row. Is this possible.

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Records Not Showing

I inherited a database driven site, which displays events pulled directly from an access 2000 database. when these events are edited in the admin system, or when a new record is added (again via the admin system), the record will no longer show up as being editable on the choose_event.asp page. I checked the database, and the changes are being made.

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Showing Records For Each User...

I have a Golf leaderboard based on points given to each player after each match. That works fin, but is it possible to show everys players record after his or hers name. At the time it looks like this.

Mike 7,50
Peter 5,45

My code is like this Code:

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Without Record - Page Not Showing Up

I have an ASP page in a table style (heading and data). At the beginn of each month (actually only the first day) there is no data in my database and so-with nothing to show up on the ASP page. If I would like to open the ASP page over the net IE is telling me that it cannot find my page. Is it possible that, even if there are no records to show, at least the heading is shown on the Internet?

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Showing An ASP Page As A Continuing Data Table

I would like to show my data in a ASP table. I do not want a sort of record selector on that page. So I did the following: Please be as kind and look the attachment

I would like to see a table header like "tradeid,clearingnumber" etc - and underneath the list of records.

can someone tell me how to get this because in the moment I only see one record always it's not continuing writing the list.

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Showing UNICODE (Chinese) From SQL Server On An ASP Page Using Dreamweaver

I have a simple ASP form in which I am reading and showing the data from SQL Server database. This database has a nVarchar field, which stores some data in Chinese language. When reading and printing the data using a SELECT query it shows ??? (Question Marks) instead of the Chinese data. I have checked using Query Analyzer that the data is correctly stored in Chinese only.

I have looked up for this problem and it looks like many have faced the same before. But the only solution which seems to be provided for this is using the FORMS 2.0 controls, because VB converts the Unicode to ASCII and that corrupts the data. But is there any other solution to this?

I am using Dreamweaver to write the ASP pages. Dreamweaver is capable of showing the Unicode data, but can’t do much if it gets corrupted data from the VB itself.

So Please any help will be highly appreciated.

That’s the sample code which I am using if it helps: .....

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Posting Data To Credit Card Processor Without Showing Their Page

I've been setting up an online payment system for our site, and it all works fine except for one part. When it submits to the merchant's site, the customer is greeted with a blank page for a few seconds while it verifies the card. Then it redirects to our site.

Is there any way to do a form POST to another site without actually making the browser go to that page?

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How To Limit No Of Records In A Page ??

On entering some parameters by the user, a form comes up with the values retrieved from the database (i.e. dynamic table is generated.) Also, I have a select all checkbox for selecting all the rows.

Since sometimes the rows fetched are more than 500, I want to limit them to 30 rows per page with the option to go to new page with select all checkbox (as in yahoo, hotmail inbox) . How can I achieve this ?? Code:

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Get All The Records From A Directory Page In ASP

I have this page on a website in ASP which allows me to enter the Emp#. When I enter the Emp# I get all the data relevant to that Emp# like Name, Age, Address, etc

The present url doesnt change even after getting the results ( so I guess I cant pass the variable to the url) Is there any way to get all the records for employees with Emp# 1 to Emp# 2000

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How Do I Delete Records From My ASP Page?

At the load of an ASP page I would like to delete all records in my MDB that have the value of '' in the 'email' field. How would I do this using VB? Here is the code I have: Code:

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Display Records On A Page

i want records displayed on one side of the page and the other side i have a form where users enter data using the list that they have. i am able to list the records after or before the form but not to the side of it. how do i do that.

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Saving And Display Of Records In Asp Page

I need to build a asp page where it would serve as a data entry record page
as well as display page for records saved. This page should also allow
editing of records that has been saved. e.g.

SS# EntryBox Name EntryBox Date EntryBox Revenue Generated EntryBox


---------- ------------ -------------
---------- ------------ -------------
---------- ------------ -------------

The process of the first part of saving record is fine. However, the second
part of displaying all the records that has been saved including the current
record saved is where I am having problems.

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Search Records And Get Results On Same Page

how to create a search option that would search the recordsets in my database table.

I would be allowing users to search by name or date. I'd like the results in the same page. Any suggestions or tutorials?

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Print 3 Tabular Records Per Page

Is it possible to print multiple records wherein there should be 3 records per page.Once the supervisor logged-in, there's a link where he can print all the records of his subordinates. Currently I have a print.asp file which gets all the data and arranged in aparticular format.

I've created a tabular form(interface) with proper arrangement of data. How can I set such condition, wherein there's only 1 form, but it should be printed on the paper depends on the # of records (3 tabular form per page, where 3 tabular form = 3 records of different people)? Is it possible? Do I have to make 3 tabular forms? If I'm going to do this how will I select or use the recordset?

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How Does One Update All Records Displayed In A Asp Page

I got a test asp page which connects to Northwind.mdb database. This page
pulls all the rows from the Customers table. One column i.e. GoodStatus has
been added to the customers table. The following is the code to display all
records of the customers table with some customization. Code:

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Limit The Number Of Records Per Page

I'm trying to specify how many records to be display per page. I put a limit of 40 records and i'm getting only 2 per page. The number of pages it seems ok but the records displayed are only 2 instead of 40. Code:

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Get All Records, But Display On Separate Locations On Page

I have a table with a number of 'advertisements', and each ad specifies a page display location (#1 - #9). I would like to query for all ads, but display them only where they have their location (see image above). I currently have 9 different SQL queries, one for each location:

"SELECT * FROM tb_ads WHERE f_adlocation = 1

I would like to have one query, and at location 1, simply say: "If f_adlocation = 1, then display here. If there is more than one, then repeat as necessary". Here is what my database looks like: I have attached sample data as a .txt file.

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Can't Insert Records From Page With Request.form

I'm trying to insert records into an SQL database coming from a page using the request
..form method. The table "general" has a primary key 'geid .' I get the following error:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'geid', table 'general';

column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

....not sure how to include the 'geid' field into the scheme.

strSql = "insert into general (firstname,surname,company) values ('"
strSql = StrSql & Request.Form("firstname") & "', '"
strSql = StrSql & Request.Form("surname") & "', '"
strSql = StrSql & Request.Form("company") & "')"
myconn.Execute (StrSql) ....

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Recordset Based On Records Selected Freom Previous Page

What I want to do is have a recordset with all records in and display a list by title with a tick box next to them, then goto a new page which the recordset is all the records that the user selected on the previous page.

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Display Records From MS Access Tables As A Total In A Table In A ASP Page

I'm trying to display records from an MS Access DB (*.mdb) in an ASP page (table).. I don't want to display all the records though, I just want to display the total of these records..i.e in my table I would like to show how many calls someone has closed this year..(number)

Joe Bloggs ---> 100 Closed

Is this possible? I was thinking that I need to write an ADO that includes COUNT but I'm not too sure how to write this.. Here's what I have so far: Code:

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Showing XML

Can anybody help me with displaying two xml content in a asp page. i want it to be shown with collape and expand feature (with those + and - feature when an xml file is opened in explorer).

i tried having html frames but i am not able to add menu in the same html page. right now i have menu and two text boxes to display this xml content. i want to use something else instead of text boxes to display xml in indented form. i thought i could use browser component in asp page but it doesnt work.

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Systematic Updating Of Records Depending On Amount Of Records In Another Table

The problem concerns 2 tables, cart_products and cart_shoppingcart.

Cart_products contains all the product data (eg, prices, product's key name, etc), but most importantly, it contains the quantity of stock (prod_quantity) for each item.

cart_shoppingcart contains all of the user's items in their shoppingcart, including those that are part of an (customer) order; these have the order_number to differentiate from those that aren't in any order (their Order_number is 'no_order', the others have the order number).

Now, what I want to do is this:

For every item in the order (ie, every entry in cart_shoppingcart that matches the username and order number), take the quantity (x) the customer is ordering, then take the quantity of stock remaining (y), then subtract x from y to create the new stock level (z) and update the appropriate record in cart_products with z (all this with SQl preferably).

I was thinking of using a Do while loop, but realised that it wouldn't work as I'd have to use several SQL statements and then I'd run into a problem the minute ASP reads "objrec.movenext".

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Video Showing

I have an active-x control on my asp that loads a wmv video file.But i have a problem viewing the video until i have download the whole video on the active-x control.

Is there a way to see a portion of the video without complete download?

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Showing Tif Files

I have a strange problem on WindowsXP proffessional with IE6 ,when i try to display a tiff file ,it is not showing ,small red x is comming up. I tried by dowloading latest IE from microsoft but no use. This is working fine on win2k IE6.Here is the html file I am using to display the tif file.

<img SRC="" BORDER="1">

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Showing Reminders

I make a intranet Project For a Company.In that Project i make some reminders that can send each other users.When the Reminder come it should be alert like yahoo or Msn means Reminder should be show right side of the Taskbar and it's come like fade.

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New Pages Not Showing Up

i have just uploaded the new files to a website i have rebuilt. I have refreshed IIS and restarted the website but the new files are not showing through on directories that existed before eg subscribe etc. The new directories that didnt exist before work fine but would the internet connection in our office be caching previous pages that are no longer there and trying to access them?

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Updates Not Showing

my problem is The updates on my asp files are not reflected in the browser. Till recently everything was working fine.

Today I installed new updates on my windows 2000. After all the cached asp contents are appearing and the updates are not getting refreshed. I dont know if this is becoz of the updates on my OS.

I had a file addfield.asp. It was working fine, I made some changes and they worked. But after that my updates are not reflected. If I rename the file to addfield1.asp. I am getting the desired results. Again if I change the contents of this file, they are not appearing.

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Images Not Showing Up

why some of my graphics wouldn't be showing up? I'm using css and everything looks fine in dreamweaver until I upload it then half my graphics are not visible on the page but they are there because I can still click on them, I just cant see them. Any reasons?

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Showing Companyname In URL

ok so I wrote a template based CMS.... A small company requires a website, they come to my site and choose a template, pay, register, edit ther details and pages and then view their site simple and it all works yay! Code:

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Showing Shared Dir

I'm working on a Intranet, and found this code to list the contents of a directory.
However, the only directory I've been able to show is the dir where the script itself is (Inetpub/Scripts).

How can I redirect to a directory somewhere else on the network ? Code:

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Showing Birthdays In ASP

I have a table called 'players2005' with fields of 'player' and 'pdob' The 'pbod' is a DATE realted to the players date of birth.

Using ASP how can I call the access database to show members that date of birth is today.
I have the rest of the script but just nedd a SQL statement Code:

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Code Showing

I've been working on a page at work, which has been fine, yet when ive come to try it at home, i load the page (the page loads fine) but i see all the code etc that was hidden before.

example what i see at the top of the page:

oCdoMsg, oCdoConfg, st

but i see tons more than that, basically all the code to the next %>

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