Recordset Dealing With Unlimited Text Field

I'm trying to query a set of data from MSSql which contains field type "text" for unlimited length of characters.

I make a query and store the data into a recordset. However, soon as the page try to access the unlimited field, it seems as if the recordset looses all the data it was holding.

Does anyone know how to get around this problem? or what's causing this? I dont even get an error msg. It just doesn't show anything as if there was nothing there.

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Set A Field Of Recordset To Be Editable

i would like to ask how can i set a field of recordset to be editable?

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Filling An Emails TO Field From An Sql Recordset

I have an sql database, and an asp website. I need to send emails to users from the site. I have loaded the recordset with the email field from the table. I them send an email to all the emails in the recordset. I use the BCC field to do this. The problem is, sometimes the emails get missed judged as spam or junk. How can I fill the TO field of the email instead, with the emails from the recordset, and send an email to each address individually, in like a loop or something? So like, it will go through and send an email to email1, then loop back through and send one to email2, and so on....

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Dealing With MP3's

I would like to be able to control the downloading of (my own)music files from my music site other than letting the user right click and "Save target As" on a hyperlink.

"Save Target As" must issue a command of some sort to the server. I would like to be able to issue that command myself under program control.

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Recordset As Text

I have a sql server 2k db behind an asp site and I want to know how to allow users to download the results of a recordset. I understand it has something to do with the object but I really have no idea just exactly how to put it together.

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Dealing With Checkbox

I want to design a page which has lots of criteria on which I want to be selected by using checkbox's. I then want to pass only the criteria that have been checked and store them in an Access DB, and leave the items that have not been ticked alone.

Anybody any ideas?

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Dealing With 2 Db Tables

i got 2 tables...on the table "times" i only null the records column "dtime" (if it is not null) and save this records column "username"... straight after that i need to select on the second table "useringo" the record with the same username that its time was nulled and to null its column "msginfo"

i realy need your suggestion to how to do this...i do not want to run on all this tables every time...i want it be most minimal and smart.

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Recordset To A Text File

My original thought was to save the recordset into a text file. However,
because of permissions I am unable to do this and will not be able to change
the permissions. My next thought was to open it in excel. However, the
table is too large and I get the Cell Table: too many rows or columns error.
I need the user to be able to save the records on her computer.

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Text Field

How i can get a text field that would accept apostrophes?

here's my code:

Title = Replace(Request.form("AddTitle")
Message = Replace(Request.form("AddMessage")
Author = request.Form("AddAuthor")
TimePosted = request.Form("AddTimePosted")
DatePosted = request.Form("AddDatePosted")
sql="INSERT into NEWS (title, message, author, date_posted, time_posted) "
sql = sql & "VALUES ('" & Title & "', '" & Message & "', '" & Author & "', '" & DatePosted & "', '" & TimePosted & "') "
Response.write sql

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Text Field!

i am using ASP with recordset I am using nvarchar field and TEXT field in ms sql server
i update it as follows

rs("thenvarcharfield") = request.form("somedata")
rs("thetextfield") = request.form("someotherdata")

at one page it works fine and when i use the same kind of code to update another TEXT field it doesn't update and the I.E. loading bar increases very slowly and the next page never loads someone suggested to use .appendchunk i used rs.appendchunk and i got the error "object doesn't support this property or method" he also said that .appendchunk cannot be used to update nvarchar.

i removed the code to update TEXT field and the page loaded as expected (normally)!
Why one text field worked fine while the other didn't?

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Dealing With Friendly Urls

My application runs on ASP and the business logic is embedded in Dlls written in VB. The application hosts a list of articles for the user to view and these are accessible through some complex urls like "http://mysite/articles/category1?articleid=34512". I would like to denote a friendly url to these articles such as "http://mysite/articles/kb_TaxPlanning.asp". I am thinking of using an ISAPI filter to do the work for me. My friend was trying on using a httphandler, but it did not work. Please share with us the resources for creating an isapi filter for the same. Also how to use the same for the expected result?

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Dealing With Xls (excel) Files

Can .xls (excel) files be opened and manipulated using ASP?

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Dealing With Too Many Database Connections

I have a database class that I've been starting to use with my ASP apps and I was wondering about having too many database connections on one page. I'm beginning to write other classes that use the database class to reach into a table and pull data out.

Say for instance I have these classes:


All of these classes have a method like getUserByID() or getNewsByID() but they are all using a private database object from the Database class.

Are they all using the same connection behind the scenes (underneath ASP) or are they all actually using separate connections? And if in fact they are using different connections then is there a common design patterns that alleviates the pressure by passing around the same DB object?

It makes me a bit uncomfortable to know that every class is creating a new Database object and a new connection on top of that; however, if you were pulling data from a MS SQL database for the users and an Access (ugh) database for the Reviews this would be necessary.

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Server Text Return Recordset

I've got a SQL Server database, and am pulling records from it via ASP.Everything works fine, apart from the field which is stored as 'text' data type in SQL Server.If I change this data type to 'varchar' it works fine, but I need more than 8000 characters, so really I need the data type to be 'text'.Can anyone suggest why this might be happening, and how it could be resolved?

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Validation For Text Field

I need help regarding the string. In HTML page i have a text field to enter Name. How do i check whether its valid name or not, on the server side.

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Text Field Control

I want to create two radio button
Yes and No. Only on select that radio button 'Yes',
the text field should get enabled.
How to do this?

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Text Field Acceptance,

i have a table in which i have many text boxes, they are named as a1,a2,a3,a4 to a16 the next row is b1,b2,b3 to b16 and so on up to G1,G2 etc, where the user enters his data, what i want to do is only allow the user to enter numbers, which can have decimals if required,

how can this be done, also i have another set of textboxes through which i want to loop and prevent user the user from entering the same data in more then one box how can this be done any help will be appreciated thank you.these are the text boxes a1,b1,c1,d1,e1 etc which is actually the first column in the table.

i have created the following array:

letterArray[0] = 'A'
letterArray[1] = 'B'
letterArray[2] = 'C'
letterArray[3] = 'D'
letterArray[4] = 'E'
letterArray[5] = 'F'
letterArray[6] = 'G'

how can i loop through to achive the above.

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6 Characters From The Text Field

May I know how to restrict the user to key in at least 6 characters from the text field by using asp? If possible

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Updating A Text Field

I am trying to write some code that inserts or updates a text field in my SQL Server 2000 database. The SQL statement is created using a submit from a form, and the text is coming from a <textarea>, and therefore being placed into the SQL statement via a Request("field"). However, due to limitations in SQL Server 2000 and text fields, I can not use a simple Update or Insert command with text over 8000 bytes.

Does anybody have any sample statements that will help me update that field with larger amounts of data? I have tried using the WRITETEXT function and UPDATETEXT function with little or no success.

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Text Field Characters

i have a form that has two hidden fields.The first hidden field will has a value like this 'EM12HILL.JPG'.The second hidden field has a value like this 'AA01'.What i would like to happen is when submit button is pressed, the characters in the first hidden field will change to the following 'AA01HILL.JPG', as they are passed to another form.

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Clearing A Text Field

How do I clear the data in this field before using the date function.?

<input type="text" size=35 name="DepartCentralDate" value="<%=x_DepartCentral %><%= FormatDateTime(Date, 1) %> &nbsp;&nbsp;<%= FormatDateTime(Now, 3)%>">

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Combine Text + Rs.field

Is it possible to recall a variable with the combination of text + rs.field? i want to recall the variable "speler1", at the place weher rs("speler") is 1. It's probably again easy.

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Shorten Text Field

I been searching google but I can't find how to shorten a text field and if it has been shortened to place a space and triple dot (...) after it. So if the text field was 75 characters long it would shorten it to 50 and add " ...". Is it also possible to shorten it to 50 to the nearest word? This is what I got so far: Code:

<% = left(rs("my_text").value,50) & IF rs("my_text").count > 50 Then Response.Write(" ...") End If %>

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Updating A Text Field

In a form I have one pulldown menu, and one text field. Both MUST get their values from an Access database they connect to. Without submitting the form, how do I change the value appearing in the text field by changing the selection in the pulldown menu? Remember both the text field and the pulldown menu MUST get their values from a database.

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Text Field Format

I need a user to follow a format. For example entering a date. I need the user to enter a date in this format MM/DD/YY. How do I check to see if they followed that format?

I need the user to enter a currency amount without the "$" sign. How do I check to see if the Request.Form("price") value has a "$" sign in it? I guess I need to know how to parse a string in ASP.

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Text Field Value & Label

Is it possible to make the following codes Value = idSpecies but its Label TimberSpecies?

<input name="f1" type="text" id="f13" value="<%=((rsResults.Fields.Item("idSpecies").Value))%>" size="33">

I have a database with the following...

Table Name.....Query1
Field Name......idSpecies..........Auto Number
Field Name......TimberSpecies...Text Field

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Passing A Text Field From Asp To Asp

I have an asp page that allows cdont mailing of form field values to persons matching slected criterea in their profile.

Works good if the user goes straight from the form to the email-making asp.

Then the user asked for a proofreading screen and what seemed simple took a bad turn.

When I try to pass from the proof reading screen to the asp that actually sends the email I only get the first word. as soon as a blank is encountered in the text it thinks it it done. Code:

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Moving Fom Text Field

i have a formular using two text field. i want , when i finish writnig , moving to the next using " Enter " key.

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Lock Down A Text Field

how to lock down a text field so that data displayed within it cannot be altered?

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Search Text Field

I want to search text field and highlight the text. This is the code,


strText = cstr(Request.form("strText"))
strText = uCase(strText)
strTextWhere = ""
strTextWhere = " and (Specialisation
like '%"&strText&"%') "

I have a lot of data in different cases. I can do the search, let say i want to search by keyword project, it will display all the "project", "Project" and "PROJECT". But now i can only hightlight the "PROJECT" only. I think this is because of ucase(strText). Is there any way for me to highlight all (either lower, upper and mixed cases)?

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Passing The Value Of A Disabled Text Field

Is there any way I can pass the value in a disabled text field without creating a hidden field?

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Text Field Equal To Entered Value

I need to make a text field equal to the entered value. Example: First time to the page nothing will show up in the field because nothing was entered. I enter a value and submit the form. The redirect is to the same page to add new inforation but this time the value entered in that one text field will be there. I tried <%=Request.Form("box")%as the value of the text field but to
no success.

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Handle Memo/text Field

I have a DSN connection for MySql with Asp. Used Text
field[Memo] to store the data. While displaying the data
its gives the error,if field is empty. But works well if
not empty. So pls help me to check the text/memo field
for empty/null. How?

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