Recordset Paging :: Previous And Next

I have an asp page which displays a list of records depending on what was selected via another form.

I want to have these results broken down, displaying only 10 records, with links underneath to display as 'Previous' and 'Next' Code:

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Searching Previous/next Through Recordset

I have an ASP page which pulls a number of records into a recordset and then displays the first record, by default, in an HTML form.

I'm tryina to make a button (or a link, which ever is easiest?!) which loads the next record from the recordset into the form.

For example, if I had a recordset with 2 records as follows:

Firstname Lastname
Firstname1 Lastname1
Firstname2 Lastname2

...and a form with 2 text boxes containing 'Firstname1' and 'Lastname1' when the page is loaded - I need a button or link to load 'Firstname2' and 'Lastname2' into these boxes.

If possible, I'd like to be able to do this without refreshing the page....but if not it doesn't really matter too much....

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ADO: Recordset Not Moving Previous

I have created a recordset with cursortype 'adOpenDynamic'. i have used "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=abc;Initial Catalog=myDB"
connectionString to open connection.

The problem is that ASP renders Operation is not allowed in this context' error when i call the moveprevious methord of that recordset. I have discovered that it doesnt move previous when i used a joined query. and it works perfectly when i use single table query. the recordset code is:

Set client = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
client.ActiveConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=abc;Initial Catalog=myDB"
client.Source = "SELECT * FROM customer c inner join business b on"
client.CursorType = 2
client.CursorLocation = 2
client.LockType = 3

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Recordset Based On Records Selected Freom Previous Page

What I want to do is have a recordset with all records in and display a list by title with a tick box next to them, then goto a new page which the recordset is all the records that the user selected on the previous page.

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W/paging Recordset

Can somone help with this error I am getting?

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/forms/Start3.asp, line 81

Line 81 is bjRS.PageSize = nItemsPerPage

The rest of my code:

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How To Recordset Paging

I'll admit to being a bit of a newbie at all this ASP stuff so you'll have to excuse me.

I've been given some work to do on a search results page that was designed by someone else. I have been asked to incorporate some basic paging (Next 10 etc) into someone elses work, but don't really know where to start.

Would it be really cheeky if I posted the page code up on here in hope that some helpful sole could give me a few pointers as to what will need to be added in order to get it working.I thought I'd better 'test the water' with you guys first so to speak.

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DB Recordset Paging

i have do some research on the ajax paging,but i cant get any solutions. i wan to query out 5records each time when the Next button is clicked or Preview button is clicked without refresh the page with the querystirng above such as xxx&page=1,xxx&page=2. i get some reference of ajax pagingnation, but tis code is call from the external files.
how can i modified the script above to call out my recordset from database? below is the reference from

i wan to do the record pagingnation like dynamicdrive without refresh the page.and my records are called from the database. i just wan the NExt and Previous button without the numbers

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ADO Recordset Paging

I was at,read all techniques.I choose the fasted one -it is the last "SP ROW COUNT".
SP looks like:

CREATE PROCEDURE SampleCDs_Paging_Rowcount
@pagenum INT = 1,
@perpage INT = 50

I want dynamically change SQL select (because I want filter output by something - name, author, year, order and so on).So I thought, it could be nice idea to call stored procedure with added 3 SQL SELECTS as arguments.So it should look like:

CREATE PROCEDURE SampleCDs_Paging_Rowcount -- change name
@pagenum INT = 1,
@perpage INT = 50,
@SQL1 nvarchar(1000),
@SQL2 nvarchar(1000),
@SQL3 nvarchar(1000)

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Recordset Paging Problem

I am creating Recordset paging after a search page. However, I am now getting this error on this line in my code below:

oRecordSet.Open sSQLStatement, oConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

The first results page works fine until I choose another page (PAGE 2) and I get the error:
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another

The weirdest part is when I put the sql statement out side of the if statement it WORKS!. However, in this context I cant hardcode my sql statement Code:

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Recordset Paging Issue

I'm receiving the following error when trying to access any page other than the first page of a "paged" recordset:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

I've got two files:

page_problem.asp which has an include (pages_support_problem.asp)
Cleaned up versions of these files are attached as text files.

The error is occuring on:
rst.AbsolutePage = PageIndex
of page_problem

I'm running IIS 5/MSSQL2000

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Recordset Paging With Count

I'm trying to do a paging script for my picture gallery that originally sorted the pics to e.g 4 columns by using a simple count (see below) Code:

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Recordset Paging System

My question is how would you code in .ASP so my recordset thats in a table to
have a recorset paging that is similar to the one that this site uses or any professional sites? Code:

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Creating Recordset Paging Using ADO

I'm getting the following error:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

but I didn't found any wrong with the code....

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Recordset Paging Between Frames

Does anybody know where can i get a sample on how to do recordset paging between two frames or between page an iframe that is within.

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Recordset Paging :: Results From Search

I have a database with several hundered images and I need to retreive them using recordset paging, otherwise the page will be to long. So far so good.

I added a search function which will return only the desired results. The first page returns the search results (30 per page) and I also have a line of code that tells me how many records was found, let's say 70. This should give me 3 pages of results.

But when clicking on the next link I don't get the next set of results, instead ALL the images from the database is returned on the following pages, starting from image 31 in the DB. Not just the rest of the originally search results. Code:

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Paging 2 Recordset Loops At The Same Time??

I have successfully paged through a recordset on my page using the .recordCount, etc. methods, the only thing is I have 2 independent recordsets looping on the page, which when there was not paging involved this worked fine, however now I need to span the results of BOTH of these across pages, I just cannot seem to figure out how!

I have one set of records paging fine, but the other either messes the page up, or shows on the first page of results and no more of the other recordset, etc.... so yeah that is basically the problem I am hitting, so I was just wondering is there any examples or ways you could tell me to do this??

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Paging Recordset - Grouping Pages

I was wondering how some websites produce the paged numbers when displaying search results, so that if more than say 50 pages exist they group them.

For example:

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (10-20) 20-30)

Then when clicked say '10-20' the following would show:

(0-10) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (20-30)

Get the idea??

This looks a lot easier than a list of say 300 pages.

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Recordset Paging :: Records Not Viewable

I am having a problem with my recordset paging. It does not crash however no records are viewable. It shows no information from my database.

It shows that there are 8456 pages and the href links and thats it.

I also did a response.write(mysql) response.end to check that my sql was correct. It is picking up the correct sql except no information. Code:

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Recordset Paging :: Only Show 10 Records At A Time

I'm trying to only show 10 records at a time. I have the first 10 records showing. The problem is that when I click the Next button I get an error message: ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. Also different people are going to search for different things so there will always be a different amount of records returned each time. I can't figure this out. My code is:

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Paging With JavaScript And ASP "Next" "Previous"

I have a 700 page website paged pg_0001 - pg_0700. And I figure to my knowledge in JavaScript and ASP ( unless you have an easier way ) I want to first read the existing pathname:

Then somehow add +1 ( next page ) to the string or -1 ( previous page )

function prevLocation() {
function nextLocation() {

<a href="#" onclick="prevLocation();">Previous Page</a>
<a href="#" onclick="nextLocation();">Next Page</a>

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Previous Url

Is there a way to find the url that the user is coming from?

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First | Previous | Next | Last

how should i write the code of "First | Previous | Next | Last" in the ASp page? i mean like the yahoo mail, can just display 25 mail at 1 page. need to click on next button then can see the next 25 mail.

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2 Previous Pages

I have an existing asp project.What I want is to insert an asp file between 2 files.

file2.asp -> new file(to be inserted)

Inside file3.asp, it is getting values from file1.asp (using request.form)
.Inside file2.asp, I want to add a sort of input variable which I will
also use inside file3.asp...Is this possible? How can I get values
from 2 previous asp pages?

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Next Or Previous Record

does anyone know how to move to the next or previous in a dataset?

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Next Previous Button

My requirement is to show only 10 records in a table at a given time in an asp page.The next 10 can be shown by clicking on next button and so on.Page also have previous button.

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Previous And Next Record

Can somebody give me an idea of how to get one previous and one next record from database.

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Next And Previous Links

I'm trying to add a Next and Previous link on a detail page but i'm not sure how to go about it....

First page displays listings.
Second page displays main item.

Now what i'm trying to do is maintain a next and previous buttons so people don't have to go back to the display listings page

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Getting Previous Page Name

is this possible in asp
i have a validation page and need to send people back to the previous page if validation fails
this validatation page is a standard one for all forms... thats why i dont know which page it has come from

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Next / Previous Buttons

I'm extremly new to asp and web development. Ive created a basic online phone book for our intranet which works lovely talking an sql database. only thing is i cant get next and previous buttons to work. I think its because it forgets the search the user requested?

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I have a db that users search to return records. However, I want them to see only 10 per page and then, a NEXT 10 link that will display the next 10 results.I have tried using LIMIT , but it only returns the specified number but no links or way for users to view them or the remaining the search results.

The search results is getting lengthy and users are beining to scroll, whine and complain.I am using Asp, MS SQL 7 on WINNT.

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Previous Page In VB And ASP 3.0

I'm writing you because I have a question for you all: how can I capture the previous page from an ASP file? I need to add the URL (with parameters if possible) of the previous page to a table in SQL Server.

For example: the page that captures the info is and if the previous page in the browser history is, I need to be able to capture that information , If possible, of course...

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Get Previous Dates

I am having a web page where I having a text box to input the weekend date, and based on that user input date, i would like to populate the previous dates, example if user enter 06/24/2006, then page should reload and get the last 6 previous date like 06/18/2006, 06/19/ sperate text boxes.

If anyone have some suggestion or having this code please let me know, I need to resolve this problem ASAP in my project.

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Value Of A Previous Textbox

In visual basic, i could check the value of a previous textbox by doing;

if form1.text1.text = "new" then

How is it possible to say this in asp? Would this work?

new = request.form("text1")
if new = "new" then

how to do this?

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