Recursive Navigation

I have an SQL table structure full of main categories and subcategories as follows

ID (Primary key)
Title ( varchar)
Content ( varchar)
ParentID ( this will refer to the primary key of the main category records)

Hope I'm making sense anyway. Has anyone tackled this successfully?

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Want Recursive SQL Query Function To Generate Breadcrumb Navigation

I'd want to make a custom class that will generate breadcrumb navigation for my site via a recursive query, e.g. Home > Page1 > Subpage 1. I've structured my database with hierarchical parent/child relationships.

I'm using ASP VBScript, and I have a table structure similar to the following: Code:

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Recursive Calls

I have implemented a logic for my requirement with a recursive call. The logic is I need to get IDs from database for a scenario. There are corresponding records for each ID.

I need to store these IDs in an array variable. Then I need to get (dependent)IDs for the fields in each ID. There may be morethan one dependent per each ID. I append these IDs to my array. Like this it goes.

The problem is if there are many levels like this, the number of database cursor count is reaching to maximum and I'm getting the error

{Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded }

each recursive call runs a SELECT query.

Can any one suggest me an alternate solution for this ?

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Recursive Function

I need to write a recursive function and treeview using asp. It will show the manager and staffs under him/her. There will not be a fixed layer for the tree. Can someone guide me how to write?

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Recursive Categories List

i am working on ecommerce site and would like to display the categories (and sub categories) from the db recursively,
i did it but i also want to add the level of each category like :
main_cat_1 (level 1)
--------sub_1 (level 1_1)
--------sub_2 (level 1_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_1)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_3)
--------sub_3 (level 1_3)
main_cat_2 (level 2)
main_cat_3 (level 3)
--------sub_3 (level 3_1)

and so on ... how can i do that ?

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Problem With A Recursive Function....

I have a table inside access DB built like a tree, every record(=node) is a "title" that has a 'name' and 'paret' fields (and some other fields that are not relevant).
I'm simpley trying to print out all the tree's records but I keep getting only a path from the root record to the first leaf.

I have a recursive sub called 'deleteTitles' that needs to perform this task.
The var 'currentTitle' is the root node.

On every iteration of the sub I print one son of the current node 'T'. Code:

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Recursive Function Problem In ASP

I have adapted the code below but it gives me an error "exception occcured"
after the first recursion. Any ideas what can be done to make the following code work. Code:

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Recursive File Search Function Bug

I've recently made a recursive sub in asp to search all folder and subfolders of the map "file" for a certain filename. It will list all results and show a link.

Now there's still a bug. I can't place files in the root because this script won't find 'em. The root i mean files.

If i replace the empty dir with Server.MapPath("") it will show the files in the root but it will show 'em twice. Code:

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Database - Recursive Function Calls

..:: The Specs:

MS Access 2000 (host charges extra for SQL/MySQL)
MS Windows Server 2003 (prod) / MS XP SP1 (dev)

..:: The setup:

The database has been setup with two tables;


Each "download" consists of a catagory field that corresponds to fldID in
tblCatagories. Each catagory, where the catagory is a parent, has a parent
field of value: 0 and each child, has a field with a value corresponding to
the fldID of it's parent. Code:

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Cursor Count Problem In Recursive Calls

I'm using the following function, which uses a recursive call. every time when I get a conf it opens a record set. So increases the cusor count. Some times I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded.

How can I avoid this ? Code:

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Does anyone know of a good solution for maintainable navigation? We are redesigning a huge site for a large energy company. This site has a ton of navigation links in the left menu. There are primary, secondary and tertiary levels. When you are on a particluar page, the navigation associated with it is in the "at" condition. I don't think I can use a menutree because each link goes to a different page.
The only think I can think of doing is this:
I was thinking about creating a navigation include for each main section of the site. This include would include every combination of primary, secondary and tertiary nav for that section. Each nav element would be called with variables passed through the querystring. The at and off conditions would also be called this way. However, it would be driven by a ton of if then statements.
My goal is for the user to not have to update a bunch of pages each time the navigation scheme changes. They should be able to make one adjustment which effects the navigation throughout the site. Is there a better way to do this?

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if someone could tell me how the navigation of THIS site works

the 'id=' changed the content. Is is showing and hiding layers maybe?

I was looking to make a simple ASP like this one and looking for the best way to navigate/structure the pages.

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Does anybody know of any good ASP driven navigation scripts with where it can be updated by use of ASP but with an Access Database?

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CMS Navigation In ASP

i've built a simple CMS app but i was wondering how to implement a tree like (or drop down) navigation system using classic ASP.

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Dynamic Navigation

i want to have a dynamic navigation that will look at a database and then fill the navigation side. I want to have a category, then a sub- category also. Can this be done?

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Navigation Menu

I need to make a simple navigation menu where I click on a link(href) and either expand or collapse a menu. Based on what I click, my menu changes. I think I know how to do most of this, byt my question is, how do I pass the value of the link I clicked ?

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Navigation Direct

I have used ASP to force a user to log on to a page prior to allowing them to see a page including images. However, once a person knows the URL to the image on its own a person can type in that full URL and see the image, without being logged in.

For example, password login required to get to:

But, you can navigate straight to:

how to prevent a user going to the picture directly?

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Site Navigation

Completely new to technologies like CSS, but trying to learn fast....
I've seen a few sites with "very sophisticated" navigation tools that
provide menus that both drop down and expand horizontally...very similar to
the menu tools we're used to in Windows applications.
Anyhow, in an attempt to mimic this, I've looked at a web few sites and
studied the source files. It appears that there are two schools of thought
here.The first uses unordered lists and the second uses tables to hold the
information. Both then use a combination of CSS and JavaScript to control
the behaviour.Which really is the method of choice?

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Navigation Bar As Include

I've been trying to search for a script that allows me to make a navigation bar, include it once and have it display the current link based on the file path.

I intend to have a file that basically has a sitemap where all but the current area is hidden, and the current page is highlighted in the navigation.Please could someone point me to a tutorial or example code of this.

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Database Navigation

I have created a from in ASP,on which I am throwing first record from one I want to have a button on the form by pressing which it should show next record,suggest me a logic.

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Generating Navigation

When the user creates a new page, rather than go through every other page in the site and add a new link to the left hand navigation I want to use an include file and search the folder for all .asp and .htm files and display them in the navi as a link. If that makes sense?

I've been playing around with FileSystemObject, but am struggling to get the desired results. Rather than display the full name of the file in the navi, I want to remove the file extension and the path, and maybe convert the leading letter to a capital so it looks like a regular nav.

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Dynamic Navigation

Is it possible to have dynamically generated links for a multi folder web using ASP? If I just wanted a nav menu for a flat web I could use an #include to put either the URL's or the html code block containing them into my asp page, but I'm dealing with pages in multiple folders. So if I have a page 'mywebsubfolderpage.asp," is it possible to use the same list of links as I use for 'mywebmainPage.asp'?

I'm a complete ASP newbie, and I've been digging through the ASP tutorials on w3schools etc., but no one seems to mention if this is possible or how it would be done, which is somewhat discouraging.

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Here is want I want to do. Create an asp script that can:

1.) go to a page
2.) fill in the values needed in a form
3.) click a submit button
4.) use XMLHTTP to capture the contents of the resulting page after it loads

Is this possible, and can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Record Navigation

how to get my ASP page to open and display only the first record in the database table. Then have navigation buttons to scroll through the remaining records one at a time on the form? Or a drop down list to select the record they want to view only?

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ASP Navigation Menu

My project is to make a website that lists all kinds of different items. The Items are sorted into sub categories and the sub categories are sorted into Main Categories. Of course this is all connected to a database

What I need is for the main categories to be presented into a vertical menu then once the mouse is over a Main Category for a menu to appear on the right listing the sub categories and then once the sub category has been clicked a list of items will appear in a form on the center of the page.

I have already been able to connect a wepage to the database and pull off records using SQL statements. I Understand the concept of relationships, primary and foreign keys.

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HTML Navigation Bar

In my web site I'm trying to include one HTML ( navigation bar is created in this file) files in another SHTML files using SSI or iframe tags. both of them are not working.

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Navigation In Ssi And Need Images To Change

how do a navigation bar in a server side include? All my rollovers work but I need the overState to stay on when the user is on the subsequent page. Is there a way name each button/tab/page oe give it a number and when the user goes to this page then the image changes. Well I know there is a way, I just don't know where to start.

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Paged Navigation (Dreamweaver)

I've used Dreamweaver (apologies!) to extract data from a DB in sets of 10. I've done the < first | previous | next | final > links but I also need to do a paged navigation i.e. < page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | page 5 > if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be ever so happy on this miserable day in the West Midlands (UK)!

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Database Page Navigation

I have a page that displays results of a database query that is paged to 5 records per page and i have some very messy code for the navigation.

Firstly i have a "First/Previous/Next/Last" navigation set then i have direct page numbering which is limited to 10 pages and as you move through the pages the page numbers change depending where you are in the page set.

If that makes any sense.

i.e. if you are on pages 1 to 5 it shows pages 1 to 10, if you then go to page 10 it shows pages 5 to 14 etc.

This all seems to work quite well, not sure how but it dose.

What i am having problems with is the URL's the links point to as the page can have various parameters. the URL always calls the same ASP page but the parameters can be different.


Page.asp (default page)
page.asp?page=5 (default but on page 5)
page.asp?user=userID&page=5 (page with specific user and on page 5)

at the moment there is only the user parameter apart from the pages but this could change.

I need to be able to build the URL's for the links dynamically so it includes all previous parameters from the existing page but then changes the page number when navigating through the pages.

Anyone got a good solution to this one, i keep hitting a snag with the parameter separator whether to use ? or &.

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Recordset Navigation Error

It is probably something small, but I can't seem to find the error. As long I have records, it recordset navigation works fine. But if it empty I get an syntax error: Code:

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Page Navigation Logic

Up until now I have mostly used a script that I got from somewhere way back for adding the page navigation on a results page ie.
<< 1 2 3 .. 4 5 6 >>

Ive decided to make my own but there seams to be too many cases/options in my script.I am using an array to store my results so if anyone knows a place where I can view a simple one or even some logic behind it.

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Replace In Navigation History

The navigate2() browser function has a parameter to replace current page in history with new URL. Can IIS achieve the same task by sending a browser appropriate headers or something?

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Navigation Problem With Loop

I'm working on the site. And as you can see when you click on a tab in the menu it leads you to the site and the bottom bar with the subchoices changes color and shows the corresponding links. However when you click on the Loss prevention tab it goes back to home.I am not the original coder....and the code is pretty scary.

Is there anyone out there willing to try and help me figure out where the problem is...that is making the loss prevention tab loop to home?

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