Redirect Web Visitors

This article demonstrates a way to translate IP address to country of origin using ASP and COM technology. Cool.

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Get The Name Of Visitors

I am trying to have a simple chat program in my website. Currently, I can send and receive back and forth between myself and somebody else if I ask and know that person is logged in and his/her user name or ID. How can I list the name/userID of current visitors in my website.

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Get Visitors IP Address

How can I grab the IP address of a visitor to my site so I can store it in a
session variable?

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OnLine Visitors

I wanted to ask for a help for my site. I want to make script that will show the number of visitors, how many visitors are curently on the site.

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Visitors Counter

can anybody show me how to create a visitors counter which can save the visitors details and the date into text file?

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Number Of Visitors

Did anyone know how to do the fuction to display the number of visitor that visit certain site.

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Most Visitors Ever Code

How would I determine the most visitors ever using global.asa?

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How Many Visitors Currently Browsing ?

How I know in ASP that how many visitors are cuurently on a particular page or website.

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Unique Visitors Hit Counter?

Is it possible to create a unique visitors hit counter in ASP? I'm struggling to find any tutorials on the net. I found a few that can do a unique visitors on a daily basis but I just need a straight forward unique visitors in general.

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Number Of Online Visitors

Have anyone tried the number-of-online-visitors standard script? I am using it for two of my sites (on application start and sessions start and end, etc.). Yet I notice that the script shows a larger number than the real one! If there are 30, it says there are 200!

Any idea why this happens? Timeout is set to 20 minutes I guess.

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How Many Visitors Are Viewing My Site?

Is there a method in ASP, which allows you to note how many users are currently viewing pages on your site.

I understand that there is a way of knowing if the user has actually logged onto the system, as I am sure you can detect how many members are actually signed in using I think global.asa file If I am right. I am sure you could also do it via an sql query if memberid=true, I am sure you could output how many members are true, returning a numbered value.

But is there a method of detecting how many viewers are actually connected to your site, without them actually being logged in? i.e non-members.

Also, how many hits to the site would be good, however this is an inaccurate reference, as a simple refresh would add 1 to the value, is there a method to prevent this, off the top of my head I would think a detect via the ip address? however some ip addresses change depending on there ISP.

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Visitors On My Site At One Time

Ive seen on a couple of sites it lists the numbers of users on the site at that point.
What is the best way of doing this?One of my sites is on a win nt server and the other is win2k

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Detect Visitors Country

Is it possible using ASP to detect the country that a visitor to your site is in?If so, could you please point me in the direction of a site which tells you how it is done?

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Auditing Visitors And Clicks

so I know I have a book behind me that tells how to collect data from users that visit my site.I want to track my PPC campaigns.

So I know I can gather the users ip address, date time. All campaigns have a "?source=abc" so I know i can collect which campaign the click came from.But aside from that, can I collect stuff like... the users ISP? how long their session lasted? The search phrase used? Operating System? Platform? I'm feeling that my competition is clicking my high dollar compaigns and I wanna stop it.

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Track Nummber Of All Visitors

I need t track the Visitor of My Site. I mean I want to know the Number of All Visitor and the number that a Specific Visitor has Visited the Site. actually I've not so much problem with All wisitor but the Specific one.

what do U believe the best solution is? I've tried catch the User IP and handle it with that, but I've been told it's not Possible, if it's not, how can I do this, or if Yes
how ?! (is it Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") or not?).

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Number Of Current Visitors

I am looking to create a dynamic hit counter. Here's the catch I only want it to display how many people are accessing a certain page. Then I want to be able to display that number of people on other Pages. Is there any way to do that? I was thinking about using a Global.asa but I have not extensivly worked with them before.

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Visitors Country Of Residence

how I can check what country the user is visiting from? I know how to check the browser type etc. but not where the person visiting my site is actually resident. I'd like to know how to check this both in ASP and Javascript if possible.

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Global.asa To Track Site Visitors

I found this code for a global.asa file and in the tutorial it says it can be used to display how many people are on a given website. I don't see how this done. Is there a session variable of some sort that I take from this code and output it onto a page?

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" RUNAT="Server"> ....

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How Can I Give A Nice Print Friendly Feature Through IE For My Website Visitors

I just wanted to know if anyone can tell me how can I give my website visitors the feature of "FRIENDLY PRINTING" through IE. Code:

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Redirect To Secure FTP Site Via Response.redirect

I am trying to use the following in an ASP page to redirect a user to a
non-anonymous FTP site:


but I keep getting a "permission denied" error. If I just put the same
address string in IE6's Address box and go to it, IE opens myusername's FTP
home page just fine, so I know the FTP site is working as expected. Also,
if I put in an anonymous ftp site, without the username and password (e.g.
""), the redirect works fine, too.

I don't want the user to be prompted by IE for the username and password at
the FTP site, so I am providing them from within the web site.

What can be preventing the response.redirect from handling non-anonymous FTP
access? Is there a better way to do this?

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When i call logout.asp, it deletes the session etc etc and then redirects to main.asp.
main.asp is the main content, which opens in the main frame of the frameset, which is named index.html.

How can i change the redirect....

Response.Redirect("main.asp") that it loads the full index.html file once again, and not load the index.html frameset into the window.

would it be like this?....

Response.Redirect("index.html" target="_self")


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I was wondering if it is possible to redirect the user to a specific page he/she request without the use of hyperlinks. Im suppose to list all the options in a drop down list and upon selection, say the page is Modified PBT, the user will be able to view that particular page.

is it something like

If Request("Submit")="Submit" then
materialType = request.form("MaterialType")
if materialType = "ModifiedPBT" then

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How do I redirect a page back to the orginal sending page. I have a script that checks to see if a user is logged in and if he. she isn't then it redirects them to a loging page, one login has been checked and process, how do I redirect them to the original page.

To reply, remove "TRASH" from email address

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I am working on a form that needs to be submitted to a different server. Apparently some firewalls alert the user that the system is sending data to a different server and this may not be wise. To avoid confusing users I though I could have a simple ASP script on the same server as the html form and it's only purpose would be to send the data to the other server and return a "success" message if it completed properly.
I have a deacent understanding of scripting, but using PHP, this will be my first real go with ASP.

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how can i redirect to a page, wait on that page for 5 seconds, then redirect
somewhere else

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I have written an Two ASP pages one is login.asp Another verify.asp

login.asp redirects the page to verify.asp .

The verify.asp has the following code
Set objCom = Server.CreateObject("AgileAPI.Server")
b = objCom.Connect("agility", 9017, -1)
b = objCom.Login(Request.Form("username"), Request.Form("password"), "agility", "D:COM", 9010, 16384)

Response.Write ("Connected to ADV 2006" & b)
I have registered that dll using regsvr32.
But it status bar is see http:localhost estverify.asp and stops there
why its not redirecting or displaying the Response.write

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i'm trying to make an asp page to log out from a restricted part of the site, and i'd like it to say "you have been logged out" then redirect back to the login page after a 3 second delay. how can i do this with either java or vbscript?

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IIS Redirect

I have a friend who has a form that is submitted..

<form action="http://intranet/action.exe"....>

the problem is, that the server 'intranet' is server2003 and the .exe doesn't like that so much. so we would like to redirect http://intranet2/action.exe
is there a way anyone can think of , that won't require to much web tweaking. preferably a setting in iis that will redirect for just that one script.

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How do you redirect users to a page if their search criteria results in too
many records? I'm trying to speed up the searching process a bit. From what
I gather, you need to produce the recordset so you can assess if it's too
much or not. But if the recordset is there, why not show it? The work is
already done isn't it?I just ran a recordset of 80,000 results. I'd like to redirect at about
1,000 results.

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Redirect With ASP

we use an ecommerce system who's webpage module template (which I'm customizing) is made in .asp extensions.

I have certain dead links that I want to 301 redirect. I do not want a global redirect.

The only code I find is this:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location", ""

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How do I make a when a user does like a form like say register.aspx => complete.aspx

I tired countless amount of times like when I go to visit complete.aspx just incase someone happens to do it. I get errors about objects not there or something.

But i'd get it working and it redirects back to the page but the form won't submit doing CrossPage. But then i'd get the form working and not the redirection. I wish
I knew how to get it working. Sorry I don't have my code cause I got pissed and deleted it. Wasn't much to really save cause it was a sample to see if i can do it.

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Redirect From URL

I am wanting to create a redirector on my server so that if I type in
something like '' it would look into my database
and see entry for 'target' and forward to that url.

How do I do this? I put a default.asp file in my redirect url, however,
trying to hit redirect/target tries process that url rather than read the
default.asp and the first off to my target.

One way to do this would be to put redirect?target but from a mailshot this
isn't very nice.

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How To Redirect

I would like to be able to redirect the customer to another page right after this 'Insert Statement'. Code:

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