Redirect A Frame Target From Server

I need them for presentation control and they work quite well except for this one "little" problem.

One of my pages located in a frame submits a form to itself for verification. The ASP psuedo code is

if verified
Response.Redirect newTopLevel page
(else keep going and reload me again in the same frame)

I can't change the base target of the frame until I verify, in which case I don't want to return to the same anyway.

Basically, how do I switch targets from the server to set a new top level frameset page?

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Response.redirect To Target Frame

how can i use command Response.redirect when i want it to redirect informations to some target frame ?

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Target Frame On ASP

I have a page with 2 frames, F1 and F2. On F2, I have 2 more subframes, F2A
and F2B. If I click a button on F2A, I want to open the page on the whole
F2. I use parent.frames.F2.location.href but it doesn't work.

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Target Frame

Is there a way in ASP to figure out if a page that is being loaded is being loaded into a frameset? I know I can code this in javascript,but I would prefer to only inject a chunk of 'onload' code in the body tag if infact the page is being loaded in a specific frameset.

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How To Redirect From 3 Frame Page To Single Page Frame?

I built some Web site that includes 3 frames page. After a user
sign-off I want to redirect him/her to a single frame page. When I use
Response.Redirect command, I am getting the redirected page as a frame
and I still see 2 other frames.

How to get rid of other frames and display only a single frame?

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Redirect In A Different Frame

I am trying to redirect in a different frame when my users are logging in. I used this code, but this doesn't work properly. Well, the asp works fine but just don't display in the frame I want it to. Code:

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Redirect To _parent Frame

how to redirect my asp page, from a _top frame to the _parent frame?

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Response.redirect To Whole Page Rather To A Frame

I am having one asp page(i.e home page) which has two frames in it. Left frame contains menu and whichever option is clicked in it that corresponding page is shown in the right frame. In those pages i am checking for sessionid and if it is different from what is there in the table i want to show the login page.

The problem is that as i am using response.redirect in the pages shown in right frame to go to login page but then the login page is shown in just the right frame but i want to show the login page on the whole page.

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Redirect From One Frame To _Parent Or _Top

I have my application with four frames and would like to redirect from one frame to _parent or _top. Can I do that with "Response.redirect" or similar?

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Server.Transfer Into A Frame

I'm trying to pass 2 simple values (an integer and a string) from a start page (start.aspx) to an aspx contained within a frameset (say destpage.aspx).

I can server.transfer the values directly to destpage.aspx but I'm struggling to work out how pass the form values to destpage.aspx when it is contained in a frameset.

Is there an easier way? Is it possible to pass the values to an aspx that defines the frameset then pass to destpage.aspx?

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How Reload Left Frame When A Form Is Submited On The Righ Frame?

I got a asp page that has right and left site frame. I got a form in the right side frame and i want it reload the left frame when the it got submited .The left side frame displays that content of newly sumitted form.I be happy if some one help reload this left page when a form got submitted in right side frame with out using any auto refresh.

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Real quick, please refresh my memory which one of the following preserves the information that was posted from a form?




I need to have a page execute if an error occurs while processing a page that a form was submitted to and have the data preserved.

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Update Frame From Another Frame Using ASP?

Is it possible to update one frame from another with ASP code? If so, how do I write the code?

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Redirect To New Server?

I want to retire the old server. During the DNS change, it will take about 2 days. how can I redirect the old traffic to the new server, and make sure header information (i.e. the URL) will get redirected as well so that the new server will know which application to response to the requests.

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Redirect When Server Down

I have a website that links to some databases on a free ASP host, and sometimes the ASP server is down. Is there a way to redirect if the server is down?

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How Do U Use TARGET In Safari?

I would like to be able to switch the main frame (index.html) from the navigation in a frameset. This works fine in IE but I don't seem to get it to work in Safari. Is there anything special I should think about when using "target=index" and so on when working with Safari?

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Save Target As

I would like to place a button on a web page that when clicked performs the same funtion as when you right click a link and choose "save target as..."the files I want people to download are .swf and I don't want to zip them.

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Save Target As

I have an ASP application that uploads a specified file to the server. To retrieve the file, I simply assign the filepath and file to a hyperlink on the page.

When you click "Save Target As" for some file types, I get the following error messsage:

IE can not download <file> from <server>.

IE was not able to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavalable or can not be found. how to save a file of any type? It works for MS Word, Excell, text files.

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Redirect On Server Time

I want to be able to redirect clients based on the server time. This is to direct clients from different parts of the world to different pages. Have seen a Javascript thta does this based on the clients time but can't find anything that does it using the server time.

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Redirect To Private Server

What is the "right" way to redirect to an internal server from the outside? In other words, users can connect to my website and then I need to be able to redirect users with the correct login to a server with an internal address (10.x.x.x). Obviously I can easily redirect them with the address, but the idea is to protect the internal address from the outside.

I tried linking from the public site to a script page that simply redirects to the internal address, but the internal address still appears in the address bar and I don't know how to map it to a name without every user needing a host file entry. Anyone know of a way to do this? Basically the purpose of this is to allow external users to connect to an internal server to view proprietary data.

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Target In Anchor Tag Not Working In IE7

While working with IE7 i found that my target attribute in <a> tag is not showing the output in the specified frame which i choose.

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Target New Window With Form

I have a form that sites in an iFrame window (I know, I know....) that I need to target parent so the form reidrect URL doesn't load in the frame. Can anyone help me with this item:

var MM_editConnection = MM_testapp_STRING;
var MM_editTable = "Test";
var MM_editRedirectUrl =";

I just need the editRedirectUrl to open the parent window.

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Use Target With Response.write

I have two browser windows open on the desktop. One is a full screen, one is a popup.

I have this line of code:

response.redirect ("findClient.asp?error=invalid")

I need it to load in a popup box(findClient.asp) instead of the fullscreen . I need something like a target attribute here, but don't know how to do it inside the response.write.

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Server.ScriptTimeout Redirect Question

I have an upload page set up and the script timeout is set to 2000. What I want to do is have the user redirected to a custom error page that I have created when the script times out. I am having trouble achieving this.

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Server.transfer Vs. Response.redirect

ok here is my scenario - using model, vew , controller architecture:

-- user submits the view page to the controller

-- controller issues a server.execute on a model page to update the changed information

-- upon successful updating of the the information, the controller issues server.transfer back to the view

-- everything is fine at at this point, however, if the user hits the
re-submits the page at this point, the original items are still in the
request object from the first time around because the page never went out of
scope - so this causes another update to be inssued because changes are
detected between what is in the database and what is in the request.form

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ASP Wait Some Time And Redirect Without Loading Server

Do you know any way to load a page, wait for 5 seconds IN SERVER PROCESS, and then redirect in the server side, - not using javascript?

What I pretend is to show a page that loads a .GIF file that appears to be loading something, and after 5 seconds redirect to results page, so users apparently think that a backend proccess has occoured.

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Difference Between Response.redirect And Server.transfer

I have some ASP questions which I wanted answering (have an interview comming up)

1) What is the difference between response.redirect and server.transfer

2) How can you deal with recodset paging using ASP?

3) What are the different locking type and cursors in ASP?

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Issue With Response.Redirect / Server.Transfer

I have a problem with getting a redirect to work on our server.

It's worked fine on our server for months, but suddenly won't work and I
can't figure out why.

codewise, It's nothing special:


instead of redirecting the browser to this page, an JavaScript-alert-style
message comes up with the text:

Cannot Find 'file://E:wwwrootmdc00152-learnproengine2_00index.htm'. Make
sure the path or Internet address is correct.

(No page exists, nor was there ever any mention of it in the code)

I've examined the output with fiddler to find:

<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body> <h2>Object moved to <a

I've checked that the aspnet client folder, and it's there and loads with a
code 200 (from fiddler)

Has anyone any ideas why this might have suddenly stopped working? Does
this sound like a cache-ing problem? The code has worked fine previously.

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Response.redirect & Server.transfer Very Slow

On my WinXP machine, with both IE6 and Firefox 1.0, response.redirect and server.transfer take about a minute. But on my WinNT machine with IE5.5, it works instantly. What's going on?

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Server.Transfer Vs. Response.Redirect... To...

Ok, I give up... why do 1-4 work fine... but 5-6 give "can't find" errors?

1. Client-side VBscript code: call navigate("")
2. Client-side VBscript code: location.href =""
3. Typing "" into my ie6 browser.
4. Typing "" into my Windows Explorer.

5. Server-side ASP: server.transfer ""
6. Server-side ASP: response.redirect"

How do I make it redirect?

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Server.Transfer, Response.Redirect, #Include, & Security?

I've got an application that I want to redirect to another file while keeping the location of the file hidden. In other words,


is going to display the contents of file

without the user knowing they are in the /SECURE12954 subdir.

Which is better to protect that privacy the name of the /SECURE12954 subdir?

<!-- #include file="/SECURE12954" -->

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How To Insert A 301 Redirect On An HTML Page On A Windows Server

My website is currently made up of HTML pages and residing on a Windows server.

Currently converting them all to ASP, that is going from .html extensions to .asp (besides adding funking asp functions)

My pages have all being indexed by Google, so wouldn't risk loosing good ranking with Javascript redirects, so I tought using this would solve the issue, for example, on a file named thatpage.html

Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location", ""

Wherever where I insert it, in the head, in the body, before the DOC, it's not working, will have to resort to javascript? Will I have to put a link in the html page leading to the asp page? Wouldn't like to have user click agin to be led to the .asp version?

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Another Frame

I have two files index1.asp and index2.asp (Both contains html 3frames)
index2.asp have fame name like this(top,middle,bottom)
[B](in middle frame I'm showing grid1.asp file.)[/B]
I'm showing asp files in these 3 frames.
I'm getting database records and i want to pass "ID" of these database records in index2.asp(middle frame, grid1.asp)
And i want to get this "ID" in middle frame in index2.asp
How can i get?
this is the code

this is index1.asp
<%response.Write("<a href=""grid1.asp?strID="&rs.Fields("ID")&"""target=middle>"& a &"</a>")%>

and getting values of this ID
this is grid1.aspstrID=Request.Querystring("strID")
s = "SELECT * FROM Alphabit where ID="& strID
set rs = conn.execute(s)
it is showing me an error
"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'ID='.

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