Redirect And Form Variables

I need help on how to do the following:

1. Submit a form from a.asp to b.asp (arbitrary names)
2. Have b.asp redirect to either c.asp or c2.asp which is decided by a form field gotten from Request.Form("Field")
3. Have all the previous form data available in c.asp

What I need to know how to do is declare the variables from the form on a.asp on b.asp so I can view them on c.asp.

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Redirect And Pass Variables

Looking to generate a number (done) then pass this onto the next page automatically.... but also pass on other values this way.

Response.Redirect("noktest.asp?ID=vID") works

but this does not in terms of passing vID but does not actually pass the variable value but just "vID"

Response.Redirect("noktest.asp?ID=vID AND name=<%=rs("SurName")%>)

Also tried the follwing which does not rediect at all

Dim vNOK
vNOK = "noktest.asp?name=<%=rs("SurName")%>)

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Transfering Variables, But Using Response.Redirect

I have a page that contains a link. When a user clicks the link, the link runs a new page that the client does not see (i.e. server side only). The new page looks at a database to see if certain conditions are true. If they are, it updates the database and redirects the user back to page 1, where the client will see the updated information.

However, if the database conditions are false, the client will be redirected back to page1, but will have an error message saying that the database could not be updated.

So overall it looks something like:

PAGE1 ----> DATABASEUPDATER(checks conditions)

RESPONSE.WRITE("conditions have not been met")


My problem is deciding what goes in the XXXXXXXXXXXX section.

I have looked for other examples of this but I could not find something this specific....

If i use Response.Redirect, the explorer will go back to Page1.asp but will not display the error message and the client will not be aware that there is a problem.

If I use server.transfer (to put control back into the hands of page1.asp) or server.execute (to just run Page1.asp within the current script) the actual page that the user is looking at is not Page1.asp - they are actually looking at DatabaseUpdater.asp with Page1.asp executed inside it....unfortunately I require it to be Page1.asp itself, which is why i cannot work out what to put there.

Looking at other threads on similar topics, it might be possible to add something to the session variables or something and then get Page1 to look for whether a certain thing is written as a session variable (if that makes any sense!)

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Lost Session Variables On Redirect

I have a normal login page that (upon clicking submit) checks whether you are part of a particular office and then redirects the user to their particular office's webserver.

The problem i am having is that when i redirect a user, to a securewelcome page, they lose their session variables causing them to have to login again. What am i doing wrong to make these variables get lost in the redirect? Is it because i am redirecting to a different webserver?

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Adding Variables To Response.redirect

I have a page that contains processed variables that I'd like to
forward using the response.redirect method. However, because the
response.redirect contains the page within "pagename.asp", I have not
been able to pass the variable.

I've tried concatenating it, by doing
respone.redirect "pagename.asp?isbn=" & rs("isbn"), however it is not
working and is stopping at the ?isbn=
and not adding the variable value. What can I do to include this, or
is there any other way I can pass the variables when I'm using the
response.redirect method?

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Response.redirect & Session Variables

I am simply passing session variables from one page to another. And I have no problem in doing so..... But when I use response.redirect none of the session values show up on the redirect page. What am I doing wrong?

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Response.redirect Loses Session Variables

This is a most infuriating problem. I have one login.asp page on my localhost:

session("vandv_user_manager") = TRUE

and on my users.asp page I can do a:

response.write session("vandv_user_manager")

and that returns 'True'. I can also do the same on the login.asp page to confirm the session is set.

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After Redirect Back From 3rd Party, Session Variables Lost

My ASP page 1 redirect user to third party's website,
after the process at third party is finished, in 3rd
party's page, there is one link to route user back to my
website: ASP page2.

As the user do all of these actions in the same browser, I
expect the user's session variables to be kept, But the
seesion variable are lost.

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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Update Form & Redirect?

I have a form and some links that are generated dynamically make up the one of the columns in my form. Here is the entire source for the form: Code:

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Multi-Page Form And Redirect Problem

I have a multi-page asp form:


The form fields are carried from page to page using... Code:

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Variables From A Form

I have a form with 2 text boxes, when submitted the content is written to a database. Basically it's a page builder, one text box has the name of the page, the other contains the text.I have built a preview page which I want to pass whatever has been typed into the text boxes to, before the form is submitted. Basically what I want to do is pass them as variables to the preview.asp page.
Anybody know how I can do this? The text box names are 'title' and 'text' E

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Form Variables

I need to do something very basic. I need to gather information from a form, and when they click "submit", it will take their input and add it to a URL string.
In other words:
Click Submit

Goes to;company=XXXXX
How can I do this simple task

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Not Getting Form Variables

It appears that form that I have used for months has stopped passing form variables (via POST) to my asp results page. I have been working through various problems, all caused by the installation of Microsoft XP SP2. I am assuming that this is yet another security issue, but don't know what I should set to overcome this problem.

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ASP - Form Redirect To Same Page - BACK Button Does Not Work ???

I have created 2 asp pages called testa.asp and testb.asp

testa.asp has a link to go to next page testb.asp

testb.asp has a form that ask you for a reference number and post it
to the same page testb.asp

If the reference number is not blank, it will just write out what the
reference number is.

Now my problem....

If you go to testa.asp and click on the link to go to testb.asp you
will see the form. At this point, if you click the back button, it
till take you back to testa.asp ALL FINE SO FAR.

If you go to testb.asp again and see the form, enter a number say 33
and click on search. This will now show you the number you have just
entered. NOW - click on the BACK BUTTON, it will just show you exactly
the same page ! WHY does it not go back to the FORM in order to refill
in a different number. Code:

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Passing Form Variables In A Url

i think this is a simple process but i'm lost on how to format it
page.asp?cnum=Request.form("cnum")something like that?

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How Do I Get All The Form Variables In A Post

Could someone please remind me how to get all the form variables in a post?

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Posting Form Variables

I have created a form, which has hidden fields, which are to be passed to a payment gateway using the POST method.

My problem is that the variables in the hidden fields do not get passed on to the payment page when the form gets posted. The payment page comes up empty.

Does anyone know why this is happening? Code:

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Combining 2 Variables In A ASP Form

It's regarding an ASP FORM for the credit card process:

I'm collecting credit card information on my secured server. When collecting the Month and Year values (for the expiration date of the card) with Select/Option tags, I don't have a way to concatenate them together prior to submitting the form so I can post them in the format the gateway asked me for (e.g. "mmyy" or "mmyyyy")

Do you have a way where I can submitt those variables togehter in such format? Code:

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Loop Form Variables

I have a form that loops through a recordst for the following Code:

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Passing Form Variables

I'm interested in knowing how to pass the form variables from page 2 to page 3

Page 1

Gathers info via a form from a person.

Page 2

Uses form variables from page 1 to decide what to do next, it then must pass some of the form variables from page 1 to page 3...

Page 3

Uses different Form variables from page 1 which it has been passed by page 2

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Validate Form Variables

I have a form that imputs several variables. Some of these variables are varchar some are smalldate and some are numbers.

What is the recommended method of handeling input that does not fit the required variable type? I am thinking of doing some kind of check and if it is not the required field type just dropping that value (for instance if they type "aaaaa" into a date field I would just turn that variable into "").

I have done a search and came up with many great methods of doing this, but what is the best way? I would like to avoid large Java routines (actually I would like to avoid java all together.

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Probelm With Form Variables

search.asp uses a form to pass two variables ysColu (column name) and ysText (the text being searched for) to result.asp, result.asp then displayes a list based on the two variables.

This all works fine, however whenever the "Next" button is used to page through the recordset the variables reset to their default values. I was wondering is there any way to fix this? Code:

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Request Form Variables

i having problems with calling variables which are sent via a form using the 'post' method. I'm actually using a Flash form to pass the variables. The problem i'm having is reading those variables in the ASP.NET query. I'm using C#. Here is the code i'm using: Code:

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Empty Form Variables

For some reason i keep getting empty values in my form variables, if anyone can spot a reason why then please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Code:

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Form Redirect On Submit Based On Radio Button Selection.

I need to have my ASP form "post" action=? pass to a different confirmation page based on a radio button selection on the form, after submit.

Depending on which radio button they click on, they will receive the same confirmation but then be redirected to a selection specific page, based on the radio button selection. I'm assuming I need to create several different action pages, each with a different redirect, then have the radio button determine which action page the form is directed to based on the radio button selection.

I've tried several different options, such as creating a variable on the form, sDirectionVar, with redirect conditions, but I don't know how to call that on submit? I'm not sure I'm even going in the right direction.

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Passing Form Values To A Page In A Response.Redirect Statement

how do i pass form values through a redirect statement to another page. I have a redirect stt. Response.Redirect "exist.asp" and i want to pass form values to be displayed from exist.asp.

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Passing Form Variables Using Frames

Using DW 8 with 3 frames. I want click on whatever in top frame that uses Go To URL which displays results in bottom frame. My problem is that the results in the bottom frame actually runs a recordset (SQL query) that pulls variables from various form elements in the middle frame.

The middle frame never submits the form variables to the server. It only serves as a resource for the getting variables used in the SQL statement. How do I go about addressing variables in the SQL statement ?

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Flushing Form Variables On Submit

I need to flush the form variables after submit. The problem is that the form variables retain their values on page refresh.

I added the following at the top of the asp code,

Response.Expires = -1
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = "Jan 1, 1980 "
Response.AddHeader ("pragma","no-cache")
Response.AddHeader ("cache-control","private")
Response.CacheControl = "No-Store"

But it doesn't seem to work! Any suggestions??

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Passing Variables To PayPal Form

I have an asp page which allows the user to scroll through images one at a time created using DW server behaviours, record set and repeat region etc.

What I would like to do is have a PayPal button on the page that can pick up from the recordset necessary fields for ordering such as item cost and description. The part of the code referring to the recordset is below: Code:

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Trimming Variables Requested From Form

if iam requesting a form field, how do i trim that to just the first 2 letters Code:

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Passing Form Variables And Loosing Data

I am trying to pass some data through a form to a mailing script.

The form entry is ...

<input name="width1" type="hidden" value=<% = rsMoreDetails("width1")%>>
and is picked up in the mailing.asp as

and the mailing script uses...

body_text = body_text & "Option 2 - "& width1 & vbcrlf
The problem is that when the mail is sent and the value is say "14 inches" I seem to loose everything after the first space so it only sends "14"

Am I doing something wrong or this the way it is and if so is there a work around please?

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How To Use Variables Of An Array In ASP To Client Script In The Same Form ?

I have an array varibles in ASP script and i want to use these

varibles again in client Script (in VBScript) .

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